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Small Function(s) Specific "Quirks"


Active Member
Local time
Today 10:13 PM
Jun 19, 2012
in my head
I had an idea. One of those kinda cool, kinda helpful ones y'know? You know!

Any ways, the idea is to note any little "quirks" that you've only seen from one type that shows the use of that function, however not direct like, Ti makes logic and Ne is silly :P. Not a description of the function(s) themselves; small observations of specific quirks. Whatever, you get the idea.

First something I think I've noticed with NeFi is proposing absurd situations with a moral twist. This is border lining a functional description, so let me give you an example.

Something my ENFP friend constantly does is push questions like "Dr? What would you do if your face melted off and I ate it?" or "If I blew up right now in front of you, would you cry?"

I noticed a pattern when I was on youtube and a person (who I suspected to be an ENFP as well) did the same thing.


It should be linked to the time they start discussing it a bit.

EDIT: Forgot the gamegrumps example - added it.


empirical miracle
Local time
Today 5:14 PM
Feb 22, 2015
My current location is classified.
Cool, Game Grumps. I guess Jon is an ENFP. He's a tougher one, though. He's not too frail. I'm not sure what other quirks are.


Prolific Member
Local time
Tomorrow 9:14 AM
Aug 24, 2008
Ooh, my ENFP mother does exactly that. It's always struck me as so strange and morbid, and she brings it up very abruptly.

Hopefully this goes without saying, but these are just my personal thoughts based on my observations of a fairly limited sample size, of people I have typed. It shouldn't be taken as gospel *or* absolute belief on my part. That said, I've been pleasantly surprised over the years watching my predictions based on or about type come true, through successfully pattern-matching based on functions. I think we're seeing genuine patterns here, but we've yet to see exactly what they mean.

In any case, I've phrased my observations in more or less absolute terms because it's easier to.

I've noticed NTPs seem to get uncomfortable around too much agreement - even if it's between themselves and another NTP they respect. It's like they're allergic to anything resembling Fe or groupthink, so at any sign of it they'll hurriedly think up another angle to the topic and use it to break down part of what was agreed upon.

The more socialised an NTP is - ie the more comfortable they are with Fe - the longer it takes for this allergic reaction to happen. Essentially they can withstand much higher amounts of the allergen [agreement]. However, the discomfort will seep out in other ways - for instance, automatically stonewalling intellectually at any point put forth with conviction and without any mitigating quality (like self-deprecation, or hundreds of qualifiers) (btw, qualifiers aren't immune. NTPs can get allergic to them as well, if they run into them enough for them to look like another dreaded foe, Repetition).

It's hard to capture this in just one 'quirk' - it's more like a shifting process you can observe occurring over a conversation.
"Yeah, just like that yeah!"
"Well actually..."
"No seriously, yeah."
"Um... I have to go wash my hair now."
[jks. Shampoo is mind control]

It's disengagement which starts at the point where the NTP begins to feel uncomfortable with being emotionally in tune with another, and feels the need to step back to reassert emotional independence. Often, they'll argue themselves back around to the point at which they agreed.

Every thought appears shaped around a punchline. Not a comedic one, just a central point that everything else they're saying is driving towards. In order to achieve this goal, they have to set up opposing philosophical camps in whatever they're saying, even the smallest observation, in order to give it more impact. This leads to a pretty caricaturing lens through which they view the world. Any nuance in their perception tends to become a whole punchline in itself.

Ne doms:
Most Ne doms like receiving and spreading energy, so agreement is usually enthusiastic and capable of being fairly prolonged (though this is more vulnerable if they are ENTPs, because of Ti's allergic reaction to Fe). A conversation between socialised Ne doms often consists of escalating excitement and agreement.

They like to be incredibly pedantic about the grey areas in what we can know. Even the ENFPs. I think this is a function of Ne needing to fly free and not get tied down to facts, which can be manipulated to fit many different paradigms (interpretations of the world), rather than Ti. They can be exasperating and irritating in this regard, having an almost religious attachment to their conviction of humanity's fundamental and profound ignorance.

