I'm left handed, and my hand writting is terrible. My teacher in music theory teases me all the time for it. Once he wanted me to put an answer up but he had my friend beside me "interpret" my answer. I actually get kind of worried every time I go to write out music because sometimes, even when I'm really focusing on drawing the notes around the line, I end up in the space above or below it, then I erase and do it again. There's this commercial that keeps coming on for a learning center that starts "All kids have trouble staying in the lines but after a certain age it could be a learning disablility" I'm pretty sure I don't have one of those but it runs through my head every time that happens. I have trouble staying in the lines in coloring books too.
They tease me at work about my handwriting too. I mean none of us there have great handwriting but B said "Well hey mine's gotten better" and my boss said "Compared to Shadow's, hers is a freaking nightmare" Also I lost five points on a math test with a note that said "How am I supposed to follow this?" Then when going over the test, she worked that problem and made it a point to say "Everyone see how neat and organized this work is and easy to follow?" and had me show my paper to the class. Anyone else do this in math> I basically put my next step wherever there is room and I've noticed I go at a downward angle when I write. When taking notes I write without looking but otherwise I can stay in the line decently, all the letters just change shape.
I write best on lined paper with one of those huge kindergarden pencils. That's kind of strange because I have pretty small hands, but normal sized pencils don't work well for me. In second grade I actually figured out how to make handwriting neat but it's not quick enough for me and I can always type it later if it's something for a teacher, most of them can read it anyway.
Steps to good handwriting \:
1. Stay in a straight line (in between the lines on lined paper)
2. Stay within the margins
3. Keep letters the same size, with capital letters bigger.
4. lower-case letters take up halfway to the top line, capital take up all of the line
It was too much work though, mindless scrawling in an attempt to improve it really only lasted about 10 minutes before I got bored and tried to finish quickly which led to crappy handwriting but as many words as the person wanted. In an essay situation I have to keep up with my brain which means faster writing which means worse handwriting. The vicious cycle continues.