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Search results

  1. Nibbler

    The word *nigger*

    Reminds me of Obama's "lipstick on a pig" quote about the McCain/Palin campaign slogan. People wildly over-reacted because Palin is a woman. Had he used the comment any other race it would have gone by unnoticed.
  2. Nibbler

    What Are Your Anthems?

    For a while there, I would walk into my house and swear I'd hear the theme to Sanford and Son. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WqazleR3FE
  3. Nibbler

    The word *nigger*

    Service people deal with this a lot. First in college, I worked at Home Depot. Lots of people think it's acceptable to shout and whistle for an associate's attention from down the aisle. Since I prefer to actually walk my ass over to someone I'd like to talk do, I expect nothing less of others...
  4. Nibbler

    My annoying hangups in the classroom.

    Last week, the first row guy has taken to handing it directly across the aisle. So far it seems as though everyone has sense enough to keep it moving properly that there hasn't been a problem because of it. We have like 100 people in lecture. Last week the first row KEPT the sign in sheet until...
  5. Nibbler

    Raised into being an INTP when really an INFP?

    I just saw this thread. If it helps, in my 20's I thought I was INFP, but I was not so demonstrative. I avoided emotional bullies and didn't engage with them--my dad was brutal at it. It took me years to finally speak up about problems that I noticed for fear of the emotional backlash. I...
  6. Nibbler


    It depends on the degree since being blind to color ranges from simple colors to full on blindness--can't see a damn color no matter how bright it is, causing many to go through life completely oblivious and others completely apprised of the situation. Explain why these pervert hydrophile...
  7. Nibbler

    How many here see men and women as individuals?

    Re: How many here see men and women as induviduals? I'm an INTP. I want communications to be clear and not over emotional. I stated something obvious and apropos to the thread we are in. It was neither here nor there. Not "overstating for emphasis" or even rude. It just "was". There seems to...
  8. Nibbler

    How many here see men and women as individuals?

    Alright. I'll just refer you to the recent threads about "manipulation" and leave it at that. I have a feeling I'm talking to someone who hasn't emotionally grown up yet, since they actively participate in a forum with loads of people they claim to intellectually disdain. Adios.
  9. Nibbler

    How to "define" yourself

    In context, it's "I hate labels; I prefer (insert more labels)."
  10. Nibbler

    How many here see men and women as individuals?

    Let me introduce you to confirmation bias. I was actually holding out a little optimism your reply would consist of a bit more intellectual integrity. Alas...
  11. Nibbler

    How to "define" yourself

    Agreed about labels. I get frustrated when people throw out this nebulous sentiment about hating labels, because usually they go on to explain themselves with alternate labels. I wrote in another thread that I'm an atheist which is a label and it's true. Nothing weirder than an atheist who...
  12. Nibbler

    How to "define" yourself

    I used to try defining myself mostly from the motivation to figure it out for myself. My personality was off track for too long--you know, pitfalls from being in an extroverted, too-often sensing, feeling world. Now I just define myself in one word: evolving If I am asked to publicly define...
  13. Nibbler


    Because apparently the debate revolving around the nature of looks between two anemic boys is paramount to resolving a darkly brooding dilemma, the likes of which need a span of several installments of films and teen & middle-aged dollars to resolve. (this is also the answer to the second...
  14. Nibbler


    Democracies can be the best form because the underlying theory is that government is there to serve the people, not the other way around; and democracies can come in flavors such as Constitutional which at least attempts to address the pitfall of the tyranny of the majority on the least...
  15. Nibbler

    Left handed INTP's

    Ambidextrous. Favor my left when writing and eating also. Everything else (that I can think of) I favor right. But I can switch easily (except for guitar. That's right only).
  16. Nibbler

    Does your logical/analytical side bother you?

    I know this. I call it my "soul sucking" feeling. I used to work at a major corporation. I'd pull into the lot, the top level of a complex and sit there surveying all the brick buildings with all the little windows with all the little ants in them. Sometimes I'd take the Metro (in DC). I'd...
  17. Nibbler

    what does the poster above look like

    Tall well toned Adonis who is careful about what he eats. Coppertone with a nice even patina. Though he is a very introspective guy who thinks about things with grave attention, he seems to love doing it naked, perched on a pedestal. He also has a cramp in his right wrist.
  18. Nibbler

    How many here see men and women as individuals?

