You are not forced to follow the doctor's advice, but no one disputes that there are some things the doctor just knows.
Argument from authority. That's why they have to go to school, so they can learn to explain why they believe what they believe, and why we have lab tests, so we don't have to just assume they are omniscient prophets of an infallible god of medical science.
Sam Harris FTW. No science isn't perfect, science couldn't exist without scientists and scientists are humans. What Harris proposes is just way better than what we have today anyway.
Morality is already in the hands of things which have done much worse than science ever did.
So you think that chemistry and physics aren't science? You think that a plumber developed Xyklon B, the V1 and V2 rockets, biological WMDs, chemical WMDs and nuclear warheads?
Besides, the whole point of scientists relying on experiments and evidence, is so you don't need to trust them. If they were trustworthy, that wouldn't be an issue. The point of scientific experiments and scientific evidence, is to have things that are reliable enough, that even if ISIS claimed they were true and all scientists said they were false, we could verify them independently. If we need to start taking scientists' word for it, we really are going back to the days when a small more educated elite group dictated everything that other people thought, i.e. the feudal age when religions held sway over most of Europe.
You claim that it enabled atrocity without enabling anything else?
Stick with one line of reasoning, please.
So if a rapist donates half a million dollars to a university, we should not charge him with rape, but praise him, and give him a seat next to your sister?
Perhaps we should give credit where credit was due. The Nazis funded Von Braun's research, and pushed him to make better and better rockets that could go farther and farther, and it was his work in America that enabled NASA to go into space. Thanks to NASA developing rockets to go into space, we could put satellites into orbit, that could establish world-wide communications, GPS, and mobile phone networks. You have mobile phones, sat navs and worldwide communications over such things as the internet,. thanks to that.
Would you like to thank Mr Hitler now for making your modern world so great? Perhaps you'd like to shake the hand of a neo-Nazi? Would you like more? Just need another world war.
I'd rather have skipped World War 2. If that meant I'd have to do without a mobile phone or a GPS, people managed for many years before without one. I figure that I could manage.