Thank you! That is an interesting quote. I will look into Fitzgerald.
In looking at my childhood, I believe I had to learn both how to think, and how to feel. I do think that I may have started with one or the other, but I am not certain which. Never the less, your post was very helpful.
In response to the original post, I do think that you are either thinking or feeling, but have either learned to use both, or in certain situations feel a need to use different skills. If it is the second, you may consider what you do in your spare time, or how you feel after using each skill. For instance, around my more quiet friends, I tend to feel a need to be outspoken. So I do more talking around them. Afterwards, however, I tend to feel drained and go spend some time alone. For a while, I was unsure about my levels of introversion and extroversion because many of my friends were quiet, but after I examined what I did on my own, and how I felt after I had used the skill, it became more clear to me that I was very much of an introvert who had simply learned to use another skill in certain situations. Because I had developed this skill, however, it somewhat effected my testing. You may find that your situation could be similar. Either way, greetings to another INxP in search of answers, and have a good day!