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Search results

  1. merzbau

    What was your childhood like?

    plus - if violence isn't the proper solution, why are we in afghanistan and iraq? if you're the government it's ok, but if you're an individual it's wrong. let's not have a double-standard. one standard will do just fine.
  2. merzbau

    hi shoeless, can i recommend a book for your current research? it's "the holographic universe"...

    hi shoeless, can i recommend a book for your current research? it's "the holographic universe" by michael talbot. it links religion, the paranormal, telepathy, OOB & near death experiences to phenomena in quantum physics, which might sound toweringly complex, but it's actually really easy to get...
  3. merzbau

    What was your childhood like?

    that's the way i see it, too. the real world is rough, and i'd never want kids to be harmed, but sometimes, you have to fight. how many times have you heard a parent say - "violence isn't the way to solve your problems... don't lower yourself to their level... go and tell a teacher"? yeah sure...
  4. merzbau

    Best Electronica?

    breakcore ftw! i'm really digging i:gor, dj producer, and the outside agency at the moment, those guys are great.
  5. merzbau

    What was your childhood like?

    i couldn't wait to be an adult, so people would listen to my ideas, and take me seriously. hmm.. has anything changed? i was very at home in solitude, whether inside or outside, i wanted to be like robinson crusoe, shipwrecked on an island away from everyone, surviving on my wits alone. i can't...
  6. merzbau

    Dumbing down the masses

    may be nitpicking here, but what about animals that attack people, like sharks and pitbulls and such..? they're usually hunted down and destroyed, aren't they? this was discussed in a previous post on the forum (which you may not have seen). the modern scholastic system was designed to...
  7. merzbau

    ADD in INTPs

    a number of tranquillisers, such as rohypnol and fluoxetine (prozac) contain fluorine, which is indeed used as a commercial rodenticide.
  8. merzbau

    the INTP and his/her siblings

    i have one older brother, an ESTP. to be sure things were rough early on, around the teen years, but we get along famously now. we have a similar sense of humour, and there's a sort of mutual admiration for each other's strengths. i admire his independence and ability to motivate people and get...
  9. merzbau

    soviet digital electronics museum

    that's awesome.. looks like an 8080 clone. my first comp was a commodore vic-20, equipped with cassette tape drive, and a throbbing 5k of RAM.
  10. merzbau

    soviet digital electronics museum

    yeah! gimme a hind over a blackhawk any day..! while we're at it, meet the most successful soviet tank design of ww2, the T-34:
  11. merzbau

    soviet digital electronics museum

    http://www.leningrad.su/museum/ is this site as relevant to your interests as it is mine? there's something agreeably gibson-esque about these exhibits... is it the harsh, utilitarian design? the dirty keypads with worn cyrillic characters? here was an era when computers looked menacing...
  12. merzbau

    are there any words you just dont like?

    i cringe every time i hear or read "juxtaposition" ... it's one of those words that people throw in to spice up a particularly dull review, but it just makes them sound like a twat. and the word "delicious" has been used as an selling point on so much food packaging (the contents of which are...
  13. merzbau

    i'm a (clueless) mac

    the funnest thing about macs is the font management. if ramming a corkscrew into your eye socket is your idea of fun. i think it'd be difficult to imagine a worse system for organising and wrangling fonts. if you have a corrupted font (quite common), you have to uninstall it from the OS. unless...
  14. merzbau

    charlie brooker

    this one has intp written all over it: http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2007/aug/13/fashion.comment
  15. merzbau

    charlie brooker

    INTP? could be an ENTP, but he seems too misanthropic and introspective. check out his article, "on existential angst": http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2008/may/05/healthandwellbeing
  16. merzbau

    A New Art Movement

    au contraire, mon ami... this is something i mentioned in my last post..! technological media may present strong competition for traditional art media, but think of the popularity of film - a medium whose growth can be directly attributed to technology. and film was only the first medium in...
  17. merzbau

