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Search results

  1. CowSavior

    About you?

    :pI'm sexy.:p :cool:
  2. CowSavior


    Who has phobias and what are they? I don't really have any. I guess I'm scared of the dark, but I like the dark at the same time. It's odd. ("..." FREEEEEEEEE!!!) :D
  3. CowSavior


    ^ I actually don't really breakdance. I can only really do a windmill, but I'm practicing. I can do about 3-10 in a row. I only really practice in my kitchen though, lol. My cat get's scared, and runs away, except for one time when I was doing a windmill I looked up, because he walked in the...
  4. CowSavior

    Greetings *smooch*

    Oh, lol, I didn't even notice you were a moderator! >_<... ^_^
  5. CowSavior

    Greetings *smooch*

    Signatures are pointless. Mine is just... There. Eh, Jay-Z said it, and I don't see too many people with a qoute from a Hip-Hop artist, so it's unique in that manner. I only really have one because I can, but not having a signature doesnt annoy me. I don't think you need one, either...
  6. CowSavior


    I came upon a list of phobias not too long ago, and was very interested, because: There are some really crazy phobias! I was going through the list just reading them off. There was fear of infinity, fear of being touched, fear of opinions (my personal favorite), etc... But then I See...
  7. CowSavior

    Sexually frustrated seal accosts penguin

    :phear:*Cough* Necro *cough*:phear:
  8. CowSavior


    Haha. Story of my life.
  9. CowSavior

    What kind of dreams do you have?

    I have lots of dreams like those. My mom usually get's really aggrivated at me because She'll wake me up for school, then I'll fall back asleep and dream that I am getting ready to go to school, then she'll call and ask if I've gotten ready and I'll say yes, and she'll come in my room and...
  10. CowSavior


    ...!? That's odd. I can do a windmill.
  11. CowSavior

    Would You Rather Be Happy Or Good?

    Well, In the sense that good meant being a good person, I'd much rather be good than happy, because that way I'd make a lote more people around me happy regardless of how happy I was. However, if the meaning of good were that I was always well behaved, then I'd rather be happy, because just...
  12. CowSavior


    What kind of physical training do you do for breakdancing? I know you'd need a lot of upperbody strength to do Holds and such things.
  13. CowSavior

    What's Jesin's Guilty Secret? [Thread Split]

    Re: What's Your Guilty Secret? *Cough* ^
  14. CowSavior

    What kind of dreams do you have?

    The gameplay in that was great, except for that crap where you had to find the triforce. I just gave up, and didn't care. But the ending to that game was epic!
  15. CowSavior


  16. CowSavior

    Intro to.... Me

    Umm. Yeeeeah...
  17. CowSavior

    What's Jesin's Guilty Secret? [Thread Split]

    Re: What's Your Guilty Secret? OCD. Jesin, are you talking about copycatting??? And it is OCD induced... I can't not "..." __________________
  18. CowSavior


    I don't know. I have the same problem, but I always exercise if I'm part of a sport or something. I only work out about once a month when there are no sports... (Man, I gotta run track.) But I'm still in highschool, and since youre doing all of this travelling, I'm assuming both youre not in...
  19. CowSavior

    What kind of dreams do you have?

    Hmm, I dream of everyday things that would happen in my life, except I dream of things like... Doing something I could be doing, but know I'm not doing because I don't meet the requirements to do it at the time. Like, for instance, I could be downstairs in my living room playing a game that I...
  20. CowSavior


    I have no idea... I coulda sworn it was 22...
  21. CowSavior

    Too much knowledge?

    I don't think everybody wants to give birth... Or have kids at all...
  22. CowSavior

    Intro to.... Me

    Uh... Where you talking TO someone?
  23. CowSavior

    Dream 'Job'

    The plot is not bad, it's just not original. The movie was a complete disaster. I felt like I was watching something with a $10,000 budget. And they made Eragon look lie a queer. (no offense to those of you that may be bi/homo sexual...)
  24. CowSavior

    What's Jesin's Guilty Secret? [Thread Split]

    Re: What's Your Guilty Secret? Yay, I don't follow the group!!!!!! I feel RADIANTLY OPTIMISTIC!!!!!!!!!!!
  25. CowSavior

    What's Jesin's Guilty Secret? [Thread Split]

    Re: What's Your Guilty Secret? AHA!!!! I got you now!!! My best freind is ALWAYS on deviantART!!!! I'm going to explain this whole thing to him, and I'm going to find out what your big secret is!!!!!!!!!!
  26. CowSavior

    What's Jesin's Guilty Secret? [Thread Split]

    Re: What's Your Guilty Secret? That's really no more nerdy that D&D... Is it an online thing???
  27. CowSavior


