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Search results

  1. sagewolf

    Play by Post DnD?

    ^Yeah, it is a little more complicated, and it sucks to run out of spells... but then ahgain, being able to level half the playing field in one go makes up for it a bit. ;) @gepcy loc: You ninja'd me! Oh well. ;) Yeah, sometime after christmas. I don't know what my schedule's going to be like...
  2. sagewolf

    Play by Post DnD?

    *Checks in detail* Yes, actually, cleric might be taken. Jaico had called it and now he wants to play a paladin (I think) and that's what I was thinking of when I said we didn't have a cleric, but Anthile's showing evidence of wanting to be a cleric, too. So I guess we do have a dedicated...
  3. sagewolf

    Play by Post DnD?

    Sorry, Adymus, I skipped right over this. Rolling for it. The more rolling the funner and more complicated and more math-y. :D And apparently the more of an abominable kinfe in the back of the English language and all its conventions of grammar. Everyone seems to be picking melee classes...
  4. sagewolf

    Play by Post DnD?

    Check this thread. There are instructions in there (somewhere) for getting onto the chat room through a client, along with client recommendations and such like. Jyst remember the chat room itself is #intp-rpg and not #intpforum, because if you follow the instructions in the chat thread exactly...
  5. sagewolf

    The Game

    I managed three months! :( It took some stupid, off-hand remark to remind me, that was all, and now I've lost again... gah! Well, Rule three: I must announce my loss. And revive this thread and probably make half the forum hate me for it.
  6. sagewolf

    I doodle in class!

    That's a pretty impressive doodle! I don't think many of mine are that elaborate. ...Just for fun... go show that to your friendly family doctor. :D I wonder what they'll say! (I was actually really relieved when my religion teacher's topic on 'the subconscious revealing itself' went from...
  7. sagewolf

    Play by Post DnD?

    (Ha! Look at all that snow mocking me and my inability to go out today! Guess I'll stay in.) ^Thanks for setting up the channel. Yeah, the usual RPG land. Gods... as long as you can roleplay a cleric of that god, I don't mind in the least. For things like temples in cities and such like...
  8. sagewolf

    Play by Post DnD?

    @Jaico: Yes, that looks like a good paladin set. The stick-up-the-ass is still a class feature, though. :p @Adymus: I take it you mean class skills? Which class and which skills? If it makes sense for the class to be trained in it, or if there's something in your character's background that...
  9. sagewolf

    Play by Post DnD?

    For when you build your character sheets, this is the skill list you use (A 'T' in parentheses means it's a trained-only skill) : Acrobatics (Dex) Appraise (Int) Bluff (Cha) Climb (Str) Craft (Int) Diplomacy (Cha) Disable Device (T) (Dex) Disguise*...
  10. sagewolf

    Play by Post DnD?

    @Anthile: yes, the SRD is our base. We'll mess with it, though, I expect. Dicebot and IRC sound nice... so you want to join up? :D @Gepcy loc: thanks for the links. Sorry, but I'm not particularly tech-savvy... maybe someone else is? (Eight sounds like enough, though; that should be great. )
  11. sagewolf

    Play by Post DnD?

    Ah, okay. I gotcha now. Yes, any edition, but non-level adjustment: if it's not a 3.5 race we'll shoehorn it into being a 3.5 race.
  12. sagewolf

    Play by Post DnD?

    If everyone's on AIM (or doesn't mind setting up an account) that would be good, yeah. (Does it really take that long when it's pbp? :o) Or we could set up a chat room somewhere. Using a chat room would be a good deal quicker. ...Doesn't this forum have a chat thing no-one ever uses? Either...
  13. sagewolf

    Play by Post DnD?

    Okay, that sounds good: those rolls aren't bad. gepcy loc, can you give me the class stats, though? I don't see that one in the SRD, and I'd like to know more about it. (You guys can pick whatever class/race you want from whatever edition you want, by the way. If it's not a class/race in the...
  14. sagewolf

    Aww, too bad. :(My da used to have to do that: shift work's about the worst schedule I can think...

    Aww, too bad. :(My da used to have to do that: shift work's about the worst schedule I can think of to have.
  15. sagewolf

    Hey Decaf! We're rolling up stats and picking classes in the pbp D&D thread now, so if you do...

    Hey Decaf! We're rolling up stats and picking classes in the pbp D&D thread now, so if you do still want to play, now's the time to jump in. xD Any suggestions on just how the heck we're going to do this would also be much appreciated...
  16. sagewolf

    Play by Post DnD?