    Alternative Mechanisms For Evolution?

    delayed response, but you're right! thanks, that was something that's been bugging (pun unintended) me about viruses for ages. wikipedia also mentions a theory that viruses are relatively benign in their host species, and become killers when they cross to a species that doesn't have a natural...
  18. merzbau


    i'm sensitive to what's going on around me, and i manipulate my behaviour and actions to generally ease the flow of things.. i suppose it's a sort of benevolent manipulation, as i have no interest in controlling other people. consequently i form very strong friendships with open...
  19. merzbau

    i'm a (clueless) mac

    regarding those annoying ads where the mac is presented as this wannabe indie-rock turd-handle, standing around casually in unbuttoned shirt and fashionably scuffed converses, i think a more appropriate spokesperson would be a braindead useless hippie stoner, because that's what the OS is really...
  20. merzbau

    What is Life?

    life is a paradox. some questions cannot be answered because doing so destroys their meaning. one person's profoundity is another person's babbling. if you want proper wisdom - "reality is a metaphor in which we quest to find answers to the greater truth of who we are and why we are here."
  21. merzbau

    Heavy Metal Band Names

  22. merzbau

    A New Art Movement

    having thought a bit more, the statement i made above was overly simplistic. what is important is not that the creation of art is undervalued, but that the necessary freedom to express the natural creativity and expression of the members of a civilisation (from which art emerges) is...
  23. merzbau

    A New Art Movement

    interesting art to me is involved with extremity, boundaries, contrasts, tension, uncertainty and the surreal because those are the things that represent to me the truth of the human condition. there is good stuff out there, but it's drowned out by all the dross. i agree the current trend...
  24. merzbau

    i watched it, thanks. he talks a little too fast for a novice to grasp a lot of what he says.

    i watched it, thanks. he talks a little too fast for a novice to grasp a lot of what he says.
  25. merzbau

    The Future of Music

    i'd go a step further; not only is it still stuck in the old ways of imitating traditional music, while it sounds like a violin, it will never have the tactile appeal of playing string and wood, so it's not going to appeal to either traditional or non-traditional musicians. and it looks like...
  26. merzbau

    If you were asked to quickly draw one thing, what would it be?

    a thin black triangle intersecting a red circle, balanced by a solid black bar, suspended in white space. simple abstract elements are most satisfying.
  27. merzbau

    Talking to yourself

    it's not that i'm talking to myself.. that implies something crazy. it's more like i'm simply talking to another person, except that they're absent. when i'm alone i also recite comedy sketches out loud, in order to cheer myself up. that way everyone is spared the full brunt of my vitriol. how...
  28. merzbau

    Being 22 and Confused

    we all go through a phase of looking at life and asking "is this all there is..? is this it?"... sometimes it lasts years. the next phase of life is the most challenging - deciding how the hell you're going to spend the 50-odd years you've got left.
  29. merzbau

    Female role models

    how about ada lovelace, she had a programming language named after her.
  30. merzbau

    The Graphology Thread

    thanks for that walfin, quite interesting. what is the connection between being artistic and being secretive? strange those should be congruous.. i've always written in capitals since i was very young, it just felt more comfortable, and none of my teachers were able to shift me out of it...
  31. merzbau

    Make me laugh

    two cannibals eating a clown; the first one turns to the second and says "bob, does this taste funny to you?"
  32. merzbau

    Alternative Mechanisms For Evolution?

    this is interesting. it has always puzzled me why things like harmful viruses exist. as their purpose is self-defeating - to replicate and consume the host, until the host cannot sustain it anymore and it dies, making the virus' essential function suicide. perhaps some ancient opportunistic...
  33. merzbau

    Experimental music

    was overjoyed to have recently stumbled across the kraftwerk era minimal synth-pop of john foxx. having a great love for cold, austere 80s synth, it was like coming home. why don't people make melancholic music like this anymore? Underpass-John Foxx
  34. merzbau

