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Ask an ESFP


Local time
Today 3:09 AM
Apr 9, 2016
Would you dislike a funny story for cash?

Depends on what I'd have to do to prove my dislike. I don't think I'm the best at keeping a straight face if I think something is truly funny.
Local time
Today 8:09 AM
Oct 5, 2015
This is a very interesting thread and it's great to learn an ESFP's view on things. Thanks for sharing your views with us. I do have a few questions though:

1- How do you think can people differentiate ESFPs from the rest of the crowd ? What do you think are the main traits that distinguish ESFPs from the rest, in a social setting ?

2- What's your favorite time of the year ?

3- Is the cup half full or half empty ? (classic :D) And why do you feel/think that way ?

4- What general "life advice" could you give for younger ESFPs ? Or what kind of lessons have you learnt (from your life) that you would share with younger, relatively inexperienced ESFPs ?(e.g related social interactions, work, relationships...etc). I don't want to specify the question any further to give you the freedom to write whatever you feel is relevant. It need not be limited to the suggestions I mentioned above.

5- What is the thing that motivates you the most in life ? In other words, if there was only one thing that you could do for the rest of your time on earth, what would that thing be related to ? (e.g music, spirituality, social interaction ... or anything else)

6- What are some of the misconceptions that people have about ESFPs ? What are some of the important things that you feel the other types might not notice or might miss about you ?

7- What do you feel/think about questions (4) and (5) ? Do you find them boring and unnecessary ? Or do you find them interesting and insightful ? Maybe you have mixed feelings about them ?

8- What do you feel/think about questions like Qs (1) and (6) ? Do you find them boring and unnecessary ? Or do you find them interesting and insightful ? Maybe you have mixed feelings about them ?

9- Let's say you're awake with your eyes wide open and you're looking at the scenery in front of you. Do you think it's possible for a gorilla to walk in front of you and for you not to notice that gorilla ? What if, your attention is focused on something else in front of you ? Is it possible to miss/ not notice the gorilla then ? (just for the sake of randomness mwahaha )

There's obviously no wrong or right answers for any of these questions (except Q 9 :)). Feel free to answer them in whatever way you want.


Local time
Today 3:09 AM
Apr 9, 2016
This is a LOT of questions. Lol. You're worse than Teax. Lol. I will try to answer seriously (no promises) and attempt to be as brief as possible.

1- How do you think can people differentiate ESFPs from the rest of the crowd ? What do you think are the main traits that distinguish ESFPs from the rest, in a social setting ?

In a social setting, the ESFP is probably the one turning on the music, trying to encourage shy friends to dance and breaking out games for people to play. Or possibly just telling some funny story. We're very happy-go-lucky. We probably laugh the loudest and the longest, and try hard to make others laugh too. We aren't ALL attention hogs. But even those who aren't, probably don't mind much if they do have all the attention on them. Depending on how outgoing we are and how much you know us, we're most likely to be mistaken for ISFP or ENFP. But I think ENFP resembles us the most in a social setting. All I can say is...we're probably less ADHD....or not. I don't know. I have an ENFP friend and we can really look very similar on the surface. You'd have to really know us to tell the difference.

2- What's your favorite time of the year ?

Now. Late spring. When allergies go away, but it's not so hot that you want to sit in front of an AC all day. The outside beckons...

3- Is the cup half full or half empty ? (classic :D) And why do you feel/think that way ?

The cup is definitely half full! I'm a very optimistic person. And I think most ESFPs tend to be very optimistic. Perhaps not to the point of NF idealism, but its a grounded optimism. I live each day the best way that I can. And I sincerely believe that nature will balance itself out eventually, despite any evidence to the contrary.

4- What general "life advice" could you give for younger ESFPs ? Or what kind of lessons have you learnt (from your life) that you would share with younger, relatively inexperienced ESFPs ?(e.g related social interactions, work, relationships...etc). I don't want to specify the question any further to give you the freedom to write whatever you feel is relevant. It need not be limited to the suggestions I mentioned above.

I don't know!!! I've been going back and forth and back in forth in my head trying to think of advice that relates to my type and I don't know. This is too broad! I'd say "Stop procrastinating!" (In a nicer much more drawn out sort of way that might be received). And I'd say "Follow your heart" (as vague as that is). Maybe "Find something and stick to it like super glue. Stop all of this bouncing around and never coming to a decision." And maybe... "You don't have to do everything", in relation to the sticking to something comment. Sometimes we can take on more than we can chew. We can be jacks of all trades and masters of none. Not always, but I think in younger years this might come into play. You don't even want to know how many clubs I did in high school. Smh. This is the best that I got. You did ask for "general", so that's it. No lie... this question was exacerbating.

5- What is the thing that motivates you the most in life ? In other words, if there was only one thing that you could do for the rest of your time on earth, what would that thing be related to ? (e.g music, spirituality, social interaction ... or anything else)

...I HATE this question. Motivation. Motivation, just like advice, is situational. What motivates me to...what? These vague, unanswerable questions are irritating me. Lol. I think that I've pretty much covered question 7. Lol. That said, I think relationships motivate me a lot. The most? I don't know. There's not much I wouldn't do for someone who I hold dear.

But if I could do one thing for the rest of my life, I'd probably sing. Sing in a choir. This how I can get my music and my social. And I'd have boxes of music there for us to learn until the end of my forever. Even though, I'm sure making original music would be just as cool as learning the new pieces.

6- What are some of the misconceptions that people have about ESFPs ? What are some of the important things that you feel the other types might not notice or might miss about you ?

Some people believe we're all party animals, flighty with no ambitions for our lives. But, we can be serious. And since when does wanting to have fun equate to a lack of ambition? It just means that have to strive for things in our lives that will make us happy.

7- What do you feel/think about questions (4) and (5) ? Do you find them boring and unnecessary ? Or do you find them interesting and insightful ? Maybe you have mixed feelings about them ?

8- What do you feel/think about questions like Qs (1) and (6) ? Do you find them boring and unnecessary ? Or do you find them interesting and insightful ? Maybe you have mixed feelings about them ?

Questions 4 and 5 were extremely difficult to answer. Insightful? Maybe insightful, except, it would take too long to get to the insightful part and I usually give up before that part comes and just opt to stay in some state of indecision. Question 1 was straightforward. Pretty neutral. Question 6 was harder to answer, but not like the tossing around ideas of questions 4 and 5.

