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Search results

  1. sagewolf


    Hello. Welcome to our pit/dungeon/dank, dark cave extraordinaire. You'll like it here, I think. It's nice here.
  2. sagewolf


    Hey Ellis! Hope you like this place more than that place. We're way nicer. Waaaay nicer. Trust us! :evil:
  3. sagewolf


    Hah, cognitiveprocesses confuses me too, sometimes; I have to keep checking the explanations in response to certain questions, although I have a general idea of how each process works (except Te). And just because you don't have the exact order of TiNeSiFe doesn't mean you're not an INTP; My...
  4. sagewolf

    Anti-depression plot!

    And where does it go? ...How does Brain Bleach work if you drink it? Wouldn't it be easier for a robot to just open his head and pour it directly on, or use it as coolant or something?
  5. sagewolf


    As to the F/T thing: When it comes to processes, our bodies are actually in the outside world, as is any action we take regarding exercise (i.e., it's not confined to our minds). So we're not actually making the decision with our Ti, which is introverted (and more developed in an NTP) but with...
  6. sagewolf

    Best MBTI Test

    From the essay itself (my italics). The author also says that often, Ns are interested in theoretical pursuits: and for me, although I am interested in science, it is entirely theoretical. I have neither patience nor motivation to carry out detailed experiments in keeping with scientific theory...
  7. sagewolf

    Anti-depression plot!

    How does a robot drink, Cognisant?
  8. sagewolf

    Getting a Tattoo

    S'ok Chocky. I kind of wondered if I wasn't being a jerk myself. :o What about eyes? Very lifelike eyes somewhere or other on your body, say, on your shoulder or something? I like green, personally...but an odd colour like purple or electric blue would be cool too...maybe a melting eye, or an...
  9. sagewolf

    New here

    Hello annabobic. Hope you get what you want out of your time here. We're always happy to have new people around! *Waves*
  10. sagewolf

    Eye Contact

    Don't get funny, Cognisant. I'm the only person who can handle the voices in my head. I agree with Wadlez: just forget about doing what's correct and do what feels right. Intuition is our extraverted function and it's good at figuring out what's right without a whole lot of second-guessing and...
  11. sagewolf

    WHAT? Senior member ALREADY?

    Hmmm... actually, Fastfashion, I might be nearly as bad as you are. How many posts have I made in approximately three weeks of straight internet access? ...Oh dear. Just about 450. That's actually worse, isn't it? And I still have two days left! :eek: Yeah, I think I may be addicted to this...
  12. sagewolf


    Welcome to the forum. Hope you find the place to your liking. And if you don't... Naaah. You will. This is a good place. ;)
  13. sagewolf

    All hail ME!

    Ooh, nice avatar, DM! I didn't see that last time. The white-on black linework is right up my alley-- I love that kind of artwork. ...Well, there goes the rest of my day. :o
  14. sagewolf

    Poll, Which is Best (or least worst)?

    I like the one on the top right of the four-- the red star is more defined then in the top left one, where it seems a little fuzzy and washed out: it doesn't have the same impact as with the more defined one. The distortion around the edges of the top left one looks cool, but I prefer the sharp...
  15. sagewolf


    I'm studying Animation starting next year. I've always enjoyed making up and telling stories, and I like drawing too, so animation seems like it'll be a good area for me. It's also creative, and you can't get stuck doing the exact same job forever, because projects only really last a few years...
  16. sagewolf

    All hail ME!

    Welcome to you, DynamicMind. Hope you like the... uh... atmosphere here. Um, guys, how long has that skeleton been hanging in the corner of the room?
  17. sagewolf

    how are INTPs and other types created?

    I don't know if it's genetics. Your type (letter) preferences, from what I've read, are innate, due to the structure or the something-or-other of your brain; your eight functions are developed to the extent that they are because of the situations you've been in and they way you've responded to...
  18. sagewolf

    WHAT? Senior member ALREADY?

    I like pizza and marshmallows. Not at the same time, though. ...Well...hmmm.... Note to self: new recipe to try. :D
  19. sagewolf

    What were you like in Primary/Elementary school?

    I was... even weirder than I am now. I've normalised myself over the years, and I'm still the weirdest person in my class... no, year... no, screw that, I'm the weirdest student in the school. I learned to make acquaintances easily (although they would probably say 'friends'), because my family...
  20. sagewolf

    Systemizing/Empathy test

    Systemising: 46 -- above average Empathy: 33 -- lowest score that's ranked as 'average'. I use my Fe good. ;) Autism Spectrum: 10 -- low. (Female average 15) Kind of surprising, considering the autism gene is actually in my family. Eyes: 26 -- slap-bang in the middle of averageville.
  21. sagewolf

    Getting a Tattoo

    Guys? That's what PMs are for. This is a thread. What about an image that's been abstracted and taken down to just a few lines to represent it? Especially if the lines are expressive in and of themselves, that would look cool and communicate something about the over-complication of everything...
  22. sagewolf

    Getting a Tattoo

    It's not something to rush into, no, but as long as you don't just decide to get one and then rush out and have it done that minute, I don't see a problem with getting a tattoo. Like I said, I'd consider any choice of tattoo I got very carefully, and I would encourage anyone else to do the same...
  23. sagewolf

    Getting a Tattoo

    I wouldn't mind a decent tattoo once it was on. Actually getting it, though... that's the part that scares me. Not to mention that I have no idea where the hell I'd put it on me. If I did pick a design, though, I'd draw it on myself in ball point pen/Sharpie, keep it there for a month by...
  24. sagewolf

    Anti-depression plot!

