Boy oh boy. You've much to learn.
I wish to apologize for this post, and somewhat take back my words.
It was 2:30 AM when I wrote that, and it sounded fine, but now reading it, it sounds haughty, pretentious, and very condescending. I'm sorry.
However, I am not sorry for being in total disagreement with k9b4's statement to which I responded the above. Without the presence of Fi or Fe (within this model) human life completely breaks down, probably to the point of not being really able to call it human anymore. Look at people with Asperger's -- most of them can "feel" fully well in this sense, but have significant trouble expressing feelings. They might not be able to figure out you're sad about something right off the bat, but when they do,
they will most often feel sad for you, and may even wish to say as much, but have serious difficulty doing so.
From wikipedia:
The cognitive ability of children with AS often allows them to articulate social norms in a laboratory context, where they may be able to show a theoretical understanding of other people's emotions; however, they typically have difficulty acting on this knowledge in fluid, real-life situations. People with AS may analyze and distill their observations of social interaction into rigid behavioral guidelines, and apply these rules in awkward ways, such as forced eye contact, resulting in a demeanor that appears rigid or socially naive. Childhood desire for companionship can become numbed through a history of failed social encounters.
Aspies have it bad enough as it is, and they (most often) have trouble acting on their empathy and understanding others' feelings,
not with being empathic or recognizing the existence of feelings. People with a full disregard for feelings and emotions are often schizophrenic -- even some schizophrenics have strong emotional responses, but are not willing to admit it.
Your original post, dismissing Feeling as unimportant, by the way, was fueled by an emotional response.
For many ITPs and ETJs, finding a correct place from which to consider feelings and emotions healthily is a significant problem to overcome.
Too bad. That's our burden to bear; the solution is not to blot out what we don't like, but to acknowledge it, understand it, and incorporate it into our lives.