Self examination is difficult for me. And it takes a lot out of me. I'd rather just say and save the modifications for later...if ever. That is I don't usually think too hard about answers to questions unless it's something that stumps me. Even then, what you get is a lot of senseless rambling with no solid conclusions. We think out loud. We might not know exactly what we think about something until we say it (type it) in a conversation. So you can't take everything we say very literally. Some of it might just be us tossing our ideas around to see what might stick. Ask us a few weeks later and maybe the answer remains the same, or maybe its been slightly modified. Even now typing...if you asked me in person you might have gotten a completely different answer because I would have had as long to think about it. As it stands, I gave up and just wrote something. This sounds so bad. Lol. Sorry if some of your questions didn't get answered. :/

9- Let's say you're awake with your eyes wide open and you're looking at the scenery in front of you. Do you think it's possible for a gorilla to walk in front of you and for you not to notice that gorilla ? What if, your attention is focused on something else in front of you ? Is it possible to miss/ not notice the gorilla then ? (just for the sake of randomness mwahaha )

Sorry, I went to school for psychology and music. It's a weird combination, I know. But suffice it to say, I know about selective attention and change blindness and the like. Assuming this was your angle...

If you ask less questions, it wouldn't be too long to read...just saying. Lol.
Local time
Today 8:09 AM
Oct 5, 2015
This is a LOT of questions. Lol. You're worse than Teax. Lol. I will try to answer seriously (no promises) and attempt to be as brief as possible .

I originally wanted to ask only three question but had a surge of ideas about other possible questions that might be worth asking. My intention hadn't been to ask that many questions but I guess I got carried away haha :phear: . I will reduce their number and intensity this time though ..

I don't know!!! I've been going back and forth and back in forth in my head trying to think of advice that relates to my type and I don't know. This is too broad! I'd say "Stop procrastinating!" (In a nicer much more drawn out sort of way that might be received). And I'd say "Follow your heart" (as vague as that is). Maybe "Find something and stick to it like super glue. Stop all of this bouncing around and never coming to a decision." And maybe... "You don't have to do everything", in relation to the sticking to something comment. Sometimes we can take on more than we can chew. We can be jacks of all trades and masters of none. Not always, but I think in younger years this might come into play. You don't even want to know how many clubs I did in high school. Smh. This is the best that I got. You did ask for "general", so that's it. No lie... this question was exacerbating..

The question was indeed very general and I think you've answered it quite well. Now that you've mentioned it, how many clubs did you do in high school ?

...I HATE this question. Motivation. Motivation, just like advice, is situational. What motivates me to...what? These vague, unanswerable questions are irritating me. Lol. I think that I've pretty much covered question 7. Lol. That said, I think relationships motivate me a lot. The most? I don't know. There's not much I wouldn't do for someone who I hold dear.

But if I could do one thing for the rest of my life, I'd probably sing. Sing in a choir. This how I can get my music and my social. And I'd have boxes of music there for us to learn until the end of my forever. Even though, I'm sure making original music would be just as cool as learning the new pieces. .

That was a pretty good response, I think. This question could be seen as somewhat vague but I think you answered it pretty well.

...Questions 4 and 5 were extremely difficult to answer. Insightful? Maybe insightful, except, it would take too long to get to the insightful part and I usually give up before that part comes and just opt to stay in some state of indecision. Question 1 was straightforward. Pretty neutral. Question 6 was harder to answer, but not like the tossing around ideas of questions 4 and 5.

Self examination is difficult for me. And it takes a lot out of me. I'd rather just say and save the modifications for later...if ever. That is I don't usually think too hard about answers to questions unless it's something that stumps me. Even then, what you get is a lot of senseless rambling with no solid conclusions. We think out loud. We might not know exactly what we think about something until we say it (type it) in a conversation. So you can't take everything we say very literally. Some of it might just be us tossing our ideas around to see what might stick. Ask us a few weeks later and maybe the answer remains the same, or maybe its been slightly modified. Even now typing...if you asked me in person you might have gotten a completely different answer because I would have had as long to think about it. As it stands, I gave up and just wrote something. This sounds so bad. Lol. Sorry if some of your questions didn't get answered. :/ .

Your answers have been very interesting so far. I tried to ask Ni type of questions which explains why you might have felt this way. There are no right or wrong answers. It was very nice to see how an Se dominant person percieves the world. I'll try to make my questions more Se type and less Ni type from now on. That would probably reduce the level of irritation you may feel when trying to think of answers. Still, you handled the Ni questions pretty well, I think.

...Sorry, I went to school for psychology and music. It's a weird combination, I know. But suffice it to say, I know about selective attention and change blindness and the like. Assuming this was your angle...

If you ask less questions, it wouldn't be too long to read...just saying. Lol.

Yeah, the question was about that haha. That's an interesting combination, indeed. Do you know something about music therapy ?

Also, do you like answering hypothetical questions where someone explains a scenario and then you would say what you would do in response to that scenario ? (e.g. you have an exam tomorrow which you need to prepare for but a friend has your books. You tell that friend that you need the books for tomorrow's exam but she says that they're lost and she doesn't know where to find them. what would you do ?). You don't need to answer that scenario btw, it was just an example.


Local time
Today 3:09 AM
Apr 9, 2016
I will reduce their number and intensity this time though.

Thanks. Much appreciated. Not that I didn't answer all the ones you sent anyway. Lol.

Now that you've mentioned it, how many clubs did you do in high school ?

I don't remember. Maybe 8 or 9? I stayed after school almost everyday. But some clubs didn't meet every week...only monthly, like National Honor's Society. I didn't really have to do anything, but have a high GPA. The meetings were almost optional. And then, one met at night. And the other was play practice, which also ran into the night.

The sad part is that this doesn't include activities outside of school...

Your answers have been very interesting so far. I tried to ask Ni type of questions which explains why you might have felt this way. There are no right or wrong answers. It was very nice to see how an Se dominant person perceives the world. I'll try to make my questions more Se type and less Ni type from now on. That would probably reduce the level of irritation you may feel when trying to think of answers. Still, you handled the Ni questions pretty well, I think.

Thanks. I tried. :) Legit, the questions are interesting, but I just find them hard to answer. I guess it's mostly because it's not stuff that I think about all the time. But if you asked in person, I promise that the answer would have been MUCH less coherent, a lot more "I don't know"s and a ton more wordy and circles to follow as I attempted to explain some...thing that I wouldn't have even known I was trying to explain. And yeah...much harder to answer in person.

That's an interesting combination, indeed. Do you know something about music therapy?

