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Search results

  1. The Introvert

    Developing our Fe as we grow up

    In terms of notation, does that imply: - both T and F (as in splitting the function) - either T or F If the former, I didn't know that was possible :phear:
  2. The Introvert

    In an Attempt to Type Myself

    Being introverted doesn't equate to being INTP; there are several other types that enjoy deep thought and thinking. Also, I'm almost positive that I use Ni, which is not a main function of INTP.
  3. The Introvert

    In an Attempt to Type Myself

    I don't know how to work the webcam on my laptop (not even sure if I have the right drivers anymore since the C: drive broke). I'm interested in my type because it may assist me in understanding how my mind works and what I may need to work on.
  4. The Introvert

    In an Attempt to Type Myself

    I have failed. Despite the various online tests, studying of Jungian functions, and half-assed self-given explanations, I have failed. I don't know what my type is. So, the purpose of this thread is for you all to help me. Ask me questions, ask me to explain something, or just give your...
  5. The Introvert

    A wild INTP appears

    Ah, Architect. It's a Pokemon reference. <---- Like this :) I have a question for you, Boo. What is your reasoning for picking your name?
  6. The Introvert

    Life throughout the universe still Darwinian?

    If this is what he is referring to, then it disproves neither the theory of evolution nor "competitive selection" (which isn't even relevant in the experiment).
  7. The Introvert

    Life throughout the universe still Darwinian?

    Ah, sorry. I saw your layout and kind of just assumed you were disagreeing lol. :D
  8. The Introvert


    Mmm I knew I messed up somewhere in that :eek: The point I was trying to prove is that the opinions en masse are regarded as 'true' - simply to have the least amount of conflict possible. You must have some sort of standard for truth, even if it is not objectively true, just for peace's sake...
  9. The Introvert

    Life throughout the universe still Darwinian?

    But this is an assumption based on similar chemical interactions occurring, and producing similar mechanical functions. It is assuming that environmental factors are similar - and that these factors, or pressures, affect the structure in a uniform manner. Sure, I suppose you could have similar...
  10. The Introvert

    Life throughout the universe still Darwinian?

    Alternate chemical compositions may incite alternate mechanical functions. Hell, I would be shocked if it didn't. A structure is simply a larger view of a lot of little structures. Changing the little structures (ie the chemical composition) should change the whole picture, no?
  11. The Introvert

    Life throughout the universe still Darwinian?

    The only problem I have with this is that we are assuming all life in this universe is governed by the same rules as we. Although I still do not think it would be overstepping the boundaries of Darwinism to assume that alternate life-forms would also occupy a similar system (of natural...
  12. The Introvert

    Developing our Fe as we grow up

    Duxwing Maybe my problem is I don't understand feeling and thinking functions too well. For example, yes, my Fe seems to be strong, but then my Ti seems to be very weak, and I feel like I'm much more Te. You might also notice from reading my posts that I have a poor relationship with my Ti...
  13. The Introvert


    Morality as a concept is the congregation of beliefs within a society. Things are defined as 'morally wrong' only en masse. Morality as function is an internal 'moral compass' for the subjective viewer. It can only be defined per person; what is morally right for one person may be to the...
  14. The Introvert

    Developing our Fe as we grow up

    INFJ/INTJ Still in the process in figuring out exactly. My last post makes me lean more towards INFJ, but so far there is still more evidence pointing towards INTJ. It's really much more difficult to figure out than others make it seem :phear: At least for me.
  15. The Introvert

    Developing our Fe as we grow up

    Fe is an interesting function for me. I'm not an INTP, mind you. It seems like I've always had a strong connection to Fe. Ever since I can remember, it's been fairly easy for me to understand what people are feeling and not cause a scene. This doesn't mean that I'm still not usually...
  16. The Introvert

    I've Been Writing Poetry...

    Life; a power and Force greater than the cosmic winds Keeping strung together universe so tight; enough to see light in creases Of our own distinct fingertips. Perfect. :D
  17. The Introvert

    MBTI (stereo)types and music

    Really :phear: I'll just stop, then. I'll accept my typing as INTJ :ichnicht: Is it an alternate stacking?
  18. The Introvert

    "you didn't get my joke!" - how do you deliver your humour?

