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Search results

  1. Give me your ideas

  2. Chess

    Hmmm yes fischer had quite an interesting life. Was an avid chess player for a few years, have grown somewhat disinterested in it though. Occasionally play for the heck of it, but my play has deteriorated with disuse. 1001 Deadly checkmates- John Nunn The Giant Chess Puzzle book- Zenon Franco...
  3. Is the ancient model of genius gone forever?

    No, I mean that discoveries made within the past 30 years may have more reverence in the future due to their accumulative effects. Look at Einstein, during his lifetime he was hailed as a genius, but his discoveries hold much more meaning now after their implications have been further studied...
  4. Is the ancient model of genius gone forever?

    imo genius is historical. We now see galileo and da vinci as geniuses, but in their times they were not widely regarded as such. Sure, some did recognize their intellectual prowess, but it was not a universal status, rather localized. So within a 100 years our generation may also have it's...
  5. DIsapointed yo !

    I have not viewed anything on facebook for...maybe a year now. My absence shall continue unabated.
  6. DIsapointed yo !

    fbook intps? Lel. Remember, the personality type does not define the individuals, it merely groups them by identifying common traits etc. etc. Some intps may just be normal office pen-pushers with a stable family. Others may be hermits shoplifting their food and preaching the teachings of...
  7. On amorality, relativism, nihilism, realism and determinism

    I would say physics is not the reason, physics is the mechanism. Stating physics is the reason for everything is attaching subjective properties to it. Remember, everything in our universe is physics(or rather physics as we comprehend it atm), so if something happens, physics is not the reason...
  8. This is for the Pinoys and Pinays here.

  9. You Have Become Dictator of the World

    Hmm.. Claim my own island, construct a self-sustaining base on it. Invite people who are interesting to join me. Then dissolve all laws governing humanity. From there, I shall view the consequences of lawlessness using the internet until the internet itself collapses/angry humans invade my...
  10. http://freefall.purrsia.com/ff2100/fc02028.htm My research into the nature of squee continues :p

    http://freefall.purrsia.com/ff2100/fc02028.htm My research into the nature of squee continues :p
  11. um

    Spaaaceee caaat fox thing..... amusing wellkum
  12. Fishtail

    Honestly, the only time I endeavor to do anything hair-wise is when I wash them. I guess there may be some evolutionary benefit to molding one's hair this way or that, but that sphere of humanity does not concern me. In my fantasy world, barber is a redundant profession.
  13. Cryogenics

    ^ :P
  14. Whiskey works for me. Beware it's deadly hangover though :p

    Whiskey works for me. Beware it's deadly hangover though :p
  15. The Pursuit of Happiness

    Ha! Pardaox is right
  16. Same Xd I showmy cat love, yet he rejecaets me and insteads just loves me wheb I feed or water...

    Same Xd I showmy cat love, yet he rejecaets me and insteads just loves me wheb I feed or water hi MehI do hop eu undertnadse me nall XDDDDD Alcohol not m e preffered drug but fdoeeas make for fun socaila thingirs.
  17. 10pm here. glad I can lift yer spirits during yer capitilaist crunch time (damn I had to...

    10pm here. glad I can lift yer spirits during yer capitilaist crunch time (damn I had to reallly try tip type rther) Ok so to not make thise= useleaass info n such I guess jokes are in order........ No, maybew Q''s U own any cat? Live with cat???s
  18. The Random Thoughts Thread

    HAhahahhahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa VM and such
  19. Sadly I need those....breath is bad....smoking..... Hmmmm yer like ze forum mománd architect...

    Sadly I need those....breath is bad....smoking..... Hmmmm yer like ze forum mománd architect is like forum dad Realise now how drunk I am??? Scolail humor I am makong ere
  20. The Random Thoughts Thread

    Soooooooooooooooooooo JhUmanity............ Wake up. Rise. I shall rise. You shall rise. Rook's Drunken Rampage has just begaun!!!! (Thanks for walruda blar!)\ Fuck society, we shall dominate em all, we shall rsie above time waste, we shall, be the heralds of the future!
  21. The Pursuit of Happiness

    Universal spoiler! Ah well truuly cog you are one mental step ahead of me. WHile I am a nihilsit and all I have not yet come to terms with my existence, not come to terms with what i whiush to attain in life. Obvioulsy drunk, so saying: Cog, you are what i wish to be, in a certain context.
  22. Yes, indeed, he has compleete control over my mind. He has this wild spirit, where he always has...

