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Search results

  1. Döden

    Female Oppression?

    Dumbing down: Eh, not really. It doesn't necessarily seem like society is facilitating an active stance on intellectualism, but I don't think it's fighting it either. A stronger argument could be put to the popular media's anti-intellectualism, but I have never sensed any hostility for my...
  2. Döden

    It's like melting into the subconcious, isn't it? :D Yeah I feel really lucky to have stumbled...

    It's like melting into the subconcious, isn't it? :D Yeah I feel really lucky to have stumbled across it. It's by "Jess," also known as Burgess Collins. It's a terrible time trying to find more of his work though. http://horsesthink.com/?p=629 <--A bit of information on him. As for my avatar...
  3. Döden

    Indeed, there's nothing like dull colors to capture a lovely mood. I'm always surprised by how...

    Indeed, there's nothing like dull colors to capture a lovely mood. I'm always surprised by how rapidly everyone on this site changes their name/avatar. I don't think I'll change mine anytime soon, at least. Ha, it does have a bit of a Middle Earth feel to it, doesn't it? The artist is John...
  4. Döden

    I have an unhealthy love towards your new avatar. Has some weird, awesome nostalgia to it. By...

    I have an unhealthy love towards your new avatar. Has some weird, awesome nostalgia to it. By the way, what was your last one? Made me think of Brian Froud.
  5. Döden

    Why do so many INTPs like anime?

    I've always thought anime more an INTJ thing. Though both INTs seem to like Japan.
  6. Döden

    Bands you only seem to know

    I made an awesome road trip video (masterfully edited with gorgeous footage gained from a day of desert, sun-showers and mountains) and set it to a Sea Wolf song. Stupid computer crashed. I know of Sufjan Stevens but never really checked him out. I thought he was pretty well known? Anyhow, 16...
  7. Döden

    What would be the worst Evil person's type?

    At first I interpreted this as "which type would be the worst at being evil?" INFPs ^___^ :cat:
  8. Döden

    You know you're an Intp when...

    When you actually had a dream about posting in this place. Heelll yeah Slim, we got no feelings brah. Cuz feelings are gay. Something something in the month of May...
  9. Döden

    Baww that's too bad. Is it that your tangent didn't tie in at all, or is your prof very strict...

    Baww that's too bad. Is it that your tangent didn't tie in at all, or is your prof very strict about tangents in general? Oh dear, so what you are describing is a philosophy class that deals mainly in the history of the movements and schools of thought, as well as the definitions, but not...
  10. Döden

    You know you're an Intp when...

    When you are extremely inefficient at taking notes because you often avoid paraphrasing for fear of discoloring the exact meaning behind a word: "Oh geez, maybe I'll misinterpret it later and get this concept wrong when I have to refer back to these!" So you resolve to learn shorthand/symbols of...
  11. Döden

    the other day my dad asked me if i ever "think about the deeper things in life".

    Jesus shoeless, it's like we're the same person. My dad told me I don't know what I want. He also went so far as to say my logic was bad when I was arguing with him (long story short: it was his logic I was expanding on simply to make a point, not my own) and that I only do things because I want...
  12. Döden


    Oh my god I HATE self promotion. In written form anyway. Writing application letters to colleges is so awkward because I don't want to self-promote so I default to an extremely dry and overly-academic style that doesn't show my "personality." It's quite funny, actually. A teacher of mine (that...
  13. Döden


    I must add: Stressors: - Loss of control in a situation and helplessness - Having WAY too much to do with too little time - Knowing that the above is totally my fault Dealing: - Withdrawing from obligations - Wallowing in despondency from which I cannot disengage Question: Is this where the...
  14. Döden

    INTP Laziness

    Aww :( I like writing to-do lists. I also like writing in a liberal time estimate for how long my tasks would take. When I see the frightening amount of time I'll need to spend, it usually kicks me into actions. Too bad I rarely make to-do lists. Anyone else think about Googling "Tips on...
  15. Döden

    Aye, I hated stereotypical metal singers as well until I listened to Between the Buried and me...

    Aye, I hated stereotypical metal singers as well until I listened to Between the Buried and me. I was so fascinated by the instrumentation that I became accustomed to the singing, and eventually liked it :p. I do: I play guitar and upright bass. Yes, school makes it extremely difficult to...
  16. Döden

    As far as the song: not the music I usually listen to but I really like the melody and her voice...

    As far as the song: not the music I usually listen to but I really like the melody and her voice is quite soothing. What else do you like? And what think you of this? http://drownedinsound.com/in_depth/4137587-mixtape-40-m%C3%BAm-11-songs-to-drown-in-a-lake-to?more (entire playlist is gorgeous...
  17. Döden

    Awesome that you're fairly sure though! But what's wrong with the intro courses at your...

