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Search results

  1. Toad

    Bipolar Disorder

    Can you describe your hypomanic episodes? Just curious to compare. Also, what kind of treatment/drugs are u taking?
  2. Toad

    If you had one year left to live

    LoL that looks like my list.
  3. Toad

    If you were asked to quickly draw one thing, what would it be?

    I like to draw smiley faces. :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
  4. Toad

    Are You a Nerd, a Geek, or a Dork?

  5. Toad

    Being 22 and Confused

    Thank you for all the advice and sympathy. I feel just a bit better now. :)
  6. Toad


  7. Toad


    HIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii bored
  8. Toad

    Why do they say the Supermarket is the best place to meet women?

    Vegetarians/vegans might find it easier to meet at supermarkets.
  9. Toad

    Why do they say the Supermarket is the best place to meet women?

    Everyone knows serial killers don't go to the supermarket. They make their own food!
  10. Toad

    Female role models

    What about Mary Magdalene?
  11. Toad

    Being 22 and Confused

    Your reply made me sad...:slashnew: As an INTP, I need to know that things are going to get better. I want this to be just a phase in my life that I have to get through and that I will be rewarded later...or else...what's the point...
  12. Toad

    Being 22 and Confused

    Were you confused as I am in your 20's IB?
  13. Toad

    Being 22 and Confused

    I know most of us are in our 20's and are in school right now. So I was just wondering if you guys felt as confused as I do right now. I thought high school was supposed to be the hardest time in our lives, but I think this is the hardest time for me. I just don't know what I believe in...
  14. Toad

    Suicide = educational ?

    I think only near death experiences can count as "educational". Attempted suicides are more depressing than anything..
  15. Toad


    I think that interesting art only comes from interesting people. There are too many cliche artists out there these days. Their works are all the same.
  16. Toad

    Legalize All Drugs!

    As in making it illegal to produce, prescribe, possess, and/or use them.
  17. Toad

    Legalize All Drugs!

    America is currently trying to ban Vicodin and other opiate painkillers.
  18. Toad


    I'm always more interested in the artist than the art.
  19. Toad

    What's your top five anime?

    Re: Recommend some anime If you're watching death note first, make sure u watch at least 4 episodes...the beginning episodes are really boring.
  20. Toad

    Suicide = educational ?

    When I attempted suicide, the only thing I thought about was how disappointed my family was going to be. I was sad, but wasn't scared. The fact that I was drunk might have caused the process to be less frightening.
  21. Toad

    Legalize All Drugs!

    I think the main question is: Would legalizing a drug make more people use it? My opinion is that people who want to use drugs will use it no matter if it is legal or not. Would any of you guys use cocaine if it was legal? I probably would, but that's because I'm fucked up. Fucked up people...
  22. Toad

    Ubuntu 9.10

    I think the huge amount of resources saved by using Ubuntu is plenty enough reason to kick Bill Gates in the balls while saying "bye bye". I have used Windows my whole life (never even tried using a Mac). I am ready to try something new.
  23. Toad

    Ubuntu 9.10

    That movie was cool. I'm thinking about building a really good desktop for gaming. Does Ubuntu support video games?
  24. Toad

    Crank: High Voltage

    I know...I was just tryin to troll ya..:evil:
  25. Toad

    Crank: High Voltage

    ...and the problem is?
  26. Toad

    Is there a speed of light?

    Ok, so I read in a paper a couple months back that they have proved gravity is faster than the speed of light. Don't ask me how they found that out. Some math guys proved it. So my theory is: because gravity is faster than light and anything that goes faster than light affects time, anything...
  27. Toad

    Is there a speed of light?

    Who laughs at you? I never laughed at you. I have however lost respect for you. Don't try turning a question about science into a debate about beliefs. You shouldn't try to trick people into wasting their time answering your OP when you have underlying motives for asking. Be honest and...
  28. Toad

    Where is Red Mage?

    Wonder whatever happened to face...
  29. Toad


    Awesome trip dude! Japan is the best! I love the food and the atmosphere. It's kind of crowded, but people are so polite. You HAVE to try eating the raw horse meat. Food is definitely one of their biggest attractions. Try everything! (hookers are cheap too..)
  30. Toad

    Is there a speed of light?

    LoL are u doing homework?
  31. Toad

    Crank: High Voltage

    Yes. Do you have a problem with that?
  32. Toad

    name changes

    yea u can change it to whatever u want. I was thinkin bout changin mine to Poophead
  33. Toad

    Crank: High Voltage

    First one was good. Haven't seen 2nd yet. Crank movies are fun to watch to relax your brain.
  34. Toad

    Where is Red Mage?

    He's been gone for like 3 months...I'm pretty sure he's gone forever. The dude is retired...lucky bastard...so he's probably off fishing or something.
  35. Toad

    I hate you...

    I hate you...
  36. Toad

    Songs that make you cry/tear up/sniffle...

    I love Norah Jone's "Don't know why".
  37. Toad

    Abortion Vs. Adoption

    Wow...you are one cold hearted bitch. lol. Good for you though. Thanks for sharing your story. I often hear how horrible getting an abortion can be for women. Glad it wasn't so for an INTP woman. Go Canada!!!
  38. Toad

    Songs that make you cry/tear up/sniffle...

    Vincent - Don McLean
  39. Toad

    U r a bitch...i like it

    U r a bitch...i like it
  40. Toad

    More INTP's in introverted countries?

    http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/intpforum.com Besides the United States, intpforum.com gets most of its traffic from countries where introversion is regarded in higher esteem. Interesting, no?
  41. Toad

    Do you guys suffer from depression?

    Usually when I sit back and asses my situation it makes me depressed.
  42. Toad


    I think all INTP's will get bored of it...(that is if they were ever even into it to begin with)
  43. Toad

    Abortion Vs. Adoption

    First of all, I have no opinion as of yet against or for abortion. So for those people who think my thread is aimed at pro-choice or any other groups, I am not. Why do people abort their babies when there are plenty of couples willing to adopt a baby? I am all for a person's right to...
  44. Toad

    Bipolar Disorder

    Hey jewels, do u find that the Omega-3 helps more with your depression or mania?
  45. Toad

    Bipolar Disorder

    I will try Omega-3 fatty acids...I want to just give up so bad...but I will gather up all the strength I have left and continue to try...
  46. Toad

    I feel like I am very fucked up.

    I am sympathetic to your "feelings" Thanks for posting. I know this sounds inconsiderate, but I feel a little better knowing I'm not the only one that feels fucked up. What's that saying...I thin it's "misery loves company"?
  47. Toad

    I want to be released...

    lol wasn't it an ape paw?
  48. Toad

    If you had one year left to live

    ...would that motivate you to live life fuller and try harder to accomplish your goals? Or would knowing that it is the end unmotivate you? I mean, what's the point of trying any more if you know you're dead in a year, right? Just wondering what you guys would do...
  49. Toad

    No. of Posts per page?

    Thanks :)
  50. Toad

    I want to be released...

    Yes, I agree having a goal helps. Sometimes you lose sight of your goal though. Or something bad happens and it sets you back, making you want to just quit. The first step is hard. Especially if it's a 50 foot high step lol...
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