Everyone asks me about music therapy. Smh. I know very little about music therapy. The little that I know is stuff that I learned on my own because of the very real possibility of going that route in my career. When I chose my majors, I wasn't really thinking too much about what I wanted to do with my life. Actually, I was thinking about it. A lot. But I didn't have an answer for what I wanted to do. Not a solid one, it was ever-changing. Now, I have a less vague plan, but even that is subject to modifications depending on circumstances.

Also, do you like answering hypothetical questions where someone explains a scenario and then you would say what you would do in response to that scenario ? (e.g. you have an exam tomorrow which you need to prepare for but a friend has your books. You tell that friend that you need the books for tomorrow's exam but she says that they're lost and she doesn't know where to find them. what would you do ?). You don't need to answer that scenario btw, it was just an example.

I do like these types of questions. :) And I will answer this one. Because...why not?

My initial reaction to this is shock :eek:, then a little anger, followed closely by extreme disappointment. But my face expression pretty much stops at shock and my mind races to think of solutions to this problem. (Just thought I'd add what happens in my mind for your benefit. Lol.)

So the first thing I do is go to my friend's house and look for said lost books (new eyes and all that...). If there is not enough time for me to look or we waste too much time looking then, plan B is look for other resources to study from. Ask another friend/ classmate if we can study together. If I haven't gotten close to anyone else in the class then, maybe the teacher uploads study stuff and past lectures on some sort of online class board. Also, at my college, the library frequently kept copies of the class textbooks on reserve. And if that isn't an option then, the internet. As a last resort, I'll try to find legit resources online that deal with the exam subject. Lastly, I think it's worth mentioning that I'd only try all of these options is I really thought the exam NEEDED to be studied for. If I missed a lecture or something...


Spiritual "Woo"
Local time
Today 2:09 AM
Jan 24, 2013
Will you ever post outside this thread?


Local time
Today 3:09 AM
Apr 9, 2016
Will you ever post outside this thread?

I posted something on the P-dom behavior thread. Most times I won't post cus I kinda feel like an intruder. Lol. I have considered starting a new thread. Maybe I will post something if I feel the need. I don't know. We'll see.


Local time
Today 3:09 AM
Jun 6, 2015
United States
There are plenty of people who identify as different "types" who post on the forum. INFJ, INTJ, ENTP, so forth. I don't think you'd be considered an intruder. :P

ENTP lurker

Usually useless
Local time
Today 8:09 AM
Nov 20, 2013
Pluto, solar system
As detached extraverted social pariah, I find ESFPs fortcomingness bit too much pressurized. Why you ESFPs do that? For me being social is all about talking crazy stuff in relaxed atmosphere. On the other hand some Se people find me too intense. ISFPs may give me hard time because I'm too intellectual, vague and troll. ESFPs think that I need to get laid and drunk ASAP and ... Why? There is no hurry and being drunk... oh god... the after effects are too off putting. Besides let things roll on their own pace.


Local time
Today 3:09 AM
Apr 9, 2016
As detached extraverted social pariah, I find ESFPs fortcomingness bit too much pressurized. Why you ESFPs do that? For me being social is all about talking crazy stuff in relaxed atmosphere. On the other hand some Se people find me too intense. ISFPs may give me hard time because I'm too intellectual, vague and troll. ESFPs think that I need to get laid and drunk ASAP and ... Why? There is no hurry and being drunk... oh god... the after effects are too off putting. Besides let things roll on their own pace.

Forthcomingness? I assume you mean that we tend to disclose a lot of information about ourselves that others might see are too personal. Pressurized?? In what way? You think we're forcing ourselves to disclose information? Or do you see our "forthcomingness" as some means to an end?

I will say that you're right that we give away information very easily, but it's not something we think about. It's just something we do. Sometimes I'll find myself wishing that I hadn't said something, but it's just what I thought at the time, so I said it. Why are we so forthcoming? Idk. I know that talking about myself is the easiest thing to talk about. I think Se values our experiences (versus Ne ideas) and we share those experences as a means to relate to people. We want to relate to people, but Fi is so subjective and individualistic. Maybe we unconsciously hope that our sharing will be reciprocated? I also think that talking about said experiences help us to gain insight into those experiences. Like Te talking out loud. Sometimes I don't know what I think or feel about something until I've said said it out loud so its like a verbal break down of our experience while also trying to understand ourselves as well as relate to you.

Personally, I don't get drunk, so I wouldn't understand the appeal. I also don't see ENTP as uptight, anymore. Before I knew about MBTI, yeah I can see that. Ne-Ti...seeing ideas and breaking them down bit by bit. Do you know how much mental energy that takes for an SF? Lots. Lol. So yeah, we can think of that as intense, because for us it would be intense. When NTP comes to SFP looking for some Ti debate you just get Fi hurt feelings and probably sadness about the topic of debate. So that's probably why you get told that you need to lighten up. That crap you guys like to talk about is depressing! You need to get drunk and laid! Hahaha... :p ;)

P.S. Like the meme. :D Lol. It took me a second, but I got it. Lol.


Local time
Today 9:09 AM
May 30, 2016
Um I've never tried to provoke something on purpose. Not online or in real life ... I'd probably start saying stupid stuff until you reacted. Or be funny to try to get you to laugh and lighten up.

doesn't that seem contradictory? or did you mean, you'd do the later subconsciously?


Local time
Today 8:09 AM
Apr 19, 2014
Objects in the mirror might look closer than they
This question comes from my latest attempts in understanding Fe and Fi.
Carl Jung puts Fi users as people with no voice for their emotions (in a social way), apparently cold, with no intention to influenciate another people or intention to prove objectively their feelings. By this i mean Fi users don't have a need to for example buy flowers for their lovers or bake cakes for their friends, they can do obviously but never present it as a way of intentionally proving their love or appreciation.

For Fe users this is different because they see relationships as contracts, u give me this i will prove u back how much i like u by doing that, emotions are not grown from within but more like they shape or addapt to the outside situational needs and actions speak per se.

Thus Fe kind of puts a certain pressure on the other person, specially for Fi users this might be overwhelming and even an offense because they cannot understand where are Fe emotions coming from, thus they might label these fake attempts to get closer, while both ways of feelings are honest and true.

The misunderstanding comes from the fact that Fe is constantly moving ahead, changing, readapting, molding, disappearing and reappearing in another complitely different shape like every extroverted function while Fi like every introverted one is staying, hardening, becoming more consistent, creating archetypes of what things should be like.
One is exhumed and the other is mummified.

How do you see these things, how you act in ur love relationships, do you feel that you can speak up how u feel easily? do you understand Fe ways of expressing itself, like in those examples i gave? Ur views are interesting for me because u have apparently a extroverted perciever function as dominant amd i'm almost sure that i don't have Fi in case i have it as dominant function.

