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Search results

  1. Nibbler

    Doubting if I'm INTP

    ayn, it might be the developing traits that muddle the situation. I read INTP and said, "Yes. Finally. Yes." But I read INTJ lately and see I've developed into more of a "I definitely have an opinion on that" kind of person. That might just be maturity and a culture shock (I moved from the East...
  2. Nibbler

    Doubting if I'm INTP

    Yeah, you described me, too. I've also been described as non-chalant. Depending on the "class" of the situation, I've been described as: non-chalant "why don't you talk? you think you're better?" aloof pensive dreamy reflective preoccupied elegant asshole It's funny though. Though I am that...
  3. Nibbler

    How do you cheer yourself up/boost your confidence?

    I went through social anxiety after I left the army, too. I was in for 7.5 years. I went through culture shock, too. But I don't use drugs. I tried it twice years later, but I hated it. When you stop doing pot, you will be forced to deal with your social anxiety and sudden new lifestyle while...
  4. Nibbler

    INTP's, how do you recharge your batteries?

    For starters, it helps to be single! I'm naturally on my own a lot, so I don't tend to be in situations where I'm constantly hounded for attention. That's my quiet time. Although there is someone I'm very much interested in and have my sights on. And I work at the college I've returned to to...
  5. Nibbler

    INTP's, how do you recharge your batteries?

    Yes, I agree it is easy to be influenced by those you interact with frequently. When around negative people a lot, it's easy to lapse into the negative aspects of your personality (everyone is prone to it) if not careful. So I can see how purposefully developing your feeling side can happen by...
  6. Nibbler


    it's a stretch to link time with Communism. And time isn't irrelevant. It's an important measuring stick in collecting data, curing disease, and processing information. But it can be difficult to keep up with when measured in daily life.
  7. Nibbler

    Feelings vs. Logical Decisions

    Mello, I sincerely doubt you're INTP. Information to you is fluid and personal and you put your identity into it (quick to be insulted). There is nothing wrong with that if that's your thing. But that's not INTP.
  8. Nibbler

    INTP's, how do you recharge your batteries?

    I don't really recharge. I live a lifestyle where my introverted and thinking needs are met. But fun for me is seeing a problem. I first have a reaction and then it stimulates my thinking if it's an unexpected problem. Or I like hearing things haven't been solved yet. I begin thinking about if...
  9. Nibbler

    INTP's, how do you recharge your batteries?

    Pyropyro, are you a really strong INTP or do you border on other types? Just curious. You seem to come across as a feeler.
  10. Nibbler

    Ice Cream Sandwich

    I disagree. People who are distracted (people with phones in their faces) make mistakes. I didn't say I was stressed, I said I was annoyed. I'm less prone to making mistakes than most people because I pay attention to the system I'm operating in. I want to slow down so I can think, too. That is...
  11. Nibbler

    Anyone Else Generally Bad at spelling

    It depends on how old you are, too. About 2 decades ago, schools started teaching the whole-word method of reading. When I was coming up, we learned to read by syllables. Older people tend to be better readers and spellers than those who learned whole-word.
  12. Nibbler

    Anyone Else Generally Bad at spelling

    No, I was always excellent in the spelling and grammar areas of school. I like the correctness of words and how they are spelled. However, as I'm getting older I am losing a few words. "How is that spelled again...?" But I will always look it up and make sure it's correct. If I let...
  13. Nibbler

    My annoying hangups in the classroom.

    I'm back in school pursuing a degree in biology. Our large lecture class is divided with a center aisle bisecting the room. On the left are 8 or 9 rows of conference style tables and chairs. On the right are 8 or 9 rows of tables and chairs. The professor handed the left side of the room...
  14. Nibbler

    doing poorly in school

    I feel ya. But what you're going to learn by just taking the time to do it right is beneficial to you: 1. Perseverance 2. Developing hand control. Lack of penmanship/coloring skills is due to modern computer use. These skills will greatly benefit you especially if you go into a science where...
  15. Nibbler

    Ice Cream Sandwich

    Exactly. Talking to someone before about this very topic, we said the same thing. I don't get it, either. Well, I guess I get it in the sense of what you say: instant gratification. But if I have that much need to know, I'll get to my laptop or desktop if at work--something I can see much better...
  16. Nibbler

    Ice Cream Sandwich

    It's not a question about legality. You're confusing legalities with what is just plain messing up the system. It's annoying to have your system messed up by dimwits. Simple. It was asked, so I answered. I'm not sure your'e an INTP if you don't understand what I'm saying. It's not about who's...
  17. Nibbler

    INTPs and their amazing ideas

    I am full of gems. I have a professor friend who's constantly saying, "Oh, I gotta write that one down!" I have another friend (PhD) who's constantly telling me she admires my qualities greatly and would like to be more like me. (Is it bragging when you're asked to talk about it?) :cool...
  18. Nibbler

    What makes you Mad?

