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Search results

  1. Alias

    I want to be a supercomputer

    You want to be GLaDOS? Wait until some technocracy takes over in the future.
  2. Alias

    Tales of Fantastical Daring and Whimsy

    I'll finish this story soon.
  3. Alias

    Tales of Fantastical Daring and Whimsy

    Phew, that was gettin' heavy. So it's me, Engineer, and I'm back. That was a lot of trial and error. We kept having to send people back and get them replaced for better fighters. Our team had to try over and over again to get results. We've progressed well through the waves of robots. About two...
  4. Alias

    Tales of Fantastical Daring and Whimsy

    Engineer present, reporting from the territory of Bigrock. During our valiant siege against these monstrosities, their developer, our main adversary (and an INTJ), constructed a new form of robot; the Mecha-Engineer. This number can build spot-on Sentry Guns, fortifying Provisions...
  5. Alias

    MBTI Hunger Games

    If at least four of the Rationals teamed up they'd have a good chance. The SFJs might be reluctant to kill, unless their allies or loved ones are in danger. The INTP would have to make an alliance to be able to survive, unless he/she really practiced a lot during training. Although the INTP...
  6. Alias

    Tales of Fantastical Daring and Whimsy

    Soon I'll post a recollection of the events with the robots, this time from the point of view of the Engineer. Stay tuned.
  7. Alias

    Tales of Fantastical Daring and Whimsy

    As I, Medic, a German scientist, who happens to be INTP, traversed the sun-scorched terrain of the Gullywash former apartment complex in Teufort, New Mexico, I found myself with a full meter on one of my contraptions, allowing me to super-pump a patient's heart, thus activating full...
  8. Alias

    Long time coming

    Welcome to the forum. If I may ask, did you name yourself after 'peanut' in Spanish?
  9. Alias

    Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    7/10. That was in Spanish, right? I'm from Argentina, so I could understand the parts that weren't really fast. Do you up like Huey Lewis and the News? Their early work was a little too new wave for my tastes, but when Sports came out in '83, I think they really came into their own...
  10. Alias

    How do INTPs Love?

    "That sound VERY much like an INTP in love. The only way I am able to show a girl I really like her is by being much more of a 'soft' person, avoiding cruel jokes and such, trying to be a little helpful, and just trying to keep some conversations going. I'm too scared to touch her or anything...
  11. Alias

    Are there any fictional female INTP characters?

    Some say Hermione from Harry Potter, but that's absurd. She's probably ISTJ. There's not many, you're right.
  12. Alias

    Addiction/Alcoholism, AA/NA and the xNTP

    I'd recommend Uncyclopedia. It's a spoof of Wikipedia that gives you no real information whatsoever. After reading enough of it, you'll find that you aren't learning anything new.
  13. Alias

    Hobbies ? I need more of them!

    Did someone ask for more Hobbits?
  14. Alias

    The religious left and right

    Pikachu is the ultimate ruler in debate. Notice the guy in the background with a #TeamFroakie shirt.
  15. Alias


    Welcome to the forum, Gabby. Lots of people here have great advice to give for new INTPs. You'll probably feel welcome.
  16. Alias

    what is this person's type ? please help.

    He sounds like an ENTJ gone horribly wrong. It sucks to see ENTJs turn like this, they can be really cool people. Although if you have any more information, I'd be glad to hear it.
  17. Alias

    Wanting to Pioneer and Perfect just for the Sake of It

    Striving for perfection and achievement is a common trait in NT Rationals. See it as ambition. However, ambition can be bad as it is good. It's a double-edged sword, be careful with your cunning.
  18. Alias

    Profile Picture Not Working

    Ok, thanks. I feel like an old dude who doesn't get technology past typewriters.
  19. Alias

    Profile Picture Not Working

    I'm posting this to see if my avatar works. Thanks for the help.
  20. Alias

    Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    6/10 Japanese music like this isn't really for me, but it would be like an 8 or 9/10 for people are into that sort of thing. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=y6oXW_YiV6g
  21. Alias

    Profile Picture Not Working

    Do any of you know how to get my profile pic to show? It doesn't appear when I post things, and I've re-entered it multiple times. Sorry if making an entire thread about this takes up space, I just want this to be noticeable.
  22. Alias

    Need dating advice...

    Try observing her to see if she's Intuitive or a Sensor. Once you have that down, it's easy. If Intuitive, find a way to have a deep (or at least meaningful) conversation, and her image of you will improve. If Sensor, just have a good time and be down-to-earth. However, if you read through...
  23. Alias

    I have arrived, you can applaud now

    Welcome to INTP forum, I guess. Lots of people here give great advice, like Jennywocky and Architect, so you'll probably feel welcome.
  24. Alias

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wSkXj-zODfk (Note: This video does not intend to persuade people into actually committing suicide. It is here only for comedic value.)
  25. Alias

    **Hi, could you please type me again ?

    You seem a bit INFP to me, definitely I like said before. You're certainly a Feeler with deep thoughts.
  26. Alias

    Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    7/10. Relatively good, although I wouldn't listen to it over and over. It was a bit long for my taste. I'm not a Nazi, but I want to see what you guys think of this march. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MD6oDnm43HA EDIT: Just as I posted this, Errrcccc32 posted. For the record, my post is in...
  27. Alias

    My 12 am thoughts about mbti

    So Green is Rational, Orange is Artisan, Gold is Guardian, and Blue is Idealist?
  28. Alias

    The Possibility of Function Inversion

    If each type exactly abides by its respective functions, then certain people can switch around certain functions. Theoretically, let's say that pre-Reich Hitler was likely an ENFP. He was interested in arts, peaceful, and probably well-off. That means art-school stage Fuhrer used Ne, Fi, Te, and...
  29. Alias

    Need some jokes... "An INTP walks into a bar..."

