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Search results

  1. Coolydudey

    Composing a piece for the piano

    Just thought I'd give an update which I haven't done for a while. I decided not to do the mash-up, just slightly changed piece 3 in the process. Instead, piece 4 is a distinctly and only sad piece, featuring almost exclusively minor chords (what a challenge!!). Piece 3 will arrive around the...
  2. Coolydudey

    "How Modal Logic Proved Gödel was Right, and God Exists"

    I don't think so (edit - I have no idea). We need to see the proof to be certain, but the thing will be unnecessarily long and contrived given such weak axioms, so nobody will bother to look at it.
  3. Coolydudey

    "How Modal Logic Proved Gödel was Right, and God Exists"

    There are more unstated axioms - propositions about reality. Not to mention that the axioms themselves are completely nutty. Still quite amusing though and I admire Godel for his accomplishments. For example, take axiom 5: Let the property be "There is a child molester necessarily existing in...
  4. Coolydudey

    Composing a piece for the piano

    In addition to the next piece I will at the same time release a "best of" mash-up of some new ideas and the best ideas of the old pieces, all in the same style, all wrapped up in a very technically difficult (hard to play) format. Should be impressive, and very nice. It should capture the...
  5. Coolydudey

    Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    Very interesting, albeit a bit dark for me right now. Gets a little repetitive though. 6/10 I will now make three TSFH (Two Steps From Hell) suggestions. Pick 1) If you want pure epic 2) If you want something more melodic, "lovely" 3) if you're up for something darker (a lot darker). 1)...
  6. Coolydudey

    Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    I guess it just depends what you like, so I will refrain from rating the above. Next person please rate the above post.
  7. Coolydudey

    Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    6/10: Not particularly interesting or enjoyable but nice general sound. What must be the best piano arrangement ever: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4JD-3-UAzM
  8. Coolydudey

    Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    Neither the sound nor the piano versions were great, but 6/10 just because the original music is so good. This is a decently good version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&persist_app=1&v=8Af372EQLck
  9. Coolydudey

    Composing a piece for the piano

    Haha no. Just getting to know her better actually. I'm in this sort of mood way too often. Quote of signature so that this tangent is still relevant when I change it:
  10. Coolydudey

    Composing a piece for the piano

    Haven't got access to my piano for a while, could be a month before I upload. Sorry guys.
  11. Coolydudey

    "Is Google Making Us Stupid" (an article about the consequences of using the internet)

    Google for me represents the search for knowledge. Ergo, It cannot replace my capacity to think, or even reduce it. It simply provides me with information.
  12. Coolydudey

    Anyone else donated to wikipedia?

    Just gave 10 pounds.
  13. Coolydudey

    Composing a piece for the piano

    Next piece finished. about 6 minutes. Should get version up by this weekend. Will probably call "the journey". Do not know why I am talking like a telegram (minus the stops).
  14. Coolydudey

    Forum Statistics

    To see the other image just click on second image at the top of the page somewhere.
  15. Coolydudey

    Forum Statistics

    Didn't realize there was a place you could upload them without an account. Thanks Doc. If anyone wants more stats, ask for them and I'll try and do them, as I haven't got the motivation to think of new interesting ones right now. Posts/Thread for each subforum http://imgur.com/zz8Arzc,cHsGZnC...
  16. Coolydudey

    Forum Statistics

    O...K... I just don't have anywhere to upload them to.
  17. Coolydudey

    Forum Statistics

    Posts/hour is a good one... Anyway, I kinda got bored of doing it so :rolleyes: I'm not sure whether I'll upload them. I have got a cool chart of posts/thread in each subforum, but not bothered to upload it.
  18. Coolydudey

    Think of Rock, Paper, or Scissors before you enter [no cheating kplzthxbai]

    Well, you've done the most so far. It's actually quite a hard problem. If you want, you could try and figure out the case when you compare to people above you as well (e.g if you beat the person above you and the person below you, above you there were k draws, below you l draws, then you win...
  19. Coolydudey

    Think of Rock, Paper, or Scissors before you enter [no cheating kplzthxbai]

    Indeed it is. Can you prove that?
  20. Coolydudey

    Think of Rock, Paper, or Scissors before you enter [no cheating kplzthxbai]

    ok. 5) If they beat the person directly below them, they get 1 win.
  21. Coolydudey

    Think of Rock, Paper, or Scissors before you enter [no cheating kplzthxbai]

    N players (n is an integer). Standard Rock Paper Scissors rules apply.
  22. Coolydudey

    Think of Rock, Paper, or Scissors before you enter [no cheating kplzthxbai]

    You see, the case where you compare with people both above and below you is very easy. It just amounts to finding the expected length of the maximum streak of draws and the expected total streaks of draws.
  23. Coolydudey

    Forum Statistics

    No thanks. Looking for something sweet and simple. I'm not compiling advanced stats, just sub forum wide posts/threads etc.
  24. Coolydudey

