This is brilliant because I'm actually working on a piece of fiction revolving around zombie apocolypse as we speak. My main character is modeled after me so he will end up being INTP. But I think it will take all types in an apocolypse to work together. One of the keys is to identify those strengths and mix with people approriately. We as INTP's would need to assert ourselves more so as leaders than we normally do in life becasue we would contain both a vast back store of information and a greatly needed skill for the future; the ability to process the new world around us, our pattern recognition skills and our high level of intuitive flashes. And our group would need to know that we possess these abilities.
In general I feel that our type is particularly well sorted to coaching & consulting. Essentially we need to be able to tell people what needs done and have it get that way. In reality though we aren't exactly leaders. We don't like the position. So while we would be an immense resource in a survival / apocolyptic situation we would in reality need to align with someone who is a good leader or swallow our pride and start developing those skills.
But one inherent problem with becoming the leader is that it leaves us less time to really assess the world around us. I could see us falling into the leadership role in the initial small group of say 5-10 people. The world around us has more immediate threats than figuring out the more long term survival issues / problems. Then once we natually incorporate into a larger surival entity which would be necessary for long term survival we could then shift into a more advisory role where we are able to study the "new" world around us finding interesting solutions to interesting problems.
The thing is I feel our type would thrive much more so in a world where the communities are around 100-200 people. That gives us a good distribution ... only one or two of us around in the big group. We will be lauded for our specialness. LItterally one of a kind. We would be turned to for figuring out the answers to major problems and we would love the situation where we would have this group of people dependant on our genius but also having a leader around to deal with the details. We would secretly know that he's just our puppet anyway...more of an administrative assistant than anything.