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Search results

  1. Linsejko


    Because I'm not your friend on facebook? :? Was this directed at me? If it was, you are going to have to be a little less veiled and tell me what you think directly--in which place I'll be glad to answer. .L
  2. Linsejko


    It's not about laziness. It's about subtlety. Often I see a post that I approve of, but have nothing to add to. So I just nod approvingly and move in. In a real life conversation, this subtle motion is recognize by the group as meaningful; online, no one ever knows. To just go out and say "I...
  3. Linsejko

    Any of you want to just dump it all and travel for a living?

    You guys are all theory and no action. I'm planning a very concrete year off after this year of university ends. I'll be working in construction for 6 months in America, saving almost every penny I can--aside from martial arts classes that I won't deprive myself of--and then I'll travel through...
  4. Linsejko

    feliĉa naskiĝtago!

    feliĉa naskiĝtago!
  5. Linsejko


    I STRONGLY agree that we should include a dislike button. That would finally balance the scales. And we're all callous enough to handle it, too--on facebook, it would surely induce petty squabbles. Here, though? We're fine telling people we don't like them, and hearing that we're not liked. It...
  6. Linsejko


    I do spend an inordinate amount of time on Facebook. I am not proud of it. But it can prove interesting at times. I do find myself obsessed with the "Like" button. I really think we should add them to posts here, actually... And add a "Like" count to the profile. Alas, to think of all the...
  7. Linsejko

    Do you think of yourself as an ultimately attractive person?

    No, I fully expect a spectrum. I don't intend this thread to be one giant ego trip. Except for the possible new exceptions of God, Eternity, and Meaning, I generally pursue honesty in every form available to me, and at almost all possible costs. .L
  8. Linsejko

    Do you think of yourself as an ultimately attractive person?

    I mean this in the most vague and universal sense possible. I don't explicitly mean in regards to romance, and explicitly mean whether you think that--if people really knew the depths you, really understood you... Do you think they would like what they see? Would they think of you as attractive...
  9. Linsejko


    Actually, if you include the space, The Gopher = maninchair; also, the caps add a little more effort. What's more, I actually laughed out loud for at least 10 seconds at reading this comment. Cory's was good, but that.... That was excellent. The results so far are interesting... I wonder if I...
  10. Linsejko


    No, quite the opposite. It is exactly about how other people see you--and alas, I can't help that some bias about how you see yourself will likely creep in, but... That's life. It isn't a perfect poll. Evidence: I have been told by 2 women unsolicited this year that I am fantastically...
  11. Linsejko


    How many INTPs here would consider themselves attractive? Seeming as we have a strong leaning toward geek/nerd members, I'm curious if there's any correlation between how attractive we are. This is an odd thread, though... One can't help but seem vain to say one is attractive. So, for this...
  12. Linsejko

    Vi havas erarojn kun via uzado de "-n" (plej da anglaparolantoj vere estas tiel, ankaŭ mi estis...

    Vi havas erarojn kun via uzado de "-n" (plej da anglaparolantoj vere estas tiel, ankaŭ mi estis, kaj mi ankoraŭ ne perfektas!) kaj kun "ado". A moment in English for your convenience: "ado" is "ing" when using it as a gerund. A gerund is when you use a verb as a noun--for instance, "I love...
  13. Linsejko

    Jes, vespermanĝo estas "supper". Kaj vi pravas, vere pasporta servo estas pli por vojaĝado, kaj...

    Jes, vespermanĝo estas "supper". Kaj vi pravas, vere pasporta servo estas pli por vojaĝado, kaj ne ĝenerale por loĝejo; mi misdiris. Mi pardonpetas, haha. Nun mi komprenas vian lineon de antaŭ. La kialo estas ke en la angla "to lodge" kun iu estas "gastiĝi" kun iu, mi pensus. Do, momente, ĉar...
  14. Linsejko

    serĉu "vespermanĝo" ĉe http://www.reta-vortaro.de/revo/ . Tie vi trovos la vorton. Ĉu vi neniam...

    serĉu "vespermanĝo" ĉe http://www.reta-vortaro.de/revo/ . Tie vi trovos la vorton. Ĉu vi neniam aŭdis pri pasporta servo antaŭ? Mi ne komprenas kial vi diris "haha, mi aŭdis ke ĝi havas senpagan loĝejon." Vere, ĝi *estas* senpagajn loĝejojn ĉirkaŭ la mondo--vi sciis ĉi tion, ĉu ne? mi legas...
  15. Linsejko


    It's nice to self-indulge occasionally, no? I was around in the early days. I made a brief return about a year ago, and then disappeared again into my life. I like the ancient oriental board game called "go". I like eating healthily. I am not anti-social, but I am deeply introverted. I have...
  16. Linsejko

    Post iom tempo, malfacilas uzi lernu.net-n. Vi devas iri al IRC kaj legi/skribi kun ilin, uzanta...

