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Search results

  1. Agent Intellect

    Videos About Evolution

    For those interested in learning about evolution, but don't like reading: What Darwin Never Knew. - This is probably one of the best shows I've seen about evolution - it's layman's terms but doesn't dumb it down as if it's talking to school children. The Code of Life - DNA and genetics; it's...
  2. Agent Intellect

    Tipping Ballerina Effect

    Traveling at identical velocities? If they were spinning in a centrifuge, the weight moving further outside will decrease the velocity of rotation, thus maintaining the invariance of L in L=r*p (where p=mv or momentum and r is distance from point of rotation). As r becomes a larger value the...
  3. Agent Intellect

    Delayed Entry

    I'm partial to vivisection.
  4. Agent Intellect

    Delayed Entry

    I'm almost certain this person is a troll.
  5. Agent Intellect

    Work and Self-doubt

    I don't know how much criticism affects me too negatively, although I'm sure it does at some level. What I do find is that I tend to do things just to make myself appear more capable to other people, which is something that comes from my own self doubt. I tend to put up a front of being the...
  6. Agent Intellect

    The Sleepless Club

    I have since given up and slept - I must have made it around 60ish hours without sleep, but I didn't have any hallucinations. It was an interesting experiment. I'm not sure how to explain it, but I felt the 'tiredness' in the back of my eyes more then anything (probably doesn't help that they...
  7. Agent Intellect

    Social norms

    Wear socks on your hands, underwear on the outside and hats on your feet. Shave your head. Cough without covering your mouth and fart loudly in public. Curse at children. Drink hard liquor in public. Talk to yourself and laugh loudly while around other people - then bit their head off if they...
  8. Agent Intellect

    The Sleepless Club

    57~ hours now. I had the pleasure of going to a school orientation in my sleep deprived state today, that was kind of fun. It has certainly become a lot more difficult to partake in anything with even a small amount of complexity, and I will have forgotten what I'd just watched on TV after about...
  9. Agent Intellect

    Why am I happy?

    It takes a great deal of self delusion to be happy in a world like ours.
  10. Agent Intellect

    The Sleepless Club

    Hilarious, not so much. I've just been in a strange mood, feeling unable to get myself to do anything - even sleep. I've been watching downloaded episodes of Dexter almost the entire waking period; perhaps not the healthiest show for someone in a lethargic state such as mine to watch.
  11. Agent Intellect

    The Sleepless Club

    They say if you stay awake for 72~ hours you can start hallucinating. I'm about half way there - who wants to go for the gold with me?
  12. Agent Intellect

    Have you ever noticed ESxP types seem to relate to their Inferior more than any other type?

    My brother is ISTP, and I do notice that he can make a lot of intuitive leaps while watching movies and so forth that I can't. He has predicted the outcomes of movies and TV shows more times then I can count, but I guess ISTP's have Ni as an even more developed trait then ESTP's. But, this...
  13. Agent Intellect

    Long Posts

    I try to stay as concise as possible, but like someone else said, I also try to make sure that nothing is omitted. When I start a topic, I usually attempt to take it in a logical 'flow' that starts from a point where people will understand where the thought is coming from, and then follow my...
  14. Agent Intellect


    This could be true, but when looking for intelligent life, it's generally more conducive to look for something that is looking back. Of course, it could also be true that another intelligent life form does not even use EM waves of any sort for communication - perhaps they use gravitational waves...
  15. Agent Intellect

    The Antagonism Of Personality.

    I wonder if it's just the nature of our mind that keeps us from the full realization of our self? In the same way that language is symbolic, it's probably true that our self-concept is symbolic, in that it's only a rough representation of self. If self awareness is the awareness of an identity...
  16. Agent Intellect

    The Antagonism Of Personality.

    I've had some thoughts that are closely related enough to this thread that I decided to put them here instead of making a new thread. This is about identity. People, especially the people that frequent this forum, seem to constantly be seeking an identity - a "theory of everything" that fully...
  17. Agent Intellect

    Insomnia help

    Could also try Valerian Root. If you do, though, I would warn you that it smells terrible.
  18. Agent Intellect

    Weak Fi in INTP leads to inconstant sense of self?

    I think the problem would be that Ti seeks truth, even if it's not conducive for attaining ones goals, or even pertinent to ones capabilities (what one would call 'disinterested knowledge'). Ne (or even Se) is sort of a catch all, taking ideas (or senses) and running with it, feeding it to Ti or...
  19. Agent Intellect

    Enhanced Hemispherical Task-Division

    So, people should become more like whales?
  20. Agent Intellect

    Insomnia help

    Some people swear that getting good exercise during the day helps; I assume this would probably help balance the circadian rhythm by increasing metabolism during the day. I can attest to this, to a degree. I have insomnia, but probably not to the extent you describe (and mine seems to wax and...
  21. Agent Intellect

    Annual INTPf Face Screening

    INTP's are supposed to have the emotional range of Terry Shiavo, and your forum skin should reflect this.
  22. Agent Intellect

    Music or Lyrics?

    I listen to music while doing pretty much every activity, and in those cases, it's mostly about the music. If I'm just listening to music (not as background noise) then it's all about the lyrics.
  23. Agent Intellect

    The Best Personality Type For You Test (for romantic partner)

    I always dislike the questions about routine on these sorts of tests, too. I am not someone that's 'set in my ways' but I do often get into comfortable routines. I would probably see this as more of an Si thing, and not really an indicator of Jina (coining that right now to go with Pness). I...
  24. Agent Intellect

    The Antagonism Of Personality.

    I only have a little time before having to go to work, so I don't really have time to address everyone individually until later. I guess we would have to distinguish what free will actually is here. Something without personality, like a rock, does not have any free will whatsoever. If an...
  25. Agent Intellect

    The Antagonism Of Personality.