    I tried so hard to beat 25... It was uber difficula, and I only got 22... :(
  28. CowSavior

    Dream 'Job'

    I agree. ... I don't see myself doing any kind of work in my dreams. My "dream job" would be to accumulate money just by being awesome!!!! And eragon is a good book, because it's so interesting!!! But the director for the movie needs to burn in hell...
  29. CowSavior

    Intro to.... Me

    Yeah, you people sure are weird. But hilarious, too. Ah!!!! I have to ask... Does anybody here (Alie, you don't count, obviously...) think I'm arrogant/ ignorant???
  30. CowSavior

    What's Jesin's Guilty Secret? [Thread Split]

    Re: What's Your Guilty Secret? What are they guessing, and what were the hints? I'd normally look, but ther're 7 pages in this forum...
  31. CowSavior

    What's Jesin's Guilty Secret? [Thread Split]

    Re: What's Your Guilty Secret? Wait... What exactly are they guessing.
  32. CowSavior


    Hahaha!!!! You screwed yourself over!!!!
  33. CowSavior

    What's Jesin's Guilty Secret? [Thread Split]

    Re: What's Your Guilty Secret? Ew...
  34. CowSavior

    Sexually frustrated seal accosts penguin

    You would think it's be a mental injury... But you never know with a penguine... ... You people are weird... I love it !!!
  35. CowSavior

    How far can science go?

    Reality is the spawn of ideas!!!!!! REGISTER AND CONCUR!!!!!
  36. CowSavior

    What's Your Guilty Secret?

    HEY! Don't judge me! Perceeeeive meee. :)
  37. CowSavior

    Selective Service?

    Air-force, but I really prefer the Marines... They're the toughest and most organized.
  38. CowSavior

    How many INTPs do you know?

    Oh my God, Ashley Olsen is an INTP... I kinda don't want to be one anymore... :(
  39. CowSavior

    What's Your Guilty Secret?

    Ah, I have a guilty secret! I got obsessed with freinds, the TV show with Jennifer Aniston.... My mom watches it religiously, and One day she was like, "I can't watch another episode or I'll puke." And the I realised that I had been drawn to it... I was laughing so hard!
  40. CowSavior

    Self Esteem

    The only thing that limits you is your mind... Think harder!:) Just love yourself for who you are. It might help if you set a time before bed every night, and think of all the good/ positive things you've done, and everything good about yourself. I used to do this... It worked for me. I...
  41. CowSavior

    Totally lame

    Funny. There are more than just the litteral meanings to words... By "douche" I mean a complete and total jerk/a-hole... As in douchebag... Which is a device that is used to clean a woman's...(I SO want to say Va jay jay! [inside joke]) Go to urbandictionary.com and look it up there... :-D
  42. CowSavior

    Totally lame

    Lol, I don't think ADD existed either... But you sound kinda like a complete and total douche... Because you SO blunt. Youre amusing... :) And you should post an introduction, also...
  43. CowSavior

    sweet nostalgia..........

    O_o!!! Can you upload something???
  44. CowSavior

    Movie Questionnaire

    Lol. (1=best, 5=worst of best...) Top: 1-Pulp Fiction 2-Donny Darko 3-Walk Hard 4-Final Fantasy: Advent children 5-The Life Aquatic (1=best of worst, 5=TERRIBLE) Bottom: 1-That live action Mario CRAP 2-Spiderman 3. (it was great until venom showed up... then it just kept getting...
  45. CowSavior

    Best Comedy?

    I know, I know! The life aquatic was HILARIOUS! Bill murray? Owen Wilson!? The SAM movie!?!?!? =Greatness. It was a bit of dry humor, but I highly enjoyed it. And the music was awesome! It was even more funny, though, because I was in the theatre with about 20 other cousins, and most of us...
  46. CowSavior

    Who is/are your favorite singer/music band?

    Iiii liiiike.... -CLAY AYKIN!!!! (joke) -My chemical romance -Cannibal Ox -Outkast -Jay-Z -Kanye west -Green Day -Jimi Hendrix -Elton John -Daft Punk -Etc (this list goes on forever and ever... not literally)
  47. CowSavior

    Lord of the rings!

    What about eyes? This is a message board, you know. And Gandalf is a straight up P.I.M.P.
  48. CowSavior

    Writing anyone?

    Youre hilarious. Hmm, what's more hilarious was when my cat did shrooms...
  49. CowSavior

    Self Esteem

    There really arent any. It's all up to your thinking capacity. I got more by wanting it, but anything I can mentally improve, I will mentally improve on my own...
  50. CowSavior

    How many INTPs do you know?

    I'm not sure that I know many other INTP's, but if I had to guess, I'd say about three. But a great majority of my freinds is Introverted.
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