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Search results

  1. Coolydudey

    Challenge: Opening Up Under Perceived Anonymity

    In spy(question) mode, I asked: find something you disagree about in one minute. The results were amusing. http://logs.omegle.com/2af6434
  2. Coolydudey

    Has the forum helped you?

    To answer any questions, to find any information, to learn how to present ideas/to write, with your english, with your mental stability/health, or anything else? I'll post about how it's helped me later
  3. Coolydudey

    Getting into philosophy early.

    I always use to think about philosophy-type questions. At 15-16, completely insulated to existentialism and nihilism (didn't even know the terms existed), I came up with their main concepts, and became a nihilist of several sorts. Learning about these has since changed nothing about my views...
  4. Coolydudey

    Rocco's Thread of Original Nerdy Music

    How often do you complete a piece?
  5. Coolydudey

    The individual

    We live in an age of decreasing individuality. Our educational system, our workplaces, our possessions, our prison system - all are designed for the mass. In this impersonal reality, everyone is forced to conform: school is mandatory, work is mandatory (sort of), going to prison is mandatory...
  6. Coolydudey

    Is it possible to become more intelligent?

    Intelligence is not IQ. IQ is a form of intelligence though, and can change up to 20 points as somebody grows up. Neuroplasticity is much more important than we think, and the brain can adapt quite a lot. Take for example London taxi cab drivers, who are supposed to know almost all of London...
  7. Coolydudey

    Why do I have to fill in catchpa's for every post I make?

    When people are bored...
  8. Coolydudey

    Antimatter Torch Drive

    This annihilation is not about relativistic mass... It's about mass at zero velocity, or the amount of protons neutrons and electrons in the atom. F****** original idea though
  9. Coolydudey

    Sensory Deprivation

    An unusually good wikipedia article http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isolation_tank Also, you can use one here, i haven't checked country though, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isolation_tank I'm going thru some kind of posting frenzy today....
  10. Coolydudey

    Feeling great

    Hedge fund industry... As a note, I don't think it matters whether your parents have been to some place or not. At least here in the UK, they judge it based on your application only.
  11. Coolydudey

    Mind control

    Is more real than you think. http://www.wanttoknow.info/mindcontrol10pg#cia Very interesting.
  12. Coolydudey

    Feeling great

    You noticed... Anyway, you can do stuff like maths and philosophy, maths and computer science, and other options, but you decide on your course before you go (although there is room to change). Once you're there, it's all you do.
  13. Coolydudey

    Feeling great

    Just maths (or math). In England you just study one subject right from the start (only maths even on the first day), unless you pick the equivalent of a double major or specific course such as PPE (philosophy, politics, economics). Anyways, thanks guys. Btw, I'm not sure about pure vs applied...
  14. Coolydudey

    Feeling great

    Alert: somewhat narcissistic post! You have been warned. Exam results came out in the UK yesterday, and all went well enough for me to have the chance to study in what is probably the best university in the UK for maths (Cambridge) :smoker::D. I'm not trying to boast or anything (although I'm...
  15. Coolydudey

    Dreams and the Subconscious

    What you are doing is completely reasonable. However, the forum has a reasonably high turnover of members, and many topics will inevitably be revisited multiple times. Dreams are certainly not the only one. On the one hand, stickying them all isn't the solution. On the other hand, perhaps we...
  16. Coolydudey

    So y'all have Tapatalk

    I don't. I think it's horrible.
  17. Coolydudey

    do you shoot film?

    Undoubtedly, digital photography will be far better than film photography, and already is in almost every way. For some reason, i just think that film shots (and particularly the fim i use) look absolutely great, and in ways that you couldnt achiece through post-processing (or it would take you...
  18. Coolydudey

    do you shoot film?

    Welcome... I just noticed this is your first post
  19. Coolydudey

    do you shoot film?

    Another illustration of my point - it depends what your style of photography is... Film suits mine, and I like the way it looks, so I use it. It definitely does not suit yours or Archies on the other hand...
  20. Coolydudey

    do you shoot film?

    Therein lies the difference between us I think - I shoot at most a roll a week, almost always in bursts of photos when I feel like it, all of which are creative and artistic. All my photography is intended to be something different, interesting, impressive. It seems this is partially reflected...
  21. Coolydudey

    do you shoot film?

    In response to archie Actually, for my 35mm I use an eos 300 for which I have bought the 24-105L lens.... So my lens certainly is not a drawback. I didn't use to shoot film, and the period when I used digital is the period during which I developed my photography skills. Which look you like...
  22. Coolydudey

    do you shoot film?

    As in, do any of you do film photography? I got really interested in it lately, and have shot many rolls of both medium format and 35mm. Although its detail per sqaure unit of area has just been surpassed (digital cameras have gained more megapixels than film has in the past 5 years. The...
  23. Coolydudey

    Where do You Find Beauty?

