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Search results

  1. Döden

    Do you chew pens?

    All the time. My front teeth are misaligned and I can feel it. Chewing pens gives me the impression that maybe I can push my teeth back down to where they should be :-) Wait, is there a consensus on the psychology behind this or what? Indicator of greater anxiety?
  2. Döden

    Ah, that makes sense. Interconnectedness and whathaveyou. Well, let's see how far these fun...

    Ah, that makes sense. Interconnectedness and whathaveyou. Well, let's see how far these fun logistics will go: what kind of music do you like? Favorite bands? :p
  3. Döden

    Heh I was sort of wondering about that; I got the feeling I was semi-paraphrasing you in my...

    Heh I was sort of wondering about that; I got the feeling I was semi-paraphrasing you in my explanation just now. Funny in a logistical sort of way? How so?
  4. Döden

    A justification for my views? Free will: if it is as determinists say, then how did the concept...

    A justification for my views? Free will: if it is as determinists say, then how did the concept of it even come about? This is a bit difficult for me to put into words, but I'll try. Humans must take responsibility for their actions. They have the ability of choice. It was under this assumption...
  5. Döden

    (continuing) As for determinism, I don't believe in that either. To say that an event "HAD" to...

    (continuing) As for determinism, I don't believe in that either. To say that an event "HAD" to happen a certain way is foolish, in my opinion. It's just hindsight bias. (Also, I'm too fascinated by the idea of parallel universes to invest in it.) It all seemed like common sense wrapped up in...
  6. Döden

    I'll admit that's one of my shortcomings. Too much thinking (and feeling :p) and not enough...

    I'll admit that's one of my shortcomings. Too much thinking (and feeling :p) and not enough doing. Heh, funny you should mention that. This summer I watched a youtube video with a particularly obnoxious user giving his views on determinism. I was annoyed by him enough that I stayed up into the...
  7. Döden

    Well I guess it depends on where someone draws the line for self-adjusting. Some can say they...

    Well I guess it depends on where someone draws the line for self-adjusting. Some can say they did this, and heavy encouragement from friends and advice and whatnot still translates into them self-motivating to take certain actions. Others can do it completely in their own heads, which I'm...
  8. Döden

    Absolutely. The vivid colors and quirky style are commendable. And that is where I disagree...

    Absolutely. The vivid colors and quirky style are commendable. And that is where I disagree: most people can't live from their internal world alone. I'm sure they would like to have the option of that kind of stability, but for many, retreating means becoming fixed in the same patterns and...
  9. Döden

    Both the turtle and human look so...excited. :-p I think it's a fairly natural tendency...

    Both the turtle and human look so...excited. :-p I think it's a fairly natural tendency, especially in modern times since people have become so isolated. They need an idea of how others are getting on, and perhaps imagine themselves in situations different than their own. And yes, it...
  10. Döden

    You should MS paint that and help out my poor imagination skills :) Now I'M imagining one of...

    You should MS paint that and help out my poor imagination skills :) Now I'M imagining one of those troll dolls that used to be so popular with the hair hollowed out in the middle. And now I wish I had one. I'm sure a lot of it has to do with ego, especially with Steve Wilkos. You always get...
  11. Döden

    I figured it was some ultra-trendy cut. It could be like a V-neck, but on someone's head :-D His...

    I figured it was some ultra-trendy cut. It could be like a V-neck, but on someone's head :-D His show is strangely addicting, though, as shows with dysfunctional parents and sex-addicted teen crackwhores tend to be. My complaint is he always interrupts guests' attempts to defend themselves...
  12. Döden

    That's all so terribly complicated. Which is why I have been sporting the same cut since the...

    That's all so terribly complicated. Which is why I have been sporting the same cut since the sixth grade. What is a shirt haircut? And look me in the eye and tell me this man is not the definition of cool, popular, and majestic: [IMG] That could be YOU!
  13. Döden

    From a female's perspective, it frightens me. I think it has more to do with "once you start you...

    From a female's perspective, it frightens me. I think it has more to do with "once you start you can't stop." I had a friend with really nice shiny gold hair that went brunette, and I don't think she can go back. Aye, but then you'll be the enigmatic bald man. And if you try remedying this with...
  14. Döden

    Ha, your hairdresser encouraged you to go bold? Mine is constantly playing it safer than I am. I...

    Ha, your hairdresser encouraged you to go bold? Mine is constantly playing it safer than I am. I tell him to cut it an inch and in the end he snips off half of that. In all boldness, I'd want to go kool-aid red. I wish there were a way for me to do that without it permanently staining my hair...
  15. Döden

    Looks cool though. Is it hard to maintain, what with the dark roots and everything? I'm...

    Looks cool though. Is it hard to maintain, what with the dark roots and everything? I'm naturally blonde but I've been entertaining the idea of going suuuper light.
  16. Döden

    facebook sucks!

    I think it's a pretty great tool. But it became an obligation. And the second it became an obligation, I couldn't get myself to go on anymore. I feel sort of bad because I've got friend requests and messages from people that I haven't seen in a while waiting to be answered. It's been four...
  17. Döden

    Multiple Songs at Once

    I can't actually listen to two songs at once. I can, however, leave two songs playing and easily switch my attention between the two, provided they're at similar volumes (how unique of me!). Also, I have left my metronome on for an hour before I realized it. I turned it off more to save the...
  18. Döden

    Your hair is amazing :-D Natural?

    Your hair is amazing :-D Natural?
  19. Döden

    Why Ayn Rand?

    I won money from an essay contest from her work, gotta appreciate the woman somewhat. Still have Fountainhead lying around, which I've been meaning to read. Atlas Shrugged seems like an awesome concept, so I look forward to reading that as well. As for her philosophy, I was 15 when I last read...
  20. Döden

    Hello hello!

    High school female here, currently identifying as INxP. I'm sure hanging around here will help me out. I identify strongly with Socially Awkward Penguin and Philosoraptor makes me lol. I like Cocoa Puffs and funky bass lines Hi! :p
  21. Döden

    I listen to music that doesn't even exist yet

    Thread revive! Ooh, I like what you've got there, Anthile. Atmospheric black metal from Canada: YouTube- A Night That Ends, As All Nights End, When the Sun Rises - Skagos As far as I'm concerned, 3:49 is one of the most perfect moments of musical unity I've ever heard. Post more, people!
  22. Döden


    I've only heard "Regulator" but that's an awesome song. I should check out more. He seems like a really intelligent guy from the interviews I've heard with him. And not to mention, quite the handsome chap ;)
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