    Awesome that you're fairly sure though! But what's wrong with the intro courses at your community college? Here's the thing: I love science. Always have. However, my chemistry and physics classes were so bad that they bordered on farce. My chemistry teacher would go off on crazy tangents and I...
  18. Döden

    are there any words you just dont like?

    Yummy. Delicious. Scrumptious. Tasty. (Only a chosen few can say this without my wanting to rip their heads off). -icious (i.e. Fergalicious, bootylicious, modelicious) Oh and "Ironic."
  19. Döden

    I disappeared for a few days due to overwhelming schoolwork, but I'm not going to reply to your...

    I disappeared for a few days due to overwhelming schoolwork, but I'm not going to reply to your PM just yet since I want to make a thoughtful response. Do you do this kind of thing in your philosophy class? Like get presented with a school of thought and then do papers regarding your opinion on...
  20. Döden

    I know, right? All I've heard about that school is good things, and an overwhelming percentage...

    I know, right? All I've heard about that school is good things, and an overwhelming percentage of graduates go on to earn their PhDs. So really, it's not as if attending would make you a full-time starving artist post-graduation. But there's still something about it that screams "impractical."...
  21. Döden

    Ah, I'm referring to the one in New Mexico/Maryland (two campuses! How fun). So is St. John's...

    Ah, I'm referring to the one in New Mexico/Maryland (two campuses! How fun). So is St. John's College one of the smaller colleges within Cambridge University or is it simply in Cambridge? I'm terribly ignorant. People favor his acceptable negative features? Like what? You write in tangents? I...
  22. Döden

    Ran on Photography

    Love "Green Fence" and "DIY Amulets." There's an innocence about them. "Green Fence" especially feels surreal, like either there is no ground and only sky, or the fence is situated on an endless field. What camera do you use?
  23. Döden

    name changes

    I don't know why I didn't do it sooner. Tack!
  24. Döden

    name changes

    Can I have my name changed to Döden please? The illusion of knowledge was shrouded with the great liar that is time. In other words, lawl fecked up!
  25. Döden

    I'm not very practical in most matters, but I definitely want to get a job with my university...

    I'm not very practical in most matters, but I definitely want to get a job with my university education. That said, have you heard of St. John's College? I wanted to go there for a while; they read books on all different subjects, from Einstein to Melville. Seems like an intellectual paradise...
  26. Döden

    Heavy Metal Band Names

    For the gr1m melodic landscapes of black metulz: Arstemekh Nuktetul Kvlt Riders of the Gates of Grogomoth Also, floccinaucci, isn't Prussian Blue the name of a teen neo-Nazi pop duo? That's pretty heavy, I guess.
  27. Döden

    Press the button?

    Naw. What would I do with the money? It would be incredibly obvious that I suddenly acquired a fortune and I'm sure an investigation would ensue. I'd rather do my own thing and make my own money and not be responsible for ending another person's life. Take it as you will.
  28. Döden

    News voices are so annoying

    I find they have a specific style of talking, so I can understand where you are coming from. I find it somewhat pleasant though :)
  29. Döden

    Dumbing down the masses

    Meh, I find most of those things a product of convenience addiction rather than stupidity. Are you suggesting these things cause stupidity? You could easily say that pre-tech cultures were stupid and point to their copious amounts of folk songs singing the praises of alcohol. Modern societies...
  30. Döden

    how important is touch?

    I'm really cuddly. I was thinking about this last night: I touch people I trust. I like hugs and resting my head on them. This makes 4 people in total. I like getting massages or having someone play with my hair, but unless they are in this group of 4 (and one of them is an ISTP female who...
  31. Döden

    Songs that make you cry/tear up/sniffle...

    Pretty much their entire Unplugged album, which I listened to almost nonstop this summer. Relatives + language barrier + terrible economic situation + social issues + an ocean away. This song in particular reminds me of a family member whose life I think has been really tragic.
  32. Döden


    ^ I find myself in the same situation. Especially when I know that with a little bit of work I could easily outdo the other person. I'm childishly competitive in music though. I'm first chair bass in my orchestra, and I'm wildly paranoid that someone will try to take my place. Of course, this is...
  33. Döden

    I like your avatar. I've only got Starless and Bible Black from King Crimson but I really like...

    I like your avatar. I've only got Starless and Bible Black from King Crimson but I really like it. Great ambiance to it (except for The Great Deceiver; I hate that song). Do you play electric or standup bass? And I know you said you don't like metal, but if you ever feel like checking it out...
  34. Döden

    Hello hello!

    Vegard Pompey: Jag gillar svensk musik, kultur, och natur. Jag tycker mycket om språkets melodi, också. I'm actually not sure where I picked up this liking to Sweden, but here I am. Yes, Swedes are excellent English speakers, but they should also be more proud of their language's beauty. I'll...
  35. Döden

    What are you going to do with that as a career? I think it'd be pretty cool to take a philosophy...

