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Search results

  1. RaBind

    Universal basic income: Why not?

    Because one shoe doesn't fit all sizes. The current state of welfare is inefficient and many aspects of it are redundant. Means testing for example is an infamous element of targeted welfare schemes which can introduce problems such as the welfare trap. I thought we'd already had the...
  2. RaBind

    Universal basic income: Why not?

    In cases where evidence doesn't support my argument disregard said evidence. :) But I didn't really link the site to link to research studies or anything that substantial. I was simply seeing a lot of misconception about what UBI essentially even is, so the most helpful page in that site's...
  3. RaBind

    Universal basic income: Why not?

    The rate of the loss of low labor jobs is much higher than the creation of more technical jobs. i.e. 5 cashiers can be replaced with 5 self service machines and a technician for maintenance. Most of those who lose their low labour jobs are going to struggle getting the more competitive and...
  4. RaBind

    Universal basic income: Why not?

    I don't know who you are so it's not like I have a history of ignoring your arguments, you probably shouldn't lump all who disagree with you as having one view cause that's just not how it works, I probably did miss some of the posts as I took a while writing my previous post so probably didn't...
  5. RaBind

    Universal basic income: Why not?

    I should provide some context first. I am pro UBI and it’s mainly due to the inevitable impact that automation and technological unemployment is going to have on society. So when I present some arguments, keep in mind that I might be looking anywhere between 5 to 20 years into the future, when...
  6. RaBind

    AlphaGo vs Lee Sedol

  7. RaBind

    IBM personality insights

    Summary You are a bit compulsive, somewhat inconsiderate and skeptical. You are intermittent: you have a hard time sticking with difficult tasks for a long period of time. You are unconcerned with art: you are less concerned with artistic or creative activities than most people who...
  8. RaBind

    How important is truth?

    No people are only successful if they truly deem themselves to be so. From my own experience of emotions, desires and feelings I'd say that these things and our own perceptions of reality can be difficult to change and so not everyone can be successful just because they wish to be. It's also...
  9. RaBind

    AlphaGo vs Lee Sedol

    Google Deepmind's AlphaGo vs Lee Sedol tomorrow morning at 03:30 AM for anyone interested. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFr3K2DORc8 It'd be nice to use the chat box to discuss the game while it's going on. Any one who knows a thing or two about either the game Go or the AlphaGo system...
  10. RaBind

    How important is truth?

    I actually don't think truth is essential to a successful life. I measure success in terms of satisfaction and I can derive a lot of that from trivial everyday activities. I actually think being on an all consuming quest to search for truth can be detrimental to success in life. I do want a...
  11. RaBind

    do your memories have ages

    Said yes. I have a vauge idea of how old I'd be, and its still relatively trivial to approximate.
  12. RaBind

    how big of a piece of shit am i

    This comes of as very masochistic to me. Clearly op wanted to be showered in negative attention. He opted to go for a straightforward approach to achieving his euphoria. I wonder if he managed to get off on it. I think he could've choosen to be a lot more malicious and manipulative if he...
  13. RaBind

    Golden Compass Daemon Test

    Would've thought this test would've been on here already, but apparently not going by some quick searches. http://www.helloquizzy.com/tests/the-golden-compass-daemon-test My result: Curmudgeonly Soul I feel like this description is surprisingly fitting for intps.
  14. RaBind

    Do you talk to yourself in your head?

    I do talk to myself in my mind quite a lot. I've been thinking i should talk to others' voices though, still my thoughts but in others' voices, especially so if the thought is going to be a devil's advocate of sorts to the thoughts I agree with, I think that would be more interesting.
  15. RaBind

    Which type would you switch to?

    I think i said intj or entj in an earlier thread about the same topic, but I feel more like I'd probably stay the same nowadays.
  16. RaBind

    How Dark is your Personality?

