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Search results

  1. Alias

    The story about me almost killing a person

    This reminds me of one time when I was drunk. I had left the bar and decided to get into what I probably thought was a taxi. Drunken me was screwing around on the door when this dude, to the disapproval of his companions, started up the car. Said car accelerated to about 50 or 60 kilometers per...
  2. Alias

    Chart of Birthdays and MBTI - Big FIVE

    I think that this has some points, but the dates windows are too slim. I knew/know a SCOAI ENFJ whose birthday was close to the one on the chart. And I, a RCUEI INTP, am not far from the predicted date of December.
  3. Alias

    Favourite fictional INTP(s)?

    Professor Snape from the Harry Potter series. Some say INTJ, but he seems to be an INTP whose emotions were destroyed. Note that like the INTP character I'm naming below, he takes pleasure in not knowing something but soon testing it and finding out. Everyone hated Snape as a character, but I...
  4. Alias

    i'm not an engineer, i'm an artist.

    Don't worry, I know of an INTP who does both art and video games. His name is STAR_. His art is great, but so is his comedy and YouTube channel. Artistic skill doesn't always mean how ISFP you are. You're just a minority, and that's nothing to be shameful of. On a different note, I've found...
  5. Alias

    You know you're in hell when....

    One time some dude asked me what inquisitive meant (it was relevant). I told him that it meant you ask a lot of questions, and it seemed like I was being hostile and snappy. So I turned to my INFP brother and told him about the irony in asking what inquisitive means. Someone overhears me and...
  6. Alias

    Chart of Birthdays and MBTI - Big FIVE

    Humanitarian ISFJ, huh? Hard to get wronger than that.
  7. Alias

    When is Ti most useful? Is it necessary?

    Good point. As a kid, I'd only use the instructions at the beginning to look at it, then take it apart and make it my cooler, INTP version.
  8. Alias

    What are your thoughts on internet celebrities?

    I despise those YouTubers who get millions of dollars for acting like children and playing minecraft (PewDiePie, SkyDoesMinecraft, I'm looking at you two morons.). Wow, you can play Minecraft? How original. I definitely haven't seen millions of pre-teens make stupid videos overrun with horrible...
  9. Alias

    The Sorting Hat

    Ravenclaw. I forgot the percentages because I was interrupted twice as I wrote. I've always been a Slytherin sympathizer, so to speak. Some people think Slytherins are all antagonists, but the Rational ones are usually cool.
  10. Alias

    Scared to change due to OCD/ADD or INTP

    I don;t know what's up with him. Definitely a narcissistic INTJ with probable Asperger's. I think it's all of his conditions and his strong Judging that make him like that.
  11. Alias

    Last movie you watched

    I recently saw Jurassic World. It was pretty good. However, they killed off my one of my favorite characters, the one dude who's all concerned about the human moral aspect of the dinosaur's creation (the character they repeat for every movie). What an INFP. I've noticed that in every Jurassic...
  12. Alias

    How thick is your skin?

    I'm usually not offended, but people think I am when I'm just sick of them. I hold little sacred. Violence and gore don't faze me too much, but if the death is horrible I'll be kind of sad. I often empathize for stranger, e.g. abused children/spouses, animals, civilian victims of war crimes, but...
  13. Alias

    Hi...plz help....I'm having a panic attack!

    I don't quite know how to help, but I'll try. Do you have any allergies or intolerances pertaining to coffee? Could it be from watching TV and being in front of a screen too long, or perhaps you were awake too long? What are you majoring in? If you miss the exams can you not retake them? And are...
  14. Alias

    Words that piss you off

    Words that I hate currently evade me. But what pisses me off is when people don't punctuate properly and it gets published. In a sandwich shop, there was a sign asking if you wanted their brand of meat or the higher quality Boar's Head version. So the sign said "WILL THAT BE BOAR'S HEAD" with no...
  15. Alias

    How are you different from others of your type?

