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Search results

  1. Thoughtful

    Who would win in a brawl, INTP or ENTP?

    It would be a battle of brains. ENTP would likely initiate the attack, come at the INTP with a knife, or maybe a gun, but if the INTP got away, the ENTP might have to worry about payback. I think the saying goes something like: "You won't know when, and you won't know how, But I'm gonna pay you...
  2. Thoughtful

    something I discovered recently that you nerds will probably bust a nut over.

    I've actually thought of doing a brain map, but It would take time and effort... maybe I'll start sketching one someday out of boredom, it would never be finished though.
  3. Thoughtful

    Can We Turn on Reputation?

    Why would we want reputation turned on? I don't want him turned on. If you turn reputation on and he humps you don't come crying to me. Seriously though, please don't. Just... no. I come to this sanctified dark castle to get away from all that pointless lighthearted crap the world throws at me...
  4. Thoughtful

    It's my birthday and I want presents!

    From me you get nice hot lead. :waffe14: Enjoy :twisteddevil:
  5. Thoughtful

    Am I the only fashion obsessed INTP?

    Oh I regularly carry a small or medium backpack as well. But I still love the convenience of cargo pants. I also have this, but I don't wear it very often. cargos+that=Overkill. I also tend to worry about my appearance when wearing it.
  6. Thoughtful

    How can I be less socially awkward?

    :icon_captain:Here ya are mate! Now good luck to ye. My suggestion is that ye put it on yer shanty player o' choice and lend it yer ear as ye sail the high seas. In all seriousness though, I second Editor one's suggestion. I'm not a heavy reader, but listening to the tracks a few times has...
  7. Thoughtful

    Am I the only fashion obsessed INTP?

    Meh, I don't follow fashion, but I did take the time about a year or two ago to do some research into the matter and figure out what clothes In look good in. Mostly I just care about having a crap-load of pockets.
  8. Thoughtful

    What books have influenced your world view?

    You're a Minarchist Dr.? *High Fives* The Moon is a Harsh Mistress V for Vendetta What Ever Happened to Penny Candy? My side of the Mountain The Art of War
  9. Thoughtful

    Starcraft 2

    And here I thought I was the only one with that problem. figured out a way to correct it yet?
  10. Thoughtful

    Starcraft 2

    Pfft. Screw improving the world. What has it ever done for us? The world can go hang itself for all I care, I'm going to buy SC2.
  11. Thoughtful

    Sweet Potato Candy

    Pizza thread. Actually, we already have a movie section and a music section, why no food section? the INTP connoisseurs must be heard!
  12. Thoughtful

    Is Type Hereditary?

    Mother: INTJ Father: ENTJ Sister: INFJ Brother: ENTJ Sister: ISFJ I'm somewhat notorious for my near-successes at wrigling out of my parent's rule systems. but they always seemed to end up with me grounded and the whole family angry at me.
  13. Thoughtful

    Take over the world syndrome

    I'm with InaBe, there's no point to taking over the world. too much work, too little reward. Once you had it you'd have to keep killing off everyone else who wanted it. Destroying it on the other hand, ought to be much easier, and you're certain to have the last laugh. I've no ambition to try...
  14. Thoughtful

    Songs to Play Twice

    YouTube- Symphony X Paradise Lost
  15. Thoughtful

    Thread of MANLINESS

    YouTube- Powerthirst A Classic.
  16. Thoughtful

    isfps are weirdos

    I suppose she could be INFP. though the confirmed INFP I know is a lot more cynical. I don't think she'd be quite as annoying if she weren't always so confoundedly and consistently cheerful: "It's a menial shelving job... It's meant to be endured not enjoyed, so wipe that silly grin off your...
  17. Thoughtful

    isfps are weirdos

    Optimistic like a child. Very, very naive, She can't work in certain departments of the store anymore because people kept stealing stuff out from under her nose. She also has a tendency to come over to me and ask me why I look so glum, after all, if I *look* glum, there must be a reason for...
  18. Thoughtful

    isfps are weirdos

    I have a co-worker who's an ISFP, Her optimistic view of the world and the people in it makes me want to puke.
  19. Thoughtful

