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Search results

  1. RaBind

    Sam Harris's proposal of making morality scientific

    I see. I agree on the health thing, can you expand on the is/ought distinctions bit. The video that I've linked is more so to do with the fact that people can't seem to reconcile that science can possible act as a significant authority in the subject of morality.
  2. RaBind

    Sam Harris's proposal of making morality scientific

    I've been have a conversation on YouTube about the topic and it's pretty interesting. Reading opinions would be interesting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UuuTOpZxwRk By the way I haven't read his book and so pretty much all my thoughts are conjectures, so maybe someone who has read the...
  3. RaBind

    where do you meet women?

    Better plan than no plan I guess.
  4. RaBind

    Complete Nihilism

    Do you want me to be a devil's advocate and talk for the nihilist? because I don't think anyone who is active in this thread actually holds the nihilist's views or subjectivity views, it wasn't mentioned anywhere by anyone as their view, in this thread, afaik. The nihilist would disagree with...
  5. RaBind

    Complete Nihilism

    You are still only talking about existential nihilism in most of your posts, which btw you and I both agree on. This next bit about existential nihilism necessitating epistemological nihilism seems to be where we disagree. Ok look, existential nihilism is a bit of knowledge, about the meaning...
  6. RaBind

    Complete Nihilism

    Yea that's another point I also thought of but forgot to add. Our whims aren't random, so saying shit like you can decide what to believe just doesn't work, since you obviously end up believing what you want to and that's very obviously determined by all sorts of things.
  7. RaBind

    Complete Nihilism

    Because there's no start to anything. It all like a ball of yarn, each succeeding part of the yarn laying on the basis, the assumption, that the preceding bit of the yarn exists. What happens when you pull the whole length of the yarn out though? You find that at some point it just starts...
  8. RaBind

    Complete Nihilism

    Cog you seem to be limiting nihilism to only the domain of which, if you arrived at through the application of extreme skepticism, is arbitrary, hypocritical and contradictory if you don't apply the same line of thought into every aspect of reality, which ultimately leads to Epistemological...
  9. RaBind

    Complete Nihilism

    In case it wasn't clear I simply wanted to think though the nihilistic line of thought to pick it apart. Even in this case it wouldn't really be considered as complete nihilism, because you're still restricted in your beliefs. The fact that you might consider reality and all its laws and...
  10. RaBind


    I actually thought the manosphere was the parts of the internet culture that is beta male centric, which is very representative by such themes as the friendzone memes. This might shed some light into why I've been mumbling on so much about the "loser" identity that exists within and perpetuates...
  11. RaBind

    Complete Nihilism

    How does complete nihilism work? Note that I might come off as autistic, especially around the end of the middle paragraph. The only answer I can think of to this is that it doesn't work, because complete nihilism necessitates already being dead, as a consequence of not having the beliefs that...
  12. RaBind


    What branto said, plus fuck Adolf anyway. Maybe a comparasion with hikimoris is more accurate, then again japan also has the issue of a growing number of young people classifying themselves as asexual and maybe that's more akin to this. There's not much other people can do for these people...
  13. RaBind


    The Manosphere is explainable and even arguably appropriate. So the whining really is addressing a real issue of randomness relevant in all aspects of life. The real thing I don't get and have an issue with is this thread. What's the point of this thread? is it to whine about other people...
  14. RaBind


    It might be easy to fall into the trap of bringing the no real Scotsman fallacy into this. No real man would be part of the Manosphere, because they're part of the Manosphere as a result of them not being a real man to begin with. There would have to be a clear distinction between what a real...
  15. RaBind

    Are Furbies Creepy?

    Eye balls are creepy and their unnatural exposure is uncanny if not just as creepy.
  16. RaBind

    If Everyone Is Beautiful?

    I like that, thank you.
  17. RaBind

    If Everyone Is Beautiful?

