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Search results

  1. Ermine

    What do you do?

    I research as much as I can without going off the edge. I think researching is my security blanket...
  2. Ermine

    "You've got no personality"

    There is no such thing as "no personality". It really means that the person has issues being open with others, and being their own person. As for what type that would be, that could be anyone, for any number of reasons. It could be extreme introversion, lack of originality, trauma from abuse...
  3. Ermine

    two little logic tests

  4. Ermine

    How Much Are You Worth....

  5. Ermine


    How much of a factor is it in considering/socializing with others? It's a huge factor in that good personal hygiene boosts my self confidence. Socializing is so much easier when I don't feel disgusting and don't have to worry about what the other person might be thinking in this regard. I feel...
  6. Ermine


    Yeah, that phenomenon is kind of odd. When I first started posting here, people thought I was 30-ish. That was when I was 16. Since then, I've mentioned my age several times, and mention things that would indicate my age. But I wouldn't say I'm more mature per se. I am still inexperienced, I...
  7. Ermine

    Take over the world syndrome

    Why in the world would I want to change the world? I don't really have a good chance at succeeding if I tried. I'd jump at the chance of helping change the world if someone has a viable solution, but there's no way I'd take it on single-handedly. I definitely have ambition, but it's on a...
  8. Ermine

    Science & religion ?

    Note that I said religion, not religious people. Of course there will always be remarkably ignorant people who refuse to believe in evolution, or refuse to believe that dinosaurs existed, or that the earth was definitely not created in 6 24-hour days based on religious grounds. It's all a matter...
  9. Ermine

    Disinterest in Current Events

    I agree, but since when was there true democracy in recent times? Yes, I am an individual with a voice, but ultimately, interest groups and politicians are going to make their own decisions and override the voice of the public. And while I think that democracy is the lesser of the evils, I still...
  10. Ermine

    Science & religion ?

    I am of the opinion that in the grand scheme of things, science and religion are parts of the same thing: truth. They're both just 2 methods of arriving at the same point. Science can only disprove things, and religion can only claim things to be true, not necessarily knowing why. Also, I...
  11. Ermine

    Other commentary upon the debate: Should religions be able to run private schools in the US, where

    I thought I'd offer my perspective since I'm currently studying at a private Mormon-affiliated university, BYU-Idaho. I find it hard to take the same stance in every situation since it really does depend on the curriculum, and individual university standards. I think religious private schools...
  12. Ermine

    Nerd Rage scale test :D

    I'm just grumpy on occasion. I'm a pretty chill person in general, I'm not a gamer, I only recently started watching Star Trek, and I consider myself fairly well adjusted. The most I typically do is hairsplit over computer issues.
  13. Ermine

    Maintaining Relationships

    I do have a bit of a problem with that. Though it can either be really difficult, or only a slight nuisance depending on who I'm dealing with. If I'm dealing with someone who expects constant interaction, I would have a hard time with that, even if I like the person a lot. It's seriously...
  14. Ermine

    Are you an Aspie (Assburger?)

    Your Aspie score: 90 of 200 Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 101 of 200 You seem to have both Aspie and neurotypical traits
  15. Ermine

    Anyone else absolutely love dystopian literature?

    Yes, dystopian literature is amazing. I've read most of the suggestions in the OP. And for those who haven't read V for Vendetta, it's a must. I think it's much more powerful, just because the graphic novel makes a good case for full on anarchy rather than democracy which was used in the movie...
  16. Ermine

    i am a right brain intp female brain

    I'm female, and according to those tests, I'm right brained, and male brained. For some reason, I can get a perfect score on the spatial section every time, and I get higher than average on the verbal section. I do pretty well on everything except for the section where you have to indicated...
  17. Ermine

    Female INTPs

    Definitely a good thread to revive. I also posted a couple years back, and now have a significantly different view on being a female INTP. I guess it's mostly that I'm more comfortable in my own skin now, and have learned more about what it personally means to be INTP, and what it doesn't mean...
  18. Ermine

    does anyone else feel the people in the forum do not match your personality type?