    Yes, indeed, he has compleete control over my mind. He has this wild spirit, where he always has to do his own thing, so intp. Getting fucking drunk. Ah well life contin ues.
  23. The Pursuit of Happiness

    Well Ive also been drinking and now I know everyone dies at the end of an anime that I have yet to see :( Stopped reading there, should've stopped at yer spoiler warning. Ah well:D
  24. Last movie you watched

    Survive Style 5+ Watch this movie. I don't care what you are doing right now, watch it.
  25. Anime suggestions

    Both nihilism and crushes bring happiness.
  26. I will find you. [SPOILER]

    I will find you. [SPOILER]
  27. Hmm.... This will take some time and observation then. He did seem to eat too much pellets, but...

    Hmm.... This will take some time and observation then. He did seem to eat too much pellets, but as you said, this is to be expected from him being homeless. He at least seems to have the ability to communicate his needs, like miaowing by the door if he wishes to use the litter box, or sitting by...
  28. How do you beat the heat?

    Depends.... I usually have safe-houses in each city, memorized all the safest routes and have a wide variety of disguises at the ready. If it comes to it though, I have my gun... Oh, you mean.... Just turn on the AC or get drunk.
  29. Random sniffed the necks at first, walked away, but later on dug furiously into them mostly...

    Random sniffed the necks at first, walked away, but later on dug furiously into them mostly ignoring the cat pellets. What is the suggested amount of necks to feed him daily? Also brought some chicken livers as an occasional treat :)
  30. Who came first chicken or the egg? - my childhood answer

    My expectations have been surpassed. Great stuff, great stuff.
  31. Greetings! Come one, come all into the cyclone

    Hail flower pollinator. I simply do not comprehend this recurring theme of mangoes in the past 4 months of my life...some thought is needed on the matter. Whisper all you like, you are one of us now. Welcome and all that.
  32. What has greatest value on earth?

    Well if we limit your question to our solar system, and the benefit being aimed at humans or the planet that contains them, it would be the sun. If we expand the question to all of existence, then I have no answer.
  33. Pathfinder: Good Campaign Yes?

    Thanks, I guess it will be take quite a while for a new campaign to start so hopefully by then I will be cognizant of the basic underpinnings. Your words sound so...ominous. Character creation is something I look forward to quite a lot, and from what I have seen in this thread, your characters...
  34. Murderous Villain Test

    Meh test is busted the whole interplay between extrovert and introvert is unbalanced. Just because I would prefer being alone on an island with 5 people rather than 1 (Bigger workforce, more varied complex interactions) does not make me an extrovert.
  35. Pathfinder: Good Campaign Yes?

    Ok so sometime in the foreseeable future I plan to join one of yer campaigns, I am currently downloading the core rulebook to start learning, any tips for essential information that a newbie should attain before attempting a campaign?
  36. Who came first chicken or the egg? - my childhood answer

    *settles in to watch the show* commence.
  37. What would happen if we merged INTJ and INTP forum?

    Boredom followed by bloodshed.
  38. Who owns INTP forum?

    Who says there arent intp worthy ads :P "Doomsday devices at discount prices" "Extroversion pills, guaranteed results" "Genetic monstrosities: own your own unicorn today!"
  39. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Squee Hmmm, interesting.

    http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Squee Hmmm, interesting.
  40. Hello, I'm your Mind Giving you Someone to Talk To.

    Hey, I also sometimes talk in ye's. I hereby welcome ye to the forumspacemindpalacething and hope that ye may enjoy yer stay here. See?
  41. Who owns INTP forum?

    Re: INTPforum 1) Millions 2) The CIA
  42. Why most of INTP cannot believe in god?

    Speaking from a christian point of view, I did believe in god as a child, and I know some of the other forum members did too, and some still hold certain religious stances. So it is possible for intps, whether their belief was borne out of choice or upbringing. As I grew up, this belief met with...
  43. Food

    If you prefer variety, travel to the rural areas of various countries. In Malawi some locals eat and sell roasted mice skewered on a pole. If you see someone vending a giant kebab next to the road, it's mouse.(Can't recall the name though) Oh, it's called mbewa, roasted field mice. In the...
  44. x

    x= Bored forum members y= References to single letters xy= this thread.
  45. hello

  46. INTP's not fond of awards?

    Rewards? Yes. Awards? Pointless waste of time, unless the award has a satisfactory reward.
  47. Hello

    Welcome, hello and all that sentimental drivel. Questions: If you could be re-incarnated as any non-human animal, which one would you choose to be? If you could rule any nation on earth, which one would you choose to rule? What are your deepest fears or phobias? How do you see humanity within...
  48. The Ultimate Collection of Webcomics

    Here we post links to sites that contain webcomics within them. http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots.html http://www.shamusyoung.com/twentysidedtale/?p=612 http://theoatmeal.com/ http://www.darthsanddroids.net/episodes/0001.html
  49. Last movie you watched

    Yes! Brilliant, that was. The only time I ever recall pausing a film to read the credits.
  50. Last movie you watched

    Movie: Monty Python and the Holy Grail(Again) Review: Go and watch it yourself, you lazy cheapskate!
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