    When people say everyone is beautiful they mean everyone is sort of beautiful. Like if I say everyone is ugly. But I don't think you'd feel as compelled to correct such a statement, as there are probably less people out there who'd wish to take it literally, or at least that's what you think...
  18. RaBind

    How do you know you are not an ISTP

    The difference is in their Auxiliary and Tertiary. Extraverted Sensing and Introverted Intuition for ISTPs while Extraverted Intuition and Introverted Sensing for intps. Correct me if Im wrong but I think in this case the Auxiliary dictates the area in which the Dominant function is most...
  19. RaBind

    How do you plan to express your theories?

    Indeed. Showing your level of understanding through making good decisions is what Id consider to be the best way. Even though it's not always accurate, as what constitutes good decisions is very probabilistic, but it does give your knowledge a lot of legitimacy, as you go about applying your...
  20. RaBind

    I am a negative person

    There is actually quite a lot of absurdity in this world, so your view is valid to an extent. There's also always going to be inherent angst, helplessness and confusion in living. The general state of affairs of the world, and it's many aspects, can be quite bizarre. Understandably so though, as...
  21. RaBind

    If you could choose your MBTI which would one would you choose?

    I'd also want to be intj, than entj. I think most intps are quite satisfied overall with their functional stack. If there is envy it's probably for types that can utilize Te, Se and Ni better than intps.
  22. RaBind

    INTP advisors/evaluators any good?

    Do people in your life come to you for advice on life? When I say advice I mean the evaluation sort, as in like what's being done well and what needs improving in their life. I understand a number of people in this forum may be really quite young for give others advice about their lives, but I...
  23. RaBind

    3 hours of which?

    I don't get it. Do you just spend 3 hours with one of these guys in a dark room? Just sit there chillin? with nothing to do? not even any board games or anything like that to pass the time? what about conversation? are you allowed to talk or do you just have to maintain an awkward passive...
  24. RaBind

    Ask ComputerHxr Because He Understands...

    Everyone understands but nobody can help can they? CAN THEY?!
  25. RaBind

    INTP and anger, anyone else?

    Yes I also had, and to a lesser extent have, issues with anger. Usually I would have anxiety attacks, and as you can imagine these incidents would be explosive bursts, rather then a slow build up or a prolonged milder anger. I've had anger and anxiety attack issues since I was young, however in...
  26. RaBind

    What are INTP unique abilities?

    The poster may be very inaccurate about most of the types, but I think it does a very good job of summering what the intp is about. Not that this is the first time I've seen the intp labeled as an "accuracy obsessive", it's actually a fairly common title (well titles that more or less imply this).
  27. RaBind


    heh well it doesn't ask for emails or anything so i dont think they'll do something very upfront like spamming you. Maybe they sell the info to google or other companies like facebook that make revenue through ads. Still the impact of seeing ads, targeted or not, are pretty subtle, at least for me.
  28. RaBind


    Yea I agree. Not sure why more people haven't tried it out.
  29. RaBind

    Lets create an INTP society (Project Noah's Ark / Critical Mass)

    I dont think INTPs breeding will necessary produce intp children, or any couple of specific mbti types for that matter. Providing a rational substitute for irrational beliefs is hard to do because said irrational beliefs are irrational and have unknown origins by their very definition. There...
  30. RaBind

    fundamental reality

    The question is inherently linked to the question of "how its possible to know of knowing everything", in my mind. The paradox basically is the fact that even if you think you know everything, there could be something you don't know, and hence why you're not aware of it. The solution I believe...
  31. RaBind


    I might or might not have seen this quiz here already. Well I did a 5 sec search and didnt find visual dna thread on the tests section, so here you go. I feel like its really quite accurate.
  32. RaBind

    Plan to take over the world INTP style

    The only way intps will take over the world is by getting all other types to implement the parts of the plan they're best at. In fact I'm not even sure if intps want to bother with the planning, so yea some other type preferably the intjs will have to do that too. Planning is beneath intps...
  33. RaBind

    Save Honey Boo Boo

    I'd liken this and other similar shows, that encourage negative behaviors, to attractions at a circus. The use of manipulation and deception in other to profit at the detriment of those in the show wouldn't be surprising.
  34. RaBind

    Is this INTP attracted to me?