    My world is shattered. :rolleyes: Let me enlighten you: Air Force brat from 3yrs to 17yrs Active duty Army for 7 yrs, combat vet. I'll let you chew on that.
  19. Nibbler

    How many here see men and women as individuals?

    Re: How many here see men and women as induviduals? I don't have to know you personally to know with fair intellectual certainty that every single person of the female sex--except for one--has not been nice to you to be a false statement. Again, I wonder if you'd like to bring your original...
  20. Nibbler

    Pros and cons of INTP friends: Any thoughts

    Hm, a "well-meaning meddler" scenario. I see the person as manipulative. Manipulative people get sent down the chute. Well meaning meddlers will stop the meddling once asked--maybe falling off the wagon a few innocent times. Manipulators are forever. If I can't cleanly shake the person because...
  21. Nibbler

    ...Hi, I guess...

    I was accidentally homeless once, too. I call it: "That summer I seemed to prefer my car." Welcome!
  22. Nibbler


    Because you find us oddly erotic. Explain glycolysis.
  23. Nibbler

    How many here see men and women as individuals?

    Well I've got news for ya. What you have going on there is a good old fashioned, run-of-the-mill, not-the-first-not-the-last, emotionally-unresolved rebellion. And I give you that benefit of the doubt because many people (and there are lots, hence the "not so interesting after all" reaction) who...
  24. Nibbler

    How many here see men and women as individuals?

    Re: How many here see men and women as induviduals? That's quite a claim to fame. Or would you like to bring that comment back down to earth a little?
  25. Nibbler

    How many here see men and women as individuals?

    Re: How many here see men and women as induviduals? This post is full of irony. Ok. But then... You seem to not notice that many feminists are indeed men. Or do you mean women and men are such completely different species, no two people of opposite sex can think alike? Or do you mean...
  26. Nibbler

    Pros and cons of INTP friends: Any thoughts

    By the way, this one amused me. It's not like the other ones aren't true, but this one is uncomfortably so. ;)
  27. Nibbler

    Number of Profile Visitors/Stalkers!

    If a solipsist looks into facing mirrors, is he seeing an illusion within an illusion within an illusion within the illusion? If a solipsist falls down in the woods...
  28. Nibbler


    For the same reason rich fuel mixtures is bad for an airplane. Because there has to be a better way to get cyborgs to think than to have them "me chat" to themselves. Explain why people put their turn signals on while in the middle of making their turn.
  29. Nibbler

    Pros and cons of INTP friends: Any thoughts

    Yes, absolutely. I have noticed that in me. People who have my utmost respect can mop the floor with me in corrections. Because I trust their thought processes. If I have previously thought someone was a complete fucking idiot, I don't care if they are right, I don't want to hear their...
  30. Nibbler

    The word *nigger*

    Soooo... we're saying words as they singularly exist are not magic? :eek: By the way, regarding "reneger". 1. Firefox didn't flag it for spell check. 2. In the Army, we all used that word. (for anyone who doesn't know, Spades is the soldier's game of choice). 3. You called him a reneger, not...
  31. Nibbler


    When I was a puppy adult, I tried reading Hawking explain Relativity because I wanted to know what it was all about. I just didn't have the education or the attention span (ADD) to make it though. I would carry that damn book with me all over town and seriously try. I have education and...
  32. Nibbler

    Is your brain male or female?

    It's as if her right hand knows to tenderly touch the cheek of a victim. "There, there. You're safe now." While the left is reaching for the baseball bat: "Now let's get the bastards that did this to you!" :aufsmaul: Joking aside, I've always been amazed by people who can do stuff...
  33. Nibbler

    What makes you Mad?

    So you're saying if they hurt your loved ones, it's like hurting you, which you're easy to forgive so you easily forgive hurting your loved ones? Ha. j/k. I know what you're saying. Agreed. People who hold onto transgressions are saving them in an arsenal to use later. I had a roommate like...
  34. Nibbler

    Is your brain male or female?

    Hey, Jennywocky, I do believe your hands each have minds of their own.
  35. Nibbler


    "Because we said so." Because many cats are INTP. Explain the Jacks in a deck of cards.
  36. Nibbler

    Is your brain male or female?

