By definition we don't know what will happen post singularity - of which "nothing" is an answer - but I think that programmers will always be needed. In fact in the new world order we'll probably be the only ones receiving the gratitude of our new masters.
By definition we don't know what will happen post singularity - of which "nothing" is an answer - but I think that programmers will always be needed. In fact in the new world order we'll probably be the only ones receiving the gratitude of our new masters.
to be fair, he didn't state that the question pertained exclusively to post-singularity. the approach ought to be relevant too, no?
I think the biggest question regarding singularity and the role of automotive tools is the economic question. Are we going to enhance an even more centralized coercive society or keep it decentralized and voluntary as it naturally begins?
I predict that sometime relatively soon a form of artificial intelligence will be developed that can understand human concepts and abstractions, this will be taught/programmed to understand computer science, it will become the perfect tool. We won't need to know how to program or how our computers work because our technology will understand itself, I'll be able to say to my computer "I want a program that can convert wireframe models into a 3D printable format" and the AI will know what I mean, it'll design and develop the program for me faster than any human programmer could.
No it dosen't.
Watson is a fancy search engine, like google but focused specifically on trivia and using a wide range of pre-programmed techniques to deduce what is and is not likely to be the answer, if you want to stump it first ask one question then follow up with a second question: why?
The ability to identify words is a program I can buy today for $50 (or likely get for free from sourceforge) and there's really only so many ways you can ask a question, so yes Watson can deduce what the question is even when it's being asked in a odd way but that's really far from being "natural language", as far as I know Watson dosen't consider the tone of voice in which the question is asked or which words are emphasised, both of which are factors that can completely change the meaning of the question. Furthermore Watson can't deal with emergent meaning (such as if I make up a word in order to simplify my explanation of a complex subject) or slang, or even sarcasm, so to say Watson can understand "natural language" is a flat out lie.Of course Watson doesn't know "why" but that's another step. But, as I said, Watson already understand natural language and abstract associations.
It's a publicity stunt by a behind-the-times computer company ...
The ability to identify words is a program I can buy today for $50 (or likely get for free really statistical analysis whereas what our neural nets do... there isn't really a word for it, suffice to say it's not just statistical analysis, our neural nets are combined recognition and reasoning engines whereas the statistical analysis Watson does is neither, it's just number crunching..
If you want to see something that impresses me look up the quadrupedal robot that learns how to move from scratch just from input & output, sophisticated learning like that is the future of AI, Watson is just a very well built expert system, y'know it's an impressive achievement in of itself but it's not really doing anything that hasn't already been done elsewhere, it's an amalgamation of yesterday's breakthroughs, befitting a behind-the-times company.
(source : Linux kernel is at the heart of every GNU/Linux distribution, Android and any number of embedding devices. Linux is virtually everywhere, running desktops, laptops, servers, routers and phones. The kernel is made up of millions of lines of code (version 3.10 if the Linux kernel contains nearly 17 million lines of code) and thousands of changes are included in each new release. This raises the question of who writes all of this code and The Linux Foundation has some answers. According to their report, Red Hat contributes the lion's share of kernel code, with approximately 10% of changes coming from Red Hat employees. Intel, Texas Instruments, IBM, Google and Oracle are also big contributors. Linux developer Greg Kroah-Hartman made some comments with regards to the pace of Linux development, observing: "Rate of change, and number of patches accepted, keeps going up as our community size has increased," indicating the pace of development is continually growing. "Every year, since 2003 when I started keeping these numbers, I have said, 'Wow, we are going so fast, there's no way we can keep rate of change and number of developers and companies going,'" Kroah-Hartman said. "And, every year, that number has increased. So I'm a bad judge of these things."