    I was just driving home just now and thinking on a topic I recently discussed with a biologist: The move Expelled. It was rife with intellectual dishonesty. And I was thinking as I was driving that I don't have many buttons but a lack of intellectual integrity is one. It comes in the form of...
  19. Nibbler

    INTPs and MBTI obsession?

    Nailed it. After I read my INTP profile, I was super intrigued and had all kinds of friends test. One was interested and patient about it. She tested a couple of times differently. The only thing that stuck was that she's introverted and thinking. She was interested in as far as it was amusing...
  20. Nibbler

    Developing F Function?

    I agree with the clarification. But "Feeling" is fine. It's the right word like "theory" is the right word used in science. Just because it gets misused by those who don't know any better doesn't change the proper use. But I agree the clarification is prudent.
  21. Nibbler

    Do you know anyone who's "well-rounded" ?

    I've known a couple. I can't really speak for them, though. They just seem to be very dynamic, emotionally secure, intellectually honest people. I don't know if it took work or they came by it naturally. But maturity has a lot to do with it. Yeah, and the concept of sensing seems a bit nebulous...
  22. Nibbler

    Which type is most likely to be clingy/ a stalker?

    Yeah, I can feel a bit stalkerish when I like someone I'm attempting to get to notice me. It's because I'm insecure a bit in knowing what to do, how much I should say and hold off on declaring my unwavering love too soon. I'm going to say INTP in my introspective personal experience. ;)
  23. Nibbler

    retarded ISFPs/ESFPs with disorders

    I know what you are saying. I generally become anxious around people who clearly live an agenda driven life, hold very proud but nasty blanket-opinions about whole swaths of people, don't care to analyze a situation clearly and then jump to insults when their insane comments are replied to. I...
  24. Nibbler

    fellow female INTPs views on casual sex?

    I'm more into the connection not the casual stuff. I don't have any "moral" judgements on casual sex, but it just doesn't fit my own needs. I look for mutual trust, want my loyalty accepted and valued as I will do in return. To be clear though, I do have a healthy libido. But I'd much rather...
  25. Nibbler

    Best Science News Sites?

    It depends on what you're interested in. All disciplines in general at first? I would try watching science podcasts where people sit and talk about the topics. Personally, I'd go straight to the local college and enroll in basic courses. You can't go wrong with a basic first level course in...
  26. Nibbler

    Ice Cream Sandwich

    I'll give you examples: Standing in walkways. Texting in doorways. Driving dangerously. Walking slowly in the way. Walking across crosswalks slowly and not paying attention. Holding up cashier lines. Interrupting people in the middle of a sentence to read the phone. Generally not being in...
  27. Nibbler

    Ice Cream Sandwich

    I like and enjoy most mainstream technology, especially computers/laptops and the internet. But when it comes to phones, I still have my 7 year old flip LG from Verizon. The only reason I will get a new one later this year is that a CS rep last month told me their system was updating to include...
  28. Nibbler

    Feelings vs. Logical Decisions

    I read your question and only skimmed/glanced at some of the responses. Here is my take: As you can see from my sig, I am capable of 27% feeling (heh). And I'm not sure you meant this exactly: "I for one consider our lack of emotions to be a gift." Or did you? I wonder if you mean more that we...
  29. Nibbler


    Time for me: I get into the shower at 7:30am and am sort of shocked when I emerge from the shower and it's no longer 7:30am but much later. (check time. start shower. start introverted thinking) "What time is it? Oh yeah, 7:30." (more showering, thinking) "I guess I'll do XYZ before I leave...
  30. Nibbler

    does INTP can really make a c hange of himself for such a great challenge like lossing weight?

    I guess it's all in how you perceive it. I see the strategy and system (INTP) of manipulating my body with exercise. I don't enjoy exertion for its own sake. But I like it knowing I just did something to my system. And since I've had my own near-deadly health problem (from unrelated issue), I...
  31. Nibbler

    does INTP can really make a c hange of himself for such a great challenge like lossing weight?

    I've seen this sentiment on this thread a time or two. My intuition tells me she's not concerned with his looks. I think she is crestfallen since she finds self-respect in personal health. I have to admit, I can't be with someone who treats their one body for their one life like a dump*. "You...
  32. Nibbler

    does INTP can really make a c hange of himself for such a great challenge like lossing weight?

