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Search results

  1. Nibbler

    Violence begets violence

    This is all hypothetical... (authorities! watching this forum!) ;) If someone killed the love of my life AND I decided to retaliate, I would do it in such a way that the guilty party will know it's me, AND it will be final, AND it will be away from any witnesses to pick up the cycle. ... AND...
  2. Nibbler

    What's your favorite aspect about yourself?

    (+) I have ideas galore. (-) On the flip side, I don't act on them. (-) Sometimes I found out someone had the idea much later, but they ARE acting on it. (-) Sometimes they botch the idea. It's a net loss. But! I really like that I'm full of ideas that I can prove are good ideas by seeing...
  3. Nibbler

    The spontaneity paradox

    Yes, when I was younger, there was a very difficult realization that my social skills were lacking. Not only that, I didn't know how to relate to people in complex ways that made them feel good about our interaction. I was stilted, stammering and unsure of myself. But there were no blogs then...
  4. Nibbler

    When people complain about "ten dollar words"...

    I guess I maybe contradicted myself when I said I wasn't going to "dumb down my vocabulary" and then later I said I do adapt. I don't see it as dumbing something down when I adjust for audience. But if it came across like I was calling people dumb as I haughtily alluded to a refusal to adapt...
  5. Nibbler

    When people complain about "ten dollar words"...

    I think I naturally do that. But as said above [I can't find the quote], if one word fills in so many blanks and saves a lot of time, I'm naturally going to use it with innocent intent. Thanks for the feedback. It was really helpful! :)
  6. Nibbler

    When people complain about "ten dollar words"...

    OK, yes. I HAVE done that. I think (as honestly as possible) that it is innocent in intent when I do it. Yes, yes, yes! I have done that, too. And I've learned to adapt, as well. That's for me to accept as a learning experience. I'd like to add that when I'm being blunt, I *think* I have gauged...
  7. Nibbler

    When people complain about "ten dollar words"...

    You said a lot of smart things. But for this in particular, yes, I agree. I guess it burns a little when I encounter wholesale accusations about vocabulary, and the accusations come off as shaming and with "mind reading". As I've gotten older, I've learned to adjust not only my word choice, but...
  8. Nibbler

    When people complain about "ten dollar words"...

    I used to be a technical writer, so I know about audience. And for those points, I agree. It's like when I make an argument in an internet discussion, you'll NEVER read me say "Do your own research!" when I make a claim and someone asks for evidence. That's MY burden to communicate effectively...
  9. Nibbler

    When people complain about "ten dollar words"...

    Yes, exactly. I see it as passive-aggressive shaming trying to bring themselves up needlessly when I (personally) was not trying to take them down. In fact, I give people credit that they are smart enough. Haaaaa! ;)
  10. Nibbler

    Do you own a dictaphone to record your thoughts?

    Years ago, I used to call my voicemail to keep a record of my ideas. Now I have like 10 notepad docs--all called Unnamed(1...) or Ideas(1...)--scattered on my desktop. Recently I began using both Trello (free online tool) and also QuickFox, a Firefox addon that you can create tabs of ideas (or...
  11. Nibbler

    Do you ever remember what you are thinking afterwards?

    It's that feeling like: "What was I talking about? I was going to say something, but I took a tangent... What was I going to say, what was I going to say... WELL! I don't remember.. Wait! I remember! I got off track with that non sequitur about the XYZ... WAIT! I lost it again!" :confused:
  12. Nibbler

    Are you a morning person or a night person?

    I'm so disorganized that my schedule just migrates from one end of the day to the next, depending on when I fall asleep.
  13. Nibbler

    When people complain about "ten dollar words"...

    ... do you do a quick evaluation of your communication style? Sometimes I self-consciously wonder "Have I ever been accused of it in someone's mind?" And then I become a little indignant that I don't use "$10 words". I just use words. And I'm left wondering in these passive-aggressive...
  14. Nibbler

    INTPs and Maladaptive Daydreaming

    OOOOh, yes! I would daydream at the drop of a hat. It became practically Pavlovian in school. Once the bell rang and the door shut, BAM! I was out like a light. My pencils and erasers sometimes had adventures (with my hands below the desk). Once I found a piece of simple metal segment that...
  15. Nibbler

    Social Anxiety - Please Help Me Help My Wife

    Please excuse my simplistic answer (for this admittedly months old question): Meditation should be every day and on schedule. Someone above made the observation that her best days were college when she was merely getting into the mix and being with the right people. Reading the OP I get the...
  16. Nibbler

    Cruel World Syndrome

    I had to look up what that is and found something called "mean world syndrome". Well, golly Sarge, I didn't know there was a name for it. The chicken-littles of the world like to crow that the sky is falling based on all the bad things they see in the news. These short-sighted, and often...
  17. Nibbler

