The world is cruel. It's also kind. I think that in the western world, for the common folk, it's probably kinder than it ever was. But I can't let go of the Damocles sword constantly hanging over our heads, one wrong turn, one bit of bad luck and there goes your well being: WWII was only a full generation ago, many people who lived through it are still alive today; AIDS, Ebola, bird flu... it happens to others, it can happen to you too. Natural disasters don't bother me so much, I still feel sympathy for the people affected by them, but Nature has no consciousness or intent, it means no harm, sh#t just happens. But suffering caused by humans to other humans deeply affects me, I seem to live in a constant state of disgust thinking of what people are capable of doing to other people and I just can't shake it off. I've come to realize that it's because there aren't enough acts of kindness that can ever ever repay or even the millions robbed of their dignity and then their lives in the gas chambers, or the torture and murder of a baby to satisfy the most vile urges of a few. I can't help but feel those things deeper than I feel the good ones.
The media makes a spectacle out of these things because that's what sells. I've never been able to understand the crowd that gathers around a car crash and does absolutely nothing but stare (and takes photos nowadays). The media just provides car crashes delivered directly to the tvs and pc screens.