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Search results

  1. Thoughtful


    It's a mixture of Hollywood and the fascination with trophy katanas sold to American GI's during the occupation of Japan right after WWII. If I'm going to sell you a souvenir from "the mystical east" that I know you're never going to actually test I'm going to hype the hell out of it. Hell...
  2. Thoughtful

    Happy 2013!

    I'm throwing off the chains of religion, specifically, leaving the lds (mormon) church. Got my cranberry juice and my bottle of vodka ready to go, it shall be my first alcoholic drink. Also, returning here to post now and then. happy new year everyone!
  3. Thoughtful

    Lurker Syndrome-- do INTP's suffer from this?

    Oh yes, certainly. Haven't you ever studied a subject for hours, to the point where you desperately wanted to share that information with someone, anyone, who would listen? or have you experienced the feeling of: "Oh this is cool! look what I've found everyone!" and been completely proud of...
  4. Thoughtful

    Lurker Syndrome-- do INTP's suffer from this?

    You would probably be correct in your assumption. We like to acquire data after all, and if there's nothing constructive to add, why make someone else read through our garbage? It's inconsiderate for the later readers, because they have to scan through more text to get to the new ideas.
  5. Thoughtful


    What is it you ask? DayZ is a Multiplayer Zombie survival mod built on the ARMA II engine. It's Still in alpha, and buggy as hell, but thus far the most intense experience I can remember in gaming. it's incredibly brutal. You start out with a backpack, a bandage, and a flashlight. that's about...
  6. Thoughtful

    You know how attractive you are?

    I know I have a young face, and that when I'm 40 I'll greatly appreciate it, but right now at 20 it sucks. I also know that without glasses I look older than I do with them, but contact lenses were too much of a pain in the ass for me to get used to. I dress decently enough most of the time...
  7. Thoughtful

    INTP Identity Loss

    Well, here is how I suggest dealing with it: A: Find a person willing to listen to you vent, who won't then turn around and tell your superiors. B: Find an acceptable way to break things. No really. Shotgun clays, chopping wood, violent video games, whatever works. You break things now because...
  8. Thoughtful

    Obsessions with the Fantasy & Sci-Fi genre

    So what you're saying is, you do like Sci-fi, and fantasy, but 99% of authors in the genres are unable to suspend your disbelief. Am I correct?
  9. Thoughtful

    What is EVIL?

    If the society I live in is to be believed, To be evil is to stand in opposition to whatever the view-holder values, regardless to the fact that the reverse is also true. Therefore, all points of view are evil. Perhaps thinking itself is evil.
  10. Thoughtful

    Current Favorite Metal Songs

    Do we have to pick one? YouTube - Iron Maiden - Dance Of Death (Orchestral Version) YouTube - Dream Theater - Octavarium Yes, I do like long songs, why do you ask :p
  11. Thoughtful

    Suicide. Why not?

    It's too much work. I'm too lazy to commit suicide.
  12. Thoughtful

    Do NTs tend to be picky eaters?

    I eat most anything, as the other option is fixing better food myself. I'm too lazy for that. I do have this odd obsession with "quality" sodas. the only times I'll drink cheap sodas is when there's either nothing else to be had, or when I'm drinking for the caffeine instead of the flavor...
  13. Thoughtful


    Fools. Thinking that you're in some way superior to me. One day I shall destroy this earth and all on it. While everyone else is screaming in agony I shall be laughing humanity's last laugh. Yes... The last laugh shall be mine. In the mean time, Welcome to the forum. You should have some time...
  14. Thoughtful

    does INTP can really make a c hange of himself for such a great challenge like lossing weight?

    For Workouts, make it interesting. I get most of my excessive from running around the foothills and mountains near my home and from a rock climbing wall downtown. I could never get into the whole "Exercise for the sake of fitness" thing, My mind needs stimulated. For Diets: Has anything...
  15. Thoughtful

    ENTJs Rare?

    Both my Dad and my Brother are ENTJs, and they're both awesome. I'd say that they're really equal or less controlling than INTJs (My Mom). The only way that they were more "controlling" than others is that they had a passion for whatever they did, and they were able to get other people excited...
  16. Thoughtful

    The He-Man Woman Hater's Club

    YouTube - I'm an ordinary man
  17. Thoughtful

    Hello Friends.

    Inappropriate's way too interesting to be a side, dude's more of an entree I'd say.
  18. Thoughtful

    Hello Friends.

