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  1. phantome

    Halo thar.

    ello :) hehe me too. Smileys are awesome :D at times they're like an addiction 0.0 welcome ^.^
  2. phantome

    High school academic suicide...bad?

    ahh this could have been written by me :) in all honesty, the only way that I manage to keep my fairly good average is by doing homework and doing good on tests. and you would be surprised how much hw can kill your grade >.< oh and i don't bother paying attention in classes. the material there...
  3. phantome

    //stares sadly at screen and feels the motivation seeping out of body// //tries to find...

    //stares sadly at screen and feels the motivation seeping out of body// //tries to find motivation to write a long post asking for forgiveness and searches for words that might delay your leave// //...comes up with nothing// //resumes with counting the array of dots on the ceiling//
  4. phantome

    //musters up enough motivation to return non motivational high five// go us ! :D

    //musters up enough motivation to return non motivational high five// go us ! :D
  5. phantome

    motivation....help 0.0

    thanks for the advice everyone :) sporeza, i'll make sure to look at the book minuend, the link does not work... =[ AP, you do bring up an interesting point, though imo, not everyone is "unique" if I were to read thousands of books on the topic, I am sure that I will discover something. Forget...
  6. phantome

    hmmm? is that a reference to my post on your depression thread? :) meh, its true, I looked at...

    hmmm? is that a reference to my post on your depression thread? :) meh, its true, I looked at some of your other posts as well. They're rather intriguing. Too bad you have only six :P
  7. phantome

    Hilarious Ads that Market to Me for Some Reason on Hotmail

    this made my day soo much better ^.^
  8. phantome

    Signs that you're depressed

    you seem like an insanely interesting person....0.0 as for depression, I just cannot bring myself to do anything. I have a similar "ache" as Ashenstar described, and do not want talk to anyone...basically, I just want to stay in bed all day. Oh, and I also cannot study anything/contemplate...
  9. phantome

    motivation....help 0.0

    Lately, I have had zero motivation to do anything. This applies to every single area of my life. I find it hard to do things for school, hard to study chess, hard to uphold relationships with people, etc. normally, I would wait for it to pass, but it's not. The lack of motivation to put effort...
  10. phantome

    Ran on Photography

    ranondrugs, out of curiosity, what kind of camera do you use? (oh and i absolutely love your sketches =] )
  11. phantome

    Sherlock Holmes 2009

    The movie itself was pretty good....however it certainly was not a classic Holmes. Once I stopped comparing it to the books and to the traditional screen version I was able to enjoy it much more. It had its good points but certainly was not what I expected it to be. Overall I enjoyed it though...
  12. phantome

    INTP Avatars are unique

    i did mention exceptions x]
  13. phantome

    oh good x] I have to agree, at times it's easier to convey a feeling or an emotion by toning...

    oh good x] I have to agree, at times it's easier to convey a feeling or an emotion by toning down all the other colors. Color photography can be fantastic though :) and you've inspired me to go read that avatar thread ^.^
  14. phantome

    alright :)

    alright :)
  15. phantome

    INTP Avatars are unique

    I believe that INTPs are more prone to choosing their avatars because they hold some hidden meaning or such behind them as opposed to just because they look pretty :P which is what makes them "unique" (there ARE exceptions of course) ^.^
  16. phantome

    hmm why not use photoshop? or paint.net which is similar but free :)

    hmm why not use photoshop? or paint.net which is similar but free :)
  17. phantome

    it's beautiful :) [sorry for random comment, i don't usually strike up conversation with random...

    it's beautiful :) [sorry for random comment, i don't usually strike up conversation with random people ^.^ your avatar was too intriguing though :)]
  18. phantome

    i love your avatar 0.0 how did you find it? :)

    i love your avatar 0.0 how did you find it? :)
  19. phantome

    your avatar gets cooler every single time I see it XD

    your avatar gets cooler every single time I see it XD
  20. phantome

    your avatar really reminds me of ana bagayans illustrations :) (pretty random i know, but...

    your avatar really reminds me of ana bagayans illustrations :) (pretty random i know, but thats the first thing I thought of when i saw it)
  21. phantome

    how important is touch?

    touch is essential to me, but it has to come from people i know well. I can't stand it when people whom i hardly know attempt to touch me. This might be why I hate "surprise hugs" from some of my friends. I don't have a problem with initiating hugs though, just not randomly unless it's someone I...
  22. phantome