    ...You forgot the 're-roll ones and twos' part. It will probably result in stronger characters than is normal, but that might be good too: I've never DMed before and don't want to accidentally kill you all. :o So...keep going! ;) And if you have a class you want... call it now! :p
  17. sagewolf

    Play by Post DnD?

    We'll see how they do, first. ;) Everyone else! Roll!
  18. sagewolf

    Play by Post DnD?

    ...I offered, I didn't 'call'! T.T Well, I suppose since no-one's objected (yet) I'll go ahead and get a campaign set up. :D I'd like to see character choices (at least races, classes and vague backstories) first, though, so I can fit some of that stuff into the story. And remember, cleric is...
  19. sagewolf

    Degree not needed-- or even necessary? That can't be right...

    ^I know what you mean: I've had a lot of similar conversations with my mom. I eventually just stopped bringing up anything that made me upset around her because I got the response, "welcome to Life; now deal with it" a little too often. It got a little crushing after a while, really. I couldn't...
  20. sagewolf

    Santa Claus

    ^The conception? That's the Incarnation: there's not set feast day for it that I know of. It is partly supposed to be celebrated at Christmas, the same way the Epiphany kind of is, and partly celebrated at the feast of the Annunciation. ...I don't think I know anyone who observes that, except my...
  21. sagewolf

    Degree not needed-- or even necessary? That can't be right...

    Thanks for your replies... although I think I may have been slightly misunderstood on some counts. I suppose I was just upset and bothered by the implication that learning and ambition-- two things I value highly-- were undervalued in the real world. You'd think by now, I'd be used to the idea...
  22. sagewolf

    Santa Claus

    At this point, he's a marketing gimmick. I don't know if he really s based on an actual saint, or where he came from-- what I have heard may in itself be a gimmick designed to increase his appeal. What's sure is that now, if you see a Santa... it's probably a gimmick, yes. Or the product of...
  23. sagewolf

    I Wish I Liked Vegetables

    ^I prefer vinegarette, but I might pass that on to my mom. She loves dijon. (And refuses to get it anywhere but France. Ireland's dijon isn't good enough. :D)
  24. sagewolf

    Disturbing Books

    Haven't read any of those-- I'll look through the descriptions again some time (and keep an eye on this thread) and try to find some of them. The most disturbing book I have ever read is probably 1984-- the idea of not just influencing, but fundamentally changing the way that individuals...
  25. sagewolf

    How do you interact with other types?

    ^I force them to interact with me first. I'm not making the first move toward anyone unless I absolutely have to. The only generalisation I can make is that I get on well with other NPs. It's really superficial, and doesn't guarantee a lasting (or even any) relationship, but it at least...
  26. sagewolf

    I Wish I Liked Vegetables

    I love vegetables, but not eating them was never an option when I was little. :rolleyes: Some I do like more than others, but things like broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, and most others steamed (crunchy, in other words, but still cooked and hot), I like with soy sauce drizzled over them. Okay...
  27. sagewolf

    Degree not needed-- or even necessary? That can't be right...

    I've been working an office job since September, partly to save up for college, but also to support myself: I've moved back to the States from Eire to apply to US colleges and plug some application holes (SATs, US History, etc.), and in the meantime I need an income. That's the background to...
  28. sagewolf

    Your Avatar History

    Flip. Can't open the above post anymore. I'm sticking this one in now. Think I'll go back to Kat.
  29. sagewolf

    Play by Post DnD?

    ^I was referring to his book, sorry. I had to check with Ventrilo was and didn't have time at work. If it'll work on my Mac, that's a good idea. (I don't know if this computer has a microphone, and I'm not entirely sure how to use Linux in the first place anyway.) I need to get the Mac first...
  30. sagewolf

    Play by Post DnD?

    Probably first: before 'editions' existed. Pretty cool! :evil:
  31. sagewolf

    Gift ideas

    Boooookkkksssss..... Oh yes, and drawing materials/paints are always welcome. Those things are expensive. Apart from that, logic and math puzzles (tactile or printed), or something absolutely bizarre and possibly morbid, and probably utterly useless might win me over, like a bubonic plague...
  32. sagewolf

    How Would You Do It?

    I need better intel. And a hell of a lot of incentive. Whatcha got for me? :twisteddevil: :phear:
  33. sagewolf

    Play by Post DnD?

    Yeah... well, what's your schedule? :p We can't very well do anything with your timezone if we don't know what your schedule is. Maybe it would be easier to meet up a couple times a week, for an hour or two each time, than to try and fit in one long session at once. We'd get less done (in each...
  34. sagewolf

    Very reluctant to attend college....