    Yes, I would include phobias and fears into the realm of personality, as they are an aspect of our identity, defining who we are (based on the decisions we make). In existentialist literature, they define fear and anguish as two different things, though. Fear is the fear of how contingent...
  26. Agent Intellect

    The Antagonism Of Personality.

    I'm not necessarily saying that our personalities and values prevent us from making the right decisions (the idea of a correct decision is a whole other thread in itself) but that they are limiting us from making other decisions. I guess one could almost look at it as somehow becoming the ever...
  27. Agent Intellect

    Women are inferior

    The only thing that any individual should know for sure is that, whatever you are good at, there is almost certainly somebody better at it.
  28. Agent Intellect

    The Antagonism Of Personality.

    Is our personality an antagonist of our free will? This could mean either a biological or social constructivist aspect of personality. Are human beings completely free to make decisions, but constantly have their personality (or other things, such as intelligence, values, social expectations)...
  29. Agent Intellect

    Women are inferior

    IQ is a dubious standard to judge ones superiority. The vast majority of people in prison are male, so does that mean that men are inferior as social human beings? Men, on average, die younger than women, so does that mean that women are biologically superior? This, I suppose, is why I (try)...
  30. Agent Intellect

    Women are inferior

    I would probably have to agree with Cheese. While I think the thread title could have probably been posed better (I would have gone with "Are Women Inferior?" or something along those lines, as opposed to a statement). But, I also think that this shouldn't be a topic that's designated as being...
  31. Agent Intellect

    Women are inferior

    About the only thing I can add is that, for me, people are considered on a purely individual basis - not by whatever group they may fit within. An individual woman is probably just as capable as doing anything that an individual man is capable of doing and vice versa - except on a reproductive...
  32. Agent Intellect

    Women are inferior

    Inferior in what way? Soon, men will not even be necessary.
  33. Agent Intellect

    Sneaking back quietly

    Had to come back and whip out the ol' INTPness again, huh? Well, this is the best place to expose ones INTPness, because everyone else will find it equally as stimulating. It has been long and hard not having your INTPness' input - truly, you are the cream of the crop - so I hope it does not rub...
  34. Agent Intellect

    what are the books you read in 2009?

    "The Universe In A Nutshell" - Stephen Hawking "Origins" - Neil Degrasse Tyson "Death By Black Hole" - Neil Degrasse Tyson "A Different Universe" - Robert Laughlin "Why Does E=MC2" - Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw "Your Brain Is (Almost) Perfect" - Read Montague "Blink" - Malcolm Gladwell "How We...
  35. Agent Intellect


    The problem is, it's combining "regardless" and "Irregard" (the latter of which is not really a word, but the prefix assumes a negation of regard) both of which are implying the opposite of regard. Essentially it's saying [the opposite of]regard[negated], giving it a double negative. It's why I...
  36. Agent Intellect


    Add "Un-thaw" to the list, too. It would be the opposite of thawing something, meaning that you are freezing it. This tends to happen in speech more often than text, though.
  37. Agent Intellect

    the Nothing between two somethings

    All meaning is irrational. Reason only comes after the acceptance of that irrationality. I've touched on this in some other threads, but the way I see it, most rationals attempt to exhaust all reason in the pursuit of a meaningful life, and generally one of three things happens - they exhaust...
  38. Agent Intellect

    the Nothing between two somethings

    The most difficult thing one can experience is the collapse of the foundations of ones beliefs. This has happened to me, before, as well. I suppose it's sort of an existential crisis, the loss of what once seemed so important - similar to when some people graduate high school and realize how...
  39. Agent Intellect

    The origin of our hesitance

    This sort of thought pattern is a constant problem for me when it comes to social situations. I sort of touched on this in one of my videos in the video thread, too. I end up having to think everything through before I can speak or act on it. It's as if I require a cohesive 'map' of all actions...
  40. Agent Intellect

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    Brother Ali - Breakin' Dawn. More rap songs need Sitar in them. Felt - Ghost Dance Deluxe. Love song about ghosts, for some reason.
  41. Agent Intellect


    I would like to see what other people have to say before I weight in, except to say that when it comes to alien visitation and UFO sitings, I'm completely 'agnostic'. My "official position" would be one of skepticism, yet there is a lot of evidence out there. Here are a few resources I found...
  42. Agent Intellect


    If you were able to send a message to an alien civilization, much like the Voyager or the Arecibo message, what would you say to them? What sort of information might be pertinent to let another intelligence know they are not alone? How would you communicate this message, not knowing what sorts...
  43. Agent Intellect

    I am committing academic suicide..

    What Snowqueen said. (I might save that post for when I'm feeling down on myself during school).
  44. Agent Intellect

    INTPians = Survivors

    I agree with what was said above. I don't know how well INTP's would fair as far as pure survival technique so much as having the ability to get society restarted. An INTP's ability to be a minimalist would probably come in handy (perhaps this one is just me, though, but I have always been good...
  45. Agent Intellect

    You know you're an Intp when...

    The other side of the same coin: you are not alone at christmas, you feel alone, and the only thing you want is to be left alone.
  46. Agent Intellect


    Happy Satanmas!
  47. Agent Intellect

    Put an INTP..

    Playing pretend, something I've never grown out of. Anyone else see a spaceship instead a pen everytime they have to write something? Am I the only 24 year old that still pretends he's driving a hover craft when driving down the road?
  48. Agent Intellect

    Spot the Fake Smile

    10 out of 20. I don't have enough practice.
  49. Agent Intellect

    Well, I'm glad someone liked it.

    Well, I'm glad someone liked it.
  50. Agent Intellect

    Put an INTP..

    *Follows suit*
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