I = inward focus > not outward (clothing focused), not social appeal.
N = hidden meaning focus > not sensory towards laundry or style of clothing.
T = Analysis > not bothered by complaints of others about them being smelly.
P = Procrastination of baths and change of clothes > can adapt with being called "stinky".
EDIT:ESFJ...just opposite.
Actually, I'm a very neat and organized person. I haven't ALWAYS been this way, but one day I just decided to be clean. It literally happened over night. I spent one entire day doing nothing but cleaning my room, and when I woke up the next day, my room was clean. I never had a problem with it again.
I don't do it for other people, I could care less what they think of my room. I do it because I enjoy cleaning and being in a clean and nicely decorated bedroom.
I think you have to take into account that INTP's enjoy systems, and the organization that goes along with them. Honestly, I think it could go either way. Some INTP's may be very neat and organized(like me), and others might be very messy. There is always the procrastination to consider.
Maybe INTP's are more likely to be messy or neat at certain time of their lives. Stress could definatly be a factor. When I'm extremely stressed out, I'll spend hours doing nothing but vacuuming and organizing my room.
I really have nothing to say about ESFJ's, because I know very little about them...