    That. I remember one of my teachers in secondary school saying that finishing a diploma isn't solely about learning about a given topic, it's just as much about showing that you can see something through: no-body wants to hire someone who might just quit on them in a few months. They want to...
  35. sagewolf

    Very reluctant to attend college....

    ^^ Which is why I'm applying to a new, incredible college this year instead of attending a smaller, not-so-well-equipped college now. The next 4-5 years of my life will probably land me in debt for the following ten. I'm doing this right the first time, and studying something I really care...
  36. sagewolf

    Play by Post DnD?

    I'll tell you when I'm occupied: it's easier. All times in EST: that's what I'm working on. Mon-Fri: 7.30-5.30 (12.30pm-10.30 pm) Sat: Currently free, but soon I'll be occupied from about 6/7pm onwards, although I routinely stay up until 3/4 am (which I suppose is technically Sunday). Sun...
  37. sagewolf

    Play by Post DnD?

    I can get 3.5 edition sourcebooks off the others in my RL group, if I wind up needing them: that and there's always eBay, although that's a little unreliable. My vote would also be 3.5, because of the online source material. It would just be easiest, and we'd know everyone had access to the...
  38. sagewolf

    Play by Post DnD?

    I'm all up for it. Which edition? 3, 3.5, 4? D&D is mostly... think your typical fantasy fare. Elves, dwarves, burning things, swords, burning-sword-wielding elves. Generally, that's what you have. There are futuristic tabletop RPGs, though; one is Shadowrun. I like that too. :D I'd prefer...
  39. sagewolf

    Your Avatar History

    I have nothing to post! *sniff* *gets over it* Oh well. I like Kat. Until I can post some of my own artwork, she shall remain. I agree with Decaf. That is awesome.
  40. sagewolf

    Qs about your personal library

    That sounds very sad. :( You say there's something not quite right about an unread book-- what about a story that never even got a chance?
  41. sagewolf

    massive threads and avatars (and bums and willies)

    So it rose above 40, finally? That's wonderful. I like just opening a thread and having it there. How long ago did this happen without me noticing?
  42. sagewolf

    Qs about your personal library

    Not very big at the moment. Most of my books are boxed up in Eire, but I have a bookshelves full now (a sizeable proportion are artists' reference books, though). If I had all my books, I could probably fill an average bookcase, or a bit more on top: I tended to give books I didn't like to...
  43. sagewolf

    Any Clear Identity?

    *claps* Cog said it a million times better than I could have. ...And he kinda got here first, too. I don't think there is any one defined person I am: there are many things I can be described as now, and many, many more I might become in the future. Some I will adopt as 'me', part of my...
  44. sagewolf

    Avatar Changes

    Therein lies the paradox: in order to be nonconformist on an INTP forum, you must be a conformist, because everyone is determined to retain individuality. Or something. :rolleyes: I'm not changing mine (except maybe for the contests), until I finally get my computer back and either a scanner or...
  45. sagewolf


    When I had essay assignments (always a choice between a story and what you seem to actually be talking about: here's a statement, now pick a side and defend it), I dithered and thought and procrastinated and refused to settle on a basic topic or plot for the entire week, before I finally sat...
  46. sagewolf

    Why do so many INTPs like anime?

    I know, but I thought I'd stick that in. I don't really care at all where a particular work (movie, short film, book, comic, song) was made as long as I enjoy it and it's good, is what I kinda wanted to say, and good animation tends to be easier to find as anime; good comics tend to be found in...
  47. sagewolf

    Forum Addicts Anonymous

    I kind of phase in and out of addiction. For the past few weeks I've been on here for about 2-2.5 hours a day; now I have less of an urge to visit, and if I weren't bored on my lunch break, I probably wouldn't be here at all. You mean this one? [/evil]
  48. sagewolf

    Avatar Changes

    And you're a pair of sunglasses. :p I couldn't think of Auburn without picturing the purple shadow-face either (yay, it's back!) Decaf is still a goofy scientist, AI is that space thing that he had, and cryptonia is a happy L. Melkor is a malignant combination of all the bishonen ever envisioned...
  49. sagewolf

    Fantasy Literature

    Just don't read the back of the second book before reading th entirety of the first one. Not that there's a giant fscking spoiler or anything (thanks, various pulishers). :eek::mad::aufsmaul: ^Mists of avaloon was very good: I should read the other ones when I get the money to buy more books...
  50. sagewolf

    Why do so many INTPs like anime?

    ...As far as comics are concerned, I generally agree with you. Scott McCloud, in his (entertainingly bizzare) afterword to the first Flight anthology, referred to the "metabolization of manga" that's recently taken place among a sizeable number of Western comic creators, and I like the result of...
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