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Search results

  1. Nocturna

    INTP or INFP and Ti and Fi

    From what I've been reading, you may either be an hybrid like myself or maybe you just reached the "enlightened" phase of a true INTP, which supposedly happens when one gets in touch with emotions and develops our typical lower function Fe. Then again, I think that's supposed to bring a bit...
  2. Nocturna

    INTP or INFP and Ti and Fi

    Thank you for your patience, though I'm still not convinced that hybrids aren't possible. As you can see, I've been a member here for over 7 years (I know, bad member, I don't post much) and had already become interested in MBTI types prior to that. The graph in my signature is from when I...
  3. Nocturna

    INTP or INFP and Ti and Fi

    Care to explain a bit further please? Thanks for the links btw. Found this one article which is quite interesting, about Fi vs Ti: http://personalityjunkie.com/05/introverted-feeling-fi-vs-introverted-thinking-ti/ Still can't figure out which is my primary. I actually ended up buying the guy's...
  4. Nocturna

    INTP or INFP and Ti and Fi

    Thank you for the input. It's not that I'm trying to fit into a type just for the sake of it. I'd say I'm going through a mid life crisis if I didn't feel like most of my life has been one long crisis (it's the INFP side probably, the glooming, misunderstood artist). I need to change something...
  5. Nocturna

    INTP or INFP and Ti and Fi

    I really need to make sense of this, so any help will be deeply appreciated. Most of the time I score as a INTP, although sometimes I get INFP instead. Either way, the F and P are always extremely close in percentage. Reading both descriptions I can easily identify with both to an extent, both...
  6. Nocturna

    Cruel World Syndrome

    The world is cruel. It's also kind. I think that in the western world, for the common folk, it's probably kinder than it ever was. But I can't let go of the Damocles sword constantly hanging over our heads, one wrong turn, one bit of bad luck and there goes your well being: WWII was only a full...
  7. Nocturna

    INTPs and Maladaptive Daydreaming

    This is quite interesting, because I've always daydreamed a lot but since I can remember I've also been very aware that reality's one thing and dreams are another. I have not in me one single ounce of magical, religious or spiritual thinking (and often wish I had because I'm pretty sure life...
  8. Nocturna

    Is your brain male or female?

    I think there's a lot of confusion in regard to this test. In fact, if you read the conclusions the investigators came to, you'll see that homosexuality is not mentioned in this study. A female brain is supposed to be more language and empathy oriented (if you score female it means you scored...
  9. Nocturna

    Are you an Aspie (Assburger?)

    Your Aspie score: 100 of 200 Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 120 of 200 You seem to have both Aspie and neurotypical traits Yes, but what does all of this mean? I don't know, I don't agree that just because you don't like to be around people that much (a very INTP trait) you...
  10. Nocturna

    'What's your Archetype?' Test

    Destroyer When the Destroyer is active within a person, what we see are the effects of tragedy and loss. At best, this initiatory loss leads to a greater receptivity to new ideas, empathy and compassion for others, and a deeper knowledge of their own identity and strength. At worst, it...
  11. Nocturna

    Character Analysis Test

    Yin-Yang An interesting combination. You are both Moral and Flexible. This means you are a good liar. Not because you lied on the test, but because you can bend your morality to suit you, while still remaining moral. You should definitely try for the career of an actor. You scored 36% on...
  12. Nocturna

    Shape Personality Type Profile

    RECTANGLE PERSON All so very true!
  13. Nocturna

    Is your brain male or female?

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody/sex/index_cookie.shtml An interesting test to see how your brain works. It takes a bit of time, because there are tasks to complete, but it's really interesting. I'm particularly curious about how female INTPs score, I imagine we probably won't score too...
  14. Nocturna

    The Ultimate Answer to Life, The Universe, and Everything Test

    The Medic You scored 39% Egocentricism, 24% Heirarchy, 31% Spiritualityand 9% Morality! **You're The Medic! You're a jaded but good person in a bad world. There's no one to help you, but you're there to help others, not for any particular reason- you're just...
  15. Nocturna

    Seme/Uke Quiz!!!

    You are a Badass Uke! Other uke admire you, some seme fear you. Despite your sometimes flaming appearance, you can even fool other people into thinking you are seme with your mischievous, manipulative attitude, but when push comes to shove, your true submissive nature emerges. It takes a seme...
  16. Nocturna

    The Brutally Honest Test

    Loser- INTP 47% Extraversion, 57% Intuition, 53% Thinking, 13% Judging Not sure about where that 43% extraversion came from, must be in a particularly good day! :) Everything else makes sense.
  17. Nocturna

    Actual Me test

    And yet another Analytical Visionary... but it does seem right.
  18. Nocturna

    what is the most useless school subject

    Great quotes, Seducer!
  19. Nocturna

    The INTP's guide to therapy

    snowqueen: Yes, I've been tested for thyroid disorder as well as breathing problems and such. I've tried your suggestion before, though with a longer period of time because I'm never asleep in only 10mins, but if anything it's counterproducent. The main problem is I'm nocturnal, ideally I'd go...
  20. Nocturna

    INTP depression prone?

