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Search results

  1. Affinity

    Diablo 3 Beta

  2. Affinity

    Diablo 3 Beta

    I concur. The game has been really dumbed down and achievements? Really? Are they really trying to cater this game to the retarded populace? I will however reserve finally judgement for the release.
  3. Affinity

    INTP writers and artists

    So what's going on with this? Do we post our work?
  4. Affinity

    Free Online Programming Lessons

    Sub'd. Thanks!
  5. Affinity

    Benefits of Psilocybin Mushrooms?

    It's kind of funny because what I experience with mushrooms seems to happen in stages. It goes kind of from initial body high to oh shit the curtains are moving/trees are breathing to fuck my life (ego-death I believe it is being called) to self-therapy/self-realization to emotional/existential...
  6. Affinity

    Benefits of Psilocybin Mushrooms?

    I have once quit smoking for 20 days after a trip. Cold turkey and zero cravings. My will power just felt so strong. Granted, I have foolishly decided to pick it up again after those 20 days. On a separate occasion not too long ago, I was in a long bout of depression and just felt really lost...
  7. Affinity

    INTP writers and artists

  8. Affinity

    Doubting if I'm INTP

    You described me to a t.
  9. Affinity

    INTP's, how do you recharge your batteries?

    This, but that is mainly attributed to the fact that I have too much time to myself if there's such a thing.
  10. Affinity

    Constant Sense of "I should be.."

    There are 2 apps that I adore, one of them being Clear (To-do list on the iPhone) and the other being Mint.com (personal finance app). Doesn't stop the procrastination but they definitely help me remember things and stay organized.
  11. Affinity

    Diablo III -- finally

    May 15 launch! http://us.battle.net/d3/en/blog/4612389/Diablo_III_Launching_May_15_%E2%80%93_Digital_Pre-Sales_NOW_OPEN-3_15_2012#blog
  12. Affinity

    Steve Jobs?

  13. Affinity

    Maddox, criticizing children's artwork, on public access TV show

    Seems like you've never been to The Best Page in the Universe.
  14. Affinity

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    Been on a progressive house kick lately. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOgTBobsh6k
  15. Affinity

    How do you cheer yourself up/boost your confidence?

    A few things that I do... Go to the gym, eat well, take multi-vitamins/fish oil/5-htp daily, try to smile as much as possible, be more mindful and trying to enjoy the present to the fullest (ie eating meals at the dinner table as opposed to on the couch watching TV), breathe (for it is the...
  16. Affinity


    I haven't played in awhile but I will once Dota 2 comes out. Agi heroes are my jam though. My best is prob Naga, Clinkz, Riki, and PL. The only Int I really enjoy playing is Obsidian Destroyer.
  17. Affinity

    Photography Thread

    This is achieved with a slower shutter, 1/3 of a sec in this case, plus flash. IIRC the flash was set to Rear Curtain Sync which means that the flash fires towards the end of the exposure as opposed to the beginning. As the ambient lights (his LED gloves, purple light in the background, and...
  18. Affinity

    Photography Thread

  19. Affinity

    Favorite TV Show(s)?

    Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations Entourage It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
  20. Affinity

    Are you an Aspie (Assburger?)

    Your Aspie score: 133 of 200 Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 85 of 200 You are very likely an Aspie
  21. Affinity

    Listen to Hip-Hop?

    Before this thread gets bombarded with more radio garbage... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERQzl4xDpXk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrPmgqfcwE4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBt8QVHzhkc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYKlG5fMxu0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tObr2hDymuU...
  22. Affinity

    Photography Thread

    I'm sure it's all in the camera :borg0:
  23. Affinity


    I can relate. When I was younger, I never really had a problem with smoking weed but nowadays when I do, it most likely leads to extreme over-analyzing, being overly self conscious, and overly critical. All that leading to anxiety. Not to say it happens every time I touch it now but more often...
  24. Affinity

    Song made by INTP (you won't regret)

    Sounds good though I didn't particularly find it interesting. I think the percussion could use more presence EQ wise and some percussive variations would definitely work nicely for that trip-hop feel. The bassline needs more mid-range IMO, perhaps another layer should do the trick. When I listen...
  25. Affinity

    The effects of marijuana on an INTP

  26. Affinity

    Socionics Testing >.<

    I got an IEI and from reading the Wiki, it seems somewhat accurate.
  27. Affinity

    What is your favorite music video?

    http://vodpod.com/watch/8645373-the-prodigy-smack-my-bitch-up-hq-uncensored-mp4# NSFW
  28. Affinity

