Or: proof I'm not an ENTP b/c I want to hear your opinions before I list my own:
I'm not an ENTP b/c I want to hear your opinions before I list my own
Or: proof I'm not an ENTP b/c I want to hear your opinions before I list my own:
Wait-wait-wait isn't this essentially saying that god exists because a god that does not exist doesn't fit the definition of god?
Obtuse circular reasoning at its best
Yeah I go to church, it amuses me greatly.
Wait-wait-wait isn't this essentially saying that god exists because a god that does not exist doesn't fit the definition of god?
Obtuse circular reasoning at its best
Yeah I go to church, it amuses me greatly.
There is no such thing as being grounded in reality. Being grounded in reality is believing in a set of sensual information, believing that you receive this information and interpret it correctly.This only shows what happens when logic is not grounded in reality whatsoever. It's using its own made up facts to back itself up--its just a little hidden at first glance.
[JUSTIF]The 1st ontological argument for the existence of God was written by St. Anselm (1033-1109). The argument considers a maximally concievable being. This being must exist, because if it did not have the property of existence, then we could concieve of a greater being that apart from the other properties also has the property of existence. The main critique of this argument is that we do not know whether the concept maximal concievable being in fact designates anything or if it is inconsistent,like a round square. The question is if the argument is sound.
As Bertrand Russell has pointed out the denition of maximal allows us to define properties, like having boots, which the maximal being then also must have. Kant, on the other hand argued against the ontological argument on the basis that existence is not an analytic property. This means that existence cannot be contained in the denition of a concept, because it is generally synthetic.
All that we can say is that if God exists, then he necessarily exists.
St. Anselm's proof was processed by Descartes and Leibniz. Leibniz identified the critical point of the argument as establishing the possible existence of God. Leibniz gave an argument for that the properties of God, the perfections, are compatible. This implies that it is possible to have all perfections at once and therefore the existence of a maximal being with all these properties is possible.
Godel continued this argument by defining the properties that must hold for these perfections and giving axioms from which the existence of God can be derived. The acceptance of the correctness of the ontological argument by Godel's work boils down to the intuitive correctness of the axioms and denitions and the belief in the soundness of the deductive system.The formal argument of Godel is based on Leibniz proof, which in turn is based on Descartes proof.
These proofs have two parts; a proof that if God's existence is possible, then it is necessary and a proof that God's existence is in fact possible. The deductive system used in the formal proof is a system for modal logic extended with secondorder quantication (or possibly third-order quantication), because the axioms and denitions required for the concept of positive properties or perfections involve quantification over properties.
Godel treated positive properties as not just atomic properties, like Leibniz, but also consisting of collections of these properties, which by Leibniz argument are compatible or possible. (Fitting, p.139) Godel fomulated an axiom stating that the conjunction of any set of positive properties is positive. The property of God-likeness, which defines what a God is, must therefore be an infinite conjunction of all the positive properties. This axiom of the positiveness of conjunctions can be given a third order formulation which is the reason for the claim that third-order quantification may be required. (Fitting, 2002, p. 148).
However, this axiom is only used in the proof to establish that the property of God-likeness is itself positive that led Scott to simply assume the positiveness of God-likeness as an axiom instead.
Nevertheless, both axioms have the unfortunate property of being equivalent to the possibility of God's existence, given the other axioms of Godel. The possibility God's existence in turn is equivalent to God's necessary existence as well as God's existence itself. Thus, we have an axiom which seems to be equivalent to the conclusion.
If one assumes extensionality, that two objects with the same properties are identical, then the definitions of Godel's proof give monotheism. Namely, two Gods would both be God-like and by the denition of god-like, they would have the same positive properties and be identical.
It may be so that for all formulas the formula implies its boxed version.
That is all that is is necessarily and modality collapses. Fitting provides two solutions to the problem by modifying the axioms.[/JUSTIF]
This only shows what happens when logic is not grounded in reality whatsoever. It's using its own made up facts to back itself up--its just a little hidden at first glance.
If you're looking for the great unified answer for everything, this isn't it.for me god means Ultimate Abstraction, Root Cause, nothing more. I don't worship the fucker, quite the opposite.
Any “property”, or the negation of that property, is “positive”; but it is impossible that both the property and negation are positive.
well i guess it's something like: "math is about you know like everything, and like god like is too, and like therefore like math like proves like god, like how could you like believe math then, without believing in god?"
So, no proof.
I posted something but It needs to be approved? Wait what is wrong. Well hell, good luck guys I can wait.
There is no such thing as being grounded in reality. Being grounded in reality is believing in a set of sensual information, believing that you receive this information and interpret it correctly.