    I believe I've met one other INTP. He's in my workplace, and often can be seen staring off into the distance and reading books. Other than that, he's surprisingly different. He never does his work, and I do, because my plan for the long run depends on my work. He's vastly more of a Perceiver...
  16. Alias


    I just stumbled upon this as I was listening to Bo Burnham's music. It's obvious that he's INTP. In his show what. he says that he's actually really introverted. The NTP is obvious when you start to watch more of his stuff. I actually found him by seeing a video of a tightrope walker practicing...
  17. Alias

    Did you work in mcdonalds?

    Oh God. The South. Another bad place for most INTPs. Full of either crazy conservatives, old people, rednecks, or a combination of the three. It does not help the INTP ego being the only one willing to question everything.
  18. Alias

    Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    6/10. It's decent, has a cool beat and stuff, but it seemed to drone on too much. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDYNuD4CwlI
  19. Alias

    What doesn't kill you makes you stronger

    What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Unless they cut off both your feet. Then you're just a paraplegic. But going through hardship and learning from it does make someone wiser and more knowledgeable.
  20. Alias

    most complex/difficult books you have read

    I'm not quite sure about fiction, but the one book I could not stand was this one about Lenin. I had to do a project on him one time, so I picked out some books. One was rather large, so I thought it would be of use. It wasn't. At all. I started it and all I could learn was his name and where he...
  21. Alias

    My possible type?

    The never living in the moment part is more Intuitive. I suppose that you could be an INFJ, but humble enough to not believe yourself to be compassionate. But which type description(s) seem most fitting to you?
  22. Alias

    Share riddles!

    This thing all things devours; Birds, beasts, trees, flowers; Gnaws iron, bites steel; Grinds hard stones to meal; Slays king, ruins town, And beats mountain down.
  23. Alias


    So you're suggesting that Se doms end up catching details like that, right?
  24. Alias


    i kind of thought R2D2 was INTP as well, because he never talks. GLaDOS is very INTJ. I believe that data is INTP, but the emotion and humanity in the cited quote make him seem ISFP.
  25. Alias

    Favourite fictional INTP(s)?

    In my opinion, original Doyle Sherlock is ENTP, but BBC Sherlock is INTP. Although they both had Introverted tendencies (which most NT Rationals do), original Sherlock would go out and question people constantly, as opposed to BBC Sherlock, whose work is shown all in his head. But that's just me.
  26. Alias

    How do INTPs Love?

    The problem with NT and INTP love is that our signs of affection go overlooked, due to our 'comfort zone' being completely different. For me, going up to someone I like and talking to them is more of an effort and more of a sign of affection than others think it is. As Introverts, we also...
  27. Alias

    Favourite fictional INTP(s)?

    Elrond from Lord of the Rings is highly INTP. My INFP brother constantly tells me I act like him. Gandalf might also be INTP. Also Yoda, perhaps.
  28. Alias

    Hello I'm Reign

    Hello, my name sounds like Alias.
  29. Alias

    American Psycho - Patrick Bateman Type?

    I wrote about him being ENTJ in the Last Movie You Watched thread, but I came up with now ESTP. He's driven by his bloodlust, and has no grip on his emotions, only faking them to get what he wants (sex and murder). But ESFP does seem to make sense.
  30. Alias

    Give me your ideas

    What do you want to invest in? How do you plan on getting the money? Are you just willing to do any job? Specify what you have in mind (unless you just want a get-rich-quick scheme) and I'll be able to think of something. I'd suggest maybe spending all the money you have on Tom Jones...
  31. Alias


    Hey, welcome to the forum. Thanks for coming here to learn more about us, instead of trying to bridge a gap and 'teach us your ways'. Not many XSFJs are willing to interest themselves in us. After a few days here you might get used to us.
  32. Alias

    INTP Fields of Interest

    You're not the only one, don't worry. I'm also not interested in MMOs, anime, and things like that that other INTPs are usually heavily into. I have very very very slight interest in programming, as it is technology and systems, and robots can be cool if used correctly, but I somehow suck at it...
  33. Alias

    Last movie you watched

    American Psycho. It's essentially about an ENTJ businessman with a bloodlust. He kills multiple people, from a businessman with a better business card than his, to a homeless man, to an elderly lady. It's actually pretty interesting, and it can be considered a good comedy. It also has a lot of...
  34. Alias

    What has greatest value on earth?