    An INTP runs into a bar at a speed of 10 mph, but who's counting? An INTP walks into a bar. After observing the high population of ESTPs, he quickly ordersa drink and leaves so as not to get shot.
  30. Alias

    INTP love songs

    ^ I laughed at your new profile picture, TheManBeyond.
  31. Alias

    Best video game for INTP

    Team Fortress 2 is a good one. For an FPS, it's pretty fast-paced and fun, but has a certain level of thought and strategy in play style and choosing loadouts. But it's too big to be for one type. Multiple classes you can play take some of the skills needed from certain types. For example, the...
  32. Alias

    Small Function(s) Specific "Quirks"

    I've experienced that EXFP sort of twist with an ESFP I work with. Sometimes the things he says can be construed as annoying, snarky, or sarcastic. I think it's his Se making an observation and instantaneously pointing out its views on it. But he's actually a pretty nice guy. I'm not...
  33. Alias

    Addiction/Alcoholism, AA/NA and the xNTP

    The topic of chemical dependency reminds me of this video. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zidiWe9yq88 Silly sketches aside, I consider myself lucky in that I haven't had to deal with a lot of addiction in my family or area. But I have been extremely cautious, because I have the feeling that I...
  34. Alias

    New IQ test which also tests logical, numerical and spatial reasoning

    At first I didn't know it was timed, so I went and did other things, then came back to the test with a very low score. I took it again to get 120. Which is still inaccurate, because at that point I knew the answers to some questions from before.
  35. Alias

    Small Function(s) Specific "Quirks"

    Cool, Game Grumps. I guess Jon is an ENFP. He's a tougher one, though. He's not too frail. I'm not sure what other quirks are.
  36. Alias

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=F9K0B8axdv Check 'Em.
  37. Alias

    Taking a Joke Too Far

    I love how Jennywocky posted Weird Al. Such an influential musician. But my dark sense of humour can sometimes scare the sensitive. My INTJ brother gets to a point in the day when he'll laugh at anything, no matter how strange, stupid, or twisted.
  38. Alias

    INTP's, things you hate

    I don't live where any are, except maybe one. But I think it's another bird. I've only seen videos and pictures. I like them as a bird of prey, but maybe they're loud as fuck.
  39. Alias

    Flat earthritis

    I always had the feeling that we could be a little exhibit.
  40. Alias

    Flat earthritis

    Ew, they have a section about the Earth being covered in a dome of glass. I'm not going to go there, just to be careful.
  41. Alias

    INTP's, things you hate

    Why do you hate owls? I agree, though, Rush Limbaugh is very ignorant. Occaisionally I'll put his books under the 'Comedy' or 'Fiction' section in the library or bookstore. People also have a tendency to thieve my writing utensils.
  42. Alias

    Last movie you watched

    I wholeheartedly agree with you on the Battle of the Five Armies. I think that adding Tauriel the female elf was good for some aspects, but there was a bit too much romance. I have no idea what Legolas was doing. If the Verizon stream was great, then you'd have liked it in 3D. Although since I...
  43. Alias

    Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    7/10. What era was this from? At some parts the music was louder than the singer, but overall a good song. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hWTFG3J1CP8
  44. Alias

    Last movie you watched

    Last movie I saw was Crocodile Dundee. It's funny if you don't take it seriously. But if you criticize it objectively and seriously, it's a piece of crap. I found that Big Hero 6 was inflated a bit. Many adults suddenly came to love it, and I couldn't see why.
  45. Alias

    Excessive tertiary expression

    Interesting. I hope that I don't get caught up in my Si. It's a conservative-ish function, and being that past-oriented intimidates me.
  46. Alias

    INTP's shouldn't try to help people

    INTPs make wise mentors and can be good in the advisor-to-the-king position, especially if the king is an efficient and open ENTJ (that way the INTP's ideas are put into action easily and properly). However, when overly stubborn or fragile people ask for help from INTPs, they are disappointed...
  47. Alias

    MBTI Segregated Schools

    Re: MBTI Segragated Schools I'd like it if the schools were segregated by the Keirsey Temperaments. That would mean more NTs to be around and less ESXJs and other people to deal with. But this system would be near impossible to implement, especially in larger countries.
  48. Alias

    Would you rather be an INTJ?

    It would be cool to be an ENTJ. With Jungian functions they work like the INTP, but with Extraversion switched. And since I use Ti, Te, Ne, and Ni a lot, sometimes I feel like I can be a cold leader like the ENTJ. But for now, I am very happy being INTP.
  49. Alias

    The Post-Apocalyptic Survival of MBTI Types

    I never said I agreed with the 'kill the INTJs' clause. But that poses a cool question. If you had to get rid of one type, what would it be? I might say ISFJs.
  50. Alias

    The Post-Apocalyptic Survival of MBTI Types

    At the beginning, yes. But after the war we can establish utopia.
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