    *Silently nods*
  19. The Introvert

    MBTI (stereo)types and music

    Ah, yes, I know this. I guess I should have added that it was more or less another example of something that I think fits for me being an INTP. I wasn't trying to say: "I like melancholic music, therefore I must be INTP". I need to get this whole 'explaining' thing down :o Architect The...
  20. The Introvert

    MBTI (stereo)types and music

    Architect This makes me doubt my current typing (INTJ) Chopin is by far my favorite composer (specifically his Nocturnes), but I (think) I have none of the same primary functions as INTPs. Obviously, there's more to it than that, but coupled with the ambiguity of my typing (facilitated by a...
  21. The Introvert

    Suicidal Feelings

    I didn't; I edited it :D And my apologies if my comment came off as rude. It's just normally, people around here are pristine in both grammatical and spelling rules. Your presence caught me off guard.
  22. The Introvert

    Suicidal Feelings

    :facepalm:So... many... spelling errors... ^^ Anyway, to reiterate my point to you, @walfin "The thought of suicide is a great consolation: by means of it one gets through many a dark night" - Nietzsche In other words, sometimes we have our bad days; sometimes, thinking about suicide even...
  23. The Introvert

    Caffeine Jitters

    This might be obvious, but I think something that needs to be noted is the combination of both copious amounts of caffeine and strenuous physical activity. Unless it's already in the OP, in which case I'll just slowly back out of the thread :ichnicht:
  24. The Introvert

    Suicidal Feelings

    I am posting under the assumption that you are rational enough to understand what I am about to say and take it in stride. After reading your post again, that assumption was well-made :) Suicidal feelings are most likely a result of a loss of self-worth. Please understand me when I say that...
  25. The Introvert

    Somewhere We Should Not Be

    Maybe I can spur a scientific hypothesis, like Einstein, or Watson and the double helix :borg0: But really, I didn't know that's how Einstein worked. I guess I just kind of assumed he was really intelligent and worked through all of his ideas with mathematics and logic. You give me hope for...
  26. The Introvert

    Somewhere We Should Not Be

    It was just odd because I have been dealing with this subject quite intensely for a while now. I'm being personally pulled this way and that by people's religious views (be it Muslims, Christians, Atheists) recently and then this happened at such an odd time. But, I still wasn't likening the...
  27. The Introvert

    Somewhere We Should Not Be

    Update: Last night I experienced the strangest thing! As I was laying in my bed, I started thinking about God, and contemplating our existence, God's existence, and systems. After a while, there was a slight 'something' that was bothering me - I felt like something was different either...
  28. The Introvert

    The Are You a Psychopath? Test

    The Madman You scored 45% empathic, 43% delusional, 41% sociable, and 29% law-abiding! You have many of the same qualities of a psychopath while also showing some delusional tendencies. This is deeply concerning, but there is a faint chance that with therapy and...
  29. The Introvert

    5 Favorite Bands/Music Artists

    A lot of times they're hit or miss for me. Still have some good stuff though, IMO
  30. The Introvert

    5 Favorite Bands/Music Artists

    Nezaros With that list, you might consider taking a look at the Chili Peppers? As for me, without segregating into different genres of music, I find this question to be almost impossible to answer. As of now, my top choices would be (in no particular order): John Mayer Coldplay (older stuff)...
  31. The Introvert


    To become truly educated, it takes both a desire to be so and the means to acquire it. Unfortunately, the two don't seem to be coagulating (at least where I'm from) too much right now. You could make an argument for either side, but when it comes down to it, both the system and the students...
  32. The Introvert

    Kitties of the interweb! ...Hi :3

    I second that. It was an interesting introduction, to say the least :smoker: Anyhow, I also concur with Cog in both of his statements; there really aren't that many INTPs here, considering it's an INTP forum (myself included), so don't worry about not fitting in. To be honest, it's difficult...
  33. The Introvert

    Something that has been bugging me with marijuana

    In addition to my previous post, I think this might raise another question: Is it possible to form new types via chemical stimulation? In this case it would be THC. I'm almost positive I would be Ne,Ti,Fe,Si under the influence, which isn't anything. Thoughts?
  34. The Introvert