    Have you seen Charlie the Unicorn?

    i didn't like the candy mountain one as much as the second one. ^.^
  23. phantome

    INTP weaknesses

    no one even goes in my closet anymore....its a rather hopeless cause x]
  24. phantome

    ahh okay ^.^ * curiosity peaks* :P

    ahh okay ^.^ * curiosity peaks* :P
  25. phantome

    why thank you :] i appreciate the comments ^.^ (and yes, its called an avatar :) )

    why thank you :] i appreciate the comments ^.^ (and yes, its called an avatar :) )
  26. phantome

    Hello, hello, hello!

    hihi :) you sound pretty interesting- oh and the nickname is awesome =]
  27. phantome

    aw :( it changed :( I was wondering what change he was going to go through next :P

    aw :( it changed :( I was wondering what change he was going to go through next :P
  28. phantome

    welllll.....you did give me the idea.... ;)

    welllll.....you did give me the idea.... ;)
  29. phantome

    i love the changes your avatar is going through =]

    i love the changes your avatar is going through =]
  30. phantome

    Languages you know/are interested in

    i speak russian and english. currently in the process of learning french and german :)
  31. phantome

    My Photos

    oh, you might be right :) i'll try adjusting them =] and thanks ^.^
  32. phantome

    thank you ^.^

    thank you ^.^
  33. phantome

    impossible x] though i'm sure that not many people have the same perception of fun as you and...

    impossible x] though i'm sure that not many people have the same perception of fun as you and your friends do :] I think I'll go try that next time I have the opportunity....:P
  34. phantome

    I'm Cocoa Heyday

    i like the name ^.^ welcome.
  35. phantome


    welcome :)
  36. phantome

    Warning: spooky thread.

    Yes, I get a creepy feeling quite often about certain places, but they are always the same, and the feeling is consistent. Not a strong reaction, necessarily, but definitely a feeling of unease, and more often, a depressing sort of feeling. It is not nice, and I usually feel better as soon as I...
  37. phantome

    My Photos

    cryptonia- i can't believe i hadn't thought of that 0.0 snowqueen- thank you so much! this looks promising :) i'll go download it now... :D
  38. phantome

    My Photos

    thanks cognisant :) I am aware that its not the most professional drawing, its my second drawing of humans though so I'm rather happy with the way it turned out :) cryptonia- i'm not quite sure...i just had a sudden urge to do so i suppose. It's rather hard to explain. but thank you :) da...
  39. phantome

    seriously? i could never do that ^.^ thats pretty funny though x]

    seriously? i could never do that ^.^ thats pretty funny though x]
  40. phantome

    My Photos

    i don't blame you :) thing is, i do not have photoshop installed on my computer so i can't use it to edit my images :P though i strongly wish i did i love the tweaked image. it becomes much more interesting :)
  41. phantome

    My Photos

    (or photos taken by me :) ) can be viewed here- http://deniablephantazia.blogspot.com/ feedback would certainly be appreciated :D
  42. phantome

    Warning: spooky thread.

    i have not had something like that happen to me in any specific places (at least, not that i recall) but there are times at which i am suddenly overwhelmed with terror and feel like i need to get the hell out of the place at which i am. something just feels...wrong. (and it could be anywhere...
  43. phantome

    thank you! :) I have to admit that your comment made my day 10x better than it was =] to be...

    thank you! :) I have to admit that your comment made my day 10x better than it was =] to be honest, i did not think that it was anything too special when i drew it, however due to the positive feedback i've received since then i have began to see it in a different way. you do bring up an...
  44. phantome

    are there any words you just dont like?

    overused words. for example "like" and "legit"
  45. phantome

    Ducky's Art

    i love the second g that's made out of circles. Insanely awesome :)
  46. phantome

    happy birthday ! =]

    happy birthday ! =]
  47. phantome

    merci beaucoup :)

    merci beaucoup :)
  48. phantome

    Thom Yorke = INTP?

    Have to agree on the INFP/INFJ. his music does seem very "INTP-like" though. :D
  49. phantome

    Where are you from?

    I'm from a small town in New Jersey do I like it? No. Mainly due to the fact that nothing exciting ever happens there. Oh and the never changing schedule is no fun either :( (on the other hand I live near the woods which is nice) stereotypes?? I try to avoid those. I don't exactly "fit in" very...
  50. phantome


    You're not the only one who thought that :) Welcome beastly toast x]
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