The doubt i have for myself is the fact that while i relate more to Fe in terms of how it apparently speaks up with actions and by proving things objectively and like shaking reality into Fi users faces i do relate also to the alienation feeling and these desires and passions that are becoming more consistent through lifetime and to the fact that i don't adapt to every situation, but more to those were my sanity is pushed to the limit, where i require a proof of what we are apparently having.
I think both kinds of feeling overlap and it's almost impossible to set a clear division. I can be very Fe like in love relationships and really Fi for the rest of things.


Local time
Today 3:09 AM
Apr 9, 2016
doesn't that seem contradictory? or did you mean, you'd do the later subconsciously?

Ah. I think I meant "provoke" in the negative sense of the word. But you're right, I suppose I do try to provoke laughter, so in that sense, there are emotions I try to provoke out of people. I tease, but never to provoke anger or sadness.


Local time
Today 3:09 AM
Apr 9, 2016
Are you good at judging new people?

I think I try my hardest to not judge new people. I try to keep as much of an open mind as possible. However, first impressions are unavoidable. I think my first impressions are usually some type of comparison to someone I already know in my life. Like, "wow, Tim really reminds me of Joe, I wonder if he likes this and this the way that Joe does". But I never assume that Tim and Joe are going to be alike. I just accept Tim for Tim. I think I'm almost always positive going into a new relationship.

Am I good at judging new people? :confused: It's hard to know if I'm good if I'm purposely trying to stay away from these types of assumptions.


Local time
Today 3:09 AM
Apr 9, 2016
How do you see these things, how you act in ur love relationships, do you feel that you can speak up how u feel easily? do you understand Fe ways of expressing itself, like in those examples i gave? Ur views are interesting for me because u have apparently a extroverted perciever function as dominant amd i'm almost sure that i don't have Fi in case i have it as dominant function.

I’m not exactly sure that I’d call Fi cold. Maybe it is moreso for the Fi dominant, but the more I think abut it, the more I realize that there is no way anyone would ever call me cold. I’ve gotten selfish before, but I’ve never gotten cold. I like to think of the differences between Fe and Fi like this: Fe wants to mange the outer emotional climate. It wants everyone else to feel good. And it does this by using the objective systems that already established in society.

On the other hand, Fi has these principles that it’s developed based on inner sentiments. There is a very good chance that Fi also wants harmony, but it wants it in a different way. Fi wants the type of harmony that allows everyone to still be sincere and live up to their own values. Moreover, Fi uses itself as a baseline, so to speak. It tries to put itself into every situation in order to see different perspectives.

Now, how does Fi manifest itself on the surface? It can vary. It depends on what Fi values and this can vary from person to person. I don’t think that Fi has any problem with acts of kindness. But it doesn’t like contrived sentiments, like birthday cards and Valentine’s Day. It believes that if you do something for me it should be that you did it because you really wanted to do it and not just as an ends to a means. This is why people with Fi might see Fe as fake. For us, it can sometimes feel like Fe is too wrapped up in what society says is right and wrong instead of deciding for themselves what’s right and wrong. That said, I respect Fe users and I do see where they are coming from. Just trying to demonstrate my point.

Since I have a dominant perceiving function, I think it allows me to show Fi much more through my Se actions whereas, I think Fi doms are more unaware of some of the Fe actions that they take. Personally, I don’t mind telling people how I feel about most things. If it’s something that I find to be deeply personal then, I might be hesitant to share or only share with those that I’m closest to. Also, things that are deeply personal can be rather hard to articulate sometimes, but I think that in intimate relationships it’s very important to be forthcoming (It just might take a little prompting from the opposite party). Under the conditions that my partner tries to understand where I’m coming from and doesn’t criticize too heavily, I definitely make an attempt to explain sentiments that are more heavily guarded.

I think the most important thing to remember with Fi and Fe is that it’s not about the actual behavior, but the thought processes behind the behavior. They can look very, very similar. But the reasons behind the actions are very different. Hope this helps. Thanks for the questions. :)
Local time
Today 8:09 AM
Oct 5, 2015
Hello again, :)

Since you like answering questions related to hypothetical scenarios, here are a few ...

1- You decided to go with your friends on a trip to a state/country/city that you hadn't been to earlier. After reaching the hotel, your friends are discussing the different options that your group has (e.g going to a monument/ tasting local meals ...etc). What would be your suggestions to your friends ? Would you participate in the planning or would you accept the decisions they reach, regardless ? What would you want to get out of the trip ? Would you be particularly interested in taking many photos, for instance ?
(The purpose of this question is to see how you would go about discovering a new and unfamiliar environment and what you would focus on getting out of the experience, especially when you're in a group setting)

2- One of your best friends is studying abroad (foreign country) and because you miss your friend alot you decide to visit her in June. On arriving to the country your friend is studying in you find out that your friend is still taking her finals so she can only spend little time with you. Luckily, her exams will be over in only a few days. How would you spend these days ? Would you decide on expanding your social circle at your friend's university ? Would you spend some time wandering around town and meeting people that way ? Or perhaps you would go to monuments, restaurants ...etc ? Or could it be a combination ? You can assume that most of the locals can speak english and that you have quite a good amount of money.
(This question is about how you would go about discovering an unfamiliar environment on your own, without your social group)

3- A close friend asks for your advice about a serious personal problem she's having. This problem has been causing your friend a lot of grief for a while now, but she is asking for your help now because things have started to get out of hand. After explaining her problem to you, your friend proceeds to tell you how she wants to solve the problem. The "solution" she says doesn't come across to you as a good one. In fact, you have a feeling that it would make things much worse. The more she explains the situation to you, the more you get the feeling that she only wants your validation to her solution. In other words, you feel she doesn't really want your advice, but she wants you to agree with her and tell her that her solution is good. She also says that she had discussed the issue with a mutual friend of yours and that she felt cheated when that friend told her that her "solution" would most probably turn out very badly. She felt hurt when your mutual friend dismissed her "solution" so she came to you because she knows you are her "most loyal friend" and that "you'll support her no matter what". Your friend seems in a very emotional state of mind and you have the feeling that this might have clouded her judgement. Her "solution" seems very likely to make things much worse for your friend in the long run. What would you do ? Would you respect your friend's wishes by telling her that she should do whatever feels right to her ? Or would you tell your friend how you really feel about the solution, despite of how she might react ? Or perhaps you'd do something entirely different ?