    How old is this intp? Have you observed his behaviors around those he doesn't know and isn't comfortable with, and those he does know and around whom lets his guard down? This might give you a clue into how this THING works. Personally I don't really care to spend my energy on people most of...
  35. RaBind

    If you had a superpower what would it be and why

    Omnipotence, omniscience or omnipresence. They're all basically the same thing though.
  36. RaBind

    False dichotomy in MBTI

    here you go, this might help you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDoSV4CZgOo
  37. RaBind

    passing Turing test through acting human stupidity matters?

    A complete imitation and an unbreakable illusion would include the input and output. The only difference is what happens in the box/machine, which doesn't matter in comparison to the output and input being correct (functionally equivalent) as you've said. I'm still interested in what happens...
  38. RaBind

    passing Turing test through acting human stupidity matters?

    Concerning originality, would you say that there is a threshold to which ai should be able to imitate it? Originality within humans itself seems limited by their perceptions. To what degree should we expect ai to be able to reason for itself, instead of just attempting to imitate said process in...
  39. RaBind

    passing Turing test through acting human stupidity matters?

    I was thinking more along the lines of if there were an ai that perfectly emulated a 12 year old's intelligence, and could fool people into believing that it was a twelve year old, should it's well being be considered on the same level as a human? Age changes the level of intelligence, and...
  40. RaBind

    passing Turing test through acting human stupidity matters?

    I see articles sometimes where claims are made about passing the Turing test, but it is only because said ai is imitating pretty crude forms of intelligence, like a 12 year old. Do you think it matters in the philosophical and moral sense of how the ai should be treated whether the ai is...
  41. RaBind

    Best online personality test?

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/INTP http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISFP Read the cognitive functions section on each of the above. That will give you a very crude and basic idea of what each of the 8 functions is about. Explanations of the functions can go into a lot of depth, and there are varying...
  42. RaBind

    How many times have you cried?

    Not a old fuck? I used to cry a lot when I was young. Most of the crying I've done is out of anger or frustration. I do get a little teary eyed with sad movies and stories though.
  43. RaBind

    What do you think of feminism

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2d_dtTZQyUM Josh Nash is a RAPIST!!!
  44. RaBind

    Failure of will or doing what you want?

    So you believe that everone has will, but the psychological state to channel that will is the difference between productivity, struggling to deliver results and, like in ur example, obsessions? That does sound quite plausible. Well I sort of had it in mind that I didn't want to limit the...
  45. RaBind

    Free StrengthsFinder online test.

    (1)Equalizer - 73 (2)Believing - 71_____(3)Student - 71 (4)Visionary - 69_____(5)Thinker - 69_____(6)Group Relations - 69 (30)Charismatic - 49_____(31) Hard Worker - 49_____(32)Commitment - 49 (33)Motivator - 47_____(34)Personalizer-47
  46. RaBind

    Overvaluation of being well rounded

    Could the overvaluation be a product of the type of work most prevalent in the job market? Narrow and deep is too riskey an investment for most institutions really, as well as the fact that the narrow and deep types are outnumbered.
  47. RaBind

    Failure of will or doing what you want?

    What is the cause when people don't do things? is it a failure of will or are they just doing what they want? This subject, I think, applies to intps a lot, it certainly does for me and my continuous struggle with procrastination and following through with things. I have some vague preconception...
  48. RaBind

    Feelers aren't better at relating to other people because they're feelers

    Law, order and liberty vs empathy, harmony and forgiveness.
  49. RaBind

    Fresh Noob. Any thread recommendations?

    Like I alsoHitchens hello.
  50. RaBind

    Game of the year 2015

    Boring game.
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