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Search results

  1. sagewolf

    MBTI type and voice

    I wish I could tell you something related to this, but I'm the only INTP I know (that I know is an INTP) and I don't pay attention to my own speaking voice in order to avoid noticing how appallingly high it is. If I started paying attention to it, to gather information, I would inevitably skew...
  2. sagewolf

    when you were younger, were you ever told to stop crying?

    This. I was never told not to cry, or that crying was bad (that I remember) by anyone but myself, so I don't know where I got the idea from. If I needed to cry, I either hid in my room, underneath the bedcovers, or I hid in the bathroom (something I learned around the age of fourteen was that...
  3. sagewolf

    The Fangirl club.

    I can't believe you, Melkor-- you of all people!-- started a fangirling thread and didn't include these anywhere: :yaoi: :yuri: You are incompetent and I refuse to fangirl you. I shall fangirl.... Oh, no, wait that is you, isn't it? Shoot. :p (I think my grammar is too good for...
  4. sagewolf

    Non-self-explanatory titles.

    Yay splatting! Then we shall bury him under a log to be later eaten by a bear, which will be poisoned by him. And then we will no longer have to worry about bears! :^^:
  5. sagewolf

    Play by Post DnD?

    (Note: this is a new post because I want anyone who's waiting for these question-things to know there's a new post in here. Just editing the post above wouldn't do that. I do know about the edit button.) First task: establish an existing positive relationship with another character in the...
  6. sagewolf

    Play by Post DnD?

    ^Ha, I'm good for nothing in the mornings, unless I didn't sleep at all the night before. :D (I'll post that stuff when I get home from work.)
  7. sagewolf

    Non-self-explanatory titles.

    Hug? Like this? For the hug, I will need to has arms. :o ...I didn't think Ghibli would be quite the accurate representation of a being as exquisitely evil as Melkor...Howl's not even a villain. He's an anti-hero at worst.
  8. sagewolf

    Play by Post DnD?

    It'll just be me posting a couple of questions you can answer in your own time (within reason). We could probably start playing... this weekend? How are everyone's schedules? I had the greatest idea for a trap today at work. Then someone started aking me if I could do something or other and I...
  9. sagewolf

    Play by Post DnD?

    ...Okay, it's been a week. Tomorrow, we shall continue with party-building exercises, regardless of what anyone does or does not have done. :borg0:
  10. sagewolf

    Non-self-explanatory titles.

    Well, when I can't figure out where to post something and am obsessed with being right the FIRST time I do anything... I came here to communicate. Does everything have to be a puzzle? Or can we be, you know, efficient every now and then? Actually, no, that was a stupid question. Disregard it...
  11. sagewolf

    Non-self-explanatory titles.

    ...The identity of the OP's author disregarded, it's a good idea. Especially for sub-forums with titles that aren't exactly intuitive, like Sub-Rosa. Heck, if the problem is just getting someone to write them, I'll do it. The lack of explanation makes this place seem a little bit... I don't...
  12. sagewolf

    Would you do this?

    ^What Ermine said. It would depend on the criminal acts, but in general, I would take the funding, do something banal as 'research' while saving as much of the funding as I could, putting it somewhere secure where the interest could grow and expand. In the meantime, I'd be giving the cops all...
  13. sagewolf

    Latent Superpower Test

    Telepathy. You're powers are 89% Mental, 44% Emotional, and 28% Physical! I hope you aren't in this super power thing for the attention, cause you've got the least flashy power. But for no flash you got a world of possibilities. You can read minds, control other's minds, and cause complete...
  14. sagewolf

    ISTJ = meanest?, ENFP = nicest?

    ...Neither of them really contributes in any way to friendliness, I think (my understanding of this is far from perfect). S/N functions are Perceiving functions, so they tend to influence the information we take in, not the way we choose to act on it. ...As far as I know, S/Ne are more likely...
  15. sagewolf

    Stories that don't go anywhere

    This is why I like short stories so much. They're not much more than isolated excerpts. (In other words, can't help you. I suck at plotting long works of fiction. Sorry.)
  16. sagewolf

    Bartle Test of Gamer Psychology Quiz

    EKSA. I find things, I kill them, I tell people I killed them, I feel a sense of accomplishment. :D
  17. sagewolf

    Name Changes No More

    So... everyone can just be happy with what they have now and stop confusing me? :evil:
  18. sagewolf

    To Club or not to Club?