4- A friend has been pressuring you into doing something that goes against your inner values. What she's pressuring you into doing is not necessarily be illegal or unethical (though it could be, depends on your values), but what's problematic about it is that it goes completely against your inner value system. What bothers you is that she's repeatedly trying to enforce this on you. How would you react ? Would that affect your friendship with her ? What if it was two or three friends doing it ? Would your reaction change then ?
If that friend stops trying to enforce the thing she's trying to enforce on you, would you take a negative impression about that friend because she, at one time, tried to make you go against your inner value system ?
(This question aims to touch upon the interaction between Fi with the environment and the other cognitive functions. It also kind of checks to what degree Fi might compromise with the environment in certain contexts)

I hope you enjoy answering these questions. Coming up with them was pretty fun .. :D


Local time
Today 3:09 AM
Apr 9, 2016
I'm gonna take these one at a time.

1- You decided to go with your friends on a trip to a state/country/city that you hadn't been to earlier. After reaching the hotel, your friends are discussing the different options that your group has (e.g going to a monument/ tasting local meals ...etc). What would be your suggestions to your friends ? Would you participate in the planning or would you accept the decisions they reach, regardless ? What would you want to get out of the trip ? Would you be particularly interested in taking many photos, for instance ?
(The purpose of this question is to see how you would go about discovering a new and unfamiliar environment and what you would focus on getting out of the experience, especially when you're in a group setting)

I'm with my friends in some new city. We're gonna go out. I probably don't add suggestions as much as I'll state my opinion for one of the suggestions being presented. The possibilities are too many and with a lot of options and a lot of people, you usually get indecision. I don't often take the leadership role in a large group. I can, but normally I don't. Whatever is decided in the end is okay by me. Pretty much as long as I'm with people I like, there aren't a lot of things that I won't have fun doing with them. I mean, there is a possibility that I might want to do a particular thing, but I don't know how much I'd fight for it without knowing what it is.

The trip? I'm probably looking to enjoy the new culture. I want to see how it's different from what I'm used to. Little things. Everything. The stores, the food, the traffic, the clothes. I want to know if there were a lot of people walking on the street. Just a lot of things that might give me some insight into what it might be like to live there. I guess, I'm thinking, would I like to live here? And I want to get a sense of what that would entail.

Photos are cool. They help me to remember what happened while I was there. So, I'd definitely want photos, but that wouldn't be my primary focus. I'd want to enjoy first and take photos after.


Local time
Today 3:09 AM
Apr 9, 2016
2- One of your best friends is studying abroad (foreign country) and because you miss your friend alot you decide to visit her in June. On arriving to the country your friend is studying in you find out that your friend is still taking her finals so she can only spend little time with you. Luckily, her exams will be over in only a few days. How would you spend these days ? Would you decide on expanding your social circle at your friend's university ? Would you spend some time wandering around town and meeting people that way ? Or perhaps you would go to monuments, restaurants ...etc ? Or could it be a combination ? You can assume that most of the locals can speak english and that you have quite a good amount of money.
(This question is about how you would go about discovering an unfamiliar environment on your own, without your social group)

A few days alone in a foreign country? I actually am not a huge fan of going out by myself. So the first option provided sounds most likely. I'd probably stay close to her school, possibly make acquaintances at the school. It would certainly be the easiest thing to do. We already have something in common. :)

I might wander the town, but I wouldn't do so for the explicit reason of meeting people. I'd just wander to get a feel for the surrounding areas. I'd save the really tourist type of things for when my friend could come along, but I'd probably go shopping or something just so that I have an excuse to be out and about. If I did meet people, it would be spontaneous and unplanned.

Above all, I'd probably be a really bad influence on my friend and try to convince her that she's studied enough and now needs to hang out with me. :D


Local time
Today 9:09 AM
Dec 4, 2010
Do you think kissing someone can taste good the way food does?


Local time
Today 3:09 AM
Apr 9, 2016
3- A close friend asks for your advice about a serious personal problem she's having. This problem has been causing your friend a lot of grief for a while now, but she is asking for your help now because things have started to get out of hand. After explaining her problem to you, your friend proceeds to tell you how she wants to solve the problem. The "solution" she says doesn't come across to you as a good one. In fact, you have a feeling that it would make things much worse. The more she explains the situation to you, the more you get the feeling that she only wants your validation to her solution. In other words, you feel she doesn't really want your advice, but she wants you to agree with her and tell her that her solution is good. She also says that she had discussed the issue with a mutual friend of yours and that she felt cheated when that friend told her that her "solution" would most probably turn out very badly. She felt hurt when your mutual friend dismissed her "solution" so she came to you because she knows you are her "most loyal friend" and that "you'll support her no matter what". Your friend seems in a very emotional state of mind and you have the feeling that this might have clouded her judgement. Her "solution" seems very likely to make things much worse for your friend in the long run. What would you do ? Would you respect your friend's wishes by telling her that she should do whatever feels right to her ? Or would you tell your friend how you really feel about the solution, despite of how she might react ? Or perhaps you'd do something entirely different ?

Ok. This is like half of my life. Hahaha...

Here's how this conversation goes...

Friend: Hey, I have this issue with blank and blank. I'm thinking of doing blank. What do you think about my solution? Because so-and-so said that it was stupid and I know she's wrong because of this reason and that reason. I swear she doesn't even listen when I talk. She just totally dismisses me and my ideas like I'm stupid or something. That's why I came to you because I know that you're my "most loyal friend" and "you'll support me no matter what".

Me: So you're saying that this and this happened? (I make sure I really understand the full specs of the situation, constantly asking question, listening and then reiterating in my own words all of the important points of said situation).

Me: Okay. So, now you want to do this solution? (Now I do the same thing with the back and forth and asking questions about the solution to make sure I fully understand her perspective on why she thinks this solution is solid. I reiterate all of her points so that she knows I understand. And usually by this point I really do understand where she is coming from so I'm not just putting on airs.)

Ok. So after I've clarified all of her points, she now knows that I've fully listened to her and understand all of the aspects of the situation. I tell her, "Ok. I see where you're coming from. I get why you see these things the way you're seeing them. But what is you go through with this solution and blank happens?" I flesh out all the ways of how something could go wrong with her plan. I slowly, but surely try to make her see another way to see the situation. I essentially try to explain the other perspectives that she might be missing because of emotions or whatever. A lot of it is done through asking questions. What if this happens? What if that happens?

If at the end of my poking holes in her solution she is still set on her original solution, then I did my due diligence in trying to convince her to consider other possibilities. I validate her feelings, I try to understand her point of view and then I present my own point of view. I never tell her that her solution is bad, but I never tell her that it's good either. I remain neutral about her solution and then present some of my own.