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    I've been pretty obsessed with this song as of late... Matt Lange - Rift - YouTube
  29. Affinity

    Psychology of Death Metal

    Re: Complete guide to metal I apologize I was a bit under the influence when I wrote that :smoker: What I meant to say is that I'm not a fan of the lack of dynamics nor the fast bpm nature of death metal which I'm sure is an attribute of technicality. When I worked with a bunch of metal...
  30. Affinity

    Psychology of Death Metal

    Re: Complete guide to metal What about progressive metal/avant-garde metal like Tool? This is what I would imagine INTPs would enjoy with more melodic, experimental, progressive, dynamic, and technical approach. Plus with vocals you can comprehend as well as non straightforward lyrics...
  31. Affinity

    why INTPs are awesome

    I think I'm more stressed because I daydream too much and don't get enough done.
  32. Affinity

    Social anxiety disorder: my weird story

    Meh fuck weed. I get anxiety and paranoia from it nowadays and you know what I do? I don't smoke it. You want to solve problems, psilocybin or MDMA. Or just say fuck drugs all together, go to the gym, eat healthier, take better care of yourself, practice meditation/breathing exercises, and...
  33. Affinity


    Meh, I wouldn't trust anyone's inputs of tabs anyways. No one knows wtf they're buying, not even the dealers, and I see the quality of the stuff getting worse and worse as the years go by. So yes, test kit is the best way to go but I've never ever got one because realistically, I'm not going to...
  34. Affinity


    This is my preferred method as well. The taste is another avenue in which I can judge the quality before it goes completely down the hatch.
  35. Affinity

    Know any good books?

    The Fountainhead.
  36. Affinity

    Do you grow less interested with time?

    Either I grow less interested or more apathetic.
  37. Affinity


    There are several big producers and DJ from the UK. Andy Moor, Above & Beyond, and Pete Tong come to mind. You guys also have BBC Radio 1 Essential Mix. I've heard of Fabric and there's also the infamous Ministry of Sound and Gatecrasher. You are in the EDM mecca as far as I'm concerned :D...
  38. Affinity


    You'll be hard pressed. It's all about that bass music nowadays. It is after all what the mass wants to listen to. What clubs have you hit up being that you are in the mecca of it all?
  39. Affinity


    Trance mainly.
  40. Affinity

    Never finishing tunes?

    I have about 20 projects that are not complete and I think it's mainly cause it takes me soo long to compose a whole track that I get sick of it by the time I've laid the intro, breakdown, and build up. Also the fact that I have a lot more to learn. However, I have been getting quicker at laying...
  41. Affinity


    I've been in the scene going on nearly 7 years now, best thing I've ever done in my life. It's funny my earlier experiences with MDMA how it really strengthened the E and F. Made more friends that summer than I ever had throughout my lifetime. Good times :smoker:
  42. Affinity


    Famous last words. 100mg or less will be a good starting point IMO just to get a feel for the purity and how one's body will react to it. It can be snorted no doubt, I'm just saying that unlike cocaine or opiates, it's much less effective than being ingested, it burns, and the drips... Gumming...
  43. Affinity


    Well, if he doesn't know the purity I would say invest in a test kit. But since the majority of people can't be bothered with such things, tread carefully as everything nowadays seems to be substituted with piperazine or other junk that could potentially kill you, if you take enough of it. I'd...
  44. Affinity


    If you have never done it, snorting it would be a total waste IMO as you will have a very short trip not to mention it'll burn like hell. Take it orally by parachuting it like you have mentioned or just mix it in water or juice and drink it. Expect about 45 min to 2 hours before it kicks in and...
  45. Affinity

    No Words-Salvia Trip

    I tripped on the 80x a few years ago. I put in my headphones and was listening to some Shpongle. Took a huge bong rip and when I finished blowing it out, the whole room started to come towards me while shrinking and then I blacked out. I couldn't really describe my trip if I wanted to but I was...
  46. Affinity

    why do iNTPs love mainstream music?

    I despise mainstream music with a fiery passion. It is 98.7% shit.
  47. Affinity

    INTP worst fear: Dancing.

    I started dancing when I entered the rave scene as well. My style is mainly based off liquid which I mix up a bit with tutting and popping. And if dnb is playing, x-outting. Its one thing to listen to music but it's a complete blast to be able to dance the night away.
  48. Affinity

    Munkey's Music List

    The umbrella genre would be downtempo. From there it could be classified as trip-hop, lounge, or chillout.
  49. Affinity

    Does Your Mind Race Constantly?

    Focus on the breath. That is all.
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