    Reincarnation placement test

    Sounds... different. not sure why it says I'd avoid an education. I do like avoiding routines and civ's though. Is there a place in a traveling circus for bookworms?
  20. Thoughtful

    INTP Strengths

    Humility? I felt compelled to ask this after questioning the sincerity of my comments below. they really are true, but I don't wish to appear a part of the "ZOMG IMA NINJA" crowd. I'm not a ninja, I'm just relatively good at hiding/moving silently. We are very good at hiding. Or at least, I am...
  21. Thoughtful

    My introduction, insight, and proposition

    But... Pizza... I'll tell you what, You can be the one to adapt to build the robot slaves, leave the designing to me. :p
  22. Thoughtful


    Couldn't have said it better. black and blue is... bearable, would be nice to have a less-neon blue to write with, like the shade used for the control interface.
  23. Thoughtful

    My introduction, insight, and proposition

    Nah, He'll grow up and get his own home and IP, after he makes it that far we'll hope he's either grown up or found another way to boost his ego, not before. I was going to ask him what was with the "I have a new avatar" thing? I mean, yeah he wanted attention, but... talking about your new...
  24. Thoughtful

    My introduction, insight, and proposition

    Dude... you do have your insights some times, but please, Shut Up. The reason people don't like dealing with you isn't because you make a persuasive argument, it's because you're so full of yourself, so incapable of listening to reason yourself, that we might as well be talking to a brick, or...
  25. Thoughtful


    I swear there's some way of allowing forums to have multiple selected color schemes, I for one wouldn't mind a dark foresty theme, or a dark watery theme, just as long as it's dark. Not going to badger anyone into designing it though, If it sounds like it would take effort, don't bother.
  26. Thoughtful

    My introduction, insight, and proposition

    I am wondering, (maybe I missed the answer) in this feeler-free utopia you appear to have, where you'd get slave labor menial labor from. I for one would be more likely to redesign robotic slaves than build them. I agree that feeler types can be annoying, but sometimes it's valuable to have...
  27. Thoughtful

    Gulf Oil Spill

    What do I think of it? you mean aside from "Bloody Hell Not Another One?". Distasters seem to be in ready supply these days. I'm just wondering what will happen when hurricane season hits.
  28. Thoughtful

    Worst Music Ever

    The Horror! The Horror!
  29. Thoughtful


    I do... and a few days ago I think I figured out why. My mind works quickly, and I tend to hop from one Idea to the next. I focus on my current thoughts, and while I may get back to an unfinished task eventually, Once I start something new, It's unlikely. The funny thing about the INTP mind is...
  30. Thoughtful

    Fe: overdrive

    I had that happen once in recent memory. There was a girl on the bus I was riding on. Total Hottie, and instead of being the usual quiet person that I am I discovered myself becoming the most extroverted person I've ever met. funny thing is this happened twice, same bus, same girl, different...
  31. Thoughtful


    ...What's this thing coming toward me very fast? So big and round... Earth! Ha! I wonder if it'll be friends with me? Hello Earth! *splat*
  32. Thoughtful

    Driver's license

    Meh, 18, no license, no permit. what would be the point? Now on the other-hand, If I felt I could afford to buy my own car, and competent enough to customize it, that would be sweet. Would want to add speakers, HUD, and smuggling compartments. However, I'd rather get a Private pilots licence...
  33. Thoughtful

    How Do You Sleep At Night?

    Well, for one thing, I usually stay up till 3 AM, after which it's fairly hard not to fall asleep. I also leave my computer on and listen to "sound of rain" videos. those seem to help too. But, there was one night where I swear I could hear someone moving around in the attic, I was up till 6...
  34. Thoughtful

    INTP Interaction Manual

    So, I had this crazy Idea. I want to make a set of instructions for dealing with INTPs to give to a loved one. What our preferences are, what we mean when we do x, etc. I'm too lazy to write it all myself, I need inspiration. So, if you were to give instructions on how best to interact...
  35. Thoughtful

    Distinguishing Left and Right.

    I can never think in left and right, but I can always remember which hand is which, so when I hear left, I slightly clench my left hand, likewise when I hear right, I clench the right hand. It's odd, and shouldn't reasonably work, but it does.
  36. Thoughtful

    What's the most devastating come-back you have ever said?