    INTPs and dark humor

    OK, that's funny for myriad reasons: 1. We're not supposed to notice certain factors. 2. We're not supposed to think it's funny. 3. You can't make it up. Every year after a major holiday there are stories out about all races of people who got into deadly fights over the turkey dinner, the TV...
  18. Nibbler

    INTPs and dark humor

    In a way, yes. But I don't laugh at people who are in the midst of pain. If anything, I may smile in a sad situation that I'm suddenly stuck in as a defense against not knowing how to react, e.g., "This shit is real! It's surreal real! What do I do?!? (awkward grin!)" But I don't laugh at the...
  19. Nibbler

    INTPs in single mother households vs married households

    It depends on the single mother, her means. And it also depends on the father who is around. When I was a child, I used to dream of being raised by hippies because then they would leave me the fuck alone about stupid, tedious shit that didn't matter, and they would encourage my interests in...
  20. Nibbler

    INTPs: How much do you like a BIG PRODUCTION?

    Oh, yes. What I mean is the simple task that leads to the better things. Me: "Let's walk down the hall to get to the exciting computer problem." Them: "Ok. First we have to put in the paperwork to get permission to walk down the hall to get to the exciting computer problem..." That's what I...
  21. Nibbler

    Are INFPs useless?

    Not at all! I'd much rather spend time with an honest meaning INFP. If I got stuck in a room with an INFP it would be OK as long as you didn't start crying in fear. Maybe you can help the mood with nice stories. The worst person I'd like to be stuck with is the ISTJ stereotype ready to dog and...
  22. Nibbler

    INTPs: How much do you like a BIG PRODUCTION?

    Is it EXCITING to you when simple tasks turn into a Leo Tolstoy epic? Examples: Big Production 1. Big Production 2. Or is it just me? :D If not, please share your Big Production horror stories...
  23. Nibbler

    why is it hard finding info for INTP females?

    Yeah, that's the one. Reading it again, I see the value in the approach they took in organizing the information. Back when I read it the first few times, I might have been mentally exhausted after being exposed to the wild, irrational, attack-mode world of the MRA. (Which I avoid now. I have...
  24. Nibbler

    why is it hard finding info for INTP females?

    I didn't notice this post before, so I am jumping on the bandwagon. This post does nothing but demonstrate that you need a brush up on NPs to know they will find it largely "dirty" to sellout their offspring in exchange for security. If you want a dutiful womb in exchange for you providing for...
  25. Nibbler

    How do you feel about protests?

    I respect protests that have realistic objectives and the means by which they aim to attain the goals are intellectually honest--even if it means throwing tea into the harbor (the original tea party, not the current farce). But I cannot abide by a protest that is really just shouting someone...
  26. Nibbler

    Women in STEM

    I disagree. We'll only have equal rights when we can have a world of male dominated STEM without the overly simplistic thinkers erroneously recognizing it as a pattern that translates into "This is why women/minorities/gays/dolphins should be prevented from... To encourage it only wastes time in...
  27. Nibbler

    How to make new friends as an INTP?

    I can sometimes make friends through mingling. But when I pick someone out "I want to be friends with that person!" so far I've tried: Hanging around. Sending random emails. Finding out something interesting about the person and go find them to talk about it. Seeing them walk by and talking...
  28. Nibbler

    why is it hard finding info for INTP females?

    In my (admittedly anecdotal) experience, it comes from urban culture slang that made its way into the mainstream. When I was in the army, It grated me to no end that individual men and the group would be referred to as soldier(s), but the women were routinely addressed or referred to as...
  29. Nibbler

    why is it hard finding info for INTP females?

    There is a document (a research paper) about INTP women floating around in the internet search results. I think it's terribly narrow and negative in perspective. Much of it doesn't apply to me and it seems to be slanting towards painting INTP women as in need of psychiatric help (or perhaps...
  30. Nibbler

    why is it hard finding info for INTP females?

    I don't mind family babies. You can hold a sister's baby and point out the goo and talk seriously joking to the baby about the price of tea in China and the family will react like it's business as usual with you. But when I was younger my anxiety shot through the roof if someone brought in a...
  31. Nibbler

    Left Handed or Right Handed?

    Left dominant ambidextrous. Left eye dominant. Some larger movements are dominant right: (guitar, throw, catch, hit, kick, step off, put on pants/shoes, pointing) More fine tuned movements are dominant left: (writing, eating, drawing, brushing teeth, "wiping" ;)) But I can also do these if I...
  32. Nibbler

    INTP's, things you hate

    Here's one: I have a severe aversion to busy-body neighbors. My home is my sanctuary, but unfortunately it's on a very conspicuous corner. My backyard is visible in all directions and my washer/dryer is out there. I cannot go outside at any time of day or night without SOMEONE walking or driving...
  33. Nibbler

    How do INTPs handle confrontation?

