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Search results

  1. GYX_Kid

    Ti the builder

    What type are you? haha Average day contains a lot of recalling things, and thinking about them
  2. GYX_Kid

    The Box

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stereotype_threat I could see "INTPs" being more likely to disconnect personally from and objectify something like that concept
  3. GYX_Kid

    I need a sonnet...

    Me too, right now :cool: I'd gladly offer free shit if it didn't cost anything. I never got offended about people copying me off a test, for example- the grade and the education are two completely different things I also have a poem I need to write within the next hour, though. It'll be...
  4. GYX_Kid

    that : o face blushed on its own...

    that : o face blushed on its own...
  5. GYX_Kid

    I love...interesting recipes INTPs can be cool, especially when they realize how much they can...

    I love...interesting recipes INTPs can be cool, especially when they realize how much they can develop Actually I've been going to an INFJ forum lately, to learn how they work :o
  6. GYX_Kid

    Thanks for visiting mine xP I checked out an ENFP forum once, and there didn't seem to be so...

    Thanks for visiting mine xP I checked out an ENFP forum once, and there didn't seem to be so much. I remember like a huge section dedicated to random online dating
  7. GYX_Kid

    What animal type is the INTP?

    I like Anthile's list
  8. GYX_Kid

    Self destructive fate

    I was a professional at getting damaged by the world, and damaging nobody but myself in return. I don't know if I've taken irreversible damage at this point, literally to my organs and to years of potential. I'll find out ASAP.
  9. GYX_Kid

    Trying to figure a few things out about myself.

    What if they escape to a different state and you can't find them
  10. GYX_Kid

    Trying to figure a few things out about myself.

    If you were an ENTJ you'd probably carry out real plans to try to ruin people sooner, and paranoia would come from those plans failing and the people trying to come fuck you. You should find one of those (NPD/AsPD ENTJ) and make him go after you, then trap him or fuck his life up in some way...
  11. GYX_Kid

    Trying to figure a few things out about myself.

    Was there a time when you "snapped" or began having thoughts and "behavioral difficulties," or was it pretty much for as long as you remember?
  12. GYX_Kid

    To lose faith in mankind

    Something useful on the news for once. Almost like one of those old dendrophilian videos
  13. GYX_Kid


    Your friendly neighboorhood asocialites often creating some kind of fun conversation to run into, open just about 23/7
  14. GYX_Kid

    To lose faith in mankind

    Seriously Human society = Follow accepted daily protocol, giving a fuck is completely optional Wish I could understand it (goes and asks msn friends in China for some translation) Where'd you get this?
  15. GYX_Kid

    Open Mindedness the double edged sword

    Are you saying that closed-mindedness is going to increase your preference for what kinds of attitudes to adopt and what people to spend your time with? It can also just be habit that does that
  16. GYX_Kid

    Why are INTPs always called 'the nerds'?

    The best plan of action minimizes risk, and maximizes chance of success. Actually ENTJ, the INTP turned inside-out, is good at this. But they "care" about doing shit a lot, so they go actually carry out destructive genius plans that remain just risky enough to be practical. INTP would find the...
  17. GYX_Kid

    Open Mindedness the double edged sword

    That's not the way to do it- be even more open minded to embrace use of tools for social power, when you might need them. If you don't do it often you might associate any form of authoritativeness with being a dick, but there are tons of gray areas as with everything. It's not about jumping to...
  18. GYX_Kid

    Why are INTPs always called 'the nerds'?

    Fixed post to be more accurate IN** or **TJ is my vote. Different types of killers and for different reasons.
  19. GYX_Kid

    Why are INTPs always called 'the nerds'?

    I dunno. They do tend to obsess in narrow detail about their interests a lot, and have some aspergery traits. Uh... Cake I pick you for not being so nerdy
  20. GYX_Kid

    Why are INTPs always called 'the nerds'?

    ISTJs have some of the nerdiest people, at least the ones you mentioned that would get all A's in early school just because "you're supposed to" and tell on you for doing something against the rules. :aufsmaul: I wouldn't actually enjoy beating up most of those unless it was personal. INTP would...
  21. GYX_Kid

    Trolling on Omegle

    You beat me to it. I was gonna make a thread where people should post their Omegle chats and make sure they're at least 7/10 quality.
  22. GYX_Kid

    personality masks

    Keep acting as what you want to be, "fake" it until you make it. The end result may not be as ideal as you imagine, though... though it will at least give you a sizable dosage of adventure and experience to add to yourself in general
  23. GYX_Kid

    Types who you find influential?

    ENTPs are influential in showing their ideas of NTP value, and how to get them out there. ENTJs can showcase examples of playing "leader" and how/where it can go, with their ideas among other things about each
  24. GYX_Kid

    Favorite song by theme

    Oh boy... I liked this song Cannibal Corpse - Dismembered And Molested - YouTube there are of course different themes of horror, but this theme is the most obvious Theme is now ice
  25. GYX_Kid

    female distraction & projects

    It would be possible to equally keep all 3, and fluctuate based on your current mood and what time/priorities allowed for But let's say you leaned towards option A for the most part. Do you think you could just do it until you got more or less sick of it, and then move on to the "finer" NTs in...
  26. GYX_Kid

    INTPs and mental disorders

    schizoid for INTP and schizophrenic for INTJ? I'd think depression for any I**P, plus it's really common among all types anything involving thought pattern OCD, for both
  27. GYX_Kid

    Human Domestication

    Well we'd choose our own habits based less on social norms, and more on our own independent choosing from what's in front of us, seems true for NT's in general. I have learned to be more articulate in a way over recent years, to speak "human" more fluently through the values of mainstream...
  28. GYX_Kid

    INTP Socializer's Remorse

    Why regret having the conversation? Unless it caused events to occur which irreversibly damaged something... I find if anything is regrettable, it's having a missed opportunity or incomplete endeavor, not a swing-and-miss that enhances your practice anyway More reason to try harder to give...
  29. GYX_Kid

    Homework FAQ

    We should offer exchange deals for doing each others' homework assignments here, or something.
  30. GYX_Kid

    Types who you find influential?

