Been hammering through Dishonored and Civ 5 the last few weeks.
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I'm playing Dragon Age 2 atm, it's "ok". The story driven dungeon crawly expansions were nice and focused with lots of great moments and fights. But the rest of the game is lackluster, whoever was responsible for the overall structure of the story needs to be fired, it's such a mess and it violates basic dramatic structure without having anything of its own to compensate.¨The templar/mage conflict is poorly illustrated, I find myself not giving a damn.
Combat is fun though, I'm playing a super offensive berserker+reaver warrior with a 1h+shield. I really like combining 1h+shield with all out offensive builds for some reason ^^
My biggest issue with DA2 was that it wasn't really a continuation of DAO, but it was marketed as if it was. It's really more of a console-style game port to the PC, to try to win over console game players, but in the process they alienated the more hardcore RPG style players.
I enjoyed one play through on it but never finished a second, and it made me hesitant to consider purchasing a DA3 until I've seen reviews and have a clear sense of what I am buying.
Games just cost so darn much, and I don't have the disposable income I used to have, so I've got to be pretty particular.
Skyrim came, but my Bluray computer drive is apparently dead. So I'm still playing SWTOR and turning Jedi to the Dark Side. Bwa ha ha.
What are you currently playing?
- Dragon Age II
Jennifer Hepler was a writer on the role-playing game Dragon Age II. The game's ravenous fan base got so upset that she found herself receiving not only death threats aimed at her, but also threats against her family and children.
"I did my best to avoid actually reading any of it, so I'm not quite certain how bad it got," she said. "I was shown a sample of the forum posts by EA security and it included graphic threats to kill my children on their way out of school to show them that they should have been aborted at birth rather than have to have me as a mother."
Lol this is what got her the shitstorm:
"A fast-forward button. Games almost always include a way to "button through" dialogue without paying attention, because they understand that some players don't enjoy listening to dialogue and they don't want to stop their fun. Yet they persist in practically coming into your living room and forcing you to play through the combats even if you're a player who only enjoys the dialogue. In a game with sufficient story to be interesting without the fighting, there is no reason on earth that you can't have a little button at the corner of the screen that you can click to skip to the end of the fighting."
I don't see the problem, her analogy is sound imo. Doubt it would've reached the proportions it did if it wasn't for the fact that she's a woman. The thought of a female with no understanding of what constitutes sound gaming design fondling their (ragers like to think that games are theirs) beloved product must've instilled an incredible disgust in the no-lifer crowd.
I think the analogy is fairly good, but there already exists media forms developed specifically for people who want storyline with no gameplay. Niche gamers don't like having the sources of their fun altered to meet the requirements of a larger/different demographic. While, yes, these people are often taking it too far, and seem quite narrow-minded at times, they feel the supply of their happy habits drying up, and are looking for people to blame. Gamers are notoriously emotionally ill-equipped, often having the intelligence to comprehend concepts at a level high enough to justify their dissatisfaction, but not the interest to pursue that knowledge to a complete understanding.
Jennywocky, whatcha think of these typings?
Morrigan INTJ
Leliana ESFJ
Alistair INFP
Wynne INFJ
Shale ISTP
Zevran ISFP
They're all off my hip