    Three places: Music. Thoughts or phrases that I concoct in my head, which I generally keep to myself. For fleeting moments, maths.
  24. Coolydudey

    Shattering Hume's Guillotine

    But it doesn't need to (any reasonably accurate theory of the mind doesn't need to employ moral categorisations, it just can be useful to do so). I on the other hand argue that any practical, accurate theory of the mind needs to employ mbti. Thats not true either, although i certainly find mbti...
  25. Coolydudey

    Shattering Hume's Guillotine

    That is, IMO, one of the more stupid things I've read... How does an example about two men with different personalities from whose actions we can infer their priorities and states of mind lead to moral truths? Sure, morality, in the sense of classifications of people, could be used to judge them...
  26. Coolydudey

    My free full length solo album, Dreamsura. [dream&bass/progressive/ambient]

    There's quite a bit to point to him not being a bot, at least if you pay attention. That's why the aggression of Brontosaurie surprised me. Plus, if it was more likely, he would already be banned...
  27. Coolydudey

    My free full length solo album, Dreamsura. [dream&bass/progressive/ambient]

    Let's hope he's drunk or high....
  28. Coolydudey

    My free full length solo album, Dreamsura. [dream&bass/progressive/ambient]

    @Brontosaurie ?? What just happened ??
  29. Coolydudey

    Rocco's Thread of Original Nerdy Music

    Not quite video game music though. The drums have a good beat, but shouldn't be doing any crazy stuff (like at the start). Video games rarely need music this easy-it's generally more involving, more melodic, more upbeat, more hardcore and adrenaline-generating, or something similar. Cool though...
  30. Coolydudey

    Composing a piece for the piano

    After abandoning a couple of ideas quite a way in, I've finally settled on the style, mood and start of my next piece. It's coming along really well. Includes a little tribute to greensleeves (the youtube song I posted above)
  31. Coolydudey

    Composing a piece for the piano

    Btw, I think that if you only listen to one, listen to the first, but it really is interesting to hear both.
  32. Coolydudey

    Some Compositions of mine.

    Bravissimo Lot! Harmonically, your pieces are quite open-minded, even loose. It's interesting, but it's not something that I personally enjoy much. Basically, I like strong harmonic connections to guide you through a piece and provide anchoring points. Closing/descending harmonic connections...
  33. Coolydudey

    Composing a piece for the piano

    Definitely. If you don't want to, that's fine, but I think it deserves its own thread as well. By the way, the rendering you did in iTunes is fine, I was just looking to help you get something higher quality.
  34. Coolydudey

    Composing a piece for the piano

    Try listening to the other version too, they're an interesting contrast. I'm getting a feeling of anticipation now everybody is posting their music
  35. Coolydudey

    Getting bumped ahead in school

    I'm not that old ;)
  36. Coolydudey

    Getting bumped ahead in school

    Finished school at 16, no home schooling. Still ******* boring though. What's interesting is that I never noticed the up to two year age difference with all the rest of the kids in my class. It came naturally, and I was (almost) as mature as they were. There is simply nothing special about it...
  37. Coolydudey

    Composing a piece for the piano

    PM me your MIDIs (or send them via ee-mail if you can't PM them) and we'll (me and Rocco) do some work on them. The stuff I use is mostly torrented, and I don't know to what extent his stuff is. If you're ok with that, I'll tell you how we did it. The piece was my introduction to composition...
  38. Coolydudey

    Composing a piece for the piano

    Finally! The piece is a MIDI recording off a piano played through some neat software to make this music. 1) The raw version, taken straight from the piano, straight from the notes, with very minor corrections: https://app.box.com/s/5g07zj52ndqnoodlh2ce 2) Rocco's edited version, which really...
  39. Coolydudey

    Let's have an intelligent discussion

    Topic change (since nobody else has something they want to discuss) - why does music move us? When you hear an epic/melancholic/cheerful/whatever song, that you like and that is well put together, it always has a profound effect on you. Is it something intrinsic about the way our brains are...
  40. Coolydudey

    Let's have an intelligent discussion

    The story of these kids was largely to do with prejudice and preconception though. Around the world we still haven't overcome a dislike towards gays and a slightly different behaviour around blacks (perhaps more cautious, so as to avoid unintended racist interpretations of your behaviour)...
  41. Coolydudey

    It's funny how much of a different persona all your avatars project compared to who you seem to...

    It's funny how much of a different persona all your avatars project compared to who you seem to be in your photos. Do you do this on purpose? Or do you just like the avatars you pick?
  42. Coolydudey

    Really like the new avatar. Doesn't get old.

    Really like the new avatar. Doesn't get old.
  43. Coolydudey

    Let's have an intelligent discussion

    Since i've noticed some people talk about it, i'll give you guys the European perspective. Sexuality isn't a topic discussed from a very young age. That's not different to anywhere else. However, as children grow up, especially reaching the middle teens, people become more and more open about...
  44. Coolydudey

    Let's have an intelligent discussion

    No, cause I'm about to start a discussion about how **** the schooling system is if nobody else does...
  45. Coolydudey

    Let's have an intelligent discussion

    why could the prison system not become such a system of rehabilitation and reintroduction? It's effectively what I'm proposing. And no, anyone who has commited murder must at least be ensured to be mentally stable before being released again. Also, there has to be some deterrent against crime.
  46. Coolydudey


    I'm pretty sure he did it on purpose...:aufsmaul:
  47. Coolydudey

    Let's have an intelligent discussion

    The incentives are just there to make them want to. How you ensure it hasworked is a completely different story (the evaluation I mentiooned). The trackers are for after they have finished their sentence. Prison is both the things that you mention, more the latter if possible. I am not...
  48. Coolydudey

    Let's have an intelligent discussion

    It's exactly what we have, in an extremely dysfunctional manner.
  49. Coolydudey

    No... Why would you think that?

    No... Why would you think that?
  50. Coolydudey

    Let's have an intelligent discussion

    After all, it's the reason why many claim to be on the forum. Name a topic you've been thinking about recently that warrants some debate and that's exactly what we'll do. Do wait until the previous is finishing to start your own. I'll start: I was thinking about the prison system. Well, we...
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