    Think of Rock, Paper, or Scissors before you enter [no cheating kplzthxbai]

    In a game n players long where: 1) One person participates only once 2) They randomly say Rock, Paper, or Scissors 3) They only compare with the person directly below them 4) If they draw with the next k players, and the player k places after them then wins, they win k+1 times. Otherwise, they...
  25. Coolydudey

    Forum Statistics

    Compiling some cool forum statistics to put on here. Anybody know how to get views per sub-forum in the meantime?
  26. Coolydudey

    hello again!: a re-introduction

    I rememba u 2 m8. Welcome back. What draws you once again to this little corner of the internet?
  27. Coolydudey

    Composing a piece for the piano

    No context really. Glad you liked them though.
  28. Coolydudey

    I'm new but I'm not

    Nice avatar; Welcome to the forum :)
  29. Coolydudey

    Composing a piece for the piano

    Next piece almost done; I'm picking up momentum!
  30. Coolydudey


    Not really. Anyway, back on topic guys!
  31. Coolydudey


    My Fe is very unusually developed. Painful (albeit good) childhood, much internalization of emotions, kept well hidden from others barring mainly angry moments. It's starting to express itself more recently, especially with my compositions. In fact, I have so much anger, frustration and sadness...
  32. Coolydudey


    Having not been in a relationship for a while, I met this girl a few days ago that I've started going out with. We haven't done much yet, but I already feel quite close to her, I'd say we're pretty similar too (I suspect she may be an INTX). Anyway, the board has long known that I am a nihilist...
  33. Coolydudey

    Borderline INTP (INXP) = problems

    You seem more like an INTP to me. Either way, my most honest advice is: you are taking this wayyyyy too seriously. MBTI is not a science.
  34. Coolydudey

    Awesome IQ test

    Ha! Well, for the purposes of taking the discussion up a notch, why not try? Def: Any trait that describes somebody's natural ability to carry out certain tasks. Notice how I have defined it as a set of traits; This is to account for notions such as different types of intelligence...
  35. Coolydudey

    Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    3/10? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJO5HU_7_1w or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmXumtgwtak or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSLZFdqwh7E whichever you like most.
  36. Coolydudey

    Global Warming believers - make your case for catastrophe

    This thread has been the best read in a loooong time... Please keep this guy here. That said, I am on your side bro. I'd rather global warming didn't exist, but I believe a) it's not as big of a problem as people say it is. b) it's not as big of a problem as they think it is.
  37. Coolydudey

    Composing a piece for the piano

    The next piece is going to be huge, at least 5 minutes... I've got so many ideas I want to get in there.
  38. Coolydudey

    Composing a piece for the piano

    Made a couple of minor revisions and uploaded the new version. Nothing groundbreaking, you won't be hearing anything new. If you didn't download the previous one, this one has pedal sounds. If you hate it, then I'll upload that one again. https://soundcloud.com/coolydudey60/piano-piece
  39. Coolydudey

    Chess on Chess.com

    That was quick!!!
  40. Coolydudey

    Chess on Chess.com

    I think I'll chime in too. I'm a good beginner. Username coolydudey60.
  41. Coolydudey


    I think this is a good way of describing moods I often get into (about a day long), although obviously not with the full punch of the word. A little forlorn. Do you know what I mean? Do you ever get the same feeling?
  42. Coolydudey

    Are INTP's really INTP's?

    I border on being an ENTP. I am *just about* introverted, but quite clearly so if you look over a long enough period of time. I also score near 100% on tests which ask questions with yes/no answers for introversion. It's because I have a clear introverted preference, which is however only slight.
  43. Coolydudey

    The Stanley Parable

    You guys made me buy it. Thanks for that, I appreciate a pointer to an interesting game.
  44. Coolydudey

    Composing a piece for the piano

    You can now also download it if you so wish
  45. Coolydudey

    If you're bored come here

    or can I?... :evil:
  46. Coolydudey

    Awesome IQ test

    Guys, just stop being babies. :segen:
  47. Coolydudey

    Composing a piece for the piano

    Yay, finally! https://soundcloud.com/coolydudey60/coolydudey-piano Guys, tell me more about what you think. Negative feedback sought after.
  48. Coolydudey

    Awesome IQ test

    Are you commenting on the fact that I do not mention the origin of the quote?
  49. Coolydudey

    Awesome IQ test

    IQ arised from the observation that people performed very similarly on many different types of tasks (like, a 0.8-0.9 correlation between spatial rotation and numerical pattern recognition, wtf?!?), and therefore have some "general intelligence" g that can be measured in a test. So why is IQ as...
  50. Coolydudey

    Awesome IQ test

    Many people nowadays are very insecure, and I think, according to what I understand, that this was much less the case years ago (and centuries ago). Peer pressure, trends and many other phenomena seem to confirm this. While IQ tests do have something to say, many people either dismiss them or...
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