    Hats. Definitely hats. On a more serious note, things like knowledge and power.
  35. Alias

    Can we type my IXXP Best Friend?

    I guess he's an ISTP bordering on ISFP, or vice versa.
  36. Alias

    Can we type my IXXP Best Friend?

    He could be manipulating his results to have more common ground with you (I'm not suggesting he's a manipulative guy, just saying that he might be trying to have a better friendship by making himself INTP).
  37. Alias

    Can we type my IXXP Best Friend?

    Ok, great. I knew something wasn't right about ISTJ, so thanks for the information contradicting it. SPs don't necessarily HAVE to be athletic and physically fit. So now we're in between ISFP and ISTP. Was he good at and focused on cooking when he was into it? Try looking at what he does in his...
  38. Alias

    What is your favourite colour?

    Emerald green has always been a favourite of mine. I'd have to say one of my least favorite colours is Color Number 216-190-216. Black, Purple, and Red are on the top of my list of colors.
  39. Alias

    Can we type my IXXP Best Friend?

    Are you sure he's a Perceiver? If he doesn't like change and uncomfortable experiences much, he's probably an SJ Guardian. He does sound ISTJ in the sense that he is unemotional and straight-faced, and that he doesn't go off with abstract theories. What you should do is try to distinguish his...
  40. Alias


    It seems that you're overwhelmed by your empathy. Which shows that you have a lot of empathy, and that's a good thing. I'm not the best at emotional consolation, but I think it's the opposite of your emotions being weak. Your emotions are strong, and that's a good thing. Just try to conceal it...
  41. Alias

    Murderous Villain Test

    I got Albert Speer, who they say is INTP (One of the few people that CelebrityTypes gets right). Thankfully, he was forgiven for his crimes and just left to West Germany after his sentence.
  42. Alias


    If this is anything interesting, I just learned a lot about Reductio Ad Hitlerum and other fallacies due to a derail from a conversation about MacBeth with an ENFJ. I looked up some fallacies on Wikipedia. Essentially, Reductio Ad Hitlerum is a logical fallacy that is calling someone a Nazi or...
  43. Alias

    The Ideal / Real You -Test

    Real - INTP Preferred/Ideal - INTP one time, INTJ the other, but I'd kind of like to be ENTJ. Attraction - ENFJ (Very true, I'm attracted to one right now)
  44. Alias

    Entertain me

    Welcome to the T-G-INTP Forum, where we're almost all INTPs. I'm Alias, your server. We have a couple of lovely specials tonight. ONE OF THEM IS YOUR OWN DEATH! The other is kind advice from experienced INTPs like Architect, and Jennywocky.
  45. Alias

    You main Spy, too? Amazing! I wrote a few MVM based stories on our Tales of Fantastical Daring...

    You main Spy, too? Amazing! I wrote a few MVM based stories on our Tales of Fantastical Daring and Whimsy thread.
  46. Alias

    I write like:

    It says that the lyrics to Gansta's Paradise write like William Gibson. Killer Queen by Queen is reminiscent of James Joyce somehow.
  47. Alias

    Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    8/10. I like how it goes, the singer has a good voice. It was a bit long, but that's just me and my strange perception of time. This one's not the highest quality video, but it's funny to me hearing Queen on a melodica. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTWf122wHkw
  48. Alias

    Alias Is Back!

    Hey, everyone. I used to frequent this forum, and I'm going to again. After a one or two month hiatus due to just being busy (and a Perceiver), I'm coming back home. During the time that I left I read Please Understand Me II, so I know much more about typology and stuff. I think I put this...
  49. Alias


    Welcome back, I suppose. Hopefully you'll find us as entertaining as the old you did.
  50. Alias


    I believe that if the gorilla is able to purchase the weed functionally, it can smoke it. That way it knows what it's doing. But yeah, welcome to the forum.
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