    Which types do you think strike you personally in some way, with profound aspects of any kind? (Thinking more influence than anything else) Mine are probably ENTx's and xSTP's
  31. GYX_Kid

    Joking in expense of other

    It's one of those social games. Tests reactions, potential quality of friend, etc. I personally see no inherent value or fun in it, but I'll learn to use it for what it is
  32. GYX_Kid

    Accusation-reinforcing behavior

    Used to have that problem. You're thinking of a persona, and playing the character from your head. The environment is enforcing your thoughts by putting you on the spot, and [your weak Fe (I don't know)] automatically reacts to the pinpointing. Your thought of "I'm just a person, like everyone...
  33. GYX_Kid

    INTP Socializer's Remorse

    We might care that much how ourselves are seen by others, but other people really don't, at least to the degree that they play your action over in their heads repeatedly. And if they do, they're probably really interested in you. (This is encouragement) Plus, any "mistake" can be made up...
  34. GYX_Kid

    Thoughts About Modern Life

    Most people tend to when in doubt or emptiness, look towards convenient or non-convenient activities that set them in pursuit of something traditional to a large degree (whether or not it directly brings them a large dosage of chemical endorphins), and go "do" things. I think INTP would be...
  35. GYX_Kid

    Which type(s) are INTPs attracted to?

    Elemental theory (? ....sure) ESTJ: fire INTJ: ice ENTJ: fiery ice ISTJ: icy fire INTP: icy nothingness ...with powers to robotically understand and master any F-type: "soul" and default mammalian social instinct over 30 units ENTP's are comedy and SP's are crafty artisans with not as...
  36. GYX_Kid

    Which type(s) are INTPs attracted to?

    ^ haha I'm sorry. I wrote that back "then" in all seriousness, in my experience yeah an ENTJ is going to have too notable a personality to not fall somewhere on the: -Humorous and admirable -Annoying -Intelligent parasite scale. I might be most ...attracted to (the existence of) ENTJ for...
  37. GYX_Kid

    Broken INTP?

    Do you think you'd find something worse to obsess about if he was out of the way? (Is guilty of that myself and was wondering if you think you also might be... I wonder what the term is for it)
  38. GYX_Kid

    Broken INTP?

    Not necessarily. :(
  39. GYX_Kid

    Death Metal -- Basic Recommendations

    -having either Ni, Ti, or both
  40. GYX_Kid


    I can certainly account for this. And I actually find it kind of annoying how INTPs can tend to appear like they're emanating childlike innocence, when it's really more of an absence of connecting emotions in certain ways. Maybe you can use it to be all wolf-in-sheep-skin, or something, but...
  41. GYX_Kid

    Why put yourself in the little box

    ... inside my shell I wait and bleed
  42. GYX_Kid

    The effects of marijuana on an INTP

    I felt like a really hungry little boy who thought everything was a fun adventure. Certain music became more enveloping, as atmospheric nuances became more prominent or "meaningful". I agree that Si is very intensified. I never got any kind of Te extroversion, Ni future-planning or anything...
  43. GYX_Kid

    How to identify INFPs: They steal lawn gnomes

    My freshman year roommate started to make an entire music album about gnomes. He may be an INFP.
  44. GYX_Kid

    Weekend with ESTJ

  45. GYX_Kid

    The other is the betrayer.

    His shadow and manifestation of his past fear/hatred, something he could subconsciously relate to which he tried going to for an answer about something. Maybe he thought he could beat it and move past it, maybe something else
  46. GYX_Kid

    How do other people see you?

    It depends on the individual and what I've displayed in the past to each. I have a mental catalog of all of this, and know what I can and can't do with all of it. Sometimes their opinions of me seem not to make perfect sense, though. Like putting 2 and 2 together is somehow 8. Need to keep...
  47. GYX_Kid

    Weekend with ESTJ

    They think you're having a power struggle or picking a dick-fight. Being combative like that isn't a terrible thing to learn though, as a matter of fact- if you want to learn to communicate with all kinds of people. Even if it does seem like a dumb game from a purely logical point of view, it is...
  48. GYX_Kid

    INTP and Narcissism... I have both! Shit!

    An INTP's potentially-narcissistic playing field would be introverted by default. Needing complete control over every object inside one's own head is not inherently destructive towards others. If, however, another person causes obsessive thoughts to spawn inside that own world and hurt the INTP...
  49. GYX_Kid

    Why INTP and ENTJ?

    I kind of mentioned this in the skype group we have here, today the masculine/feminine duality of INTP and ENTJ. Going by generalities and assuming that ST/TS = masculine and NF/FN = feminine INTP has masculine introverted functions, Ti and Si; and feminine extroverted ones, Ne and Fe. ENTJ...
  50. GYX_Kid

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    Satyricon - Dark Medieval Times - YouTube
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