i was pretty bothered by my mind a couple of years ago. being bothered isn't nescesarily as much about the speed, as it's about consciousness being limited to the racing mind. i still think a lot or fast i guess, but have a calm space around it. distance.
at the time i tried to find my tempo. to sync the speeds of my various sections of experience. much like hemi-sync brainwave entrainment or practicing percussion music tries to synchronize brainhalfes. i don't know about the brain. i know that my internal sections are the body (things like pulse, tiredness, speed of breath), emotions, thoughts. i sort of did walking meditation. i tried to move my body in a speed that felt right, which was often extremely slow. 90 year old person slow. but sometimes i had to move fast and catch up with something else. i would walk around the block with exact constant speed, once i had found the speed that felt right, and achieve a blissfull stability by doing so. i would watch my whole body and the speed of my mind at the same time. maybe increase the tempo when angry or enthusiastic emotions came up, decrease it for sad emotions (i am not emotional. i am pretty schizoid. but every other thought has some verry subtle emotional quality or implication. a cop passes you by, checking you out, you look away? fear. anger. think about mother? sad. give enough awareness to it.). stand still while feeling confused about something unconscious, like when you stumble upon a big question mark. not move untill i feel like i am good. i can't describe the whole mechanism, but i often achieved synchronization by just paying attention to all of those sections. and when the circuits are synchronized, then a holistic space can become conscious which surrounds all of them, not just the most important one, the mind. so you are not limited to the mind and whatever speed that may have. the mind is allways fast, but it can relate to the rest via some kind of octave or something like that. the phase was some step in my development or something. i basically stopped discociating the body for the sake of the mind and integrated or transcended both, as a result of this. the episode lasted for maybe up to 3 years. never have felt bothered by my mind since that. unless i am intoxicated by chemicals, allergy, oxidation, blood sugar. i still have a habit of moving in my felt tempo. i often stop and look at something, when a part of me gets curious, even if that seems silly because there is nothing special to see. or close my eyes, to have more focus on something internal, and stop so i don't run into anyone.