The Soft Rational
Eh. Informally, you're right. Technically, my logic is infallible. I have no faith in typings on the interwebs...
I think my computer literacy stalled somewhere just after the UNIVAC I.
...I may have a bit of catching-up to do.
I have a useless degree in Computer Science. I could put a computer together, but don't really have a desire to do so, since you'd have to pay more to buy everything separately, then make sure that everything is compatible, which probably something won't be! It's quite a pain.
I do webdesign, currently. I know html inside and out, which is completely useless now that cms is the way to go. I've learned flash and a teeny bit of psp. I only know enough to edit cms templates. I know css, which is also vital to cms. I *should* learn both flash and psp inside and out if I want to continue in webdesign. I'm just really getting tired of something new that comes around the corner, upsets the apple cart, and then, we have to learn something brand new! We then have to spend loads of money for new software, while kids in college are learning it faster than I am and do the same thing I do as their side job. It just is not worth it for me!
I really enjoy editing/making DVD slideshows and videos. I use Adobe Premiere elements. I only do that as a hobby, though.
Can you read Python?
Do we have many web developers here? Eventually, I will be redesigning my website for work and could probably use some coding advice.
Depends on what you want for a site. I write Strict CSS3 and XHTML1 and do graphics, but shy away from the higher programming languages because I prefer fast-loading simple sites which work cross-browser. Don't do Flash either.
Do you have a link to your present site?
I will be redesigning my website for work and could probably use some coding advice.
personally i think the easiest way to become computer literate is to just have a go i learnt by just taking things apart and putting them back together again and tried writing programmes eventually you will get it
You mean to actually feel and see it? Interaction between human and machine?
My backing in computers is fairly short, chronologically, but I obtained (freely) an archaic PII computer over last summer, and I spent my break upgrading it. I now have a C2D. I also intern at a computer shop. As such I am quite knowledgable about computers, but I can't seem to get people to believe the actual amount of time I've spent with them. THis time last year, well, I was pretty ignorant. I blame the INTP appetite for knowledge.... (I'm reading a book on Perl right now... -_-')
Anyways, I'm interested in other INTP's knowledge of this field, and this board is a little dead as of now, with the exception of the 1337-speak post... pure golden, that one...
Yeah. I look at a section of code and it associate a feeling, smell, taste, and so on to it. Its part of an internal framework I use to categorize and organize the code. Then I can process through the code in a way that allows me to think in terms of sense and emotion to form relationships and todo lists.
Reading this post makes me think of synesthesia, though it seems you decide the associations, so I assume it's not that. But I'm curious; how exactly are these bits of associations organized in your head? Is there any kind of order, or perhaps categories, or is it more like an abstraction that you just attach that allows you to juggle the parts easier, rather than a strict, organized "sense/feeling" structure? And how do you decide the associations, or how much of it is conscious thinking about it?
Sorry if I'm overly curious, but I'm intrigued.![]()