    What are you going to do with that as a career? I think it'd be pretty cool to take a philosophy course in Uni. We were recently learning about Existentialism in my literature class and the discussions never really got too intense. What kind of history? I briefly considered being a history...
  36. Döden

    INTPs are good at math/sciences?

    I'm pretty crap at math, in all honesty. People in my calculus class seem to be able to visualize the numbers and variables and manipulate them quite intuitively. It takes MUCH more work on my part, especially at this level where you are expected to make connections and solve the problem using...
  37. Döden

    What was your childhood like?

    I was voted "Most Outgoing" in sixth grade. That always makes me laugh. Otherwise, I was very extroverted and wanted to make friends with everyone. I was really eager to learn and loved trivia. Apparently I asked for DNA for Christmas when I was 8. But I was also really sensitive and had a hard...
  38. Döden

    What is Music to You?

    Well said. I think I know what you mean about the emotionally dull atmosphere- for me it's that I simply exist as I listen and I walk through nostalgic landscapes. Upon initial consideration it seems emotionally dull, but it's actually quite charged. I feel invigorated in existence yet subdued...
  39. Döden

    I still class them as such, though I do love how they come to such "earthy" (I can't think of a...

    I still class them as such, though I do love how they come to such "earthy" (I can't think of a better word either) ends through electronic means. Oh, have fun :p. What are you studying at Uni?
  40. Döden

    I like that second song. I guess they're not really my style, from what I can tell, though...

    I like that second song. I guess they're not really my style, from what I can tell, though. Here's Efterklang, really great electronic music from Denmark. Don't know if it'll be your cup of tea but I love their music videos :) [SPOILER] [SPOILER] There's just something so sweet and nostalgic...
  41. Döden

    what is the most useless school subject

    Info Tech. I hated it, I had no friends in there and it was awkward and all we did was make PowerPoints. A couple things people put in their PowerPoints: "Apes walk on their uncles." "This college offers incest science" (meant "insect") I never took it but "Early Chldhood Development" just...
  42. Döden

    Social Rebellion

    Looks like the most popular form of "rebellion" is music XD People say I listen to really weird music. It's less about rebelling and more that I'm pretty critical about music, so it'll likely bore me if it's not "weird" in some way. That isn't to say if it's slightly below the popular radar I'll...
  43. Döden

    Sonic the Hedgehog? X-D Yeah I also like pretty much all genres. Lately though It's been metal...

    Sonic the Hedgehog? X-D Yeah I also like pretty much all genres. Lately though It's been metal and post-rock, with my favorites being Death and Godspeed You Black Emperor! My god "Dead Flag Blues" is just...amazing. Hmm, Placebo covered "Running Up That Hill" a la funeral dirge, right? That's...
  44. Döden

    Hello hello!

    ^Yeah that was the idea. Embarrassing as it is to admit, I hadn't realized I spelled it incorrectly. I'm learning Swedish and know the rule for double consonants but was sloppy in the execution. Jag är så slarvig! :cat: Puffy, I'll definitely check out Mingus! I play double bass but don't...
  45. Döden

    Feeling Underestimated

    Thanks, I really need to try that attitude when it comes to them. On the plus side, when he and I do agree we both have a grand time making fun of stuff. He's a cynic if I've ever seen one. A crazy uncle? That really sounds rather picturesque, as far as stereotypical family schemes go X-D...
  46. Döden

    Feeling Underestimated

    He treats me like a child. No joke. He even baby talks me in public. He tells me I don't know what I want- no pretensions either, he says it just like that. Hmm, I suppose I don't get into arguments much, so I have nothing to compare it to. But with him, I just get frustrated by his...
  47. Döden

    Feeling Underestimated

    Well for me I guess it depends on the climate of the discussion. I definitely want in, but I don't want to talk out of my ass so I'll listen to people's points and try to come up with something that's well thought-out. Ha! My father does too. He's the most pig-headed, disagreeable person I...
  48. Döden

    Hello hello!

    Nope. I just know that a good bassline can make any song good, so rather I should ask recommendations from you. I've never heard of Stu Hamm before, I'll check him out! Primus ftw :D
  49. Döden

    Feeling Underestimated

    How do you react when people talk down to you or assume something about you that isn't true? The other day I was with my parents at my mom's friends' house. We were discussing politics, and I wanted to say something. I prefaced with "Well I might be wrong since I didn't grow up in that era...
  50. Döden

    Is there anyone else who completely changed when they realized they were an INTP

    Type is still questionable in my case, so it's become a bit of an annoyance. I pour over my old writings and journals to see how I was before I tested (seems like it's more reliable) and always end up confoosed. :confused: :eek: I must be an INFP!
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