    I don't deal with confrontation very well at this point in my life. Well, I have never reacted well but it's evolved into a different type. I was raised in a very angry, chaotic home where you never knew when the hammer would fall for stupid stuff, stuff that wasn't even bad. And there was...
  34. Nibbler

    Yet Another: "Will you help me type this person?" thread

    Aagh! Yessah! (I'm not used to people who get it immediately! Yes!) About 10 years ago (still adult) I was accused of being a judgmental child. I was consistently demanded to "take that look off your face!" when doled out punishments for wildly irrelevant infractions. Both of my parents used to...
  35. Nibbler

    Yet Another: "Will you help me type this person?" thread

    I think it's distracted type of ADD (which I have, too, making my INTP-ness harder). I put it in there to see if it was a curve ball or an actual thing. It's probably just a curve ball. Yes! I have tried for years to foster personal understanding between each other, and that I'm not who they...
  36. Nibbler

    Yet Another: "Will you help me type this person?" thread

    Thanks for the insight, Cherry Cola and Alias. I forgot to put on the list the following, but I think it's largely unnecessary now. But in my INTP-ness, I cannot resist leaving a rock unturned. This person finds no general value in childhood personal development because (and I quote in all...
  37. Nibbler

    Yet Another: "Will you help me type this person?" thread

    Hi! I know this is informal and it's only speculation, but I'm hoping you can assist with typing these traits: Introverted Easily distracted or lost in their head. Values security above all else ("Job with benefits!" vs "Do what you love") Security: Values having a SO who can take care of...
  38. Nibbler

    How to Become INTP

    This is extremely true for me, especially in the past when I didn't realize it's what I was doing. When take-charge types of people and hot-air know-it-alls hit a wall and we're all looking at him or her to make a decision, and their reaction is "Well, I don't know!" I have a history of blowing...
  39. Nibbler

    What's on your mind right now?

    oops double post. figure it out in a sec Looks like I cant' delete it. So I'll take this time to notice post 150. And to tell eagor he will probably work on his computer.
  40. Nibbler

    What's on your mind right now?

    Check the lawyer's hands for spray paint. Then who will set up a SoCal Meetup (the one I have commitment phobia over). You know none of us slobs will. Not to mention, what if there is a next life and it's chock full of ESFJs?
  41. Nibbler

    What's on your mind right now?

    I'm thinking about how I goofed off all night, should have gone to my sister's with my telescope but will do it tomorrow instead. I want to see Jupiter and Venus and various sites before the moon waxes much more.
  42. Nibbler

    What are you all reading?

    By the way, seven years ago I read Atlas Shrugged for no reason other than knowing it existed, and I could not put it down. I know I'm supposed to hate Ayn Rand, but I sorta liked it.
  43. Nibbler

    What are you all reading?

    The last book I tried reading was God is Not Great by Christopher Hitchens last year. I made it most of the way through but got bogged down on other work. I want to read Sam Harris, Dennett, Bart Ehrman and a few others. But religious philosophy isn't my main interest in non fiction. I usually...
  44. Nibbler

    To stay or to leave

    ^ reading back over that, I realize I sound a bit like a mental addict, my drug of choice being obsessive over yearning to learn, over thinking, seeking more, mentally obsessing over the wrong information leading to my own ideas/possibilities/theories, failing the social expectations, then...
  45. Nibbler

    INTP & Naturalist... any ideas?

    At first I thought you were another user, Pyropyro, because he uses the same avatar. I'd also have believed he was a naturalist, too. I read up about it at MyPersonality and I take this to mean you are analytical but maybe favor your intuitive information gathering to include a holistic gallery...
  46. Nibbler

    To stay or to leave

    How do I do it? I think most of the time it comes when I am supposed to do something else. That's why your situation got me thinking it could be your problem. For instance, when I have to leave the house, I notice possibilities. But when I'm at home with plenty of time, I daydream about other...
  47. Nibbler

    The word *nigger*

    It's as if now we can use Disney as a road marker for the evolution of racism in the country. Whereas before it was ignorantly blatant, but now it's claimed to be intertwined deep in subtleties. Maybe in 20 or 30 years, the current pervasive use of urban patterns and vocalization will be...
  48. Nibbler


    There is a negative correlation between a growth in population and a decrease in overall willingness to use brains, which indirectly contradicts recent studies indicating overall IQ is going up in recent generations; but with the recent generation trend of groupthink and teaching how to take...
  49. Nibbler

    The word *nigger*

    ^ and Uncle Remus singing Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah. My oh my what a wonderful song. Too bad about the context. I remember as a really little kid going to Sambo's* diner in the deep south in the 70's getting Little Black Sambo place-mats and memorabilia. * I always thought it was Shoney's. But a quick...
  50. Nibbler

    Pros and cons of INTP friends: Any thoughts

    Ok, I see that point. But I counter that in life one must take things in subjective contexts as it pertains to individual principles of the beholder. I went back to read your original point and I interpret that you see complete objective reactions to these situation as the ideal, even though not...
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