    Decaf has a good idea. I can enjoy myself at a party where I know most of the people there, or at a club with a few friends, but I've only ever gone 'clubbing' with one other person once, and I didn't much like it. I'm not the sort to get up and dance unless there's a crowd to be lost in, and...
  19. sagewolf

    ISTJ = meanest?, ENFP = nicest?

    :eek: Somebody think of the kittens! :cutewhitekitten:
  20. sagewolf

    Quiet or Noisy Atmosphere when Studying?

    I prefer a bookstore cafe or a similar place: somewhere where there is noise, but there's also some kind of pressure forcing everyone to be quiet, so that no-one is yelling or making a display of themselves; loud voices irritate me, even make me flinch sometimes. (Not through any fault of the...
  21. sagewolf

    The Evil Overlord Test

    45% Evil, 83% Intelligence, 95% Common Sense... another Ghraf. Grahf is an entity that primarily consists of the raw emotions of hate, anger, and bitterness. Born from the ashes of the Third Contact, Grahf lives on by posessing the bodies of others, and travels the world seeking people...
  22. sagewolf

    Play by Post DnD?

    Thanks! This is really just to see what will spur the characters on and inspire more dramatic and eventful role-playing. (Thanks for the info, Anthile: I'll make good use of all of that.)
  23. sagewolf

    ISTJ = meanest?, ENFP = nicest?

    What proportion of the prison population was that? Those who were ordered to see you, those who chose to see you, a mixture of the above, or everyone? The theory is nothing but tendencies: Someone who comes up as, say, ENFJ on the test isn't contsantly extraverted, intuiting, feeling and...
  24. sagewolf

    Aw. Too bad. Sorry to hear you're so bogged down. (Yeah, I think this is going to be more...

    Aw. Too bad. Sorry to hear you're so bogged down. (Yeah, I think this is going to be more RP-centered than that, although if I don't manage to get at least one superfluous dungeon in there, I will consider myself a failure of a DM. :D)
  25. sagewolf

    Play by Post DnD?

    ... Here's something I want everyone to do. Summarise your character's motivation/goals in approximately 20 words (i.e. one sentence). I want what is fundamentally driving your characters forward and fuelling their actions. Something like the last line of Auguste's backstory: "Auguste now...
  26. sagewolf

    Hey-- are you still up for the pbp campaign? I know you said you were busy, but hopefully things...

    Hey-- are you still up for the pbp campaign? I know you said you were busy, but hopefully things slowed down a little for you and you had some more time to yourself-- if you don't want to play anymore, though, don't feel like I'm pushing you. But if you are interested, we're pretty much putting...
  27. sagewolf

    Tips on fundraising

    Try performing a service. Go out and offer to shovel sidewalks, brush snow off cars (provided it's snowing), wash cars or houses or sidewalks, weed, cut grass... basically think of any distasteful task and go offer to do it, but when you do, wear a t-shirt (or a hat/jacket, maybe) promoting your...
  28. sagewolf

    Play by Post DnD?

    Jaico, that's great. After I get some important college-application stuffs done tonight I'll go through the thread and put together some notes on who's got what in the thread (I think everyone has a character sheet, but I'm not sure as backstories go.) I'll compare the backstories, come up with...
  29. sagewolf

    legolas, by Laura

    ^I doubt it. If it were, we'd know everything that happened in the time skips. Which wouldn't have existed in the first place. Also, there would have been a character who did nothing, who was just there to show how mysterious and incredible Middle-Earth was. That, my friend, is a classic...
  30. sagewolf

    Give me your good memories.

    Walking into the living room in a really foul mood and having the dog walk up to me and wiggle to be petted. I petted him a little, then buried my face in his fur and just sort of sat there until I felt better, and when I did, I took him outside and we played for half an hour. By the end of it...
  31. sagewolf

    Play by Post DnD?

    Okay, I think I know what you're talking about. A good, gripping storyline with plenty of opportunities to role-play, and lots of excuses to get into tricky situations is the ticket, then? Cool. I can set that up easy. (By GenreSavvy I meant kind of Pratchett-esque, actually. The characters...
  32. sagewolf

    Play by Post DnD?

    Hmm. Sentient traps, perhaps? Ah, now there's a good question (although everyone else, reply to the other one too). How straight-up serious do you want this to be? Storytelling in the full-blown time-honoured Romantic tradition, or more Genre SavvyNPCs, situations and events? I can have fun...
  33. sagewolf

    Play by Post DnD?

