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Search results

  1. psion

    The Mythical INTJs...

    Well, as far as female INTJ's go, my mother is one (my father is an ESFJ, it gets funny sometimes). I would agree with the statement that INTJ's are good at blending in and wearing a mask, as far as my experience goes. My mother has talked about how people at work have an entirely different view...
  2. psion

    Expressions of meaninglessness

    I applaud that programmer, that would take a lot of effort. The end result is very interesting though. "Mythopoetical Paradox", hm...
  3. psion

    The Illuminati is Good

    This is the point I was trying to make by defining the word, like you said it was being used erroneously to portray the purpose of this website. Most of my post was in response to the posts in this thread, not the particular website itself, but I suppose we can get into that. Actually, I have...
  4. psion

    according to this chart, we like DMT

    I'm somewhat interested in trying DMT, but am on the fence. I absolutely loved shrooms, once even had my eyes float away from my head whilst looking in a mirror. Never liked marijuana, always experienced terrible chest pains (I put up with this for years in highschool, apparently I was that...
  5. psion

    What are you all reading?

    This thread is just adding to my already impossible list of 'to-reads', thanks for that. I'm currently reading Death Masks by Jim Butcher, the fifth book in the Dresden Files series. Too funny. :D
  6. psion

    Morality in the problem solving of INTPs- are you an evil genius?

    Only the best in my case. :angel01: I know I do this quite a bit. The planning goes on for a while, hours if I have someone else contributing to the plot. Unfortunately nothing ever comes to fruition. :confused:
  7. psion

    College students, what's your major?

    Major in Computer Science, Minor in Creative Writing, and a Minor in Philosophy. I was planning on doing a co-op in Computer Engineering at some point, but we'll see what happens. Gah! I'm jealous! I always wanted to do that but something in me just always insisted it wasn't a reliable...
  8. psion

    An INTP Run Society.

    Probably, hence extroverted butler.
  9. psion

    The Illuminati is Good

    I think this word is tripping up a few people: con·spir·a·cy   [kuhn-spir-uh-see] noun, plural con·spir·a·cies. 1. the act of conspiring. 2. an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons; plot. 3. a combination of persons for a secret...
  10. psion

    An INTP Run Society.

    Much open ended discussion, everyone admitting that every opinion is valid in some way. Compromise on a rough approximation of what makes most people happy with a few grumbling about their way being the right and only way. Then everyone goes home to their personal library (with 2-story shelves...
  11. psion

    Socrates is the Man!

    Well academics who heavily study Plato have separated his writing into different time periods. Since his earlier works do indeed differ drastically in content from his later works (and were written by a younger, more impressionable Plato), the figure of Socrates is considered to have influenced...
  12. psion

    Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    7/10, don't actually understand the vocals but I enjoyed listening to it. Yes I'm Canadian, you caught me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Wcnt2Pvwms
  13. psion

    League of Legends

    Figured I'd put my name in here, 'Insomatic' on NA. I mainly jungle, but can fill other roles. If there is a team getting together I'd love to play, whether is be ranked or normals.
  14. psion

    Job for me?

    Look into forestry, the schooling is quite easy, as well as the job, but you get paid quite a bit of money (in high demand). You also have the option (if you so desire) to go on hiking or camping trips for your job, to survey land, take soil samples (and other types of samples I think), and...
  15. psion

    Plastic bags and the environment?

    Not me. I still have to live in it.
  16. psion

    Mathematical Psychology

    So you still need doctors to decide where someone fits in the vector space? Isn't that still introducing error? Even if you have a test like in MBTI, they can be extremely misleading. I suppose you could base it not on outward traits but on brain shape and functionality, but the problem with...
  17. psion

    The End of Gender?

    Are you perhaps wary of something happening in the bathroom? If so, do you think is is the cause of your distaste for the idea of gender-neutral bathrooms? I'm only asking because your comment struck me as a little different than what I thought your stance was. To me it seems like you don't have...
  18. psion

    The End of Gender?

    Awesome, I live in Canada so I wouldn't know. It's a quick $137 here in Ontario, no judge, even no publication in the paper if you don't want (not that anyone would really notice anyways). You know, I completely forgot about family bathrooms. :P I was thinking some random thing that just...
  19. psion

    The End of Gender?

    Amen to that.
  20. psion

    Roguelike enthusiasts?

    This looks really interesting... Downloaded NetHack, playing it now. Rogue Survivor will be next for sure. Thanks for introducing me to this Roran, I forsee many hours spent playing these games :P
  21. psion

    The End of Gender?