ExFPs have a bitchy twist to their mouth/general expression, when they're showing their 'true emotions' but expecting to get backlash. It's a sort of self-centred defiance, though it's not necessarily bad in any way.

We use a lot of parentheses. This was noted way back in the early days of the forum. Brackets and qualifiers - chock full of 'em. I don't think it's just an INTP thing either, though no doubt Ti's burning need for precision would make them welcome tools. ENPs also use these to great effect, to channel neurotic, self-aware, self-deprecating personas which they then use for profit (literal profit, a lot of the time - they're creating marketable fictions for people to consume, either in traditional entertainment or through social media).

This is something I've noticed, though I'm not sure if I've ignored all the other instances in which this isn't true. INTJs tend to use pretty short sentences. There's something else to their communication style too - something I can't pin down exactly, but has to do with a lack of softness. I'd guess for one thing that they have very few qualifiers, or qualifying words. I think they also tend to have less links (verbal? conceptual? are there linking words?) between sentences, such that taken as a whole it feels a little disjointed but very punchy.

N doms, excluding INTJs (possibly xNTJs):
In contrast to INTJs, N doms seem to be incredibly wordy. I would guess the ones who are not are prolific in other ways (painting? world creation?). The sheer amount of info they feel the need to transfer to others is often overwhelming, both for themselves and the recipient. Because of the interconnectedness of their thoughts, one statement often cannot stand on its own without inevitably leading to another - seeing the matrix of everything they intend at a glance is generally impossible.

(Should note that these 'connections' aren't necessarily useful ones. The N dom's style of thinking is just very associative.)

INTPs can also have this problem, because the degree of precision they require often necessitates defining surrounding conceptual geography just as comprehensively as the subject they're actually talking about - and because the desire for precision is actually a compulsion, gnawing away at the back of their minds no matter how far they get, the degree often increases as each attempt at definition opens up new vistas as yet uncharted. It's a goal always just beyond reach.

However, INTPs aren't usually as interested in communicating, and will often give up long before verbosity.

Note: This one is even more of a guess than the others. I'm not sure exactly what cross-section of types are the wordy ones - I figured N doms initially but had to subtract INTJs; but then Fe doms can be incredibly verbose in a totally different way, and so can gregarious ENTJs; I'm not entirely sure about INFJs but I have run across some wordy ones - they're driven by the need to deliver information as mentioned above, whereas Fe/Te doms are driven by the need to impact.


empirical miracle
Local time
Today 5:14 PM
Feb 22, 2015
My current location is classified.
I've experienced that EXFP sort of twist with an ESFP I work with. Sometimes the things he says can be construed as annoying, snarky, or sarcastic. I think it's his Se making an observation and instantaneously pointing out its views on it. But he's actually a pretty nice guy. I'm not particularly his friend, but I tolerate him.

As an INTP, your quirk on NTPs is accurate for me. I do not usually feel connected with someone in such a way, so when it happens I am confused as to how to react. But I like it when people agree with me like that.

My INTJ older brother often does speak quickly and in short sentences. Sometimes his method of communication lacks the sort of fluency that exists in the types that talk more. My INTJ mother speaks like this from time to time, but not as much as my brother. Of course, there will be exceptions.

Your last part can apply to a few N types without N as their Dom. Since Te Doms focus on impact, they can be very verbose if they see it as useful. This is especially true with an ENTJ I know whose presentation of ideas can be almost NTP like due to how gregarious she is as an E type.

A quirk I noticed for an INFP, maybe also for NFPs, INPs, or INFs is the tendency to act like a solitary sage, or like a Tom Bombadil-esque sort of person. To further elaborate, I'm thinking of my INFP twin brother. Sometimes he'll just go for strange walks, or play a flute or recorder, or both at the same time. He'll sometimes do strange things like that in public, wearing a silly hat sometimes. Sometimes it gets out of hand with him and I feel a bit embarrassed. But I have no idea which type that could pertain to, because INTPs and other types have that same 'wandering wizard' capability.
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