    Post iom tempo, malfacilas uzi lernu.net-n. Vi devas iri al IRC kaj legi/skribi kun ilin, uzanta la vortaron kiam vi bezonas. Ankaux, jxus trovu libron ke projectgutenberg, kaj legu. Eĉ se vi ne komprenas frazon ĉi tie kaj tie, daŭru. Tiel mi vere lernis Esperanton post la facilaĵojn. Ankaŭ, la...
  17. Linsejko

    Kiel estas via Esperanto nun?

    Kiel estas via Esperanto nun?
  18. Linsejko

    Saluton. Mi ŝance venis hodiaŭ, senkiale. Mirinda, ĉu ne? Kiam vi komencis lerni? Kiel kaj kial...

    Saluton. Mi ŝance venis hodiaŭ, senkiale. Mirinda, ĉu ne? Kiam vi komencis lerni? Kiel kaj kial vi daŭras? Bona koni alian esperantiston INTPan. :) Etan pri vi, ĉu mi povas lerni? Kajo PS--ĉu vi ludas Goon? (Go/Igo/Weiqi/Baduk/Paduk)
  19. Linsejko

    Gamma Ray Race Through the Fabric of Space-Time Proves Einstein Right...also some thoughts on a smoo

    "Copernicus* Principle"? What problems? I saw this same article. I love that the two paradigms between quantum mechanics and relativity don't match up... it pleases my brain for some abstract reason. -kO-
  20. Linsejko

    Chat in IRC

    My client is failing to connect to irc.ecnet.org... I use IRC frequently to chat on freenode, and I'm connected to freenode right now. Anyone know what the problem is? Here's the messages: * Looking up irc.ecnet.org * Connecting to irc.ecnet.org ( port 6667... * Connection failed...
  21. Linsejko

    Absence from the forum

    Well isn't this a handy thread. I'm back for the time being. Nice to see you all. .Ko
  22. Linsejko


    I was going to just resurrect my old introit thread... but then I read it, and found I couldn't relate to it so strongly. Weird, to have changed that much in so short a time. I've just been reading around a lot lately again after quite a hiatus. Thought I'd give a quick greet for the new...
  23. Linsejko

    About you?

    I like. Of course, I'm more into Brazilian Jiu Jitsu myself, but I have some respect for Kung Fu--if you just had Tae Kwan Do, it wouldn't mean much, but the Kung Fu belt lends it some legitimacy. ;)
  24. Linsejko

    Foreign Languages/Linguistics

    Mi parolas la lingvon Esperanto sufiĉe bone. Mi tre ŝatas ĝin, kaj pensas ĝin estas tre facila--kaj, en mia opinio, bela ankaŭ. Mi uzas ĝi ofte sur IRC, en la #esperanto ĉambro. Mi scias de Interlingua, kaj alia planlingvo, ekzmplo "Ido" (kiu estas ido de esperanto), Volapük, Occidental, kaj...
  25. Linsejko

    Please help cure me of my addiction

    Perhaps this justifies a separate thread? It isn't less real; artificial does not imply unreal, but instead contrived, and thus (in this case) lacking elements of "real world interaction". Arguing that it's "real" distracts the argument; hearts are still mended and broken online, to be sure...
  26. Linsejko

    on-line/off-line [thread split]

    Re: Please help cure me of my addiction Perhaps this justifies a separate thread? It isn't less real; artificial does not imply unreal, but instead contrived, and thus (in this case) lacking elements of "real world interaction". Arguing that it's "real" distracts the argument; hearts are still...
  27. Linsejko

    Please help cure me of my addiction

    I read about 3/4 the posts and then skipped the rest... ...I basically was at the point, several months ago, where I was keeping up with almost every single active thread. I was spending several hours a day here. That's when I knew I had to stop. I basically went cold turkey. It is addicting...
  28. Linsejko

    on-line/off-line [thread split]

    Re: Please help cure me of my addiction I read about 3/4 the posts and then skipped the rest... ...I basically was at the point, several months ago, where I was keeping up with almost every single active thread. I was spending several hours a day here. That's when I knew I had to stop. I...
  29. Linsejko

    How many books do you possess?

    I try and keep my material valuables down to an absolute minimal, and so I've been able to keep books fairly low... I indicated 250-500, but that's not true anymore. I just sold several, several boxes of books to my local half-price books a couple months ago, keeping only the ones most important...
  30. Linsejko

    What's the story behind your Avatar?

    Mine is a representation that is at least two hundred years old (I think it may be much older) of two old men playing Go. There's definitely some symbolism and significance there. L.
  31. Linsejko


    That's more reasonable, but it just makes it a chicken and egg scenario--i.e., a Christian just asserts that this is evidence for that which is 'written on our hearts', so of course humanity would come up with it. It's just eternal truth. Although, I would actually assert that the Buddhist meme...
  32. Linsejko


    So what are you asserting? That Jesus was a fabricated rip-off of Buddha? Do you somehow not hear your own deeply embedded bias? L.
  33. Linsejko


    You paint me all wrong, Venn. I merely assert that you cannot decide how to live the journey until you know why you're on it. Trying to use a "the end of the journey" vs. "the journey itself" is not analogous. The "end" I speak of is how the journey is walked. L.
  34. Linsejko

    How computer literate are YOU?

