Anyway just because the stuff he's saying is occult doesn't mean it can't be spoken in plain terms, the same goes for metaphysics, but I'm sure he'll reply to this with something like "the uninitiated/close-minded wouldn't understand" or whatever, but that's bullshit, if definition of being initiated or open minded is that you agree with what you're told that's not really either of those things.
Most of my messages imply further research for full understanding. If you'd actually read Spengler, or looked into DMT, or looked into what I might be doing in relation to specific developmental paths I've discussed with you personally and privately, then you might get more out of the messages. Or you might not. For example, the first post in the thread you posted to saying you'd 'never understand' might have explained my involvement with Pod'Lair, or the reverse. The static reduces when you tune into the right frequency.
I'm not going to go justifying what or who I am-- that's a ridiculous thing to do or expect-- but one thing I do do is trace patterns which aren't often traced and which, if researched/experienced personally, can yield a lot of serendipitous and illuminating experiences. If you go into one pattern, then you might see I've traced another that seems perhaps to contradict it. If you found the experience of the first interesting, you might pursue that one, and then the relation and what it might mean. I pattern the patterns with patterns, with each pattern being individually developmental/transhumanistic and the connection being so as well.
In short my entire thing here is to construct a mysterium/living rabbit-hole for individuals curious and dedicated to transhumanism/'truth' enough to step beyond their immediate, reflexive reactions. Anybody who engages with me via those reactions will only see themselves reflected, in relation to a front which isn't me. Or a barren chaos of confused fronts. Somebody who researches will both get pathei-mathos and an expanse in their being from the individual patterns/roles they delve further into and, ultimately, from the relation between them.
A simple fact is that, whatever persona I adopt in that communication, anybody's who's followed through-- and a rare few have, so far-- knows that experimentally adopting even the few most basic and obvious patterns laced throughout the fluxing whole leads to a beautifully rare and powerful set of insights. Wonders completely unexpected and beyond all expectations. They can do with those what they will, develop them into whatever is relevant personally. Some of them are presented very obviously up-front, some come through the breaking of persona-patterns assumed to be relevant on the surface. Some are there in other ways. But my intention is to craft a gift and a test on all levels-- a path out of this world and themselves, out of this limited humanity and into new life, for those who want or would appreciate such a thing.
The presentation suits the message. Part of the message is something that might relate to months and years, identities, and cognitive-breaks. Part might relate to the way certain things are perceived on a surface level, socially. Whatever-- it's something for experimentation, not doctrine. It's not about doing what you're told. It's hints and directions for certain ears, with no cult or doctrine to encapsulate or contain them.
If you're not interested, fine. But that doesn't mean there's an error in the message. Doesn't mean there's one in you either. But it's a form of living and communicating that makes no error in being what it is, so let it be. Esp. if you think of yourself as a transhumanist interested in anything more than just brute physical life extension, or whatever. Higher-level games can operate at higher levels of complexity and effort. They might just seem like barren confusion to somebody not reading the patterns/signals in them. But they might be just as, or even far more, ordered than more obvious coherencies.
What you in practice push, Cog, is a cognitive laziness that just assumes new phenomena must immediately fit into the patterns it recognises as sensical or worthwhile to be sensical or worthwhile. That's the antithesis of what I do or what I'd regard as transhumanism-- I don't think you're a transhumanist, I think you're one more crypto-Christian longing for a technological afterlife.
Most people talk about transhumanism. I live my understanding of it.
You can't take ridicule, Cog. You have to seem like a clever gold-star little savant, callous and hard and reasoned before this empty world and the stupid hordes of the religious and subjective. Your need to take that role is nothing but weakness. Simple, small human weakness. You have to be seen to be the technocratic elect, destined for transhuman afterlife, chosen and seen to be chosen by your fellow reasoned elect, never mind whether you actually know basic logic or are actually cold, or just like the feeling of talking coldly. Weakness.
As for Pi, this isn't about reason vs. feeling. Your short-term post-by-post reactions are actually far more impulsive than anything I do. Your problem is that you assume some relation between posts and identity, or some logic you can immediately and easily understand in art, which I've never said is so. You are unable to reasonably and thoughtfully alter your actions and engagements to allow another kind of signal to come through or pattern to form. You just can't stop reacting to
'Lyra' as a cohesive identity, and you just can't stop reacting in a way I've informed you, many times, is inapplicable. Your mind is robotised, and you follow me around spewing the programming. Obsessed like you have been for a couple of years now. Unreasoned, emotional, impulsive and animalistic.