Local time
Today 3:09 AM
Apr 9, 2016
4- A friend has been pressuring you into doing something that goes against your inner values. What she's pressuring you into doing is not necessarily be illegal or unethical (though it could be, depends on your values), but what's problematic about it is that it goes completely against your inner value system. What bothers you is that she's repeatedly trying to enforce this on you. How would you react ? Would that affect your friendship with her ? What if it was two or three friends doing it ? Would your reaction change then ?
If that friend stops trying to enforce the thing she's trying to enforce on you, would you take a negative impression about that friend because she, at one time, tried to make you go against your inner value system ?
(This question aims to touch upon the interaction between Fi with the environment and the other cognitive functions. It also kind of checks to what degree Fi might compromise with the environment in certain contexts)

Oh. This sucks. Peer pressure sucks. It sucks less as I get older, but it still sucks. But I've gotten way better at resisting over the past few years. Yeah, it affects me much less now. I've realized by now, that if you're really asking me to do something that I feel is wrong and pressuring me into doing that then you're wrong. Something is wrong with you. You might be a little toxic. I'm not sure if we should be as close as we are. This is definitely cause for distancing a relationship. If you can't respect my values then, that's not cool. Yes, the relationship is slightly damaged. They might not be cut from my life or anything so drastic. I'm not mad at them per say. More just hurt and upset that they'd put tension on our friendship for something that makes me uncomfortable.

A group of people pressuring me? This could potentially be harder to resist. It will really, really depend on what I'm being pressured to do. And on who the people are that are asking.

If it's something that I expect from them, then I probably won't be tempted. It's something that I know they do or have done. I'm not surprised that this might go against my values so I'll just avoid whatever value violating behavior they might participate in. We can hang out when you aren't doing that behavior. When it's expected, it's easy to say "That's for you and this is for me."

If it's something that I find out of character for my friends, I might question their values/ reasoning for doing such things. Why? Why would you want me to do that? I'd be much more conflicted. I'd really want to understand where their request was coming from. Closer friends who I respect and value their opinions might cause me to question my own. I really want to understand their perspective. Am I missing something? There might be a back of forth of me trying to explain my perspective.They'd have a better chance at convincing me, but after giving it thought, if I decided against it then I'd probably dismiss them. Just like with the previous group. They can do whatever, I'll stay over here and we can talk later.

With the group situations, individual relationships will probably be less affected. Do I hold a grudge against my friend for trying to pressure me that one time? If they've given up, then I probably won't hold it against them. Grudges aren't my thing.

Um. Peer pressure really does suck though. I'm not going to do the things I find immoral or unethical. I really try to find friends who do have the same morals and values as me so that these things don't happen. I don't like to feel excluded or have to exclude myself from things because the people don't agree with the way I live or something like that.

Thanks for the questions! Hope I enlightened...a little...maybe. :D


Local time
Today 3:09 AM
Apr 9, 2016
Do you think kissing someone can taste good the way food does?

:o ...These are way different things. I'm not emotionally attached to my food. Does it taste good? Yes. Would I compare it to food? No.


Local time
Today 9:09 AM
Dec 4, 2010
:o ...These are way different things. I'm not emotionally attached to my food. Does it taste good? Yes. Would I compare it to food? No.

Do you believe in extremely personal and important things?


lust for life
Local time
Today 12:09 AM
Aug 12, 2010
California, USA
Are you religious? Do you believe in the importance of church? What does god mean to you?

If someone was coming to pick you up to go out, how long would it take you to get ready and finally come down?


Local time
Today 3:09 AM
Apr 9, 2016
girls say i'm sexist, and i'm still wondering if it's true or plain bullshit

This isn't a question. Lol.

If I had to guess from the very, very limited amount of information available to me, I'd say, you probably said something sexist. You probably say sexist things. Does that mean you're a sexist? I don't know. *Shrugs*


Local time
Today 3:09 AM
Apr 9, 2016
Are you religious? Do you believe in the importance of church? What does god mean to you?

I believe in God. I've been known to hold some traditional Christian views. :angel: Lol. :D

Church? There are pros and cons. Just like anything that's been systematized.

If someone was coming to pick you up to go out, how long would it take you to get ready and finally come down?

Depends on where we're going and how long I've known about the engagement ahead of time. I really, really try to be ready if someone is picking me up. I don't want to disrespect their time. Let's say 5 minutes, max. If I'm driving myself...all bets are off.


Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 3:09 AM
Mar 11, 2016
Just North of Normal
I've started using the term "lol"
Thx & apologies, lol


lust for life
Local time
Today 12:09 AM
Aug 12, 2010
California, USA
Do you become irritated easily? Are you harsh on people you care about? Do you sometimes feel like the only one willing to do something that's being ignored? How do you relieve stress?

How comfortable do you feel about the idea of trying LSD and shrooms compared to weed and alcohol? Do you smoke?


Spiritual "Woo"
Local time
Today 2:09 AM
Jan 24, 2013


Local time
Today 3:09 AM
Apr 9, 2016
Do you become irritated easily?


Are you harsh on people you care about?

Not really. No. I want the best for them, but I like to think of myself as more of a cheerleader than a coach.

Do you sometimes feel like the only one willing to do something that's being ignored?

I wouldn't say that either. I might be willing to do something, that nobody else is willing to do. I think you might be asking if I see things that others don't see? Or choose not to see? I might see more practical details about things. But I don't assume others are ignoring the information when they could be simply not seeing it.

How do you relieve stress?

Talk to friends about it. Or ignore it. Depending on what it is, it normally helps to talk about it so that I can figure out what I 'm going to do about it. I can brainstorm out loud. And I don't purposefully ignore problems, but that can sort of happen when most of your focus is mostly in the moment.

How comfortable do you feel about the idea of trying LSD and shrooms compared to weed and alcohol? Do you smoke?

I don't do drugs. I don't smoke weed or cigarettes. I've had a drink here or there, but I've never been drunk. If other people who I have no connections to want to do that...good for them. I have no plans to ever participate in these substances. My reasoning? I don't need it. Why the hell would I do that to my body? Why the hell would I do that to my mind? I see no pros.

...I take it back. I don't mind weed. I've never done it, but the plant without all of the things it normally comes laced with can actually be very beneficial. I still don't plan to try it, but I'm okay with it.


lust for life
Local time
Today 12:09 AM
Aug 12, 2010
California, USA
How did you learn about Socionics? Are you generally attracted to forums vs facebook, reddit, or instagram?