    I'm a bit late, but porps on using Shibboleth accurately. Unless you lifted that straight from a perl quote, I definitely give kudos for the use of an obscure word so fluidly, so accurately. I haven't had to use my knowledge of that word for some time. I have no idea why I know the etymological...
  35. Linsejko

    Just realized... fear.

    "Yes, it's more an excess of perfectionism than a fear of failure." What is perfectionism other than an expression of fear legitimized? You say an 'excess', as if there is a healthy amount... but what is the motivation in the first place? There is a subtle, enormous difference between wanting...
  36. Linsejko


    Ah yes, the quintessentially INTP question: "Why?" "What is the point?" "What is the meaning of it all? Why am I doing what I am doing? Why care?" I'm a Christian, but that just changes the question from "What is the meaning of life?" to "What is the meaning of my life?" What am I doing? What...
  37. Linsejko

    E characteristics amongst INTP's

    (How fitting for someone nicked "Paradox" to post this... ;) I also had close friends kind of shocked that I was an "I", but after a while it began to make sense. The stereotype of an introvert is not aligned with the healthy introvert, but with the sick introvert. The "I", I find, is not...
  38. Linsejko

    Stereo or Headphones?

    I would also like to note that falling to sleep listening to music is hit or miss for me; sometimes I am so actively engaged in my listening that I can't sleep with it. Sometimes I feel like I just need the silence to properly meditate and think before I fall asleep. Also, music is more...
  39. Linsejko

    Stereo or Headphones?

    Referenced study sounds interesting, but I guess I just take that for granted. The need for personal space is related to an external reality, with external boundaries. But when listening to music, I am existing inside, in a world they cannot access; their external presence is no longer a...
  40. Linsejko

    Kinesthetic Knowledge

    I actually am rather athletic. I have thoroughly enjoyed Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Capoeira, Rock Climbing (I still do chin ups off door jams, lor--I didn't know you did rock climbing), high school wrestling, etc. I've also done a little track, 'body building' (basically working out intensely for...
  41. Linsejko

    Physical characteristics and other descriptions

    I once read a book on personology that actually hit many things right on for me and my friends, including body type- but it wasn't directly correlated to MBTI or this Soc-crap. The physical description given in the first post is ridiculously absurd. I have broad shoulders; a strong, relatively...
  42. Linsejko

    Why are we here? (on this forum)

    Ha, I'm lazier about reading than I used to be. The OP and the last post, I didn't really bother to read the entirety of. Not having paragraphs is not acceptable... I read through a WOT somewhere else on this forum once, but it had paragraph breaks. Without that, not worth the effort. I, also...
  43. Linsejko

    How are You today?

    Well. I'm moving to Israel in 7 days. You'd expect that to be followed by "nervous" or "excited", but neither applies. I'm just engaged in longing over that. Frankly, my strongest emotions are coming from a deep personal expectation of failure I recently became aware of, and some family...
  44. Linsejko

    What profession do you want/are you doing?

    ^ If you really want to get away, floater, you can. Apathy is your greatest enemy, and drugs are pollution of the mind. Sounds like you could use some good hard work, too. Maybe go find a farm to work at- would do you a lot of good. (I aspire to work on a farm in rural china at some point in...
  45. Linsejko

    I just quit my job through text message

    It'll make a good story, no?
  46. Linsejko


    Jordan, that emotional reaction to beauty- do you speak of "awe", or "wonder"? I would akin choosing not to feel emotions because of risk of pain to choosing not to feel the sense of touch, because there are many knives in the world. It's not a perfect analogy, I realize- but it certainly gets...
  47. Linsejko


    My, just reading this thread brings back old memories. I half fear getting very involved here again, as I was. I didn't have time to read the longest responses here, but I read most of what was said, and felt I might have something to add- do forgive any mimicing statements. At 14, I had a a...
  48. Linsejko

    Exams and how INTPs cope with them.

    I'm honestly surprised you are 20. This just sounds, and I don't mean to be condescending, naive. I will simply assume you are speaking directly to the subjects of your particular dislike, that began your ranting- probably something math related, because that certainly is a limited field that...
  49. Linsejko

    escapism [copy]

    Perhaps it is not a true paradox, but merely irony- when we find the real world offensive, we escape to a fantasy which is only, indeed, a distortion (or magnification, if you like, and depending on the fantasy in question), of the real world's potential. I wonder if we use the word "Escapism"...
  50. Linsejko


    P types have shapes..... ..........they're just more like jello than stone. Maybe you have a point? That is indeed a frustration to J's, but that should only be a temporary state for a P- you should eventually find your 'role', your best existent state, or your useful combination of traits...
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