    I like how many dudes got offended at this test or outright claimed they don't take silly online tests. I also wonder how many actual INTPs scanned the whole thread looking for trends in the data--instead of just being offended. :rolleyes:
  37. Nibbler

    Is your brain male or female?

    Your personal brain score: 50% male Average score for MEN who've taken this survey: 50% male Average score for WOMEN who've taken this survey: 50% female Funny--I don't look like a dude. Nor am I masculine for being a lay-deh. I was born late--maybe I was marinating in testosterone. By the...
  38. Nibbler

    Top five favorite movies

    I just have one I think of as my favorite. Duck Soup "I'm in a hurry! To the House of Representatives! Ride like fury! If you run out of gas, get ethyl. If Ethel runs out, get Mabel! Now step on it! " Here are the plans of war. They're as valuable as your life. And that's putting them...
  39. Nibbler


    Yep, wear those tank undershirts under almost everything. (I'm avoid calling these t-shirts by their "street name" for a friend I said I would stop.) Yep, chew the shit out of the inside of my mouth. See, ayn? Normal. haha No, I don't even get "eccentric". I just get "weird" or people...
  40. Nibbler

    To stay or to leave

    I am intrigued by the response that the doing is actually thinking when it comes to schoolwork. Maybe you are longing for exploring your own intellectual pursuits rather than those outlined for you. That is exactly why college took so long for me and sucked at it the whole way. And I'm back in...
  41. Nibbler

    Number of Profile Visitors/Stalkers!

    I noticed this feature yesterday. It makes me self-concious. "STOP LOOKING AT ME! STOP LOOKING AT MEEE!" ;) Funny anecdote: I was very briefly a member of bodybuilding.com's forums. I got into it with some meathead who was being just a fucking bully especially to the women. He writes to me...
  42. Nibbler

    What makes you Mad?

    I was thinking about this yesterday about myself, but "S" types in particular. What I find frustrating is that I perceive them as having come to conclusions based on unstable criteria. My favorite example for explaining people who "jump" to conclusions is the person walking down the street...
  43. Nibbler


    By the way, you probably won't see us talking much about eccentricities specifically because we most likely regard some things as "normal" amongst each other. :o
  44. Nibbler


    I think my eccentricities are more subtle. I like wearing the same things all the time (after washing of course). I imagine pandemonium breaking out in a super serious situation, quietly amusing myself. Once taking seats for a meeting at work, we were talking about TV and I said my current...
  45. Nibbler

    Minor (and other) Changes

    Re: Minor Changes Are they that analytically anal about how things should work? Ha. (Glad Nibbler is longer than he is wide and not in Puffy's position. ;))
  46. Nibbler

    Doubting if I'm INTP

    I don't know what to make of the childhood profiles yet. To this day it's still remarked at how quiet and easy I was, and went to bed without hassles. However, I also hear I was always "smiling" as a baby, but as a kid I would grin when nervous. So maybe I was compensating? I remember some...
  47. Nibbler

    Political Compass Test

    I'm between Nelson Mandela and the Dalai Lama. Who knew? I always hear I'm a critical asshole. Maybe it's just because I care that much. (hah) Economic Left/Right: -4.88 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.05
  48. Nibbler

    The Brutally Honest Test

    Christ, I'm a Loser - INTP. There's a shock. :o You scored 7% on Extraversion, higher than 1% of your peers. You scored 60% on Intuition, higher than 61% of your peers. You scored 73% on Thinking, higher than 82% of your peers. You scored 33% on Judging, higher than 19% of your peers.
  49. Nibbler

    Machivelli Test

    60/100 = low Machs Hey, I just don't have the time for manipulating people. I have a sister whose nature is manipulation for control (gets it from dad). Maybe I just don't want the bother. For these reasons (too preoccupied to get involved in mind games), I'd predict high or low for INTPs...
  50. Nibbler


    I have my bouts with that, too. heh. I guess I'm maturing since I've been able to set practical goals and keep to some of them. I can take a too-long of a shower and not make it a marathon shower that was "I swear I was only in there for maybe 10 minutes... 15 tops! What the fuck?" ;)
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