    Best Gift Ever?

    being infp you're probably an artsy type.. why not draw/sew/knit/make something, as preilemus suggested? or how about a nudie calendar.. the gift that keeps on giving!
  35. merzbau

    Raise your hand if Monsanto scares you!

    i think a UN regulatory body placed a ban on field testing and commercial sale of terminator tech in 2000. organic farming may give smaller yields, but there are lower costs for fertiliser, better use of resources and planting space, and no need for pesticides or herbicides. soil organisms like...
  36. merzbau

    Raise your hand if Monsanto scares you!

    i would have thought it fairly obvious that natural food is healthier than synthetic food.. our bodies are not built to process synthetic foods, they have developed over millions of years of evolution to process and subsist on foods from the natural world. i suppose you could then argue that GM...
  37. merzbau

    What would you do/be?

    i'd like to be winter, lending quickness to the mind and a sharp chill to the flesh. bringing long nights and brief days, thick with mist and fog. as pure and endless as an ice covered field.
  38. merzbau

    everything is terrible

    Enhance your memory with murderous bloodlust The Art of Meeting Men Chippendales' Room Service Hits! Hits! Hits! From Scotdisk!
  39. merzbau

    Raise your hand if Monsanto scares you!

    yep, i made the analogy because of the splicing of fish genes into tomatoes to make them frost resistant. apart from the appauling subversion of natural biology, novel genetic creations also carry the dangers of hidden allergies, and animal viruses crossing species. a few years ago, the state i...
  40. merzbau

    Raise your hand if Monsanto scares you!

    this is a common misconception that monsanto plays on, that genetic manipulation via selective breeding and grafting has been going on for thousands of years and they are merely accelerating the process, which is a lie, as these traditional methods rely on the plants' natural methods of...
  41. merzbau

    Local Councils Hate Art #85,298 --- The de Morgan Connection

    sounds like viz to me... :D
  42. merzbau

    Do you "dumb" yourself down?

    one thing i often find myself dumbing down is the kind of music i make. even if people seem eager to know.. i've tried to explain it over the years, but it really is like trying to tell a polar bear about the bahamas 99% of the time.
  43. merzbau

    Local Councils Hate Art #85,298 --- The de Morgan Connection

    i don't read private eye, but i do read viz.. is that sort of the same thing?
  44. merzbau

    Local Councils Hate Art #85,298 --- The de Morgan Connection

    i actually like brutalist architecture. when it's done well, it has a certain imposing monolithic grandeur that appeals to my sense of aesthetics. i can understand why people are hostile towards it, though; it's abstract, harsh grey and it ages terribly. there again, though - i like that in a...
  45. merzbau


    i really appreciate films like eraserhead, there's so much to dig around in. i believe the plot is not really meant to be explained in linear fashion, as many of the scenes are from dreams that lynch had. my favorite scene is probably where henry is introduced to the family for dinner. there's...
  46. merzbau

    stalker (tarkovsky)

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stalker_%28film%29 quite an interesting film, this. i had fun dissecting the different layers and themes around the three characters and the mysterious secret zone. here is my interpretation: the three characters are representations of the three great men of...
  47. merzbau

    Dwelling on problems doesn't help

    obviously, it's sensible to explore the angles before jumping in headfirst, just don't go overboard worrying about every tiny thing.
  48. merzbau

    Dwelling on problems doesn't help

    most intps know what it's like to finally crack through a problem after dwelling on it for ages. so it that sense it does help. but overthinking can sometimes be disastrous. i've talked myself out of doing things a billion times, but afterwards i always felt slightly pissed with myself for...
  49. merzbau


    thanks for the comments, might post more bits & pieces soon.
  50. merzbau

    Greatest Hip Hop Albums of All Time

    dj shadow's album endtroducing was great. everything he made after that was too light + radio-friendly for me. likewise, dj krush also used to be very good, but suffered a similar slide downward imo.
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