    Including the oxygen in the air? :evil: ... ... *gasp*
  25. sagewolf

    Chameleon in interaction; Chameleon in general?

    I do things like that too-- mimicking the 'voice' of an author I have recently read is a big one. However, I've read a lot of things (writing advice, blogs, weird anecdotes, author notes before stories in anthologies) where other authors specifically say that they don't read anything before or...
  26. sagewolf

    Getting a Tattoo

    The Polish eagle would be cool, yeah... Maybe, if you're Irish, with a Celtic/La Téne design worked around it? A lot of Celtic (Iron Age) patterns/designs are really cool. Alhtough, perhaps, a bit overdone. Hmmm... What about a skeleton Polish eagle,surrounded by twisting, vaguely Celtic green...
  27. sagewolf

    Anti-depression plot!

    What's disturbing is that there is very likely (who am I kidding? That's wrong: definitely, that's the word I want) a group of people who fervently believe in that very pairing. And produce fan-art and -fiction of it, which they then upload to the internet for anyone to find. *shudders*
  28. sagewolf

    How do you make friends? and other friend questions

    I do, actually, try to make friends with the people around me (who I'm fairly comfortable around), but every time I do, I know they're thinking that I'm being weird (in context-- weird for me) and they're a little awkward around me, which makes me uncomfortable. I stop trying after a few...
  29. sagewolf

    Getting a Tattoo

    I agree with Jules. Once you have the tattoo, you're pretty much stuck with it, so I'd wait until I knew what I wanted for myself, if I were you. Besides, the word 'interesting' is subjective: I don't know what you would consider captivating and what I consider to be the pinnacle of fascination...
  30. sagewolf


    Hello nothingunusual. Heheh... Now we can say, " There's nothing unusual here!" and actually not be lying. ;) Hope you like it here! (My brother and sister have autism, actually.) Oh, and cool avatar! :phear:
  31. sagewolf

    Hello, INTJ here.

    Can we not turn this into yet another 'everyone gang up on Morgoth' thread? Just... before it even starts. It's getting tiresome. –.–
  32. sagewolf

    Androdgony anyone?

    As shall I. I have androgyny down to an art: I've been asked on the street whether I was a boy or a girl. Hasn't happened lately, but I found it funny at the time. I've disliked dresses and skirts since I was a little kid; every now and then I wear one for a family function or something like...
  33. sagewolf


    I know I should exercise, but I don't. Part of it is what you said, cheese, the intellectual acknowledgement not translating into action, but part is the fact that I don't see that I'll really accomplish anything by it that really matters for me. I'm not fit, but I'm not unhealthy either, and I...
  34. sagewolf

    The club of MADNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You're 'there', and you call yourself 'me'. There-me... is that close enough?
  35. sagewolf

    Hello, INTJ here.

    Hello Naberus. Hope you have fun spying on us.
  36. sagewolf

    Anti-depression plot!

    Yeah, Fukyo. That BURNED my EYES. But on the plus side, you seem to have critically injured him! :D
  37. sagewolf

    The Friendly Club

    But then the wolf wouldn't be me. :D (And there is no way I would ever find a tasteful image using an internet search engine. Are you mad? I see why your eyes are red now: your CPU's overclocking. You need a better cooling fan, or some kind or ventilation in there. I knew that white stuff wasn't...
  38. sagewolf

    Motive for Meklor Malice

    Of course he's happy! He has US! And the happiness of rainbows and bunny wabbits clings to him in a perpetual haze of sunshine! :D
  39. sagewolf

    Owning tragedy

    @lor: I would not do anything resembling cooking in the name of helping people that died or suffered in a fire. Not just the irony making me laugh (and feel like a demon), but it brings to mind disturbing thoughts of how those people died. :-/ I do as you do: I respect their pain by leaving...
  40. sagewolf

    Keeping a Journal

    I've commented on people's (live)journals more that I've written in my own, sadly...
  41. sagewolf

    The Friendly Club

    @Noddy: NINJA-ing. You are a NINJA-ing bastard. Because :phear: is a NINJA. :p @Cognisant: Of course I have. I just don't have any way to get drawings into the computer at the moment. Once we find that %^£* USB cord for the digital camera, I'll have one up, probably.
  42. sagewolf

    The club of MADNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!

    *Kills the happy teddy bears in LucasM's avatar and provides Fleur with a basin of their blood* Write with this! *Begins drawing abstract designs elsewhere on the wall with the blood*
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