    I don't think he's serious about losing weight and is in denial for one glaring reason: He failed to warn you. Keep him as a close friend. Do not go any further with him or you will lose this rare life connection. Good luck.
  33. Nibbler

    Dominant Eye

    I'm ambidextrous, meaning: LEFT: Eye Writing dominant Drawing dominant Eating dominant First step down stairs RIGHT: Writing ability Drawing ability Eating ability Batting Throwing Punching Kicking Guitar M-16/Firearms Computer mouse First step up stairs Putting on/Changing shoes is a crap...
  34. Nibbler

    Dominant Eye

    Another eye dominance test is: 1. Put a penny on the floor. 2. Put a hole-punch size hole in the center of a piece of printer/similar paper. 3. Stand upright in front of the penny. 4. Hold the paper down by your waist parallel to the floor. 5. Look at the penny through the hole. 6. Close one...
  35. Nibbler

    Oh, what lovely "friends" I have~

    Touché, pjoa09. Touché.
  36. Nibbler

    Programmers in here

    I'm learning Python right now on my own. I'm not a programmer or a computer student. I used to be a technical writer and want to design my own stuff one day. I vetted out programs and Python seemed the most common sense. A few years ago, I installed a few CMS and played around with them...
  37. Nibbler

    New User with Banned IP

    Yeah'p, this was my first thread. I couldn't say hello until I addressed my bugs. Heh. Thanks for the welcome!
  38. Nibbler

    Which living INTP 'celebrity' would you like to meet?

    There's some equivocation in there: "... manages his career/social/media very well...other than that one incident" It was one incident of being caught, but his actual problem wasn't one incident. Far from it. "Anyone with that kind of money, fame and temptation who didn't cheat or do some of...
  39. Nibbler

    INTP/INFP switching

    I'm not new to the Type topic, but I haven't begun to delve into it meaningfully until recently. So I may say this incorrectly here and there on this forum, but I tend to say I was masking as an INFP for the bulk of my life. I was raised in such an oppressive environment that I withdrew towards...
  40. Nibbler

    INTP's and sensitivity?

    Your age and upbringing also matters. When I was your age (I'm 39), I often interpreted criticism as largely unwarranted, purposefully hurtful and careless. If frustrated by irrational situations that would never seem to change, no one was cooperating, and I had no control, I would erupt in...
  41. Nibbler

    INTP's and sensitivity?

    Criticism bothers me most when my intelligence, wasted promise, or dazzling abilities are called into insulting question by people I know. I'm not insulted by random people or medical people tasked with my care. I wouldn't have "given it back" as some indicated they would. I would simply...
  42. Nibbler

    Oh, what lovely "friends" I have~

    I was at a bar with a few ASL classmates last year for an event. We got on the subject of my social personality (this topic follows me everywhere). Upon *concerned* prompting, I ensured my class-friend I enjoy relaxing with my beer, listening to the music and soaking in the atmosphere. "I'm...
  43. Nibbler

    I'm being drafted to the Army!

    I was in the American Army. I assume soldiers are soldiers. My advice would be to keep your head down & your mouth shut. The loudmouths and the "I don't wanna!" types have the worst times. I was a head-down, shut-up person. I would get occasional compliments on my professionalism and...
  44. Nibbler

    New User with Banned IP

    I am at home now and logged in. I don't know if (a) you lifted the ban or (b) only registration isn't possible while blacklisted but posting is. (The former makes more sense). Hopefully this thread helps anyone in the future. Thanks!
  45. Nibbler

    Me: An Initial Introduction

    Hi everyone, I'm glad I found this forum. Well, I guess I should say I am INTP. I've exhausted a litany of (free) MBTI/Jung tests and they mostly come out INTP/MBTI and rarely INTJ/Jung. I spent most of my life to my early 30's living as an INFP because of how I was raised (hard-ass ENTJ...
  46. Nibbler

    Which living INTP 'celebrity' would you like to meet?

    Of the living ones I've seen in lists I don't have any reason to want to meet them. But I like to think Pat Condell is INTP (based on his YouTube rants). So I would like to meet him. But if he's not _NTP, he's very heavy on the T and seems to put a lot of quality reasoning into his strong...
  47. Nibbler

    New User with Banned IP

    Hi Claverhouse. I sent you a PM. I forgot to check off "save a copy" so here's a message just in case. Thanks.
  48. Nibbler

    New User with Banned IP

    Hey there, Glad to be here. Who can I PM about lifting an IP ban (and now my email address banned for trying to register on a banned IP)? I tried registering a couple of times this weekend and felt oh-so cold and lonesome being left outside the gate. (heh) I'm at work right now, by the way...
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