    Yeah. And I'm often glad of it. Really, it would be silly if all people of a given MBTI type had the exact same personality. Just be whatever you are. And if we're going to get into how I'm different from the people in the forum, I guess it's that I am more practical and ambitious. I like being...
  19. Ermine

    Hello INTPs! :)

    Welcome. I think Madoness is from Estonia. And how much you believe the test is really up to you. Psychology isn't a very exact science, and it's even less exact when you get into Jung based psychology, such as the MBTI. But still, the inductive reasoning involved is pretty consistent. And of...
  20. Ermine

    Mindless Jobs, Mindless Pastimes, Mindless Downtime?

    It really depends on what you mean by mindless. Some kinds of mindless are perfectly fine, and let my mind wander off and work on other things. Some other mindless things are so boring that I start falling asleep or something and can't get the job done properly. It's a matter of balance I...
  21. Ermine

    Suddenly discovering you've been doing it wrong

    That would be me last night swing dancing. I've just started picking it up recently. I learned the Lindy Hop, and thought it was simple enough, but it took me 3 songs to realize I was doing it wrong, and another song and a half to get the right steps into my muscle memory. At least I didn't step...
  22. Ermine

    Emotions: Good or Bad?

    I'm glad this thread has been revived. I thought I'd throw another 2 cents in there that I've learned from a science class I've been taking. A while ago, we were learning about the thalamus: emotions central. I gathered a few things from that. 1. Emotions are critical to thinking properly. My...
  23. Ermine

    INTP/INTJ observation

    Not incredibly relevant, but I don't really get where irony is concerning the former BYU professor. Dr. Steven E. Jones has just as much freedom to participate in a conspiracy theory as anyone else, and it seems he only retired just because his theory was creating too much hype.
  24. Ermine

    Anyone talk to their parents about MBTI?

    I introduced my parents to it a couple years ago. And while we haven't discussed the MBTI much, I can tell that our relationships have improved significantly. I think my dad's ISTP and my mom's ENTJ, if I had to guess. A lot of her traits are ambiguous beyond the Judging. Anyway, they read what...
  25. Ermine

    Fantasy/Sci-Fi Character Test

    Obi-Wan Kenobi. A bit more ISTJ-ish result than I imagined, but still an awesome character.
  26. Ermine

    Okay, so who do INTPs get along with?

    I can get along with anyone. Though internally, some people do really grate on me. They tend to be ESTJ. Other than that, it's just people who are hyper-focused on any given function, or get on my nerves for reasons other than personality. As for people I tend to befriend, the most common...
  27. Ermine

    The Bliss of Being Told What to Do (Wait! Hear me out guys...)

    I see what you mean, but I would only trust that flow for superficial decisions where it wouldn't matter much if it didn't work anyway. For anything else, I don't trust any one person to tell me what I want to do. I would much rather disrupt that "flow" and research and work at it until I get it...
  28. Ermine

    Why has obesity become the norm?

    I really don't get it. Sure, different people have different metabolisms. Some can eat whatever they want and still be skinny. Some pretty much are what they eat. That aside, I don't think most of the points brought up are very legitimate. Life can be hard with the pressure to be sedentary due...
  29. Ermine

    The Development of INTP Children

    ...yeah. I guess those two quotes appeared contradictory. Uncomfortable isn't quite the right word. She just didn't really consider my personality weaknesses, and it was stressful trying to communicate that to her. Of course it wouldn't fly for me to say that I just didn't see what she was...
  30. Ermine

    The Development of INTP Children

    I think I have it pretty good so far as my parents go. They knew their place/duty and performed it well. Though at times, I found their personalities a bit too dominating. I have had to really work at pleasing them while maintaining my own identity. They are both Ts, so if I ever was emotionally...
  31. Ermine

    5 Favorite Bands/Music Artists

    Hard to say. I have tons of bands I love. I guess I'll rule some out as they've already been mentioned: Dream Theater, Pain Of Salvation, Porcupine Tree, Kamelot, Buckethead, Joe Satriani... I guess most of my favorite bands have already been mentioned. 1. Nine Inch Nails 2. Zeromancer 3. Kill...
  32. Ermine

    How the hell do I control my raging P?

    I guess you need to decide how important it is to achieve any of the possibilities you dream of. If you honestly don't care about executing any of the things you're thinking about, then there's nothing to worry about. But if you really do want to achieve some of them, I'd suggest picking just...
  33. Ermine

    What profession do you want/are you doing?

