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  1. Toad


    Season 4 is bombing, in my opinion. It is too centered around family life. I don't like it one bit.
  2. Toad

    Have you ever studied philosophy?

    Thanks for the responses guys. Thank you to Blob especially. You're post was the perfect answer to my homework question. I hope you don't mind me using it in my assignment.
  3. Toad

    Have you ever studied philosophy?

    If you answer is no, please answer my following question. Do you think you are missing out on something important in life because you haven't studied philosophy? This is a homework assignment. I'm supposed to be asking real people, but I thought this forum would serve the same purpose...
  4. Toad

    holden caulfield

    The Catcher in the Rye is a horrible book. I couldn't stand it. I disliked the character Holden. He's a whiny self-centered know it all. Reminds me of an immature INTP.
  5. Toad

    Hey Ant, do I remember correctly that you are an INFJ?

    Hey Ant, do I remember correctly that you are an INFJ?
  6. Toad

    Crap. I think I was going to say, "You're funny" but then changed it.

    Crap. I think I was going to say, "You're funny" but then changed it.
  7. Toad

    Can I put my introduction here?

    YouTube- RFID - Technology Video rfid gooooooood
  8. Toad

    Ladies and Gentlemen

    you're funny cake. i likez uuuu :)
  9. Toad

    You're posts make me laugh.

    You're posts make me laugh.
  10. Toad


    Australian accents turn me on. Asian accents turn me off!
  11. Toad

    Well glad to see some old members come back. So welcome back :)

    Well glad to see some old members come back. So welcome back :)
  12. Toad

    The Lonely Club

    The holidays are over. The fun had ceased. Everyone has gone home. I am empty once again. I kind of introvert am I? A pathetic one. Happy 2010 guys.
  13. Toad

    Am I back?

    Who did u miss the most!? *Crosses fingers*
  14. Toad


    Yes, it must be a word because my spell check says so.
  15. Toad

    Am I back?

    Hey Brain. I missed you. Welcome back. This place isn't what it used to be though. I feel that the "intimacy" is gone.
  16. Toad


    Rules were made to be broken.
  17. Toad

    Sherlock Holmes 2009

    Watson seemed more like a well polished ISTJ to me. I also am in love with Robert Downey Jr. lol. But I fell in love with him from Iron Man.
  18. Toad


    Let's make it a word! I like the way it sounds.
  19. Toad

    Lucid Dreams

    Wow, nice site blob. I have been practicing lucid dreaming all this time without even knowing it. When I was younger, I always thought my sleep paralysis was a curse. But I rather enjoy it now. Thanks for the site blob, it explained a lot.
  20. Toad

    Sherlock Holmes 2009

    Just saw it today after the 3rd try. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either. Is Sherlock considered to be an INTP?
  21. Toad

    Lucid Dreams

    Da Blob, have you ever experienced sleep paralysis? It's when your body falls asleep but your mind is still partially awake. When I experience this, I close my eyes, relax my body and just fall into it. This is the technique I use to produce lucid dreams. I also find it helps to force your...
  22. Toad

    Lucid Dreams

    I just had a lucid dream today while taking a nap. I took control, flew around the city, and had great sex. It was fun.
  23. Toad

    Ran on Photography

    It's weird, I don't find these everyday things beautiful until somone photographs them.
  24. Toad

    I'm getting bored of the internet.

    I just got Win7. It would be a waste to install Linux on my brand new beautiful laptop!
  25. Toad

    I'm getting bored of the internet.

    I just got a new laptop and now I'm so bored of the internet. I downloaded a shit load of programs (most of which I don't use, but only d/l because they are programs that are impressive to have). Can you guys recommend some things for me to do?
  26. Toad

    It is now time for me to upgrade to windows 7

    Win7 is aweeeeeeeesomme
  27. Toad

    It is now time for me to upgrade to windows 7

    Re: windows 7 Just got a new laptop with W7 installed. I must say it is really nice. Much smoother than vista.
  28. Toad

    Sherlock Holmes 2009

    OMFG I tried to go see this movie today and it was ALL sold out!
  29. Toad


    I just read the opening post. I strongly disagree with it's view and am now boycotting this thread!
  30. Toad


    Yea...it was worth it hehe. I had an awesome time.
  31. Toad


    I'm drunk off my ass. Three months of sobriety down the toilet. MERRY CHRISTMAS!
  32. Toad

    Texas Hold 'em No-limit Poker

    I told you !!!
  33. Toad

    need a laptop recommendation

    Re: need a laptop recomendation check this baby out. http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834220600 I would get it myself, but my friend works for HP and gets a 40% discount on their laptops.
  34. Toad

    I'd Like to Introduce My Self (?)

    Happy one year blobby! You're a 50 year old grad student? That's cool.
  35. Toad

    lately, i've hated being alone.

    I've been feeling the same way lately. When I'm alone I just feel so lonely. Being around people doesn't help much, but it distracts me from my loneliness. I'm really bored with life right now. Maybe I'm a shy extrovert too... "Shy Extrovert: A person who performs well socially, but...
  36. Toad

    Hard life makes you a better person...

    You're right IB. Overcoming hardships makes you stronger. It doesn't matter how privileged you are, you still have problems you have to face. People born into a life of hardship have much more motivation to overcome their problems though. We live in a strange world where being born into a...
  37. Toad

    Female Oppression?

    Woman is the nigger of the world.
  38. Toad

    I'm being pressured in school.

    What else do you expect from me? I'm Toad, the douchebag. I do hope you will do well though. Obviously, you have the potential and opportunity to do something great. Coal under pressure turns into diamonds. Learn to deal with it if you want to make something of yourself.
  39. Toad

    I'm being pressured in school.

    Boo hoo. Get over it. You have an opportunity to be successful in life. People have faith in you. Just do it and stop whining. I live in Canada and do you know what people think of aboriginals? They are a bunch of lazy addicts who do nothing but sponge off the government. Take...
  40. Toad


    Do you have a mentor? How did you get one? I would like one.
  41. Toad

    Forum Members = Fictional Characters

    I'm an INFP so I thought you guys might have said Romeo.
  42. Toad

    Forum Members = Fictional Characters

    IB, you remind me of Zeus or Poseidon. Some big ancient wise god.
  43. Toad

    Forum Members = Fictional Characters

    Jean Valjean...Very nice :). Sounds like a cool guy. I thought you would label me with someone more goofy though hehe.
  44. Toad

    Forum Members = Fictional Characters

    Do me next.
  45. Toad

    Accountant asking employees for money for boss gift.

    If I was a boss, I wouldn't enjoy the special attention.
  46. Toad

    Accountant asking employees for money for boss gift.

    Why would you want to buy your boss a gift? He already makes more money than you.
  47. Toad

    Sherlock Holmes 2009

    The film opens on Christmas day...Who the hell watches a movie on Christmas?
  48. Toad

    Texas Hold 'em No-limit Poker

    Rounders was one of the best gambling movies I've seen. It's very enjoyable if you know something about poker. But if you don't, it can be a snorefest.
  49. Toad

    Hard life makes you a better person...

    Does a having a hard life make a person better in the long run? I was recently thinking, my life is so easy. I have had my problems in the past, but it wasn't as bad as other peoples' lives out there. All I do is go to school. I live in a great house and have plenty of food. There are kids...
  50. Toad

    Sherlock Holmes 2009

    Robert Downey Jr. was a big drug addict back in the day. I think he will play Holmes well. The fight scene looks thrilling. Rachel McAdams has always been a great actress, imo. I think she is hawt.
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