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Search results

  1. Dormouse

    Dante's Inferno Test

    Looks like I'm stuck with whomever's in limbo. Or, more accurately, they're stuck with me. FOR ETERNITY. :twisteddevil:
  2. Dormouse

    The Best Thing About You Test

    Intelligence. YOUR VIRTUES 30% Compassion 67% Intelligence 63% Humility 33% Honesty 38% Discipline 57% Courage 17% Passion
  3. Dormouse

    Are you creepy/weird?

    I believe I was considered somewhat creepy, in a sad, unsettling sort of way. Not actually a threat. Just awkward enough to make people shudder.
  4. Dormouse

    Mental Voice

    I don't read much anymore, especially books written in first person, because the main characters voice would tangle up the cogs in my brain and I would think in their voice for the next few days.
  5. Dormouse

    Learning to talk as a child

    I only began talking at nine months. Apparently I liked it and wouldn't shut up. I also hummed a lot, if that's relevant.
  6. Dormouse

    i'm proud of the fact that i'm worse than i seem

    Show some respect! So what is being mature like? :)
  7. Dormouse

    Sadly, no. I do make them, but both my origami and photography skills are under par.

    Sadly, no. I do make them, but both my origami and photography skills are under par.
  8. Dormouse

    Negative you!

    I complain about my defaults too much.
  9. Dormouse

    Mental Voice

    I don't much like talking to myself, so I borrow others' voices and speak with them.
  10. Dormouse

    I have this thing for open doors..

    Clearly the solution is never to get pissed off. It will have three sections. The angles will be precisely 120 degrees. Each pane of glass will be a different primary colour, so that as it rotates they will overlap and complete the rainbow.
  11. Dormouse

    I have this thing for open doors..

    I changed my mind. I like my doors revolving.
  12. Dormouse

    Do you ever get "vibes"?

    Yes. Words are colours, people are animals, places are seasons.
  13. Dormouse

    Watchmen personality test

    Doc Manhattan You scored 39% Moral Imperatives and 60% Attitude! You believe in deterministim and are generally emotionally detached. You rarely consider the moral implications of others' behaviour and your attitude toward the world is purely practical. You see everything as being...
  14. Dormouse

    I have this thing for open doors..

    I like my doors closed but unlocked.
  15. Dormouse

    ping www.intpforum.com

    I hope you take it upon yourself to communicate in rhyme permanently.
  16. Dormouse


    I like snow and sparkly lights. I also like gingerbread and gift-wrap and the Christmas specials I watched as a kid. The feel of the season is nice, when people are not screaming.
  17. Dormouse


    I have a phone. Usually it's lost. But I found it yesterday! We shall see how long it sticks around this time.
  18. Dormouse


    Somewhat unattractive. Thankfully I'm awesome in enough other ways to make up for it. :p
  19. Dormouse

    Fridge Logic

    There is a can of V8 in my fridge. That is all.
  20. Dormouse

    Trust no one

    Curses, I thought for a moment this was going to be an X-files thread. :phear: That said, I'm quite a trusting person and generally have no problem delegating tasks and speaking honestly. Though I do find text is a far superior method of venting, I tend to conceal the truth somewhat more than I...
  21. Dormouse

    Annoyed with yourself?

    Oh, I'm finding myself quite annoying today. It's a wonder anyone can stand to be around me. Honestly, the narcissism is slowly eroding what's left of my self-respect, and I feel terribly like an attention-whore. This is disgusting. SOMEBODY PITY ME.
  22. Dormouse

    Fantasy RPG Class Test

    The Shadow Fist 20% Strength, 8% Bloodlust, 24% Intelligence, 24% Spirit, 28% Vitality and 52% Agility! Combining incredible martial arts skills along with their stealth, Shadow Fists make deadly adversaries. Swiftly and easily locating the pressure points of their opponents, Shadow Fists...
  23. Dormouse

    Would People be surprised to find out you're an Introvert?

    I'm generally perceived as very introverted. It is probably my most static characteristic, at least in the eyes of the world. Even around friends, when engaged by whatever's going on, I'm told I seem distracted and aloof.
  24. Dormouse

    American adolescents

    Why assume that partying and adopting social norms is completely at odds with having a seperate, inner intellectual life? People are full of contradictions as is, and most adolescents feel more trapped by circumstance than they would as adults. Confined as we are to one social network, one home...
  25. Dormouse

    Theme Song²

    Let it be known that I'm changing my theme song to this: YouTube - Ludo - Whipped Cream Why? BECAUSE I CAN. And dissonance is awesome. Also I missed this thread. *sad-face-oh-wait-there's-none*
  26. Dormouse


    I'm just glad I'm not the one being stalked anymore. :p (Kidding, kidding...) Dear Melly, I'll gladly relinquish the wonderful trophy I've been keeping for most profile visits if it really means that much to you. And I haven't been on the youtube thread for months, so shush. >_>
  27. Dormouse


    When people claim they have no or very few emotions, as INTPs here are occasionally apt to do, I generally disbelieve them. (Apparently this is projection. Boo hoo.) I think, developmentally, there is a wide range of emotional awareness and ease of expression available to INTPs. It can be...
  28. Dormouse

    My surreal/fantasy/psychedelic art

    Wow, these are pretty awesome. What medium do you use? The first few look digital but I see what I think are ink and marker a bit lower down. Anyhow, I'd just like to reiterate that you've used colour wonderfully, though I do believe my favourite is the black and white one. Do you have a site?
  29. Dormouse

    Type INTPf Members As Animals

  30. Dormouse

    IB is also the acronym for innocent bystander. It just struck me as funny. :D

    IB is also the acronym for innocent bystander. It just struck me as funny. :D
  31. Dormouse

    What Do You Wear?

