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Search results

  1. Toad

    Buddha or Arjuna? Tell me more.

    Buddha or Arjuna? Tell me more.
  2. Toad

    Going back to school.

    Go back to school for yourself, not for the degree and you will find you have a much better time.
  3. Toad

    Online band (!)

    This sounds fun. I play the guitar and I do have this song I wrote for my niece. I will try to get a decent recording of it done. I would love it if someone could add in a nice drum beat or something. The song is kind of an upbeat Plain White T'ish type of song. I play an acoustic...
  4. Toad

    The main problem with the MBTI, is not the test itself, but the people who take it. People rely...

    The main problem with the MBTI, is not the test itself, but the people who take it. People rely on it too much and are never fully able to discover themselves because they reject everything about themselves that is not compatible with their type. I hope everything I said made sense. I tend...
  5. Toad

    Mostly for alcohol and cocaine. I do believe in the MBTI. I don't believe in the people who...

    Mostly for alcohol and cocaine. I do believe in the MBTI. I don't believe in the people who believe in it though lol. The MBTI is just a general framework of your personality. It's a good place to start to understanding yourself. A human being is extremely complex and a test will never...
  6. Toad

    IRC still around?

    Well is it?
  7. Toad

    It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

    Watched two episodes. Thought it was kind of lame.
  8. Toad

    Nothing much. Just going to school and working. Things have been going pretty smooth. I went...

    Nothing much. Just going to school and working. Things have been going pretty smooth. I went to rehab last year and came out a totally new man. How have you been? Still playin' the guitar?
  9. Toad

    Online band (!)

    So what do we have to do?
  10. Toad

    Toad says "Hi"

    Actually, the avatar is a pic of Eric Clapton and George Harrison. Yes, I love the 70's vibe. I'm glad to be back. I missed reading all these intuitive, thoughtful, and perceptive posts. And Cav, monarchs are never elected, we are divinely chosen ;)
  11. Toad

    Toad says "Hi"

    I was just googling something the other day and one of the search results lead me back here. I've decided that I quite enjoy reading the posts here and will be sticking around...for now. This place has grown immensely. I feel lost, like a child at the supermarket. But I see some familiar...
  12. Toad

    I googled something, and the second search result was from here. I thought, "hey why not come...

    I googled something, and the second search result was from here. I thought, "hey why not come back and see how the old forum was doing?" I enjoy reading the threads, I probably won't contribute so much though. I took the MBTI for fun with my psychologist last year and the result was INFP for...
  13. Toad

    What do you do when you are lonely?

    It depends on what kind of loneliness you're talking about. Loneliness from not having a love life is much simpler to fix than loneliness from not having friends or family. I haven't had a girlfriend for over a year now and haven't done much dating either. I find that it is ok because I...
  14. Toad

    Hey, how's it going?

    Hey, how's it going?
  15. Toad

    did you draw that?

    did you draw that?
  16. Toad

    That is a bad ass picture up there. I really really like it.

    That is a bad ass picture up there. I really really like it.
  17. Toad

    Tell me, how is life going for you?

    Tell me, how is life going for you?
  18. Toad

    Holy shit mango! You still around? I misssed you :).

    Holy shit mango! You still around? I misssed you :).
  19. Toad

    Hey Ran, how's it goin? I see you're still semi around :)

    Hey Ran, how's it goin? I see you're still semi around :)
  20. Toad

    I'm the only toad here...

    I'm the only toad here...
  21. Toad

    lol they could never ban me!

    lol they could never ban me!
  22. Toad

    Hi Cheese. Your dino is still sexy.

    Hi Cheese. Your dino is still sexy.
  23. Toad

    Hi Hi Melky

    Hi Hi Melky
  24. Toad

    Top 10 Books for Introverts

    I've read a few of these books. They are good.
  25. Toad


    The characters are not consistent throughout the seasons.... But I think Jerry is an INTP and George is an ISFP.
  26. Toad

    Job for people who don't pay attention to detail?

    Cool thanks! I'm not new to the job market, but I am trying to get back to work after a 4 year hiatus. I used to think I possessed all those things that a job ad lists, but I am now much more realistic. Thanks again :)
  27. Toad

    Job for people who don't pay attention to detail?

    Every job I look up lists "attention to detail" as an asset. What job is there for people like me who don't pay close attention to detail???
  28. Toad

    fuck you Is that better than saying "hi"?

    fuck you Is that better than saying "hi"?
  29. Toad


    You should go see a psychologist. Even if there is nothing wrong with you. You can see how they work and ask them questions. It's always nice to have someone to talk to too. They can give you new perspectives. :)
  30. Toad


    It is actually very rare for psychotic people to hurt others. The World Health Organization says that mentally ill people are much more likely to be victims than to victimize others. I can see them hurting themselves more than anything. Anyyyyways. That had nothing to do with the topic. I'm...
  31. Toad


    I think you are an insensitive jerk.
  32. Toad

    Toad :)

    Toad :)
  33. Toad


  34. Toad


  35. Toad


  36. Toad

    Hi :)

    Hi :)
  37. Toad


    The answer is no. You wouldn't make a good psychologist if you think your patient is whiny. Psychologists can not think that they are better than their patients. They have to be extremely empathetic to their patients problems. People who come to psychologists are suffering mentally and...
  38. Toad

    What's the purpose of this forum? [sub-rosa remnant]

    Re: What's the purpose of this forum? hehehe. Walfin!!!
  39. Toad


    With your attitude I don't think you would make a very good psychologist. You seem pretty damn impatient and aggressive. You sound like a perfect chef to me. Stick with being a chef and enjoy :). ps. my cousin is from Denmark. Hey you're name isn't Dan is it!?
  40. Toad

    Medical Marijuana

    Bake them in cookies and brownies. Yummy!
  41. Toad

    I may have postponed this for a while...

    Hi jah.
  42. Toad


    This topic has been done to death! TO DEATH I SAY!!! arrrrghhh matey!
  43. Toad

    Are you off your meds? You seem loonier than usual.

    Are you off your meds? You seem loonier than usual.
  44. Toad

    Hi Noddy.

    Hi Noddy.
  45. Toad

    Hey Drugs! How you doin?

    Hey Drugs! How you doin?
  46. Toad

    Guess you didn't see this thread then: http://intpforum.com/showthread.php?t=5930 I did it a...

    Guess you didn't see this thread then: http://intpforum.com/showthread.php?t=5930 I did it a long time ago.
  47. Toad

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO don't get married dude! OMG I don't even know where to begin....Just...

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO don't get married dude! OMG I don't even know where to begin....Just don't dude. For the love of God don't!!! Marriage is....fuck...just...don't.
  48. Toad

    How's your "relationship" going?

    How's your "relationship" going?
  49. Toad

    Is your brain male or female?

    Fuk me? Fuk UUUUUUU I kid, i kid. Ummm...I read it in my psychology book. Homosexual men have the same brain as heterosexual female. So it kind of proves that homosexuality is not a choice, right? This, of course, compares the actual physical brain. This test just tests how your brain...
  50. Toad

    That's awesome dude. Whhich country you moving to?

    That's awesome dude. Whhich country you moving to?
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