the modern scholastic system was designed to...
I have long held most of the listed beliefs,* and would like to add:
-Designed to teach immigrants English and to force them to become part of the larger culture, as opposed to letting them separate themselves into groups of exclusively Irish, Italian, German, Japanese, etc.
-To keep children out of the streets, and allow each parent work on the jobs that are "more productive to the powers that be" than teaching their children.
Now, about me:
I had a fresh out of school teacher when I started kindergarten, and she immediately recognized me as one of her brightest students, and so she treated me that way. I was too young to realize it at the time, but this simple fact earned me many enemies, who proceed to drive me from their heard, and pick on me whenever it was convenient. It upset my mother to have me come crying to her every day, and so began our swap to homeschooling.
It was much like "traditional" school at first, but my mother, clever INTJ that she is, studied homeschooling like only an INT can, and decided to give me and my siblings the "Unschooling" approach.
This has lead me to a rather unusual mix of knowledge compared to those with "conveyor belt education". For example: I lack some of the mathematics skills those on the "belt" get, as I've never needed to apply it in real life, and have therefore not studying them. (though I am taking classes in algebra via the internet, so that I won't be too behind when I go to college.) On the other hand, my father, who is a veteran businessman turned college teacher, told me I know more about economics than most of the people he knows. and I'm only just 18.
To fix the current system, we need to start the privatization process, if nothing else, to give some of the responsibility of rearing the kids back to their parents.
*interactions with others trained me not to mention them, (brainwashing?) Great to hear that list out in the open.