What type of music did you grow up with and what kind of music do you enjoy now? Do you mind cursing in music? Can you post your ideal party tune?

That's all my questions, I swear. :p At least for typing.


Local time
Today 3:09 AM
Apr 9, 2016
How did you learn about Socionics?

That wonderful thing called the internet. Lol. :D

...Do I need to say more? I like personality tests. They're fun. I'd gotten ESFP many times before but was never able to fully understand the technical stuff and never really cared because the behavior stuff was close enough. And then one day I was bored and got curious. Hence, the internet :) I was really looking for MBTI stuff. Socionics came later...

Are you generally attracted to forums vs facebook, reddit, or instagram?

This is my first experience on a forum. It's cool I guess because you guys are actually pretty active here. I know almost nothing about reddit. Facebook...I've almost given up on it. So I guess instagram would be my first choice of social media currently. I'm actually not all into social media. I was at a certain point in my life, but right now, I'm not too active. I creep on instagram and snapchat. (When my social life is more active than it currently is, I'll be more active on social media, but life sucks right now socially. :ahh:)

What type of music did you grow up with and what kind of music do you enjoy now?

Grew up with a good bit of jazz. Smooth jazz and a lot of motown hits from the '60s. That's what my parents liked. Now? I don't know. I listen to whatever. I like some stuff on the radio. I love Ed Sheeran without shame. 21 Pilots is cool :cool: I like Broadway tunes, and Broadway shows. I listen to classical stuff. Eric Whitacre? His choral stuff is AMAZING! I love him! :D Hahaha... His music leaves me lost for words.
Eric Whitacre

Do you mind cursing in music?

Eh. My upbringing was like... "Cursing = :twisteddevil: " It's still very ingrained in me. I don't really mind too much. Personally, I try hard not to curse. But most times it's perfectly okay in music. It's only those few artists who overdo it and leave you wondering, where is the creativity if every other word is "bleep"?

Can you post your ideal party tune?

I don't have an ideal party tune. Anything that will get people dancing is fine. As long as it has a good beat, I'm down. House music is pretty much what's popular right now. I mean I'm not a Justin Beiber fan, but I'd play his music at a party. I'm sure you've heard this (If you haven't, then...what country are you in? And way to go on avoiding life...Lol :p). Maybe more credit should go to Skrillex and Diplo for the awesomness that is everything, but the words. Lol. Unavoidable Party Tune :D Lol

Oh, and there's always the group dance songs that gets everyone dancing because they all know the dance to the song... Line dances...:D You know...cha cha slide? Cupid Shuffle?
Cupid Shuffle

That's all my questions, I swear. :p At least for typing.

:confused: Were you trying to type me? Lol. :rolleyes: What's your prognosis? Please don't tell me that I've lied to everyone here! :eek: Hahaha...

Go ahead and ask more if it'll help. I think it's hilarious that you were trying to type me. :D If it makes any difference... on cognitive function tests, I always score pretty high on Ne and even way higher on Se. Many times do I think "Am I ENFP?" But...I'm not. *Shrugs*


lust for life
Local time
Today 12:09 AM
Aug 12, 2010
California, USA
:confused: Were you trying to type me? Lol. :rolleyes: What's your prognosis? Please don't tell me that I've lied to everyone here! :eek: Hahaha...

Go ahead and ask more if it'll help. I think it's hilarious that you were trying to type me. :D If it makes any difference... on cognitive function tests, I always score pretty high on Ne and even way higher on Se. Many times do I think "Am I ENFP?" But...I'm not. *Shrugs*
Yeah, it intrigues me how extroverts wind up here, a little bit due to type skepticism and a little bit of wonder about their life's journey. Oh and that repeating instrumental part of the bieber song is really good.

Anyway, I thought ESF/ENF most likely with my vote on ESFJ, which has nothing to do with any stereotypes of Ps vs Js mind you. More due to Jungian Fe Rationality and probable Fe-Ne accentuation. Overall you seem like a nice person. :)


Local time
Today 3:09 AM
Apr 9, 2016
Yeah, it intrigues me how extroverts wind up here, a little bit due to type skepticism and a little bit of wonder about their life's journey. Oh and that repeating instrumental part of the bieber song is really good.

Anyway, I thought ESF/ENF most likely with my vote on ESFJ, which has nothing to do with any stereotypes of Ps vs Js mind you. More due to Jungian Fe Rationality and probable Fe-Ne accentuation. Overall you seem like a nice person. :)

I'm here because my social life is dead. :rip: Hahaha...

You think I have Fe! :eek:

I mean, I guess it can appear to be Fe on the outside. Sometimes. It can be hard to tell. But I never felt that I had Fe. Finding harmony via societal values? ...I respect the search for harmony, but I think my methods are more about coexistence than anything else.

I resonate with Fi more than Se. But I think I have to be a dominant perceiver. I take sooo long to make decisions. And I just go with the flow. I go with the flow more than I should go with the flow. Very down to earth. ExFP. This is always how I thought of myself. Not really settled on Se or Ne, but thinking that Se was the best fit based on my own understanding of the information.

I'm wondering if maybe you're thinking ESFJ because when I type things online it actually gives me a second to think about my answers and tailor my responses...something I very rarely do in person.


Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 3:09 AM
Mar 11, 2016
Just North of Normal
Do u like MCR

Do you know who Frank Iero is?

If so do you think he could be an ESFP? People have typed him as such but without much explanation.


lust for life
Local time
Today 12:09 AM
Aug 12, 2010
California, USA
Why is your social life dead right now?

It's the way you answered some of the questions that gave me an idea of how you might approach the world, I interpreted a lack of Se dom liberalness and more Fe security. Plus a focus on 'synchronized fun' like the cha cha slide and line dancing. The cheer leader response influenced my typing too, I think that's more Ne/Si than Se/Ni to value moral support over direct intervention. Lastly I thought Fe-Ne because you seem to have respect for different cultures, like there's a sense of sophistication. Even with us you still haven't posted outside your own thread. :p

I won't hang it over your head though I just thought it would be interesting exercise. And yeah I agree, having the time to recollect and answer questions deliberately on a forum does fuzz it up a bit.


Local time
Today 3:09 AM
Apr 9, 2016
Do u like MCR

Do you know who Frank Iero is?

If so do you think he could be an ESFP? People have typed him as such but without much explanation.

I like them, but I don't know them very well.