    ^Brilliant site, Anthile! Thank you. I just got the 4e DM handbook, too, so I'll go through that tonight as my bedtime reading and see what I can take from that to improve the campaign I have planned out. As to the character sheet, all looks good. As soon as I get an hour or so to myself I'll...
  34. sagewolf


    Mope for at least a year: I'm a very visual person, and losing the ability to draw, in particular, would devastate me, even before you consider I'd be losing a lot of independence too (back to being a ward of my parents? Yaaaayyyy...:(). Music would help, though. Music and the ability to have a...
  35. sagewolf

    Play by Post DnD?

    ^Gepcy loc: That's very thorough. Good. (Line breaks help others to read, though. Just for next time.) logicsniper... I've been thinking about this for a while, but if you want your character to speak Dwarven, you're going to have to buy the Speak Language rank. Luckily, you seem not to have...
  36. sagewolf

    Play by Post DnD?

    @Jaico: yes. Yes it should. :icon_starwars:
  37. sagewolf

    Play by Post DnD?

    A lawful evil cleric? Cool. I won't tell anyone they can't be evil.
  38. sagewolf

    Play by Post DnD?

    This is just a quick swipe, but you should have two more languages, from the elven list: Draconic, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, or Sylvan. Common and Elven are free to your race: Druidic free to your class, and a +2 Int modifier gives you two bonus. I don't see anything about an animal companion...
  39. sagewolf

    Play by Post DnD?

    ^YES! A spellcaster! ...You forgot Druidic in your languages slot. Also, why do you have those particular spells listed under your spell slots? Are they the ones you're preparing for the first session?
  40. sagewolf

    Play by Post DnD?

    Here's to having a character sheet soon! I'm thinking of setting a date by which everyone playing needs to get their character sheets in, because this is moving so slowly. (On a side note, soon I will have a computer with a real screen again. Yippie! I'll be able to see things and stuff!)
  41. sagewolf

    The Telephone

    ^ I think the last time I left a message was about 5 years ago. I hate them: I hate levaing my trite little message on their phone. I can never bring myself to leave a voicemail message, whether it's for work or it's a personal call.
  42. sagewolf

    Social norms

    Dress up (fancy dress/blouse w/ skirt or a three-piece suit, depending on gender) where casual clothes are expected; wear casual clothes where it is expected you dress up.
  43. sagewolf

    Social norms

    Bonus: Fries actually taste really good dipped in ice cream. ;):p
  44. sagewolf

    Posting Themes

    I might adopt a theme at some point. I'm too lazy to set one up due to plain old procrastination and the reason Sapphire mentioned. It is really helpful to be able to recognise people's posts just from their themes right now with the computer setup I have: sometimes I have to scroll left or...
  45. sagewolf


    ^Hahah, there's me. I've lived in Baltimore, Belfast, and Ireland,and after all of it, my Irish teachers told me I had a slight twang left over as an accent. Most Americans tell me I don't have one at all, and I try hard to avoid the more egregious mispronunciations of any of the locales I've...
  46. sagewolf

    Social norms

    Gender norms: If you're male you could cross-dress. It's not so obvious on a female, unless you're really, really determined. Common courtesy: Invade people's personal space. Sit too close on the bus, breathe on them, scoot closer to other desks in class. Basic sanity (or the perception...
  47. sagewolf

    The Telephone

    My home phone I don't have much of a problem with: I have caller id and know who's calling, so if I give a damn about blowing them off I generally pick it up, if I don't, I don't. I don't want a mobile, so when I came to the US, I just didn't bother getting one (if someone tells me I need one, I...
  48. sagewolf

    My 1000th post

    Yay! Congratulations! (I kind of know how you feel about the custom user titles: I got mine the hard way, then suddenly everyone had them. Ah well.) Okay, nail-biting I have. But, "drinking alcohol"? Ever? That needs some parameters on it... given the social acceptability of alcohol, there...
  49. sagewolf

    Play by Post DnD?

    Aaaah! I'm sorry I went AWOL for so long: I didn't expect the weather at my parents' house to be as bad as it was: I had to go without the interweb entirely while I was there, because it was being so slow and my mom had priority. I've got houseguests now too, but I also have a lot more free...
  50. sagewolf

    Play by Post DnD?

    I'm not saying change! :eek: It was just a note for anyone who hadn't chosen yet. Drawing character portraits is cool, yeah-- I have a picture of my druid somewhere in my bag...
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