When you say "society", do you mean "all forms of societies"?
My answer is that the value of a certain individual personality type is dependent on the "personality" type of the society. In my understanding, the personality type of society, such as of an individual, is divided in two ideas: the arbitrariness of collective value and the innate values of the collective.
Part of collective value is arbitrary in the sense that Country A likes Pie while Country B likes cookies. The cause of arbitrariness or "randomness" of preferences such as these could perhaps be traced back to either freewill or the effects of the land or environment the country is situated on---I'm guessing it's mostly the latter. [i.e. Dessert environments put more pressure on religion because of shortened lifespan. Holy Roman Empire was affected by neighboring societies. Accidents or Coincidences form irrationalities(A cat caused the rain therefore cat is god) and irrationalities become valued traditions.]
The innate value of society, similar to individuals, is survival. Nations are egocentric and will harm other nations for their own survival.
In an irrational['rational' being defined by the innate value of survival as oppose to any random value] society where science or studying is blasphemy [perhaps due to some weird conspiracy], NT's or any other individuals that have preference towards the mentioned subject are unnecessary. [Later on, perhaps society itself will grow away from the fear or the "disvalue of science" due to things like medicinal advantages which is more in tune to their value of survival.]
In a rational society [most likely in the future] where everything is translated into data and where there is increasing demand for analytical/theoretical thinking as oppose to traditional labor, the opposite happens.
In short, the "function" of society, similar to the "function"[purpose] of individuals, is relative to the values of society, therefore, the value of a certain individual type is relative to the collective type of society.