    In a way, I wish I had some addiction, that meant there was something I loved or needed bad enough. I always feel like I'm living some sort of half life because there's nothing that I want, need or love strongly. Never tried hard drugs but everything else that gets people addicted I usually...
  21. Nocturna

    INTP depression prone?

    I'd love that to be true, KoC, but I doubt it. There's simply too much information out there for anyone to ever be able absorb it all and get that enlightenment.
  22. Nocturna

    The INTP's guide to therapy

    snowqueen, thank you for the resume of what therapies are about and how they affect us INTPs. I wish I had found someone as knowledgeable in these matters and helpful as you some 15 years ago when I went to some therapy. To be honest, from my very short experience, I find psychologists to be one...
  23. Nocturna

    Non American Films

    That makes us three then! :) Can't think of much to suggest right now. Maybe just about anything directed by Pedro Almodóvar and Gohatto La Haine Capitães de Abril
  24. Nocturna

    Top five favorite movies

    I have three movie posters in my office: The Crow - definitely the movie I've watched more times in my life, love the dark settings, the overall mood. I just find it aesthetically beautiful. V for Vendetta - like the message, that ideas are stronger than dictatorships, actually like it more...
  25. Nocturna

    INTP depression prone?

    So true! I have to thank you so much for this article because it's more useful and rings more true than all the years of therapy and pills I've had. I basically agree with everything you just wrote. This really is a time when we're not allowed to grieve and feel sad anymore, when intellect and...
  26. Nocturna


    @Morgoth: <fangirl mode> Yes, I think I know the stories you're talking about. But the one about Aeris in the lifestream seems like it was written before AC (don't know if it was, just feels that way), it's like she doesn't have any sort of feelings for Zack at all. Anyway, I always thought...
  27. Nocturna


    @Morgoth: Well, if you put it that way I can giggle too, I can be a cold hearted bitch when I want to. :) You have to admit that scene in CC is 100 times more powerful than it was in FF7, where it felt just like a footnote. And it's not a bunch of poxy soldiers, it's a whole army of poxy...
  28. Nocturna


    Hi concojones! (funny name, btw) Thank you! I never scored INFP, but I've taken the test 3 times with months/years apart and always my T was close to being a F and my N close to a S. I find it's almost scary how much I fit into de INTP profile but can also relate to INFP - the healer, ISTP - the...
  29. Nocturna

    INTP and astrology

    This really isn't my field of expertise but I'd say bi-polar shouldn't affect the MBTI that much. I'm borderline myself and no matter the phase I'm in I'm sure the MBTI would come out the same. Maybe when some people are in the depressive phase tend to score slightly higher in Introversion...
  30. Nocturna

    Are INTPs more prone to be asexual?

    I've been browsing the boards and found some members commenting they're asexual. Also, when reading INTP descriptions on different sites I found something that drew my attention: "Some INTPs play down entirely the need for sexual relations in their lives" (from...
  31. Nocturna

    INTP and astrology

    I'm a Scorpio too and although I'm usually not violent, if I react emotionally instead of rationally, anger's the emotion I'm more prone to manifest. However, I doubt it has anything to do with zodiacal signs, which are exterior elements (and to be honest I think astrology's just a lot of bs)...
  32. Nocturna


    Hi chocolate! It's nice to meet you too! Oh Morgoth, how could I ever hate you when you're using that avatar?
  33. Nocturna


    Thanks, Anthile! Don't die... well, I'm trying not to. Misanthrope: I like your avatar, it's a bit creepy but a good drawing. Did you do it yourself?
  34. Nocturna


    Are you sure? My cats love to use the doormat to sharpen their claws, would you like that? :)
  35. Nocturna

    Fox Mulder - The X-Files

    I'd say INFP. He actually tries to find some closure to his quests, especially concerning his sister, but I don't think the J's that strong: he's quite messy and doesn't seem to care much about rank and sticking to the established order.
  36. Nocturna

    Most used question: Who? What? Where? When? Why? How?

    It's not so much what I ask others, but what I ask myself. I'm constantly asking why and how. Why did I do that? How was this painted? Above all, I'm interested in why people act the way they do and how things work in the natural world.
  37. Nocturna

    INTP depression prone?

    Thank you, loveofreason. I'm as nocturnal as it gets and it's a big part of who I am, so I use this nick quite often. Well, maybe tomorrow will be better, we never know... Ooops, there we go again! :)
  38. Nocturna


    Thanks everyone for your warm welcomes! They are much appreciated. Oh, and thanks for the compliments on my English, they're appreciated too. I love English, began studying it when I was 8 and it easily became my second language (I speak others but none as well), so much that I often think...
  39. Nocturna

    INTP depression prone?

    I've just joined this Board but found this topic extremely interesting. I have no idea if INTPs are more prone to depression than other types, but I find it comforting knowing I'm not alone. Please don't get me wrong, but I often feel alone in this and it's nice to have found people I can relate...
  40. Nocturna


    New around here, so: hi everyone! I've taken the Myers-Briggs test some years ago and found out I'm an INTP, though just barely, I'm very close to being a INFP. Horace Walpole once said the world's a tragedy to those who feel, but a comedy to those who think. Being so keen on both I find it...
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