    I don't remember many of them, there have been so many. but this one is memorable because it got the most "oooohh Buuurn!" and "ouch" reactions from the other guys present. "The only girl Dave (me) here could ever attract is an Amoeba" "True, sadly you can't attract even them, Jealous?"
  37. Thoughtful

    World Destructon/Domination

    I've always thought that the most cost effective way would be to move an oil rig on-top of Yellowstone park, drill away for a bit, and then, if the drilling dosen't set it off, drop a few tons of explosives down the hole and blow them all at once (nukes might work). I'm probably overestimating...
  38. Thoughtful

    Make a prediction for 2014

    Some celebrity somewhere will do something stupid, and some people will care enough about it to bother me over it, and it will be annoying. Very, very, annoying. INTPs will get off our butts and attempt to take over the world, but midway into the takeover, after determining that we really could...
  39. Thoughtful

    Cat Person or Dog Person? for pet people...

    Gun Person. Guns work equally well on both cats and dogs. :p
  40. Thoughtful

    Global Warming not Real?

    Global Warming, is it real or not? Answer: Irrelevant Green tech is good period, both ecologically and economically. pollution, whether or not it causes climate change or global warming, is still bad. Why Pour all this research money into listing the reasons why pollution is bad, and then more...
  41. Thoughtful

    Communication help

    well, I suppose If I made a mistake, I shall have to learn from it. nothing to see here, move along.
  42. Thoughtful

    I don't understand.

    Playing without playing games? Reminds me of Calvinball. it reminds me of the days when I was a kid, where I would line up all my toys, whether they were of similar scale or not, related or not, and orchestrate war between them. Good memories :D
  43. Thoughtful

    Hello there

    Madness?:hoplit10: I like this one: "Life is like a game. The hand you are dealt has already been determined, but the way you play it is up to you" - Jarwarhal Nehru Welcome to the forum! The MBTI isn't 100% accurate, so some confusion is to be expected, ultimately, what you are is your call...
  44. Thoughtful

    death sentence issues

    As can be expected, this is what you get from a bunch of uneducated morons who are forced to learn to write. Most will end up as criminals themselves loaning out their testosterone to Blackwater, Militia groups, or Aryan gangs. unless they learn, most have no hope for sucessful employment in...
  45. Thoughtful

    Count the Fs in this sentence

    42 K seriously: Only counting the actual Fs (not F sounds) in the following quoted text (corrected version) there are 6 Fs. This is easily verified by hitting "ctrl"+"f" in Mozilla Firefox and typing the letter "f" into the find box. There are five in the uncorrected version, This is easily...
  46. Thoughtful

    What kind of career do you want?

    while I have considered many different jobs, it always comes back to the same thing: I want to fly helicopters. Getting there will be difficult, as lessons are expensive, and the military won't let me fly (I wear glasses). My solution is to find a technical job and save up enough money/credit...
  47. Thoughtful

    do you avoid "deep" topics?

    No, I wouldn't say it necessarily disagrees with the INTP profile, especially if you've studied or looked over MBTI, human psychology, human relationships, or other such subjects. INTPs don't like to give advice on things they have no knowledge of, because we know we don't know enough about the...
  48. Thoughtful

    Good Games for INTPs

    What? No Mechwarrior? Seriously? Anything Sufficiently complex. my personal favorites are: Mechwarrior 4 mechcommander 2 (especially multiplayer) Age of empires 2 Starcraft X-wing vs Tie Fighter UFO: enemy unknown (x-com) Civilizations 3 (haven't tried 4, Need to do that) Team fortress 2 Risk...
  49. Thoughtful


    NOBODY EXPECTS THE MONTY PYTHON SKETCH! :D Irregardless of your contentlessness over it, Irregardless is in fact a word: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/IRREGARDLESS For my serious thoughts on the matter, see my signature.
  50. Thoughtful

    what are the books you read in 2009?

    Bah. I don't read books. I read webpages, magazine articles, and newspapers. Books This year: Double star -Heinlein Young Miles -Bujold V for vendetta Twelfth night (read for a book discussion group) Macbeth (same) Little brother -Doctorow Probably a few others
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