Incompletness Theorems
In any scientific enviroment you rely on propositions and axioms that rely on incomplete arithmetic proofs and cannot verify its own correctness.
Godel provides a God being that has every God-like property. God-like property would be any perfectly good property that exists. Any being that has some God-like properties comes from this God being.
God could be viewed as a single entity, in Uni/Multiverse, that is good and only good.
Resource of discussion
wats reality.
What if I told you that good and evil are projections of your imagination, false dichotomies presiding from your perceptions of what you think is fair? There is only existence.
I'd say it would have started with much more inductive logic--trial and error. Mixing elements, seeing what they do, documenting it, then doing this for all combinations until they got the desired results. Of course this was also probably the beginning of bureaucracy.
Besides all that, what have you proven for yourself other than reading and being taught? Obviously you believe all this as we usually do, however I was very disconcerted when my physics teacher by the time refused to prove something as basic as heliocentrism, not that it isn't right, rather that even people who teach you are abstract.Same thing with math, I'd say. Just working out long versions of equations, getting answers, then trying to find formulas that act as shortcuts to get a persistent answer--although this is probably where deductive proofs came to be--having to show the limitations of the shortcut, or that there are none.
So we tunnel our proofs to the evidential and then with this equations we can proof different not directly evidential things relying on evidence.When combining math with the mixing of elements, this slows things down quite a bit, because you are no longer just looking at the broad view of results, but you are looking deeper and deeper into the same reactions with different amounts of the elements, usually for the purpose of making things maximally efficient--making things seem much more complex and hard to understand for those who are introduced to this sort of stuff when presented in this way from the beginning.
Words came after sensual observations, they were used well by the individual that created them. Usually you have to redefine words any time you disagree with someone so that you can think similarly and come to the same conclusions.And then to get everything neat and tidy, words had to be assigned to each element and mixture for them to remember everything easier and allow them to use logic instead of experimentation.
Visita Interiora Terrae...Now, we can all be full-fledged alchemists.
The funny thing is you are in your own cave and you wave a flag that shows how I am false but because of the distance and darkness it seems to me that you surrender with this flag.
Words themselves are biased and have to be good enough for us, for now.
You just used words, calling something an inherent flaw in reasoning, you assume that I project my reality, you should rather assume that we agree on a similar view on reality when we begin to discuss. With this basic belief we can then have a valuable discussion about what is true in our beliefs and what is not.
Lets assume you listed a large amount of evidence, in my post I have shown how this evidence relies on our basic belief and willingness to cooperate with similar assumptions.
Are you rejecting your basic beliefs because what you sense and feel and how you interpret it is not universal and axiomatic?
Are you rejecting belief by the notion that you couldn't be rational if you believe in some basic assumptions?
Hey, lets be rational here.![]()
If you're so smart, then what exacty is existence, if it's not our perceptions of it?
It's like running a new A.I algorithm if it uses only logic it would have to write its own Principia Mathematica. It would have to calculate more and more slowly or just make jumps in cognition and possibly err later.
It will be a long time, or it may never happen, that you will have a deterministic evidence for anything.
What is not in this evidence relies on belief, as long as we are not in our one of many deterministic causalities we can allow ourselves a degree of abstract and irrational, something resembilng human emotion so much after all.
Or we may move one dimension up, there is place for selecting your own causalities there
But is the universe infinite?
Quite optimistic. I would feel good knowing that my mind is infinite, let's leave it at that.Mind over matter, man. The universe doesn't have to be infinite because your mind is. I live in the abstract and irrational world. It's quite the place to be.
We'll, you're limited by your perceptions of it, and without any perceptions of it--just taking it as it is, then you are in the real world--a world consisting of only the most basic animal drives.
A world of basic animal drives is still a projection; it's your perception. If we act on instinct, we might as well be considered dead because we have no ability to interpret and develop a form of awareness from it; we are unconsciously functioning. And then what you consider a limitation I could argue is an enhancement.
Ummm...yeah. Did you not read the second paragraph?
I did, but it contradicts what you said earlier - that good and evil are false dichotomies; there's also a contradiction when you refer to a 'real world' without projections.
The reasons being, one could argue there is no 'real' world aside from projections.
Yer supposed to be a systems thinker.![]()
"Thus it is possible that it will rain today if and only if it is not necessary that it will not rain today; and it is necessary that it will rain today if and only if it is not possible that it will not rain today."
My take on it is:
0 if and only if -0 (1);
1 if and only if -1(0).
Incompleteness is God, and everything is so boring.
The only holy thing is linear time.