    Except the hormone increase from one shot only lasts a week on average. Your genetics are what determine the hormone levels your body aims for. If there is an article from a reputable source that explains your point I would be happy to read it. I still don't completely agree that homosexuality...
  22. psion

    The End of Gender?

    That would be really cool :D
  23. psion

    The End of Gender?

    These hormone imbalances can start in the womb, are you suggesting that doctors will be regulating the mothers hormone levels while they are pregnant and making them take pills because otherwise their child might be gay or transgender or intersex? I seriously doubt it. So what if a man has a...
  24. psion

    The End of Gender?

    I think the problem arises because gender is so often linked with sex, which is something people can't choose. I think the point would be to categorize people by groups they choose to be in maybe? I would agree with this part, I think the problem arises when people turn it into a black and...
  25. psion

    The End of Gender?

    Employers just assuming this is what causes pay discrepancy in the first place. And what about girls with higher testosterone? Boys with higher estrogen? So how do intersex/hermaphrodite people fit into your boy/girl dichotomy? It is for transsexuals, of which there is a growing number these...
  26. psion

    The End of Gender?

    I would agree, I think we ave to address these types of problems first, because as long as they have documentation on your sex, looking like a guy without changing your sex legally won't change these problems. What exactly is it that bothers you about this? Just wondering. :)
  27. psion


    You get the extremely short version because I'm tired: Decent idea, fails in implementation. There will always be someone there to take advantage of the situation, and take power for themselves.
  28. psion


    If you want a long term relationship it is your problem, unfortunately. You are going to run into this eventually whether it is because two people have different sex drives or because someone is just tired/stressed and just wants to come home and sleep. (Not implying that you do necessarily...
  29. psion


    Oh wow those quote sound horrible out of context... I started because my grandfather played and I spent quite a bit of time with those grandparents before they died. I inherited all his harmonicas which was nice of him. I'm not that great but I do ok.
  30. psion

    Tron's isomorphic algorithms as DMT machine elves.

    For those who are lazy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dimethyltryptamine It also has a section on legal status.
  31. psion


    It's the wrist and hand cramps that get me eventually. Thanks for the welcome!
  32. psion

    Personality Disorder Test

    No surprise there. Again not surprising. My parents have thought I was Bipolar since I was 2 or 3. I would agree.
  33. psion

    Time is precious

    Just as a side note, you sound like someone who has recently read something by Ayn Rand and been affected by it quite strongly, would this be the case? A few people I know had this reaction to it for a while afterwords.
  34. psion

    Time is precious

    I've decided you are most likely a troll but... I think you need to take into account that what you are doing is not what is going to make you "really fucking rich". Considering that you seem to have already gone through schooling to become a teacher, and maybe don't have enough money to go back...
  35. psion

    Do you (INTP) find other INTPs to be weird?

    I will admit to this. I have maybe one person I'm close enough with to do this but I definitely get kind of childish around them sometimes.
  36. psion


    Oh you have no idea. It kills me on exams.
  37. psion


    Well I was considering giving you the percents since that is actually the right answer but I figured that since it was a riddle it wouldn't be nice and straight forward :P
  38. psion


    They were talking about Carl Jung, who proposed the original idea for MBTI typology. @ApostateAbe Thanks, I took a stab at that riddle, was a little confused for a bit but I think I got close anyway.
  39. psion

    Big Bang Theory (comedy series)

    The first season and parts of the second are good. They were released a few years ago and then the show was cancelled for a bit, and recently brought back. It was actually somewhat intelligent back then. The new seasons are horrid, they've taken the characters personalities and stretched them to...
  40. psion

    Airtight INTx pitfall

    ^ Love doing that haha. It's great to watch them get flustered and then eventually just get pissed off and leave when all you are doing is asking them to stop avoiding the question.
  41. psion

    The art of an INTP

    I don't have very many pieces uploaded to my computer, but these are the ones I do have. I apologize for the quality of some because I don't have a scanner and I have to take pictures with a camera. This one is from around two years ago, but I still like the composition. Lead on paper. From...
  42. psion


    UWO right now just because I live about 15 minutes away from campus and so it was the cheaper option (plus i get cable, high speed internet, and people make my food). I'm looking to transfer to Waterloo next year though. Yeah I'm definitely going to take courses for abstract algebra in later...
  43. psion

    Airtight INTx pitfall

    I know someone just like your Sam, and I find that people like that are just smart enough to think they know everything about anything but not smart enough to realize that they are just spewing bullshit. They think that the fact that no one can understand their point means that it must be beyond...
  44. psion


    Hello, I've been lurking this site for about 6 months now and I thought it was about time to make an account. I am a first year university student in Ontario, Canada in the department of Computer Science. I was introduced to the MBTI typology in a Psychology class, and thought it would be...
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