    Hail fellow well met. Welcome to the forum. As you can hopefully see, We're happy (or at least mildly content) to be here and hope that you feel welcome.
  19. Thoughtful

    Happy Thanksgiving

    I had a good and happy thanksgiving. I'm living far enough away that I don't have to join in a massive festival, and I found a restaurant with all the pumpkin pie you can eat. I don't normally take the time to eat much (and am a toothpick as a result), but I really enjoy holidays with good food...
  20. Thoughtful

    Fridge Logic

    Mtn Dew, Pizza, Pizza, more pizza, microwavable chinese thingy, pizza, Milk, Leftover BBQ.
  21. Thoughtful

    I've been called tasteless before...

    At workplaces in the US there is. And Colleges, and Libraries, Public schools, and the occasional internet cafe. You can even buy them to use on your very own home network. I suggest getting a Flashdrive from which you can run TOR.
  22. Thoughtful

    Getting a new Laptop

    Background: I'm a PC gamer, in the market for a good yet thrifty laptop, We're talking roughly $1000-$1200 range. The name of the game, in my mind, is staying power. I want to play games on the thing 2-3 years from now (newer games on lower settings obviously). I also want to use the laptop as...
  23. Thoughtful

    Tips for dealing with annoying as hell extraverts

    From your complaint, it sounds like your grief is with ExFxs. Either take a road trip or go camping. Don't bring the extroverts along. Find a few introverted buddies, or just go alone. Get some quality introvert time in, and then come back and live in the extroverted world for a bit. Also, Get...
  24. Thoughtful

    Have you ever noticed ESxP types seem to relate to their Inferior more than any other type?

    Well, I have an ESFP at work who seems okay at using her intuition. The trade-off is that she's incapable of thinking. I'm dead serious. I've tried to bring it out, I've watched and waited for it for months, It's just not there. I confess to thinking she would love working as a hairstylist...
  25. Thoughtful

    Sleeping Trends

    I wear pajamas. It's cold here. Also, sleeping with your clothes on isn't nearly as bad as not showering (where I work, I meet customers who do that regularly... they make the isles smell like a dog soaked in pee. it sucks.)
  26. Thoughtful

    Old Games

    Simcopter "I'm the CEO of McDonnell Douglas." It was buggy as hell, but had sweet music, hilarious adds, and all kinds of generally fun features. great to play for laughs and goggles
  27. Thoughtful

    INFJ or ENFJ

    Well, there is the order of your cognitive functions: But the real difference is where you get your energy from (externally and internally). an introvert becomes charged through solace, and working with their internal realm, whereas an extrovert becomes charged by interacting with their...
  28. Thoughtful

    Is there such a thing as an INTP that enjoys his/her job?

    You could take up big rig trucking, and just drive from state to state while listening to stuff, kinda like ayla_aus does. It's something I've seriously considered, and I understand a lot of trucking companys pay for the training. I really enjoyed working at summer camp as a dishwasher...
  29. Thoughtful

    Sleeping Trends

    ^me too. I hate it, but need my intellectual fix in the evening to keep me sane, though I suppose I could try doing that in the mornings. I usually wear underwear, Pajama pants, and a teeshirt. My room isn't heated well, (especially noticeable now that things are getting cold outside) and so...
  30. Thoughtful

    Pretty Cool! [Thoughts??]

    I watched part of it, I found it quite fascinating. then I noticed the music and my mind said: "they're trying to illicit an emotional response with lame music, screw them." after which I skipped around, much more disgruntled than fascinated. Of course, I don't give a damn about cats, as it's a...
  31. Thoughtful

    walk and think

    To me this sounds a lot like a strong manifestation of the Ne Bounce. I don't know why an INFJ would be pacing, I grew up with one as a sister, and I can say with certainty that she never paced. Compare to an ENFP I knew, who would start bouncing excitedly and running back and forth whenever...
  32. Thoughtful

    AFG: Organ Trail

    You name them after your enemies, and set a grueling pace at low rations. also, bring no food, that money is best spent on bullets
  33. Thoughtful

    Well ha we invented the tractor beam

    Not yet in production, but approved by the FAA: http://www.terrafugia.com/POC.html Took a look at the tractorbeam, and I must say, I'm not a fan of using lasers to drag a Mtn Dew across the room. I don't want a warm drink, and I'd also want to avoid setting the drapes on fire. Also, since this...
  34. Thoughtful

    Apparently I'm a Heretic?

