This is mighty interesting. Could you elaborate on the archetypes?
Sure I think I could add some info on them
Ne-Fe: The carefree Man-child
The most extroverted and charming of the archetypes and also one of the most unhealthy. The INTP in this mode is usually one who was hit hard by something yet pretend that they're happy. Yes, they are excitable and quite engaging but this is merely a facade, a facade that is rapidly draining the INTP's reserve. Like the Ti-Si, this type doesn't want to grow. They don't want to take responsibility on their actions and delude themselves that everything is fine (like a INFP on fantasy mode). This is where the INTP is most naive.
I think the bad version of Carl Jung's puer is this type's model
If their Si is okay, this archetype is the best when it comes to play or social gatherings. As long as their boundaries and identities are intact, I think they would be great conversationalists.
Ti-Si: The cynical Old Man, analysis-paralysis
The next unhealthy archetype. I think Ti-Si rears its ugly head whenever the INTP is hit with something that they can't through away easily like an attack to their beliefs (Si) or their emotions (Fe). Ti-Si is a "defense barrier" to keep the pain at bay. I believe that the INTP is in his most weakest in this type as they merely repeat the faults that happened to them ad infinitum in their minds devising "new" scenarios of what could have beens. It's best that they open up to find fresh data from other people regarding their problems if they wish to get out of this rut.
I think the bad version of Carl Jung's senex is this type's model
A Ti-Si that has a good Ne can evolve into quite a philosopher as Ti-Si is the most reflective of the types. A good Fe could also help him translate his findings more easily. Heck, they would be a better sage than Si-Fe
Ne-Si: The detached Observer
This is the quiet mode for self-reflection and learning. I think this is the second most introverted of the archetypes (second to Ti-Si) and the most willing to learn. They just eat raw data indiscriminately from books or experiences and save them for the Ti later for digestion. I think this shouldn't be used much for two-way conversations but is handy for lectures.
This is the forum lurker.
Ti-Ne: The dynamic Brainstormer
Ha, my favorite archetype. I think this is the INTP's "game face" the Ti-Ne dynamic duo could snatch ideas out of thin air and convert them to plausible theories and solve problems. I think this is the second most enthusiastic archetype (second to Ne-Fe). If the Fe is developed, they could be an engaging person to discuss things with.
I'm willing to bet that most INTP's here use this during heated/exciting discussions
This is the archetype that I used to craft this thread. I think most of the data that I used here came from the topics in this forum and other INTP websites. I have no idea how I stacked them, they just fall into place.
Si-Fe: The loyal Confidant
very rare variant IMO. They are more attune to their feelings in this mode. Once the INTP has established their identity and identified with their feelings, they could easily counsel people. They would willingly suppress the problem solving mode until the opportune time and just let the other person drop their load.
I think this is like Merlin giving wisdom to Arthur
Ti-Fe: the visionary Leader
Another developed INTP archetype. The Ti-Fe has formulated his strategy (Ne) and morals (Si) so thoroughly that he's confident that it would be useful in the real world. Fe keeps them in check and not devolve into a pushy tyrant while Ti provides some sort of "J" that motivates him to finish his project. This is the INTP with the most willpower, a wizard who has descended from his ivory tower to kick ass.
I think President Lincoln would be a nice model