    Mostly second hand and vintage stuff, because looking presentable is awesome but I am broke. And even if I did have pocket change I certainly wouldn't be spending it on clothes. Racecars are what I'd blow my earnings on. Vroom.
  32. Dormouse

    Type INTPf Members As Animals

  33. Dormouse

    When The Seagulls Cry

    So, I haven't actually read any of the posts on this thread for fear of spoilers, but I figured I'd just say that I've been meaning to watch this for a while and now have an uninterrupted evening of self-pity and illness. Marathon time! Two episodes in: You BASTARDS, I can't believe you...
  34. Dormouse

    Intellectual vs Pseudo-Intellectual

    Pseudo-intellectuals get cake and friends - I mean, wait, no. I suppose that much of the difference between the two is their intent. For pseudo-intellectuals the motivation is self-aggrandissement, whereas for intellectuals it would be primarily to find the truth of the matter. And then maybe...
  35. Dormouse

    The RPG Class Test

    Arcane Trickster 33% Combativeness, 67% Sneakiness, 74% Intellect, 36% Spirituality
  36. Dormouse

    A reintro

    Welcome back! I rather remember you from... Hey wait what.
  37. Dormouse

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

  38. Dormouse

    Pi and Obsession

    Patterns, which repeated over time look something like a bird battling a lightning bolt. Or a herd of gazelles. Or a lilypad sinking. Yeah.
  39. Dormouse

    Pi and Obsession

    If I scroll down really fast I see messages in pi...
  40. Dormouse

    so, looks like i'm gonna be a daddy :)

    Congratulations. Don't let it play with sharp objects. :D Well, to begin with.
  41. Dormouse

    The Which Chemical Element Am I Test

    C...Carbon You scored 24 Mass, 37 Electronegativity, 42 Metal, and 0 Radioactivity! Nobody understands you... no, not even organic chemists. The social individualist. You like your attention... but not TOO MUCH attention. You are able to form incredibly close relationships with many...
  42. Dormouse

    Introibo ad altare Dei, ad Deum qui laetificat juventutem meam

    Welcome. We've been expecting you.
  43. Dormouse

    whats Love for u..huh?

    Love is all gooey, kinda like what you get when you forget about the gummy bears and chocolate in your pocket and they merge together in the heat. It's a mess, and it will probably make you sick if you ingest it, but at least it comes with one hell of a sugar buzz. ...Yeah.
  44. Dormouse

    Harry Potter as an NT - recommended! (HPMoR)

    Re: Harry Potter as an NT - recommended! (so far) This is quite refreshing, considering I spent most of the original books hating on Harry for being a sentimental fop. I just want to hug this new version of him.
  45. Dormouse

    INTP life experiences and 10 questions!

    If possible, I do things one bit at a time. Switching topics also seems to help me stay focused. Also, think ahead. I have difficulty finishing tasks I haven't fully planned out, disorganisation seems to lead to distraction. Average, dur. No. Yes, though I see nothing exceptional about...
  46. Dormouse

    INTPs and Psychology

    I'm very interested in psychology, and am hoping to take a complimentary course in it sometime soon. I find myself generally more drawn to neuroscience, seeing psychology as a more practical and people-oriented branch of it. Understanding people would be nice. Though I think curiosity as to how...
  47. Dormouse

    The dare thread? You wouldn't... >_> Bah, fine. Account number four it is...

    The dare thread? You wouldn't... >_> Bah, fine. Account number four it is: http://hololuck.deviantart.com/ I know what you mean. I'm in a pretty intense drawing phase right now. It never really halts completely, and my notes are always covered in doodles, but sometimes I just get sick of it. ^_^
  48. Dormouse

    As The World Watches

    Actually, I just checked, and at this hour of the morning it's only about 50 or so people. Can I still panic?
  49. Dormouse

    If you have any kind of patience, then I sincerely envy you. Also, yay for deletion! Because...

    If you have any kind of patience, then I sincerely envy you. Also, yay for deletion! Because erasers are so messy... But it really shows that you put time into your work. It's so clean and shiny. Mehhhhhhh. I have had three seperate deviantart accounts, but I never posted anything of value and...
  50. Dormouse

    Squee!<3!~ So, I creeped your profile a bit, and, well, it makes me want to get back on...

    Squee!<3!~ So, I creeped your profile a bit, and, well, it makes me want to get back on deviantart... I also feel a bit less awkward for having my own few sketches of forum members. <_< And in conclusion, you are rather awesome and have what I believe are referred to as 'elite drawing skills'. :p
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