    I think I'll give software engineering a try. I'm currently an art major, but I realized that anything in the art industry requires you to be a salesperson, and that's the last thing I want to do. I figured CS would accommodate my personality better. Reasons in detail
  34. Ermine

    intelligent character

    A Beautiful Mind. Not only does it have a fascinating intellectual main character, it's moving and funny.
  35. Ermine

    My music

    I second the Mars Volta recommendation. :) Some others would be Isis, Pelican, Clint Mansell and the Kronos Quartet, OSI, Apocalyptica, Russian Circles, and Opeth. Sorry, I don't feel like posting youtube links, as I'd want to post several songs for each artist/band.
  36. Ermine

    How Do You Sleep At Night?

    I just don't sleep. I've gotten used to about 6 hours of sleep, if not less every night after a few years. I also tend to think a lot before going to bed. I understand many of you aren't particularly religious, but praying just before bed works wonders. It's a great way to get the mind clear...
  37. Ermine

    Your ideal home?

    I've dreamed of having a life like that too. I'd have a totally online graphic design job so all I have to do is email my designs in. I'd have a nice roomy van with all the seats taken out except for the drivers and passenger's seat, and make a mini bedroom complete with wifi, air conditioning...
  38. Ermine

    College students, what's your major?

    I'm a general art major, heading for a BFA in graphic design. No minor required. I'm not exactly sure where I want to go with that, but I've been considering computer animation, multimedia art, or a job where I can design the credits for movies. I've always been fascinated by that kind of thing...
  39. Ermine

    moral politics test

    Your scored -1 on Moral Order and -4 on Moral Rules. The following categories best match your score (multiple responses are possible): System: Liberalism Ideology: Capital Democratism Party: Democratic Party Presidents...
  40. Ermine

    INTP Haven

    1. Where/what is your haven for when you need to be alone and can't particularly get to your house? Either a labyrinth of a library with lots of comfy chairs, or the graphic design computer lab, complete with a bag of pistachios, my MP3 player, camera, Adobe CS4, and a good tablet. 2. If...
  41. Ermine

    Lazy, Drunk, Drugs, Depression. INTP experiences from this forum

    That's a huge generalization. Besides the "lazy" label, I can only think of a few people here that actually fit or used to fit that description. And I'm at least one young INTP forum user that isn't depressed, drunk, underachieving, abusing drugs, etc. I've had periods of depression, but I...
  42. Ermine

    Easier time getting through hard things?

    Yeah, logic is always my first line of defense. And generally speaking, it makes all the stereotypical "hard times" pretty simple. However, when that line of defense is broken, I do have a really hard time. The emotions come out all at once and cloud my thinking, which is scary. And then there's...
  43. Ermine

    Sports and INTP

    I don't particularly love sports in an organized or competitive setting, but I otherwise like sports a lot. They're especially great in a social setting, just getting some people together to throw a frisbee, or play tennis, or whatever. That way, there's plenty of interaction, and required...
  44. Ermine


    Good luck. I think the speed at which you will progress largely depends on your motivation and how much you practice regularly. For example, I have been playing piano for 10 years, since I was 8. With that amount of time and enough drive, I could be a master pianist right now. But instead, I am...
  45. Ermine

    Why do we always contradict ourselves?

    Either because it's fun to do, or we realize that we were originally wrong.
  46. Ermine

    Would you do this?

    Assuming I totally own the equipment and get the money up front, I would play along with him just long enough to gain his trust, and then turn him in.
  47. Ermine

    Latent Superpower Test

    Another Time Control.
  48. Ermine

    INTP = untidiest?, ESFJ = tidiest?

    ...ouch. I may be a strong INTP, but I actually care about my personal upkeep. Maybe it's because I'm an artist, but I'm pretty sensitive to what I wear, and how aesthetically appealing it is. But I will give you that I don't really care about cleaning my room as long as I have enough clean...
  49. Ermine

    Do INTPs and ENTJs mix well?

    Anyone can mix with anyone. But theoretically speaking, I think they can be quite complementary assuming they have learned to appreciate each other's strengths.
  50. Ermine

    Please don't feel the need to read this!

    I love that mutated cow! It's oddly cute. Beats me why it has molars in the front of its mouth though. And congrats on getting to 500 posts. It's been great reading them.
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