    Infrequently vile - You are infrequently vile – you mostly put others before yourself, though you may find occasions in which your dark side shines. You are a Heartless Bitch. But you knew that already. Intelligence - According to your color blot associations, your most dominant personality...
  17. RaBind


    Unless you directly interrupted them and made them stop, I don't think you ruined anything.
  18. RaBind

    INTP's and computer science

    Lol yeah helping humans is overrated, well at least when it's direct help it's overrated. Even when I was considering studying psychology, in order to possibly become a psychiatrist, it was in the hopes that I would get to poke at and study unusual people/cases.
  19. RaBind

    INTP's and computer science

    I chose the exact opposite. I guess we'll have to see who chose the "right" answer then huh? I had no back ground in programming when I started, in my second year now I'm making some progress but still feel like the subject is largely alien to me. Actual programming is quite satisfying as...
  20. RaBind

    Help picking a college major

    You first post gave me the impression that you think passion = success, difficulty = satisfaction when successful, passion (success guaranteed) in something difficult = maximum satisfaction, so choosing to do what you are most passionate about always trumps difficulty, because difficulty is...
  21. RaBind


    We're probably using different definitions to ambition. My understanding of the word is that it is much like a long term goal or objective with the distinct characteristic of being quite difficult to achieve and possibly something quite grand. If the definition is simply - A strong desire to...
  22. RaBind

    Help picking a college major

    Yeah I know what you meant. But obviously like the OP has mentioned a lot of the subjects he listed as his interests aren't going to be very helpful in landing him a good job. He pointed out that the writers career would be particularly difficult, and I assume you replied to him specifically...
  23. RaBind


    Not ambitious. What does that even mean? Like really where can ambition really get you? For whatever accomplishment you are able to achieve there's probably someone out there, or there used to be, who's accomplishments dwarf yours, so the competitive aspect makes no sense. It's not necessary to...
  24. RaBind

    Help picking a college major

    I don't agree with this. This "follow your passion kinda stuff" just sounds like crap to me. For every success story blah blah you've probably heard it all before. Intps generally have a variety of different interests, and even for subjects which they are indifferent towards, they can usually...
  25. RaBind

    Anyone here with military experience?

    And what is this purpose for which you get a sense of, from the career, if I may ask?
  26. RaBind

    Disgusted by odd porn

    Nature and reality itself is pretty fucked up and brutal regardless of human involvement. So far we're still at the stage of development of civilization where we're just looking out for ourselves for the most part. The Utilitarian view conflicts with the Social Darwinian view, which one is a...
  27. RaBind

    Who- why- where are we ?

    Apophenia /æpoʊˈfiːniə/ is the human tendency to perceive meaningful patterns within random data. Also the fact that intps are characteristic of looking for the underlying principles of systems and patterns, which can lead to them being dependent on the idea of there being a higher level...
  28. RaBind

    How to be an asshole?

    Just be inconsiderate of everyone. Pretty sure eveyones an asshole some way or another. It's a bit like being offensive, you won't be able to completely avoid being an asshole even if you wanted to soneone's goona find a reason to call you an asshole.
  29. RaBind

    What is a Child's Duty to Their Parents?

    Well I'd argue that the debt, in the same vain as benefits, also passes down generations. I feel like I've read stuff like "children in abusive family's are more likely to grow up to become abusive in relationships" in several places. The explanation to such phenomenon being that the those who...
  30. RaBind

    What gives you the incentive/willpower/strength to keep going and stay "alive"?

    The fact that even if life isn't amazing, it's not complete crap either. I'm used to and not too bothered by mediocrity at this point really. Plus I've got family, food, video games and stuff that are interesting enough.
  31. RaBind

    What is a Child's Duty to Their Parents?

    Parent are just the same as other people. The same rules of ethics as the golden rule and other social obligations apply. Considering most parents spend a significant portion of their lives trying to affecting their children's lives positively, I'd say children should at least have high regard...
  32. RaBind

    I don't feel like an INTP although all the tests indicate that I am one ?

    I very much agree with Blarraun. An sort of system has an inherent limitation with regard to precision. Therefore if you are actually perusing self discovery than reading the various descriptions and picking the bits that apply to you, might be the closest you can get to receiving some form of...
  33. RaBind

    I made a personality survey

    95% Logical 40% Antisocial 32% Stable 32% Organized 23% Conventional 18% Extroverted I like the test. I thought have the answers be long and backed up with explanations was nice, cause then not only do you get to see the behaviour but also the inner workings that lead to the behaviour...
  34. RaBind

    "Cats are INTPs incarnate..."