    Something that has been bugging me with marijuana

    I've heard different things from many different people. There are some who say that they feel like their whole perception has switched (regardless of type; ie: an introverted could become extroverted and vice versa). I have also personally seen extroverts have their perceptions amplified, just...
  35. The Introvert

    Something that has been bugging me with marijuana

    I've wondered (somewhat) similar things myself. I would like to point out that I am an INTJ, so bear that in mind. They're* But, to answer the question. Why not just ask them what they're thinking? :confused: Through my own personal experience, the best way to figure out how people think is...
  36. The Introvert

    Physics Question Within

    So, if I'm understanding correctly... Bending space does not slow time, but rather shifts the distance it must travel. Does this imply that light will then reach point A from point B more slowly if space is stretched as opposed to if it is not? I guess the question is: If I were able to...
  37. The Introvert

    I Know Nothing

    It isn't about knowing who you are, or what you want (from the literal definition of knowing). You cannot find yourself by actively seeking; you must live in the moment, and assess yourself retrospectively. Only then can you know who you were. The way I see it, it's kind of like this. If...
  38. The Introvert

    Physics Question Within

    Ok, I kind of understand. I'm assuming the interchangeability of mass and energy is consistent with Einstein's equation? This may be an obvious question (or maybe not at all, and impossible to answer) but why is it that light is the fastest moving thing we have found in the universe? Why...
  39. The Introvert

    Somewhere We Should Not Be

    [SPOILER] This is about the only thing I can relate to (on occasion I experience changes in pressure coupled with auditory overload, but this is rare, and I attribute it to actual changes in pressure on the inner ear). I can't tell you how many times I've heard something so touching; yet so...
  40. The Introvert

    Somewhere We Should Not Be

    Replace the hookers with a greenhouse with terrarium/ plant cultivating capabilities, and you've got yourself a deal. You can build it on the beachfront real estate, if you wish. I'll start planning my ecosystem now!
  41. The Introvert

    How will homework prepare me for life?

    Busy work is the most effective way to get students to sit down and actually look at the material. Essentially, it's force-feeding information down the throats of supposed intellectuals. You may not benefit nearly as much from homework, as you probably are interested in learning for learning's...
  42. The Introvert

    Physics Question Within

    Why does this happen? Does it have something to do with friction between matter and the space it moves through at ever-increasing speeds? :confused: I have next to no actual knowledge of physics, despite it being of profound interest to me. I'm looking forward to taking some classes next...
  43. The Introvert

    Somewhere We Should Not Be

    Eh, you could say that. I guess the way I look at it is: if you can either have a positive or negative outlook on something, why would you choose the negative one intentionally? Life is more fulfilling if you're happy; if I can choose to be so, then it only makes life that much better.
  44. The Introvert

    Somewhere We Should Not Be

    So... so I'm special? :o Should my long-term goals be world domination?
  45. The Introvert

    Somewhere We Should Not Be

    Just an update here (I've read your replies, but unfortunately do not have time to respond to them due to class soon); I remembered a dream again last night. The last time before this experience was (probably) about a month ago (in which all I remember is staring into the soul of a barn owl...
  46. The Introvert

    Somewhere We Should Not Be

    I like you. I like your answer the best, therefore it is the one I will choose to listen to. :smiley_emoticons_mr
  47. The Introvert

    Somewhere We Should Not Be

    No. I'm assuming this is related to the aforementioned brain seizures several others (possibly you) mentioned. As I've said before though, my headaches were re-classified as cluster headaches, which are different (seasonal, come in clusters).
  48. The Introvert

    Somewhere We Should Not Be

    Whenever I went to the doctor for my headaches... so around... October-ish? :confused: Maybe later in the year than that.
  49. The Introvert

    Somewhere We Should Not Be

    Is this INTJ-specific or is it true with all introverted types? Despite my initially clustered and provocative post, I don't believe that there is anything (extensively) wrong with me. I had an MRI for my headaches and nothing was proclaimed to be out of the ordinary (thus the decision to...
  50. The Introvert

    Can an insane person think himself to be so?

    I think first we must distinguish the differences between being mentally unstable (ie: some sort of psychological disorder) and being "insane" (ie: you're strange, or do irrational things, what have you). I'm going to take a (probably) strange stance and argue what I think most others would...
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