I'm not familiar enough with him to really try to type him. But just because you asked, I watched a few of his interviews and ESFP seems highly likely. The way that he talks and answers questions. He doesn't seem to pause to think before answering questions and he tells a lot of stories. He's very expressive in his story telling. Very personable. He talks about how life is a collection of moments and how he's still not sure that this is where he's supposed to be, and how important it is to have fun. The way that he tackles projects (all or nothing). I like to work like that sometimes. There was one where he gets choked up about being away from his kids. Other small things... he accidentally cuts people off, you can tell he likes talking. :)

He sounds like ESFP to me.


Don't confused and think that hoarding is an Si thing. I can be, but listen to why he does it. It seems that he's remembering things via Fi. Using the object to remember the feeling more so, than remembering the actual occurrences.

What do you think? ESFP? Have my explanations convinced you at all? Mind you...I actually know very little of the guy.


Local time
Today 3:09 AM
Apr 9, 2016
Why is your social life dead right now?

I recently moved. All of my friends are far away. :( I'm not really loving the culture of my current location. It's different here. It's putting me in a weird mood, not being able to really connect with anyone in my current location. I've turned to the internet for social interaction. :p

It's the way you answered some of the questions that gave me an idea of how you might approach the world, I interpreted a lack of Se dom liberalness and more Fe security. Plus a focus on 'synchronized fun' like the cha cha slide and line dancing. The cheer leader response influenced my typing too, I think that's more Ne/Si than Se/Ni to value moral support over direct intervention. Lastly I thought Fe-Ne because you seem to have respect for different cultures, like there's a sense of sophistication. Even with us you still haven't posted outside your own thread. :p

This sounds like: "Sorry, you can't be an ESFP. You aren't reckless enough. You aren't selfish enough. You care too much about the people in your life." Hahaha... ;)

By the way, I think I made a total of 2 posts outside of this thread when someone else made the same claim. It's been a while now. But I haven't been attending to the forum the way that I did when I first made this profile. I have an INTP friend. I was trying to figure him out. But you know, real life happens sometimes.

Btw (Part 2) Someone recently thought I might be ENFJ. I totally take that as a compliment. Because I truly wish that Ni would kick in and tell me what the heck I should do with my life...not that I'd listen :o ...nvm. It's still a compliment though. Every time I'm mistyped, I take that as a compliment. It means I'm doing a good job developing those other functions. :D


Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 3:09 AM
Mar 11, 2016
Just North of Normal
I like them, but I don't know them very well.

I'm not familiar enough with him to really try to type him. But just because you asked, I watched a few of his interviews and ESFP seems highly likely.
Yo thanks so much wowow

The way that he talks and answers questions. He doesn't seem to pause to think before answering questions and he tells a lot of stories. He's very expressive in his story telling. Very personable. He talks about how life is a collection of moments and how he's still not sure that this is where he's supposed to be, and how important it is to have fun. The way that he tackles projects (all or nothing). I like to work like that sometimes. There was one where he gets choked up about being away from his kids. Other small things... he accidentally cuts people off, you can tell he likes talking. :)
I wish I could talk like that. I can't tell stories or have a conversation with anyone unless I have everything planned out way beforehand.
I could relate to 87% of what he said during this interview
I also view life as a collection of moments. I often weigh being productively creative vs having fun, which seems like what he's doing. Like they definitely can overlap, he enjoys making music, but he feels that he needs to make stuff. So he can look back in twenty years and say "I did this then". I'M THE SAME WAY. I feel like I need to do something worthwhile, to influence other people for the better and so that I can look back without regret over wasting time.

I'm not sure if I'm an INTP tbh. These comparisons are interesting. I'm not saying I'm an ESFP, but I do have some definite similarities to Frank. But I suck at story telling unless I have been actively preparing for ages. Because of this, I don't really "like" talking. It's a huge effort.

this interview is so great he's such a wonderful person my face hurts from smiling also he put his water bottle in his shoe
Don't confused and think that hoarding is an Si thing. It can be, but listen to why he does it. It seems that he's remembering things via Fi. Using the object to remember the feeling more so, than remembering the actual occurrences.
The hoarding thing was really interesting. I do that too, except more so with ideas or information. Although if I look around my room.. Yikes. I don't like to get rid of things because they all seem like they could be useful for something. That random glass jar? I'll keep it so I can draw it. Left over Easter candy that I'm not going to eat? What if I'm really hungry one day and that's all I have?
This seems more Ne than anything though.
I actually do keep a ton of things for the sentiment, now that I think about it. I have a clock that doesn't work, but I'm keeping it because it's Star Trek themed
I still have my old merch from fandoms that I'm no longer in, like the Hunger Games. I still have a Loki poster in my room. Little rocks and shells from camp or vacations.

Sorry for going on about this, I haven't really thought much about it before. Woah.
I sort of am a hoarder aren't I
I wonder what function the sentimentality points toward. Maybe Si because I don't want to forget my past. Life's a collection of moments and I don't want to loose the old ones because they're a part of the whole picture; they're important.

What do you think? ESFP? Have my explanations convinced you at all? Mind you...I actually know very little of the guy.
Yes they have, thanks so much :D I can see him as an ESFP. He's a major role model of mine so that's really cool

I'm gonna go ponder about my hoarding problem


lust for life
Local time
Today 12:09 AM
Aug 12, 2010
California, USA
The reckless part kind of applies but overall there was more to it. Kudos on the positive thinking in regards to the mistypes though.

If you don't mind, where'd you move to / from?


Local time
Today 8:09 AM
May 16, 2015
Birmingham, UK
Do you have any questions for us?


Active Member
Local time
Today 9:09 AM
May 26, 2016
I checked the previous questions rather quickly, so I hope I'm not asking things you already answered.

To what extent do you care about how other people perceive you (as opposed to how you perceive yourself)?

Do you see yourself able to hold certain beliefs/ideas than others around you? Do you consider yourself vulnerable to peer-pressure?

Do you sometimes feel like people don't give you the recognition you deserve?

Do you like watching soaps on television? Can you understand why some people watch detailed documentaries on let's say nazi architecture on national geographic? Or are obsessed with an explanation of quantum mechanics with morgan freeman? Do you care about politics?

Do you feel there is too much censorship in the media? Or rather inversely that it is often too explicit? I, for example, can appreciate a funny metaphor such as "Blitzkrieg mit dem Fleischgewehr (Rammstein)" but I find the more direct "Blow my whistle(flo rida)" a bit disgusting and needless attention-seeking.

Do you believe people are all good ultimately and all crime etc. is only due to their circumstances?

What is the thing about INTP's that annoys you the most?

On what aspect of yourself (or which deeds to make it more concrete) are you the most proud?
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