    Ohh thanks, guess I'll have to read it then.
  35. RaBind

    "Cats are INTPs incarnate..."

    Welcome to the forum. Don't go around spreading false information.
  36. RaBind

    Dual Process Theory for AGI

    https://player.vimeo.com/video/111967600 Does anyone have any thoughts on this? I don't know enough about the subject to resolve the useful bits from those that might not be useful.
  37. RaBind

    I can summon people seemingly much more intelligent than me in my lucid dreams

    Perhaps it simply means that your can seem to be more intelligent then you are, even to the extent that you can fool yourself.
  38. RaBind

    What is your purpose in life?

    I read an article somewhere that said intps have a desire to be known to be learned. This certainly is the case for me, apart from the prospect of being able to actually be involved with exciting ideas, there definitely is a desire for social recognition even if it is minor and might not really...
  39. RaBind

    How many projects do you have right now?

    So I keep seeing this reoccurring expression where a lot of the people in this forum self report having difficulty making sustained progress in one single project, and they chalk this up to them being an intp. Personally I've also experienced similar difficulty in keeping my focus on one goal...
  40. RaBind

    Are some types more likely than others to choose the wrong career?

    Yeah thats sort of what I got out of what he said too. It's not so much the ratio of fails that differ between types but more so the differing aspects of life which they fail at, some failures being more obvious and observable than others. Also external factors affect success hugely, although...
  41. RaBind

    How common is it for INTPs to be shy?

    Intps are social and emotional chameleons for the most part. They need cues, and may even actively look for them, to understand the social climate around them. The shyness and awkwardness arises from having insufficient information (which is usually the case as being well informed about ever...
  42. RaBind

    Hey, What is your career? Does programming really suit intp?

    What's your height? I feel like that makes a huge difference. I'm at university learning software engineering. It's interesting enough that I don't experience any existential worries, as in asking myself questions like "what am I doing with my life?" or similar variants, which I believe I...
  43. RaBind

    Last movie you watched

    Watched all of the Harry Potter movies. The main plot was basically about racism. It was a bit ironic I thought to see such a topic, which most would consider to be very human and natural, used as the main plot point in a movie that has a supernatural and magical (all things being out of the...
  44. RaBind

    what is the use of money and prestige?

    Only godly power is enough because most people want what they probably can never realistically achieve. Knowledge is power, so is money and prestige and a lot of other things.
  45. RaBind

    what is the use of money and prestige?

    Money is power. You need different levels of power to be able to do things, so when people work for money they are working to gather enough power to reach their desired ends.
  46. RaBind

    Interpret this video!

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6AzbOupbxk You have to enter the url in the pop up box that appears after you click the link button(the globe or blue ball one).
  47. RaBind

    Need some career advice

    My own experience of frequently playing football casually with friends leads me to disagree that intps avoid taking part in group sports or see it in a negative light. I'll make points to justify my argument in the spoiler below. These are all points that can lead intps to develop an...
  48. RaBind

    Link between SAT scores and music preference?

    Re: Confirmed: Smart People listen to Radiohead/ Beethoven. Stupid people Hip Hop If you're gonna look at correlation you should look at all of it, as in include the socio-economic backgrounds and cultures of the people being discussed here.
  49. RaBind

    Dreams and the Subconscious

    Weird dream last night. A cross between sleep paralysis and a vivid dream. I dreamt that I was having trouble falling asleep, just like I had been before I fell asleep. In my dream, for some reason I was drinking coke and water while I was lying in my bed attempting to sleep. Then all of a...
  50. RaBind

    How can i suppress my Ne?

    Yea Ti is meant to keep you engaged enough within your interest so as not to allow you to keep jumping around between ideas all the time. But even if you are an ENTP you shouldn't be trying to suppress any functions that are ordered higher in the functional stack than those ordered lower. But...
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