    Aww... but Abe, you gotta have something realistic to shoot for man! Them big things you INTPs always think about would require an act of god to solve! no man could do it himself! you gotta stop worrying about it. After all, if god wanted to fix it he would, you can't do anything about it so why...
  35. Thoughtful

    Apparently I'm a Heretic?

    Ooh, The Gopher's comment makes me wonder, If you're already in heaven, can you choose to go to hell? or maybe just visit on holiday?
  36. Thoughtful


    Yes, This is usually the most obvious when I get a new device, I open it, pull the desirable parts out of the packaging, and forget to throw the package away. I think I still have the box that came with my nook, and I got that months ago. However, much like Cav said, I'd argue that it's this...
  37. Thoughtful


    Well, thank you for the Ideas. I'm not planning on going anywhere, as I want to keep my job for now (Want a new laptop, as this beast is 4 years old and for all intents Immobile. Plus Landscape Architecture will require CAD), and I'm not moving far for college this spring. I did find a new game...
  38. Thoughtful

    Greatest Inventions

    Pizza Or maybe the printing press. Much higher literacy seems to have lead to many more inventors.
  39. Thoughtful

    What Do You Wear?

    With the exception of shoes, I buy everything secondhand. Of course, I work in a thrift store, so I'm there all the time, and when good stuff comes out, I can take my lunch break and buy it. I miss a lot of things that come through, but I get my fair share of cool stuff. You'd be surprised at...
  40. Thoughtful


    My life feels like it's at a standstill. I have no reason to live, but no desire to die. I go to work every day and shelve shoes for 8 hours (lord knows why I even bother), come home and play some video game, go to bed, rinse and repeat. I've thought about trying my hand at the dating scene...
  41. Thoughtful

    Ohh... good one... But now: Let me tell you a story to chill the bones 'bout a thing that I saw...

    Ohh... good one... But now: Let me tell you a story to chill the bones 'bout a thing that I saw One night wandering trough the everglades I'd one drink, but no more...
  42. Thoughtful

    whats Love for u..huh?

    Love is a Verb. It is something one consciously chooses to do. To willingly put another persons happiness before your own without need of compensation. It may lead to a happy bubbly feeling inside which is commonly referred to as love, but the feeling is a result of the action, not vice-versa as...
  43. Thoughtful

    Yay! another Maiden Fan! Up the Irons! .\m/

    Yay! another Maiden Fan! Up the Irons! .\m/
  44. Thoughtful

    Staying awake.

    I've been late to work several days because I've slept in. I sleep in because I tend to stay up too long at night. I know this is a problem and am trying to remedy it. However, since I'm out of a job the next time it happens, I've decided that if I stay awake much too long on a given night...
  45. Thoughtful

    Best Careers for Types

    Landscape Architecture. All the + of Architecture, with less math and more art.
  46. Thoughtful

    Have you ever had an INTP Teach/Prof?

    Yeah, I had one teach an "Intro to Renewable Energy" class. It was funny seeing all my faults and merits mirrored by an academic. It was a great class to. INTPs make great teachers, if a bit distractable, and poor about setting hard deadlines. Helps that he was actually enthusiastic about and...
  47. Thoughtful


    I was a conservative in my youth, then libertarian, then greenie, then anarchist. My current impression is that anarchy is unsustainable (It usually reverts to tribalisim/despotisim really fast), But it makes a great castle in the air, and it's interesting to try to figure out ways to make it...
  48. Thoughtful

    What Should You Major In?

    Philosophy. Bah. I'll stick with Landscape Architecture thanks For Registrations I usually do this: Email: http://10minutemail.com/10MinuteMail/index.html First Name: Mister Last Name: Smith Or if you want to get really elaborate: http://www.fakenamegenerator.com/ I wouldn't bother for this...
  49. Thoughtful


    I actually just bought a Nook 3g today. I'm aware that it is in some ways inferior to the Kindle 3, but it runs on Google's Android platform, and is therefore much easier to hack. That was the selling point for me, once I void the warranty I'll let you know how it works out.
  50. Thoughtful

    Hot Facebook Chix

    Time for a dose of paranoia. Indigo. Why are you going out of your way to show us pictures of beautiful women? What do you stand to gain from this? what is your motive? Now that that's out of the way, I have this to say regarding the Croatian Woman in blue: :^^:
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